Maintainers weekly Check-in April 2018



  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    @Faebert Oh, yes. Baby anythings are a time-consuming, albeit darling, lot! :)
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 4,979 Member
    Thanks @coachjen71. I really love the support in this group. It is nice to know that others have similar feelings.
  • HarperAnn6
    HarperAnn6 Posts: 292 Member
    CoachJen71 wrote: »
    @HarperAnn6 I don't feel... steady.. enough in my maintenance yet, and may never do so because of my compulsive eating, to say, "do this." However, for myself I eat even tinier snacks/meals throughout the day and up my steps/exercise to carve out a deficit to get things back under control. (Ditching sauces, one cup of creamy coffee, swapping in green beans for salads, etc etc helps)

    Love these ideas! Thank you! I also deal with compulsive eating. I have not found my specific trigger for compulsive eating - it could be just purely habitual for me. I think it will always be there.
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    @CoachJen71 Congrats on your one year of maintenance!!!
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    @ryenday Great job this past year!
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    Name: Irina
    Age : 46
    Height : 5'7
    Total Weight lost: 75ish lbs
    Time it took to lose: about 10 months
    How long in maintenance 17 months
    Maintenance weight range, adjusted: 145 - 150 lbs

    Range of weight from December 143- 150.6
    Range of weight from January 144.2- 150.0
    Range of weight from February 142.2-149.0
    Range of weight from March 144.5-146.5

    Week of...
    1st April: 145 scale, 145.3 trend
    8th April: 146.4 scale, 146.4 trend
    15th April: 144.2 scale, 146.1 trend
    22nd April: 143.2 scale, 144.2 trend
    29th April:

    Success/struggles of the week:
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    Name: Jim
    Success: Loss -4.4
    Struggle: Stress due to two obituary notifications to sad news, Same day had a fender bender at fault. Was way off on my normal eating, sleeping and was not hungry.

    I'm so sorry for your loss Jimb376.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited April 2018
    CoachJen71 wrote: »
    Name: Jen

    Successes of the week: Not feeling at all successful this week. Yes, scale looks good but quality of life suffered. On the bright side, I enjoy having a fridge in my house again, and despite not being able to afford it, I went to the doc and had some of my medical concerns put to rest.

    Challenges of the week: School break. Was supposed to do my spring cleaning, but have been caught in the binge/walk cycle and never really did much work or working out. The financial shoe hanging over my head gets ever larger and closer, and I just feel sick about it. My poor kids are getting their own giant shoes now that they are in college and have worthless health insurance. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make those evil shoes disappear for them and everyone else.

    Coach Jen, I'm really sorry.
    I can relate. Inversely, I had a bad week weight-wise, but ate rather serenely and healthily and got exercise; (I made 2 big soups: 1 chicken-vegetable, and 1 lentil-vegetable. It's really fast, uses partly leftovers, and I feel like im taking care of myself that way. I don't cook much at all these days, so this is great progress for me.) I acknowledge the scale is not all.

    I used to binge and exercise for many years several years ago: I was super-athletic and would get tons of exercise. It took me about 6 years of regular conscious effort in different ways, to get past binging.

    To each their own path. Meditation, helped me. (Now it's popularly called "mindfulness"!) I remember, at the end of a (free, including room and board-donation only!) meditation retreat, they had chocolate cake. I was feeling really greedy with my one piece of cake, after an austere few days, of plenty of food but no cake nor big sweets, and I observed (and accepted) myself going through that intense feeling, as I ate the cake. (thoughts, emotions, physical feeling of wanting to eat the cake, how eating the cake/sugar felt, after many sugar-free days, etc.). Observing myself a few times, with compassion, as I was eating with greed, or eating to relieve stress, etc., helped me to evolve some, very slowly over much time. I'm far from perfect, but there has been real and lasting progress (so far, knock on wood). Probably being accepted by others helps too. I think accepting self can come first, but acceptance by others can help, to accept oneself I think. Everyone has their own path.

    The financial thing is no small subject either and adds majorly to stress. I read an article recently about a woman who was dismayed that her richer acquaintances were (as she was divorcing) telling her she should do marriage-repair suggestions that she simply couldn't afford (child-free vacations and weekends; therapy, etc, regular date-nights, etc.). It seems that it's worth continuing to look for solutions, even if it seems there may be few options. There are some 12 step groups (online or otherwise) like debtor's anonymous, and underearners anonymous, as well as other community and state organisations. Sometimes kind people pop up on occasion, that are willing and ready to help for no cost or low cost. I was really snowed under with something recently, and I found a topnotch professional who helped me out at a reduced rate. It was really a godsend.

    I hope that you are able to make some tiny (or big) headway in one or both of those areas. Sometimes paths can be pretty long, to get to a hopefully better place.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me. Yes, mindfulness is a tough one, as is compassion for myself! Early on in my journey, I stumbled across a phrase that I wrote out and stuck on my fridge. "Treat each day as a blessing and it will feel like one."

    Hard to follow, especially when my anxiety is up, but I am trying!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    @mk2fit Thanks so much. I’m still surprised with myself in the accidental mirror glimpse. I have a lot of strength and weight training to go in order to be happy with myself, but I’m going to let the weight do whatever it will naturally as long as I stay under my max weight.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Stepped on th scale this morning so I could add on to this thread and my scale is broken! Lol! My husband gave our toddler a bath last night and I think he splashed water all over it and broke it. Either that or the battery is just dead. Rats.