
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT AND DATE WITH MFP: 202 lbs on June 2, 2012

    January 1: 160.8
    January 8: 161.6 (+ .8oz)
    January 15: 158 (-3.6 lbs)
    January 22: 161.4 (+3.4)
    January 29: 159 (2.4)

    January Goal: 158.3 (lose 2.5 lbs in January)
    January Loss: 159 (-1.8 lbs)
    So close and yet, so far away. Hit a plateau, noticed a trend in too many carbs and too much sodium. Corrected it in the last 4 days. Hope the downward trend will stick this time.

    February 5: 159 (+/- 0)
    February 12: 158.6 (-0.4)
    February 19: 157.2 (-1.4)
    February 26: 155.8 (-3.2)

    February Goal: 156.3 (lose 2 lbs in February)
    February Loss: 155.8 (3.2 lbs) I'm finally on track. Let's hope I keep up a momentum.

    March 5: 156.6 (+0.8 since February)
    March 12: 156 (-0.8 since the week before)
    March 19: 159 (+3 since prior week)
    March 26: 154.4 (-2.2 since week prior)

    March Goal: 154.3 (lose 2 lbs in March)
    March Loss: 154.4...only 1 oz. away

    April 2: 153.8
    April 9: 153.6
    April 16: 154.4
    April 23:
    April 30:

    April Goal: 151.8 (lose 2.5 lbs in April)
    April Loss:

    Weight loss this week: None. I gained. My sodium intake has been too high. I need to work on that. I also need to make sure I drink more fluids.

    Goal weight for challenge: I would like to lose at least 9- 10 lbs overall for this entire challenge, which would bring my weight to 151.8 or lower.

    Actual weight lost for challenge: So far, I've lost 6.4 lbs, and I am at 154.4.

  • Lora2380
    Lora2380 Posts: 195 Member
    Original starting weight - 168lbs
    End of April goal - 145
    End of May goal - 140
    End of June goal - 135
    Ultimate goal - 130

    Feb 3 - 168
    Feb 11- 163.8
    Feb 17- 158
    Feb 24- 156

    Total loss for Feb 12lbs
    Mar 3-156
    Mar 10-153
    Mar 18- 154.6
    March 24-149.6
    March 31-152

    Total loss for March 4

    April start weight 152
    April 7- 148.6
    April 14- 147
    April 20- 145.6
    April 28-

    April goal - 145

    Good god this is hard work but loving the results, even if they are slower going now rather than quick like at the beginning :smiley:
  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 722 Member
    Age: 35
    Height: 5’5”

    January 1: 143.5
    January 8: 143
    January 15: 142
    January 22: 140
    January 29: 140

    January Goal: -2lbs
    January Loss: -3.5lbs

    February 5: 139
    February 12: 138
    February 19: 136.5
    February 26: 136

    February Goal: -2lbs
    February Loss: -4lbs

    March 5: 136
    March 12: 135.5
    March 19: 135
    March 26: 134.5

    March Goal: -1lb
    March Loss: -1.5lbs

    April 2: n/a
    April 9: n/a
    April 20: 133
    April 27:
    April 30:

    April Goal: -1lb
    April Loss: -1.5lbs

    Weight lost this week: -1.5 since last weigh in. I have a feeling some of it is muscle loss after not working out for almost 3 weeks and a diet consisting of mostly rice and beans while in Africa.

    Goal weight for challenge: 137.5 (6lbs)

    Actual weight lost for challenge: 10.5lbs
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,020 Member

    January 1: 206.8
    January 8: 205 Great loss for me.
    January 15: 205.2 Up slightly, hoped to be under slightly. Will have to work hard this week to make it up.
    January 22: 206.4 Awful food choices this week. Embarrassed to put up my weight
    January 29: 204.6 Great week for me. Watched food and got walking in

    January Goal: 202 I didn't make my goal but am happy with any loss.
    January Loss: -2.2

    February 5: 204.4 A loss is a loss no matter how small.
    February 12: 204 Once again a small loss but still something.
    February 19: 203.6 Trend continues. Went to a quilting retreat this past weekend and still lost weight.
    February 26: 205.6

    February Goal: Under 200
    February Loss: +2

    March 5: 207.2 Terrible week with depression and stress.
    March 12: 204 Great week for me weight wise. Really increased the walking and watching calories.
    March 19: 205.2 Up this week due to a bit of snacking I think
    March 26: 206.6

    March Goal: Under 200
    March Loss: -.6

    April 2: 206.6 Stayed the same
    April 9: 207.2 Another bad week. I got to get this under control!!!
    April 16: 206.2
    April 23:
    April 30:

    April Goal:
    April Loss:

    Weight lost this week: -1 ( -.6)

    Goal weight for challenge: 190 16.8 pounds
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member

    January 1: 178.0
    January 8: 175.00
    January 15: 174.00
    January 22: 173.8
    January 29: 172.3

