
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    Hello, I'm Mahalia. A freshman and I'm majoring in Drama :)
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Totally missed this thread! Shoot!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend, I love the support from people in the same boat as me!

    I'm 19, an English Major with a Spanish Minor, and going to a college sophomore! I got to a small public liberal arts college and I will be living in an on campus apartment with three other girls. I plan to use the gym there like every day and I will also be cooking my own meals!

    I'd love for some advice and perhaps easy recipes or tips from anyone! I'm going to read through the thread now too!

    So excited for this new year! I've lost almost 20 pounds this summer and I've been doing Jillian Micheal's fitness workout DVDs and lost 16.5 inches so far, so I'm excited to show off my hard work!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Bit late to the thread but I am mid way through my junior year at University of Alaska Fairbanks. I am majoring in business finance. My schedule is pretty interesting next semester because I will be working in the mornings and have evening classes. Two days a week I have a class and then a 3 hour break before another class. I live off campus so I plan to just hang out in the library to convince my study-budy to go to the gym with me. My work out plan is to do the 30 day shred on my long days and gym on the shorter days. I am also considering do c25k.

    Suggestions for packable food to eat in the library?

    So far I have though of getting a thermos and putting soup in it. And doing some sandwiches. I don't want anything loud like an apple though...
  • ashleeistanbul
    ashleeistanbul Posts: 3 Member
    This may be a good thread for me to ask this question... How do you guys handle the issue of alcohol & weight loss in college? I'm approaching my senior year of college as an engineering major. I'm looking forward to making the most of every single minute of my senior year... But I do need to watch my alcohol intake for my weight loss... Ideas? Thoughts? Advice?
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    This may be a good thread for me to ask this question... How do you guys handle the issue of alcohol & weight loss in college? I'm approaching my senior year of college as an engineering major. I'm looking forward to making the most of every single minute of my senior year... But I do need to watch my alcohol intake for my weight loss... Ideas? Thoughts? Advice?

    I think a lot of people try to cut it out completely, but that's no fun. Haha jk jk. But really I think the key is definitely moderation and choosing lower calorie drinks. Like using diet soda instead of regular for mixed drinks, or a lower calorie beer. Sip on one or two for the night, or if you wanna drink a lot just exercise a lot that morning for the extra calories!

    I'm also gonna be a senior in a couple more weeks, wooo last year! :)
  • officiallymrswhite
    officiallymrswhite Posts: 423 Member
    Having completed undergrad are some tips I have for those looking to stay on track while at college:

    -Find out the nutrition facts of the food on helps to make healthier options!
    -Keep fresh fruit, veggies, and other healthy snacks on hand is stressful with many late nights of studying. Keeping these things handy will prevent you from making late night food runs or heading to the vending machines
    -AVOID soda....water is key!!!
    -Make sure to get plenty of is hard, but get yourself on a good sleep schedule, it makes all the difference!
    -See what nutritional/fitness support your college has. I know mine gave students free access to a dietician and free personal training.
    -Buy yourself a reusable water bottle and lunch box and use them
    -Find a gym will help you stay motivated
    -Manage your time DO have time to go to the gym and plan healthy just have to add it in. Google calendar is an awesome tool to help you with scheduling your hectic life!
    -AVOID/LIMIT alcohol....that packs on pounds like you wouldn't believe.
    -Take sometime to de-stress....whatever that is ( games...reading for fun...going for a walk...watching a TV show..etc.) You need time for yourself....that is very important!!

    I hope these helped!!!:smile:
  • This may be a good thread for me to ask this question... How do you guys handle the issue of alcohol & weight loss in college? I'm approaching my senior year of college as an engineering major. I'm looking forward to making the most of every single minute of my senior year... But I do need to watch my alcohol intake for my weight loss... Ideas? Thoughts? Advice?

    Everything in moderation! if you drink beer, select 55 is your best friend (other than your DD). most alcohol has the same amount of calories, its just the add ins that make it higher in calories. So the fruitier the drink, the more calories it is.
  • I'm not quite sure yet. I find out in three weeks if I've gotten a place in any of my colleges for next year. I'm hoping to study Biotech :) There is a gym on campus with a fairly low price to pay in. They have an amazing swimming pool so I'm hoping to use that. I also plan on cycling there daily as it's a 45 minute walk from my house. It would be faster to cycle than to get the bus so fingers crossed that's what I will do.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Kinda late, but I am going to be a 2nd year senior on August 22nd. I attwnd Northwestern State University in Louisiana. My first two years of college I managed to keep off the pounds, however; I packed on what I call the junior 50 back in '09 >.< I was a double major in English and Journalism until they cut my Journalism degree my junior year. I had attached the English degree for fun, so now I'm majoring in what I should have done in the first place: Bio with concentration in Vet Tech, as well as my Associate's in Vet Tech.

