April 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @Stoshew71 Good luck with your race this weekend!

    Got in a decent 7 miles before meeting with the group and running the usual 5. After that, I then rounded things off with a final solo mile before heading into the office to get changed and start my day; all in all, an easy-paced run.

    02 - 15.39
    03 - 13.55
    04 - 15.21
    05 - 13.38

    Total: 57.53 / 280 miles
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    @PastorVincent can't say I love Planet Fitness but I never feel like I wasted $10. 24 hours does not include weekends but still is the best part of their offering. Plenty of machines and equipment but limits on time.(1hour)
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Very nice weather out today - surprising based on what we have had the last several days.

    6.56 miles outside

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Honestly, I am 30 days out from the Marathon, my primary goal at this stage of my training is to not get sick or injured. That is making me choosier about running conditions.

    @PastorVincent That is something we can all understand, which is also why it's called Taper *kitten*. I am 2 days from my HM so the last 2 weeks have been " Very Selective " . I really understand how Management changes can make a person want to leave for a new job. I can say been there done that and no regrets.

    @eponine1984 *kitten* + *f*bom**. As a doctor friend of mine recently said the advances in the last 10 years have been amazing with drugs/chemo combinations just about personalized for each persons body. Besides this is just a follow up, maybe nothing more than wanting to have you scheduled for future checkups.

    @sarahthes Yes it could be a real gun time decision. especially since it is a 1pm start. Could be +8C by then = shorts and long sleeve or -20
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Oh, @eponine1984 I'm so sorry. Sending hugs and hoping for the best for you.

    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    04/01/18 :::: 5.3 :::: 5.3
    04/02/18 :::: 3.6 :::: 8.9
    04/03/18 :::: 4.8 :::: 13.7
    04/04/18 :::: 1.5 :::: 15.2
    04/05/18 :::: 3.1 :::: 18.3

    Because tomorrow is booked, I had to schedule my second circuit training workout of the week for today, which meant two days back to back. Whew. I got in a little longer run as a warm-up and then the circuits were particularly challenging on the core and quads today. Yikes. My legs felt like jello as I walked around Target after. I'm so looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent can't say I love Planet Fitness but I never feel like I wasted $10. 24 hours does not include weekends but still is the best part of their offering. Plenty of machines and equipment but limits on time.(1hour)

    This location is 24/7 and they have no limits on treadmills. Probably because they have a gazillion of them (two floors). I intentionally visited at peak use time and a good 1/4 of the treadmills were still open.

    Still not sure about it though. I do NOT at all like that you can NOT pay cash, check, or credit card. You HAVE to give them direct access to your checking account.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    4/1 - REST
    4/2 - 5.19 (trail)
    4/3 - 3.39
    4/4 - 5.38 (trail)
    4/5 - 4

    A fast 4 on the road tonight. Felt great. Tomorrow is Body Pump and steep incline walking on treadmill.

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    April Running Totals (miles)
    4/1 – 6.21 easy
    4/2 – rest day
    4/3 – 6.35 easy to MP
    4/4 – unscheduled rest day – wind storm
    4/5 – 8.39 easy with snow showers

    April running total to date – 20.95

    Nominal April mileage goal: 130 miles

    Real goals: Arrive at Hopkinton healthy. Get to Boyleston Street under my own power. Recover well.

    Today's notes – 11 days out from Boston, and I can really relate to @PastorVincent being choosy to avoid getting sick or injured. Me too.

    Didn't have the killer wind today, but it was chillier, near freezing. Around 5 we got snow showers that would have worried me in December or February, but in April I figured they won't amount to anything. Looked at the radar weather; just lake effect snow off Lake Erie. Okay, that can't be much this far from that lake.

