JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Finally home for the night! Didnt get out until 5:45! I'm supposed to be scheduled until 5:15 but that's kind of an unrealistic expectation for us. Lol. The DH is working tonight so I am going to attempt to clean. The house isn't too bad. It's mainly the fact that there are clothes littering my bedroom floor and dishes in the sink. I have been slacking on that. I'm not as bad as I used to be but there are more then I like. Lol. It should only take me about 20 minutes to get everything done. The Pen's game starts in about a half an hour. So I'm going to finish this and then force myself up and off the couch.

    My drawer was perfect again and my work was good. Some of the things I had to do today were really annoying but they got done and I didnt complain TOOO much. Lol.

    As for the 10 somethings, I am going to start doing squats when I refill my water, wall push-ups when I go to the bathroom, and walk around town during my breaks.

    I am soo tired and I dont have a car at the moment and no coffee in the house so it's going to be tough to stay up until the DH gets home tonight. Lol.

    I hope everyone is having a great night!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited April 2018
    joan6630 wrote: »
    FT, Tues

    JFT, Wed
    1. concentrate on water. My weight is WAY up --- so discouraging (yes, seeing that 2 before my weight YIKES). I know part of this is because of all the ham (and candy too), that I've been eating, but have to get that number on the scale down! So disgusted with myself.

    I weigh more right now than I ever have...except when pregnant with twins. I'm also feeling very disgusted with myself, so I know that feeling. But we are still here every day and that is a big step in the right direction. We truly CAN do this!!!

    @joan6630 and @OConnell5483 It makes me so sad to see such a negative word as 'disgust' when you're referring to yourselves.

    Joan, what if you use the tiny habits program to help you with managing your stress reactions? I, and many others, have found it extremely helpful. Check it out...

    The next part is negative words. If we could eliminate them from our vocabulary, perhaps it would help change how we feel about ourselves. Dare I say it would? I'm doing my best to not use terms like "can't" and disgust fits in the list as well. I find when i avoid using these type of terms it's easier to feel positively about myself.

    So basically, don't be mean to my friend. We're all always a work in progress and yes, we can do this. Big HUGS.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »

    @joan6630 and @OConnell5483 It makes me so sad to see such a negative word as 'disgust' when you're referring to yourselves.

    Joan, what if you use the tiny habits program to help you with managing your stress reactions? I, and many others, have found it extremely helpful. Check it out...

    The next part is negative words. If we could eliminate them from our vocabulary, perhaps it would help change how we feel about ourselves. Dare I say it would? I'm doing my best to not use terms like "can't" and disgust fits in the list as well. I find when i avoid using these type of terms it's easier to feel positively about myself.

    So basically, don't be mean to my friend. We're all always a work in progress and yes, we can do this. Big HUGS.

    So very true -- we need to give ourselves credit for all the positives we do!! I lost 25 pounds last year -- need to focus on that, and the positive things I have done this year ...... you also @OConnell5483.

    I checked out the tinyhabits - thank you!!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Thursday
    1. Attempt to log, even if it means guessing. ✔ Lunch: Plated 2.✔
    2. Pay for class 2. ✔ Pay not-a-union dues. ❌ I NEED TO DO THIS FIRST THING AFTER BRUSHING TEEFS!
    3. Use the "45b" playlist for 30 minutes of running and 20 of walking. ✔
    4. Finish green folder. ✔ Outline plans for Unit 5. Print 9R email, mark April 16-21 and tape to door. ❌
    5. Suit shopping immediately after lunch! ❌
    6. Leave for garden by 4:30. ✔ Keep meds in car; take before return. ❌ Update JFT. ✔ Put dr appt and kickboxing in tomorrow's JFT. ✔ Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 11:00. ✔

    JFT Friday
    1. Attempt to log, even if it means guessing.
    3. Use the "45b" playlist for 30 minutes of running and 20 of walking.
    4. Begin manila folder grading. Outline plans for Unit 5. Print 9R email, mark April 16-21 and tape to door.
    5. DOCTOR APPT! Lunch out? Suit shopping?
    6. Kickboxing at 6:00. Update JFT. Put dr appt and kickboxing in tomorrow's JFT. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 11:00.

    Scale progress & goals

    November: 183.6
    December: 176.6
    January: 174.6
    February: 173.6
    March: 179.6

    April 4: 179.6. I don't have anything interesting to say. ;p
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    NSV ---- Wanted to eat so badly tonite, but sipping on my water, and now I am not even hungry. Now .... to do this every nite!

    Yes!!! Well done!!!

