Ripped in 30 w/ Jillian M. Who's in?!?!



  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    i started last week and am glad to connect with others giving it a go too
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    Hi everyone! I love this dvd so I hope you don't mind if I join in. I started a few weeks ago right after finishing the shred. Level 1 was too easy for me so I skipped right to level 2. I've been stuck on level 3 for a couple of weeks now. It is most definitely the hardest workout I've ever done (especially the first 3 minutes!). I'm on day 5 or 6 I think. I stopped for a couple of weeks while on vacation and just got back into it today. It was really hard and I felt like I was going to be sick during it but I finished. I intend to stick with it now. I also want to mix in her 6 week 6 pack dvd because that is where I need the most work.

    level one was too easy for me as well so I am doing 1 and 2 back to back to make a35 minute work out and i pause the dvd at the final cool down tro walk around the block once before i do the stretching. i think this combo (changed one shoulder exercise to triceps) will keep me going for awhile. :tongue:
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi everyone! I love this dvd so I hope you don't mind if I join in. I started a few weeks ago right after finishing the shred. Level 1 was too easy for me so I skipped right to level 2. I've been stuck on level 3 for a couple of weeks now. It is most definitely the hardest workout I've ever done (especially the first 3 minutes!). I'm on day 5 or 6 I think. I stopped for a couple of weeks while on vacation and just got back into it today. It was really hard and I felt like I was going to be sick during it but I finished. I intend to stick with it now. I also want to mix in her 6 week 6 pack dvd because that is where I need the most work.

    level one was too easy for me as well so I am doing 1 and 2 back to back to make a35 minute work out and i pause the dvd at the final cool down tro walk around the block once before i do the stretching. i think this combo (changed one shoulder exercise to triceps) will keep me going for awhile. :tongue:
    Good idea! I modified the shred and made it a little harder in parts too. I held the weights during all of the cardio and that was a killer. The next step is probably heavier weights. I'm using only 3 lbs but so far level 3 of ripped is still KILLING me so I'm not doing that yet.:wink:
  • ts014
    ts014 Posts: 34
    RI30 Last day of Week 2 completed! YAY!!!! So excited to move onto week 3! The good news is that I lost 3.5 more inches this week with the 3 from last week so overall halfway through Ripped In 30, I've lost 6.5 inches and I've toned my muscles so much! I am acually seeing muscles in my legs I never knew were there! So excited and glad I'm sticking with it!!

