Less Alcohol- April 2018- One Day at a Time



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I had THE BEST SLEEP last night.

    I dont drink.

    Like ever? Or not anymore?
  • islandbeez
    islandbeez Posts: 162 Member
    @wigi41 I love your Ode to Tea! Thank you for sharing, and now I am going to put on water for my new favorite ginger tea!!
  • SpanishFusion
    SpanishFusion Posts: 261 Member
    @wigi41 Love it!
  • Stepping18
    Stepping18 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you Julie for hosting this thread. I am trying to cut back on alcohol because I realize it’s slowing down my weight loss as well becoming a every night thing. In March I started not drinking Sunday through Thursday and cut back on the weekends. I plan to continue that pattern in April and be much more alcohol aware. I am glad to have found this supportive group.

    I started at the end of January AF. February was completely AF and March had 21 AF days. During this time, really concentrated on making healthy food choices and exercising. As of today , I have lost 12 pounds since starting This process. Cutting out alcohol has made a huge difference in weight loss goals. You will see results!!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @wigi41 - Love your poem! Thanks for sharing!
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    I had wine yesterday, but I am committing to an alcohol-free April, beginning today. I'm ready for the break! I have a vacation coming up on May 9th, so I'd like to hold off until then.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,187 Member
    wigi41 wrote: »
    Happy Easter Monday, everyone. This thread is definitely 'hopping' already :) It's so great to hear about everyone's experiences, struggles and successes, thanks to you all for sharing. I continue to get so much from you all, and I draw so much inspiration from this thread.

    I got through the Easter family get together yesterday sans alcohol, even though everyone else had sparkling wine with dinner, as well as other alcoholic beverages throughout the afternoon/ evening. I really did feel so much better without having any.

    One thing I have noticed after being 3 months almost completely AF (minus one drink in March) (actually, one thing I have noticed among many other benefits) is how I am feeling so much more connected to myself, and to the things I used to do. I was sitting here with my kiddos today, who are off for Easter Monday, and they were doing some painting (they are both so artistic and just enjoy drawing and painting so much). I started doing some painting too but, while I enjoy the process, let's just say I don't get the same kind of output that they do. :) But I had the urge to do some writing, something I did used to do a lot of. I was sipping my tea, thinking about how much I was enjoying it, and how, before January 1, I really did not drink much tea at all, if any. If it's okay with you all, I thought I would share my little jokey ditty about tea here, as, in many ways, it was this group that got me started with this new "relationship" (sorry if it's too long, feel free to not read!)

    An Ode to Tea

    For many years,
    Most of my time
    Your charms were not
    In thoughts, in mind
    I did not know,
    Was not aware
    And truly, did not even care
    About your taste,
    Your feel, your smell,
    Your gifts I could not
    Even tell
    Eschew you, I would
    For something more -
    Dark coffee roast,
    My true amore
    But in months past
    You've risen up
    To be a friend -
    Warmth in a cup
    You give me comfort,
    You make me smile,
    I always hope you
    Stay awhile
    I top you up,
    I sniff and sigh
    And think - yes, now,
    I do know why
    Not wine now, no
    It's you I choose
    My thoughts, you will not
    Make me lose
    My feelings you won't
    Try to take
    And you will not
    Keep me awake.
    I like to try
    Your different kinds
    I get so thrilled by
    Different finds:
    Green and black,
    and herbal, chai
    Yes, all of these I
    Like to try
    Rooibos, orange
    Vanilla cream
    And chamomile to
    Help me dream
    And chocolate mint,
    And detox, cleanse
    I see these with a
    Different lens.
    I'm grateful for your
    Stoic calm,
    The ways you help
    Support a mom
    A woman, athlete,
    Caring wife -
    With all these aspects
    Of my life
    With all of your
    Variety -
    I write you this-
    My Ode to Tea.

    This made my day! I love it! And I love you took the time to write it! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
  • nanishora
    nanishora Posts: 224 Member
    Way to be strong ! Once you hit ten days, you need to go and buy a little gift for yourself- bracelet, momento something to represent your accomplishment!

    I love this idea. Reward myself on good behavior.

  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,187 Member
    @Skyweigh Bravo! Love reading your thoughts! I also love the AFA term!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,187 Member
    @lporter229 It's easy to get carried away under those fun circumstances. Today is a new day to start fresh. Make some tea. Write down some goals. You'll be successful this month!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,187 Member
    @kpk54 Great quote! So true!