    Went to club practice, ran my 2+ mile warmup, got back to base. No one was there. I must have missed the memo canceling practice today. The marathon training plan assignment was 3 miles easy, 20 minutes at T pace, 2 miles easy. I had thought to count the 2 mile warmup as part of the first three, then run a mile easy, 3 miles at T (which should be very close to 20 minutes), then 2 miles easy. But with no peer pressure, and pretty white fluffy flakes in the air, and 11 days to Boston, and a goal of arriving healthy . . . easy miles won out. Ran around some residential streets that the club and Fleet Feet don't usually send me to, then around Cobb's Hill again, and finish with a Y on the hill.

    OMG, that Y started out hard. I don't think I've run enough hills this training session. 11 days to Boston, too late to do much to fix that; just run this Y and call it good. Maybe next Tuesday run Y's with Fleet Feet instead of doing club practice. But I can't get much volume in before Boston anyway; what I've done and what I can do within the taper mileage limits will have to be good enough.

    Look at my weekly mileage. With today's run of 8+ miles and yesterday's unplanned rest day, I can afford to run an easy 4 tomorrow before the paced 12 on Saturday. Don't know if I'll find time for that 4 miles tomorrow, but I'd sure like to get them in.

    And the mind games will continue for another week.

    2018 races:
    February 17, 2018 Freezeroo #5 (Valentines Run "In Memory of Tom Brannon" 8 Mile) (Greece, NY) finished in 54:48
    February 24, 2018 Freezeroo #6 (White House Challenge 4.4 mile) (Webster, NY) finished in 28:46
    March 17, 2018 USATF Masters 8K (Shamrock 8K, Virginia Beach, VA) finished in 31:55
    March 24, 2018 Spring Forward 15K (Mendon, NY) ran at MP, finished in 1:10:47
    April 16, 2018 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)
    April 29, 2018 USATF Masters 10K (James Joyce Ramble, Dedham, MA)

  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    4 today. 12 MTD. 4/5 days as planned.

    Are we supposed to list our days?

    4/1-rest (unplanned)

    Tomorrow will be another rest day. All rest all the time for me lol. I’m hoping the snow/freezing crap/winds stop so I can go back outside for my long run on Saturday.

    Good luck to all the racers this weekend!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Was scheduled to run 3 km today but the whole day was spent on travel prep and travel so we will call it an extra day of rest prior to Saturday. Tomorrow we will walk the town a bit. Hotel is about a mile from the start/finish line (decided to stay where we always stay when we come to Jasper).

    Now to try to get two very hyper children to bed...
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Still not sure about it though. I do NOT at all like that you can NOT pay cash, check, or credit card. You HAVE to give them direct access to your checking account.

    Read the super fine print around cancelling-renewing, also have them give you detailed examples of what is required. if they are not willing to show-give written examples that you can take home and keep, then for me it's a big Red Flag and not going to happen. At one time in Canada Alberta a US based Fitness Center chain had an automatic renewal built into the agreement and you had to say NO so many days in advance that they usually got a pile of money for nothing. They also had very specific requirements how you cancelled your membership and if you did not complete them perfectly then you would get dinged for another round. Even though it's a monthly rate they were dinging people for multiple months due to the clauses they had in the agreement. This was a violation of a law designed to prevent what has been called Negative option Billing Scams/schemes so they were forced to change. Some telecom companies were doing the same thing by giving you a month free of some package and if you didn't explicitly cancel it by a specific day you were then automatically issued a multi month contract/bill with out any signatures.

    @Duck_Puddle You can list your accomplishments how ever you want. Some do a Daily list including Xtraining & rest days, others just run days, some just do a single weekly report with all days listed or just the total distance for the week. I keep a Monthly Log in a text file and then cut/paste to MFP. Sometimes showing all days other times just the Days run.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,116 Member
    April Goal: 110 miles

    4/1: 6.2 miles
    4/3: 4.6 miles
    4/4: 4.0 miles (intervals)
    4/5: 4.2 miles

    19/110 miles completed

    Pretty disappointed with myself today. I had 5.5 miles on my plan today, but it was so hot I ended up cutting my run short at 4.2 miles. I guess I am not acclimated to the heat yet. It was only 86°F and I have run when it was hotter, but it has been a while.