    Is the hunger like one that can never be satisfied? If so I’ll probably try sipping water too
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT, 4/5/18

    1. Log all food :'(Was lonely and tired last night. I made a huge pb/j sandwich and didnt measure so I have no idea what to even try to log it as.
    2. 72oz of water :)I think I was up to 6 bottles of water or something. So around 120oz.
    3. Up @ 6 :)
    4. Coffee/gas :)I can't wait to go buy a package of kcups! I miss making coffee at home!
    5. DH up @ 730 :)
    6. Prep lunches :DI ended up not making anything. I had a few dollars on me so I got a (massive) salad at a little cafe down the street from my work and the DH left his at home so he had something completely terrible for himself. Lol
    7. Straighten house :)Kind of half-a$$ed this. But I'm off all day tomorrow and Sunday so I'll probably be able to do a better job then.
    8. Gather clothes for laundry :)They are in my laundry bag ready for tomorrow
    9. Look @ cars for the DH :)Did this a bit. I was so tired last night that I didnt really put any effort into it.
    10. Pens game :)Watched the first two periods before going to bed. Apparently, they won in overtime. Lol
    11. Yoga :)I did a short video but it still felt good to get up and do it.
    12. Bible/Pray :)It felt very nice to get some time in with the Lord
    13. Shut down by 11 :)I shut m laptop at around 8
    14. Bed by 12 :)830 actually. Lol

    Ended up having a really good day and passed out reeeeeally early. I found this nice little luncheonette/cafe down the street that has $7 lunches and a coffeehouse that has really good coffee. I'm going to have to explore a little more. Lol. I've known that area my whole life but it's been a while since I've really explored so a whole bunch of new things has popped up. It's currently 645 in the morning and I am trying to keep my eyes open but I have to get the DH up for work in about 15 minutes. Lol.

    If I dont post today's goals now, I am going to fall asleep sitting here! Lol

    JFT, 4/6/18

    1. LOG FOOD
    2. Track water intake
    3. Prep lunches
    4. DH up @ 7
    5. Leave by 755
    6. Work 815-515
    7. Pick up groceries after work
    8. Figure out something for dinner
    9. Pens Game
    10. Shut down by 11
    11. Bed by 12

    I hope everyone has a fabulous day!
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Thursday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Go to the gym :)
    5. Complete 2 orders from my shop :)

    JFT (Friday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories
    4. Go to the gym
    5. Work on one large order from my shop
    6. Get some things together for our Garage Sale in May
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited April 2018
    Recap R 4/5
    1) Treadmill (late start) before work / 2 mi 32:58 / stretched :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 13,700 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 40 floors :smiley:
    3) Net calories green / stay out of Easter candy in evening! / monitor usual = Net calories & sugar red, sodium green, protein & fiber little low & 15c water. :s Didn't even log Easter candy late I ate late in evening. :s On the bright side, Easter candy is almost gone. :p
    4) Evening: refill birdfeeders :smiley: especially important since ground is again covered with snow :# / choir rehearsal :smiley: / grocery shop after :smiley: / 1 to-do :smiley: 2 small things on list, but at least something
    5) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: online right up to 9 :p / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 :smile: close enough at 10:20

    JFT F 4/6 ~ brought leftover lemon bars from Easter dinner to work & they disappeared! :D
    1) Even though I struggled to get out of bed, treadmill before work / 3 mi 50:07 / stretched :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Make scalloped potatoes & ham with Easter leftovers / net calories green / monitor usual
    4) Evening at least 1-2 to-do's
    5) Unplug 9:30 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 11:00 b/c it's the weekend

    Happy Friday all!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    @slittlemeister have a great weekend!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    I will drink 8 cups of water
    I will exercise
    I will stay within the green

    Have a fabulous freaky Friday!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited April 2018
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Thursday
    1. Water :)
    2. Meditation :)
    3. Staff meeting :)>:)
    4. Studio time :) I know it's early but I worked on a mother's day gift
    5. Brush and floss :)
    6. Bed by 10:30 :)
    JFT Friday
    1. Water
    2. Meditation
    3. Taxes
    4. Pressing
    5. Laundry
    6. Studio time - get back to pink and blue so it doesn't end up as psychic clutter
    7. Pool
    8. Subway for dinner
    9. Brush and floss
    10. Bed by 10:30
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Water Challenge
    Apr 1: 6 glasses
    Apr 2: 6 glasses
    Apr 3: 6 glasses
    Apr 4: 8 glasses!
    Apr 5: 3 glasses

    Goals for Friday:

    - Get the effing house tidy! - nnnyeaah kind of, well I did get it tidy then it got messy again haha just kids being kids! But a lot better than it was!
    - Log as best I can - :) I’ve logged every morsel!
    - 8 glasses of water!!!! - up to 4, but will make 8 before bed!

    So I’ve actually done things differently today.
    I’ve started looking at macros, my partner had told me about them and explained about it and I’m going to give it ago. It’s a bit of a change which is quite a breath of fresh air.
    My partner has started back at the gym and he’s really motivated and is motivating me too so it’s nice he’s learnt about all the extra bits to help me too!

    Although if anyone else looks at macros then do I still have to be in my calorie limit or just (IIFMY) if it fits my macros then it’s okay?
    This is the one bit I can’t grasp no matter how many times he explains it haha