    January Goal: 170.00 (did not make goal)
    January Loss: 5.7 loss

    February 5: 172.2
    February 12: 172.1
    February 19: 174.2- struggling this week
    February 26: 173.2

    February Goal: 165.00
    February Loss: 1 lb gain

    March 5: 172.4
    March 12: 172.8
    March 19: 168.8
    March 26: 169.0

    March Goal: 161.00
    March Loss: 3.4 lb loss

    April 2: 166.8
    April 9: 167.2
    April 16: 169.0
    April 23: 169.0
    April 30:

    April Goal: 157.00
    April Loss:

    Weight lost this week: 0.0 lbs

    Goal weight for challenge: 157.00 (~20 lbs down)

    Actual weight lost for challenge: 9 lbs so far
  • SamskiB
    SamskiB Posts: 211 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT AND DATE WITH MFP: Jan 3st 18 - 67.6 kg / 149.03 lbs
    CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT: 64.8 kg / 142.86 lbs

    Didn't start until Jan 31st: 67.6 kg / 149.03 lbs

    I weigh in on Sundays so will adjust the dates

    February 25: 64.8 kg / 142.86 lbs **started challenge then**

    February Goal: 65 kg / 143.3 lbs
    February Loss: 2.8 kg / 6.2 lbs *hit goal!*

    March 4: 64.5 kg / 142.20 lbs
    March 11: 63.8 kg / 140.65 lbs
    March 18: 63.6 kg / 140.21 lbs (been maintaining most of this week, its so annoying. hit the plateau i think)
    March 25: 63.3 kg / 139.55 lbs (worked out why i'm not losing as much weight..its my new medication!)

    March Goal: 59.8 kg / 131.84 lbs
    March Loss: 1.5 kg / 3.3 lbs *didn't hit goal this month but its defo down to my new medication*

    April 1: 62.6 kg / 138.01 lbs
    April 8: 62.2 kg / 137 lbs (im shocked as i had a heavy night out last night!)
    April 15: 61.9 kg / 136.47 lbs
    April 22: 61.7 kg / 136.03 lbs I haven't really been trying this week as ive been working every possible hour all week so didn't put much effort in and just ate whatever was available (but i was 61.4 kg/ 135.36 lbs yday but i went out for a friends birthday and this is where its left me)
    April 29:
    April 30:

    April Goal: 57 kg / 125.66 lbs
    April Loss: 0.9 kg / 2 lbs

    Weight lost this week: 0.2 kg / 0.4 lbs

    Goal weight for challenge: 57 kg / 125.66 lbs

    Actual weight lost for challenge (from Feb 25th): 3.1 kg / 6.8 lbs
  • maryanosike
    maryanosike Posts: 78 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT AND DATE WITH MFP: 178 lbs on Dec. 26, 2017

    January 1: 178 lbs
    January 7: 178.5 lbs
    January 14: 179
    January 21: 178
    January 28: 178.5

    January Goal: 173 lbs
    January Loss: +0.5 lbs

    February 5: 178 lbs
    February 11: 174.5 lbs
    February 18: 179
    February 25: 182 lbs

    February Goal: 173 lbs
    February Loss: +4 lbs

    March 4: 183 lbs
    March 11: 179 lbs
    March 18: 180 lbs
    March 25: 179 lbs

    March Goal: 177 lbs
    March Loss: -4 lbs

    April 1: 182 lbs
    April 15: 180 lbs
    April 22: 180 lbs
    April 29:

    April Goal: 172 lbs
    April Loss:

    Weight lost this week: -2 lbs

    Goal weight for challenge: 172 lbs

    Actual weight lost for challenge: +2 lbs
  • FJlove4life
    FJlove4life Posts: 157 Member

    January 5: 159 -2, whooo! finally after a solid month the scale moved!
    January 12: 154 -5 WHOOO!! SNAP! *happy dance* OFF to a GREAT start!
    January 19: 155 +1 boo.. oh well I'm looking thinner so.
    January 26: 155- turtled at least I made the goal for January.
    January Goal: 155
    January Loss: 6

    February 2: 158 +3: but then I haven't been able to stop snacking and keep binging cause I'm weak so.
    February 9: 155.5 -2.5 Okay then lets keep this trend going. Got a handle on the snacking so!
    February 16: 155 -0.5 Considering I saw 158.5 on the scale Tuesday due to crap.. small victories
    February 23: 154.5 - .05 it's something! BUT still not 154 from 1/2 WTF?
    February Goal: 150
    February Loss: 3.5

    March 2: 148.5 -6 ! HOLLA! there's the whoosh! *happy dance*
    March 9: 148.5- (technically I'm 155 but not counting it) I'm on maintenance for the next 3 weeks as this is rest week from IM30 and then next monday I have my tubal (yay! no babies EVER!!) so I'll be down 2 weeks for that. So won't weigh in till 3/30 :)
    March 16: 148.5 (157.5 technically but that's surgery and water bloat) I just want to be back to normal :)
    March 23: ??? whoops missed this week 151
    March 30: 151-turtled
    March Goal: 145
    March Loss: +2.5 but seriously surgery P90X starts tomorrow! 4/2