    @eponine1984 That really sucks. Sending hugs, prayers and good thoughts your way.

    Good luck this weekend @sarahthes and any other racers!


  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent can't say I love Planet Fitness but I never feel like I wasted $10. 24 hours does not include weekends but still is the best part of their offering. Plenty of machines and equipment but limits on time.(1hour)

    This location is 24/7 and they have no limits on treadmills. Probably because they have a gazillion of them (two floors). I intentionally visited at peak use time and a good 1/4 of the treadmills were still open.

    Still not sure about it though. I do NOT at all like that you can NOT pay cash, check, or credit card. You HAVE to give them direct access to your checking account.

    What? Eff that! I wouldn't join any place I couldn't put on a credit card. I have a thing where I hate direct withdrawals from my checking because I want to make sure I always have enough money in there to cover bills.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member

    Aaapril....run she will

    4/1 11 hrs work/dinner with friends
    4/2 4.29
    4/3 moped
    4/4 4.07
    4/5 3.12

    Total 11.48

    Ticker is my goal for 2018 and progress to date:


  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent can't say I love Planet Fitness but I never feel like I wasted $10. 24 hours does not include weekends but still is the best part of their offering. Plenty of machines and equipment but limits on time.(1hour)

    This location is 24/7 and they have no limits on treadmills. Probably because they have a gazillion of them (two floors). I intentionally visited at peak use time and a good 1/4 of the treadmills were still open.

    Still not sure about it though. I do NOT at all like that you can NOT pay cash, check, or credit card. You HAVE to give them direct access to your checking account.

    What? Eff that! I wouldn't join any place I couldn't put on a credit card. I have a thing where I hate direct withdrawals from my checking because I want to make sure I always have enough money in there to cover bills.

    That and as @juliet3455 points out they can be a pain to cancel. My plan was to put them on a credit card I was not using and if they played games, I could cancel the credit card and be done with them. I actually had to do that with a company once. I reported them to the credit card company as charging my account without my permission and then had them issue a new card. So the credit card company back charged the bad company (through a chargeback) and issued me a full refund and new card. Shut the problem right down.

    Using my checking account cuts that protection right out. A red flag in my book.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Headed back to Florida today. London has been awesome! Although the weather hasn't been the best, I can't complain about anything! And I never complain about cold weather since I have to deal with hot/humid conditions about 270 days a year, lol.

    4/1 - 3.65 miles to Buckingham Palace, + strength training W9-B
    4/2 -Tabatas in the hotel gym
    4/3 - 5 miles Hyde Park
    4/4 - strength training + 1 mile treadmill
    4/5 - 5 miles Hyde Park - last day in London
    4/6 - rest/travel day


  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Wow this thread moves fast.
    I'm supposed to be doing a slow, easy 5km today but it's unlikely to happen as I'm doing a burpee challenge as part of my Brighton fundraising. Something tells me I'm going to be just a little pooped after 200 chest to floor burpees in half hour. Although I may well be completely buzzing in which case I'll attempt to get out there.

    Goal 100km
    01.04.2018 16km
    04.04.2018 3.2km

    Total 19.2km
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    April 2018
    04.01.18 - 10 m. / 60 minutes on bike trainer.
    04.02.18 - 3.5 m EZ. / Swim
    04.05.18 - 10 m.

    Upcoming Events:
    04.07.18 - Yakima River Canyon Marathon / 52nd Birthday.
    05.06.18 - Flying Pig Marathon.
    05.20.18 - IronMan 70.3 Chattanooga
    07.14.18 - IronMan 70.3 Muncie
    07.29.18 - IronMan 70.3 Ohio

    Happy Birthday @KeepRunningFatboy and good luck with your marathon tomorrow!!