My best friend is on another fad diet. I give up.



  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I think some people just want a magic pill...(if there was one I would want it too). When they find out one pill is not magic...they search for another. Hopefully somewhere along the way they get tire of searching and give in and do it just by cutting back on what they eat. Sadly many of them don't. They just keep hoping that the next pill will be the one.

    I get it. Losing weight especially a lot of weight can be hard and tiring. There are days that I get tired thinking about it.
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    I googled the pegan diet, and all things considered (the original version) seems fairly well balanced so I guess there's a blessing there that it's not some crash diet. My mother is notorious for jumping onto the fad diet bandwagon, she knows CICO works but she still inevitably gets tired of counting and drops off MFP. Then after she puts weight back on she panics and decides to go on some "cleanse" or otherwise incredibly restrictive diet. The last one was delivered pre-packed foods (NutriSystem I believe), the last few months are super low-carb. I stay out of it unless she directly asks for input, today we actually talked about portion sizes, but I don't invest either way because it's not my body or my business.
    Evamutt wrote: »
    When I started my best friend gave me a LOT of advice, from ww & things she learned on tv etc.

    This is why I stay out of it, I have a coworker who is always trying to tell me about some new special herb or magical vitamin that will apparently cause the fat to literally melt off her stomach, but just her stomach. It kills me to bite my tongue during these monologues, so I refuse to be the person giving out unsolicited advice
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Yes let it go.
    You gave her the information and tools and she isn't ready to use them. She is an adult and can decide what she wants to do even if it is the all radish diet.
    If it makes you feel frustrated maybe agree to stop talking weight loss with each other. Just make the topic off limits and each do your own thing.