Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • lougaskell
    lougaskell Posts: 2 Member
    Just joined up.......some pals to help along the way would be good! xx
  • kristin3787
    kristin3787 Posts: 7 Member
    I could use some news friends, add me
  • Aniri5991
    Aniri5991 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new around here. Add me if you still need friends.:)
  • mutantspicy
    mutantspicy Posts: 624 Member
    Hello, yeah like many I've used this site on and off for quite a few years. I usually just use it as a check up, to verify my diet isn't too far off track. However, I'm trying to get BF% to 15% or under, so I'm really tightening up the diet and have been monitoring daily. Could use some friends for motivation and ideas. Feel free to add me.
  • coffeegodandcigarettes
    Any friends welcome. Trying to get a big network of people for inspiration.
    BIGFNROB Posts: 996 Member
    Hey I'm looking for more motivation and support to go with my already solid foundation of fitfam add me if you can dig that!! And I will show you the same!!!
  • Ragnagus
    Ragnagus Posts: 2 Member
    Hello there!

    I have been using the app for a month and I have been doing exercise when I have some spare time. I have lost 5kg already!

    I would like to keep up the momentum and I'm sure that friends would help for sure!

    Feel free to add me :smile:
  • ccindy2018
    ccindy2018 Posts: 12 Member
    Me too, the more the merrier. Friends help me stay on task otherwise I’ll end up in a dark corner with a jar of Nutella.
  • londell16
    londell16 Posts: 19 Member
    Looking for friends who are willing to motivate me. I am always willing and trying to motivate others on a daily basis. Thanks for reading and considering!
  • michaelabrait
    michaelabrait Posts: 10 Member
    definitely! add me, y'all! trying to lose 90 pounds here and could use all the encouragement i can get!
  • mummyc83
    mummyc83 Posts: 2 Member
    Newbie here that would welcome some friendly support and motivation!
  • Pandorabelle
    Pandorabelle Posts: 53 Member
    Anyone & everyone is welcome to add me as long as you're positive & supportive. My profile is filled out if you want to check out what you're getting in to before adding me. :wink:

  • Woolly_Amy
    Woolly_Amy Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • EvanK84
    EvanK84 Posts: 458 Member
    Evan from Texas ! New new friends and people that use the app regularly to keep each other motivated!! Add Me !!
  • Sincerelyachy
    Sincerelyachy Posts: 4 Member
    I mean, I need some people out there to tell me to put that beer down when I occasionally post how bad I want one!
  • Djockey59
    Djockey59 Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for friends for support and motivation. Feel free to add me :)
  • Jeanine1234
    Jeanine1234 Posts: 18 Member
    Add me! Looking for some new friends to help me on this weight loss journey. Almost 30lbs down so far.
  • beauty4ashes825
    beauty4ashes825 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys! I've used this app on and off throughout the year. I've committed to logging in each day since I'm following along with my P90X routine. I'm still getting the hang of using this app. I mainly use it to track my macros and calorie intake. I keep myself within a 500 calorie deficit and I've been implementing intermittent fasting. So far I've seen good results, now I'm working on just being good at tracking all of it with this app. I'm hoping to make new friends and hopefully receive motivation and support along the way...give it in return as well. Add me if you want
  • Aka4320162018
    Aka4320162018 Posts: 15 Member
    Looking for friends to share progress with.