April 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    wholey macaroni! You guys are serious!!!! (Total Newbie here).

    I'm just trying to get my 3 mi, 3x a week in (I swim 2 days a week). For now, that's all I have time for. Gone are the days I could run for hours in the orange groves.

    Hi Everyone!!!

    9 miles a week plus swimming is plenty serious. Welcome to the group. The folks on here are amazing and have really given me a lot of good info.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @juliet3455 Nice RR. Sounds like it was definitely "not ideal" conditions for the race. Great job getting it done!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @midwesterner85 Sounds like a rough one. I do hope the UCAN works for you eventually, and that BG becomes predictable.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @BruinsGal_91 Way to go!!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited April 2018
    Rest day here. Also I guess it's taper week with the 25k being Saturday. I will still aim for 5 tomorrow on trail while my son is at soccer. His Wednesday practice I will keep shorter and easier.

    What do others do at about that distance two days before race? Do y'all just get twitchy or do you work out in another way?
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 584 Member
    0408-5k Total-17.7k Goal-80k

    Was super occupied during the weekend so only got in a last minute 5k interval late last night. Was supposed to be cooking and cleaning but SO noticed I was looking grumpy and suggested a quick stroll around the block, while she took over the chores.

    Noticed that a month into lifting, running fast (or less slow) has become much less painful. Nothing sore. Now all I've gotta do is get my cardio into shape.

    @fitoverfortymom Two or three days before the race I run short and easy, with a 1k or so burst of speed (MP, HMP, whatever) toward the end just so I remember what it's like to run at pace.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,007 Member
    April Goal: 110 miles

    4/1: 6.2 miles
    4/3: 4.6 miles
    4/4: 4.0 miles (intervals)
    4/5: 4.2 miles
    4/8: 11.5 miles

    30.5/110 miles completed

    After Thursday's disappointing run, I was proud of making it 11.5 miles today. We attended a wedding last night so we were up later than usual plus I drank more than I usually do so I was feeling a little dehydrated this morning. It was still cold this morning so I did not run until after church. I don't think I could have gotten up early enough after going to bed so late anyway. I was slower than usual, but I did not give up like I did on Thursday. Two things I have definitely learned for my HM. 1. Get a good night's sleep. 2. Don't drink a lot of vodka the night before.

    Great running this weekend everyone! I really enjoy the race reports!


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    3 easy today. Plus coach made me do weights.

    4/1-rest day (unscheduled)
    4/2-rest day
    4/6-rest day
    4/8-3 (plus weights)

    24 miles MTD

    7/8 days according to plan.
  • penko47
    penko47 Posts: 236 Member
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I've been too depressed to read the thread, but it really does make me feel more hopeful reading about everyone's races. Today was supposed to be a race day for me, but since it went from 70s all week to 33 degrees at race time, I'm not as disappointed as I might have been. Trying to get some upper body strength work in since I basically can't even walk, I feel like I have a shot glass full of synovial fluid in my upper calf and no doctor until next Friday. No point in going back to the ER unless something turns black and falls off, they'll just tell me to make a doctor's appointment.

    @rheddmobile Good to hear from you. Well done on the strength training. You're not wasting any of your time off.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Here's the link to our friend the Teacher Trail Runner's latest blog update.


    Really love how the gear is all categorised and in columns! :smiley:

    Aww, so cute about your wife's labelling of the Tailwind lemon servings!

    Can't wait to hear how you did with such great planning!

  • Sparx_81
    Sparx_81 Posts: 403 Member
    wholey macaroni! You guys are serious!!!! (Total Newbie here).

    I'm just trying to get my 3 mi, 3x a week in (I swim 2 days a week). For now, that's all I have time for. Gone are the days I could run for hours in the orange groves.

    Hi Everyone!!!

    Hello and welcome! I'm only in this group 2 months myself but loving it! I'm only a beginner (again) runner. I used to do 5km 3 times a week when I was in college, so about 2 or 15 years ago! so I'm aiming to get back to that by starting with the c25k program. Like what's already been said running 3 times a week and swimming is a lot more than the average person does!

    Btw this thread does become addictive, I'm already planning on marathon by next October! :D
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    @sarahthes you seem remarkably calm considering a great big inflatable finish chute is about to eat you. Nicely done. And you look fantastic and so happy too.

    When I'm not running, I'm out and about bird watching and I'm intrigued by the birds in your picture.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @eponine1984 - lifting you up in prayer.

    Back to school after spring break. Can't believe I got up early enough to get 5 miles in before first day back.

    4/1 - 3.65 miles to Buckingham Palace, + strength training W9-B
    4/2 -Tabatas in the hotel gym
    4/3 - 5 miles Hyde Park
    4/4 - strength training arms + 1 mile treadmill
    4/5 - 5 miles Hyde Park - last day in London
    4/6 - rest/travel day
    4/7 - 4 miles on treadmill
    4/8 - 25 miles cycling + strength training W9-C
    4/9 - 5 miles

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Here's the link to our friend the Teacher Trail Runner's latest blog update.


    Really love how the gear is all categorised and in columns! :smiley:

    Aww, so cute about your wife's labelling of the Tailwind lemon servings!

    Can't wait to hear how you did with such great planning!

    The list was copied and pasted directly from a spreadsheet.... It's the only organized ant thought out part of my planning for the run. The rest is straight up Forrest Gump, I just felt like running.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    7.1 on treadmill this am. Could have paced it a little slower.