    thats awesome that you are seeing such great results! I find with her workouts I feel like I lose inches more than pounds. Especially with week 2 that I am on now, its a lot of strength work.
  • kel834
    kel834 Posts: 23
    moved on to week 2 this morning, did the best i could, the plank things are hard - but i will make it through
  • bullriderswife08
    bullriderswife08 Posts: 207 Member
    Im reading through, and you are all doing great! I haven't been able to get on the computer. Im visiting with my family so we have just been super busy. But I did finish W2D5 on saturday. Took yesterday off and now I need to get my butt in gear to do D6! I am almost done with this week and almost half way finished. I don't know where my motivation has gone but I NEED to find it!!! lol Hope you all have a great day! I have to run (my marine brother is home on leave and he has to go back today :( gotta go beat him up ;P)
  • kel834
    kel834 Posts: 23
    did week one again tonite, felt like doing extra, plus maybe it will help me get completely through week 2 tomorrow- gotta build my upper body strength. Keep up the good work everyone & keep pushing through!!
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    I did W3 again today (I think I'm on day 6?). It is definitely getting easier. I actually used 5lb weights this time instead of 3 but she doesn't use the weights a whole lot in this one. I made it through the duck walk without collapsing! :)
  • daad13
    daad13 Posts: 68
    Did W2D1 today. It was very hard! I thought the ab work and strength definitely got harder but the cardio I could handle. I was kind of discouraged since I had to stop a couple of times so I don't know if I should do some more of Week 1 or just continue. I think I should try out a 2nd day and see what happens. Good luck everyone!
  • ts014
    ts014 Posts: 34
    W2D5 today. ready for week 2 to be over!! the squat thrusts and mountain climbers are killing me!!! Im hitting a plateau too right now and its so discouraging!! Btw I am reading Jillians book Master your Metabolism. Has anyone else read it? It talks about eating whole, clean foods and how hormones really play a role in weight loss. It tells you how to get those hormones back on track by eating the right foods and eliminating toxins from your life. I read a similar book caled The Perfect 10 diet when I first started trying to lose weight back in october and that helped me lose the first 20 lbs. But anyway Jillians book is really interesting and I recommend it to everyone. Good luck today girls!!:smile:
  • bullriderswife08
    bullriderswife08 Posts: 207 Member
    Finished Week 2 just now! Im sweating buckets now!!! Whoo Hoo!!! When I get home tomorrow, Im gonna take measurments and weight. I don't know if Im ready for week 3 tomorrow!!! We will see. But I probably won't be working out until later tomorrow evening! Ah Im excited!!! We are all ALMOST there!!! Keep pushing.
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    Did W2D1 today. It was very hard! I thought the ab work and strength definitely got harder but the cardio I could handle. I was kind of discouraged since I had to stop a couple of times so I don't know if I should do some more of Week 1 or just continue. I think I should try out a 2nd day and see what happens. Good luck everyone!
    Definitely keep going with level 2. By the 3rd or 4th time you will get it. I still collapse during parts of week 3 but I know it's getting easier. I like workouts that are just harder than I can handle because I don't have a lot of time to exercise and I need to make the most of it.
  • kel834
    kel834 Posts: 23
    did w2 d2 today, felt stronger - so when i was done i went back & did week 1 again - think it helping my strength
    keep pusing through everyone!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • ts014
    ts014 Posts: 34
    done with week 2!!! yay!! ready to move on. My rental from the library runs out today too so I guess I need to buy the video, oh well. everyone sounds like they are doing great. good luck
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    RI30 W3D2 done. Wow, it was extremely hard to get through today's workout. There were probably about ten times I wanted to just quit. My mind was battling with my willpower whispering about how I could finish later, but I won the fight and kept going until I finished. That being said, I didn't give it 110% effort since my mind was spoiling it for the rest of me, but I still got a good workout. I am going to take the time to write and reflect today on how far I've come since starting 30DS and hopefully that will help me stay motivated so I don't have another negative slip up!

    I took a rest day yesterday as I couldn't handle the workout with my attitude after hearing some discouraging family news, but I jumped back into it today!

    Week 3 is so interesting... My body has a hard time twisting into the forms that she wants us to use!!! She seems to get more intense in her attitude every week and this week's workout is so face pace. You don't have time to even breathe before she's onto the next exercise. I can't get up that quickly haha.
  • plain_jane
    plain_jane Posts: 49 Member
    Week 3 day 1 done. Am I the only one who thinks week 2 was harder than week 3? For some reason, I just did not enjoy week 2. It must target my weak zones! I probably should do it more because of that, but I was ready to move on and actually enjoyed week 3! Sick, I know!
  • daad13
    daad13 Posts: 68
    W2Day3 done today, and I'm now halfway through the week! YAY for everyone sticking to it :D
    I've been slacking off with my eating for a bit so I need to stop overestimating my workouts and start tidying up my meals but I don't think I've every worked out continuously this long so I'll try to stay positive.
    Week 2 definitely gets more doable as you continue it so thanks for convincing me to stick with it instead of going back to the first week, you guys are awesome! STAY STRONG :D
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    Week 3 day 1 done. Am I the only one who thinks week 2 was harder than week 3? For some reason, I just did not enjoy week 2. It must target my weak zones! I probably should do it more because of that, but I was ready to move on and actually enjoyed week 3! Sick, I know!
    I must have the opposite weak zones as you because I liked week 2 and week 3 makes me want to puke! ;) That duck walk is horrendous. I love it though. Especially now that I'm able to do more with it. I know I'm getting stronger. I'm pretty scared to start level 4 though.
  • ts014
    ts014 Posts: 34
    W3D1 done today. Holy cow I hated every moment of this workout! ughh this is going to be a challenging week!! I cant even type I am still shaking! I usually take a rest day in between weeks but I have to use my rest day for saturday because we are going to the beach!!! cant wait to wear my new suit! have a great day!
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Completed RI30 W3D3 this morning! Way better motivation compared to yesterday and not any major battles with negative thoughts during it! YAY! That's a small victory for the day! Still having trouble with some of the moves though, they are challenging and JM races through the reps while I'm still trying to figure out the correct form haha! Oh well, I'll improve in time!

    ^^^ Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of this level. Level 1 is still my favorite.. haha! The duck walk is KILLLLLLLLLLLLLER!