    I live with my boyfriend of 4 years off campus about 15 minutes away, so if I don't pack or plan ahead, I easily go to the fast food places to get lunch because it wastes too much time and gas to run home. However, the vet tech department has their own fridge and microwave so I'm going to utilize both of those with leftovers or frozen lunches. I hate eating breakfast in the mornings as I am also someone who doesn't feel like eating until 30 minutes after I'm awake, but I have discovered the Yo Crunch low fat yogurt that comes as mini parfaits or with m&m's that I will be grabbing for breakfast in the mornings.
  • Bump
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I gained 55 lbs since I started CC, 4 yrs ago. next month, I'll be starting Northern Arizona University. My schedule is already planned - Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4 classes each day from 8am to 3:30pm with 20 minutes in between. The campus is so big, I won't have time to run to a cafeteria or go to the grocery store to find something to eat.... I need to figure out a way to not starve and not eat junk in between classes.... I could keep food in my car but AZ is pretty hot so things spoil fast..... any ideas???

    My schedule this coming semester is classes every day Mondays and Fridays: 9:00-9:50, 11:00-11:50 Tuesdays: 8:00-8:50, 9:30-10:20, 10:30: 12:20, 1:00-4:50 Wednesdays: 9:00-9:50, 11:00-11:50, 1:00-4:50 and Thursdays: 8:00-8:50, 9:30-10:20, 10:30-12:20 and what I'm going to start doing is packing my lunches and leaving them in the Vet Tech department fridge and heating them up (if I need to) in their microwave. I don't know what your major is, but does your major have a department where they could let you utilize their fridge/microwave? Or a friend who lives in the dorms if you pack anything that requires to be cool? I live in Louisiana, so I know all about not being able to leave anything in the car, even a PB&J sandwich.
  • m1zk0
    m1zk0 Posts: 9
    hi! will be starting my masters in the fall (in england), so looking to continue my weight loss, and eventually maintain my weight, while studying. feel free to add!
  • overzoelous
    overzoelous Posts: 161 Member
    Great thread idea. Trying to diet in school is always a hassel, with late night studying (and even all nighters) fast food is always easy and cheap to get. Finding time to work out is also tricky. I usually only have a few hours between class and work, and in that time I could rush working out and taking a shower, or relax before going to my high stress job by napping or studying. Of course, when I get off of work I'm always "too tired". My goal for this semester (starting in 3 weeks) is to find more time for working out even if I'm tired after work!
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm a postgraduate student currently studying a PhD at The University of Western Australia.

    I've actually found that throughout my studies I have become fitter than before mostly due to having less time to watch tv/muck around when their is tutoring and studies to be done. Over the last few years exercise has been harder to fit in especially as I used to do them at the end of the day. I find now that if I work out at 6am in the morning before the day starts I can balance out exercise and study.
  • AJay513
    AJay513 Posts: 187
    This is a great idea :)
    I am a Senior
    Nursing student with a Psychology minor

    My schedule is CRAZY this semester... Mons & Weds class 8am-6pm, Tues & Sats hospital 7am-4pm and Thurs hospital 7am-4pm and class 6pm-9pm

    Yikes! eating should be okay since ill be so busy... but exercising... ugh... gonna have to just fit it in when i have time!

    BTW: I am currently trying to loose my freshman 20!!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
  • jfn820
    jfn820 Posts: 6 Member
    Yup deffinately need to work on this. I was actually heavier going into college than I am now but I usually do gain weight once I am living on campus again. Hectic schedule make for minimal gym time and all you can eat at the cafeteria really kills me. I want to lose the weight once before I go back to school but also keep it off while I am there. I am a junior nursing major at Fitchburg State University. I am going to have even more clinical days this semester than last year so thats gonna be tough to throw into the mix while trying to be healthier.
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    Bump! :blushing: lol
  • So, school starts for some tomorrow I just want to say if you are one of those people and you're taking this journey with me and everyone else I wish you luck. I don't start until the 25th but if anyone ever needs support post it here and we are all here to help you out! You can also add me and message me for help :)

  • im in! What a great idea! Going to be a freshman in college :)