    April 6: 155 +4 ... well off girly week and new program and judging by DOMS I'm holding water I'm not worried.
    April 13: 148.5 -6.5 ... FINALLY got all the surgery and water bloat out!
    April 20: 151 +2.5 ..girlie week so meh.. my guns are coming in nicely!
    April 27:
    April Goal: 140
    April Loss: 5

    Weight lost this week: +2.5
    Goal weight for challenge: 21 pounds
    Actual weight lost for challenge: 10

  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member

    January 8: 179.9
    January 15: 177.7
    January 22: 179

    January Goal: 170
    January Loss: 0.9

    March 5: 174.4

    March Goal: 165
    March Loss:

    April 9: 169.3
    April 23: 164
    April 30:

    April Goal: 154
    April Loss:

    Weight lost this week:

    Goal weight for challenge: 154

    Actual weight lost for challenge: 15.9
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT AND DATE WITH MFP: 202 lbs on June 2, 2012

    January 1: 160.8
    January 8: 161.6 (+ .8oz)
    January 15: 158 (-3.6 lbs)
    January 22: 161.4 (+3.4)
    January 29: 159 (2.4)

    January Goal: 158.3 (lose 2.5 lbs in January)
    January Loss: 159 (-1.8 lbs)
    So close and yet, so far away. Hit a plateau, noticed a trend in too many carbs and too much sodium. Corrected it in the last 4 days. Hope the downward trend will stick this time.

    February 5: 159 (+/- 0)
    February 12: 158.6 (-0.4)
    February 19: 157.2 (-1.4)
    February 26: 155.8 (-3.2)

    February Goal: 156.3 (lose 2 lbs in February)
    February Loss: 155.8 (3.2 lbs) I'm finally on track. Let's hope I keep up a momentum.

    March 5: 156.6 (+0.8 since February)
    March 12: 156 (-0.8 since the week before)
    March 19: 159 (+3 since prior week)
    March 26: 154.4 (-2.2 since week prior)

    March Goal: 154.3 (lose 2 lbs in March)
    March Loss: 154.4...only 1 oz. away

    April 2: 153.8
    April 9: 153.6
    April 16: 154.4
    April 23: 150.8
    April 30:

    April Goal: 151.8 (lose 2.5 lbs in April)
    April Loss:

    Weight loss this week: 3.6lbs I hit a stride. My sodium intake has been too high, so I have been watching that by being more selective on my food and cutting out my 1 a day carbonated beverage. I have also cut back on my carbs after I did 2 high carb days.

    Goal weight for challenge: I would like to lose at least 9- 10 lbs overall for this entire challenge, which would bring my weight to 151.8 or lower.

    Actual weight lost for challenge: So far, I've lost 10 lbs.
  • Cappy29
    Cappy29 Posts: 30 Member

    January 1: 241.6 lbs
    January 8: 237.4
    January 15: 235
    January 22: 234.8
    January 29: 232.6

    January Goal: 5 lbs
    January Loss: 9 libs

    February 5: 232.6
    February 12:230.4
    February 19: 231.6
    February 26: 230.4

    February Goal: 4 lbs
    February Loss: 2 lbs

    March 5: 229.2
    March 12: 229
    March 19: 229
    March 26: 228

    March Goal: 5 lbs
    March Loss:2.4 lbs

    April 2: 230.8
    April 9: 228.4
    April 16: 228.4
    April 23: 227.2
    April 30:

    April Goal: 5 lbs
    April Loss: 3.6

    Weight lost this week: 1.2

    Goal weight for challenge: 227 lbs

    Actual weight lost for challenge: 14.4 lbs
  • thetigers
    thetigers Posts: 111 Member

    January 01: 153.5
    January 08: 148.5
    January 15: 148
    January 22: 147
    January 29: 146

    January Goal: 148lb
    January Loss: -7.5lb

    Weight lost this week: -1lb

    February 5: 145
    February 12: 144.5
    February 19: 148
    February 26: 145.5

    February Goal: 143lb
    February Loss: +0.5lb

    March 5: 144
    March 12: 145
    March 19: 145.5
    March 26: 145
    March Goal: 139lb
    March Loss: +1lb

    April 2: 144
    April 9: 148
    April 16: 143.5
    April 23: 143
    April 30:

    April Goal: 136lb
    April Loss: - 1lb

    Weight lost this week: 0.5lb

    Goal weight for challenge: 136lb

    Actual weight lost for challenge: 10.5 lbs
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    January 2: 148.9
    January 9: 143.2 ( So happy, even though it obviously was water weight gain from holiday eating)
    January 16: 143.6 (exercising daily and eating back all calories, new to twice weekly Body Pump class)
    January 23: 145.6 ( sick a couple of days/ high sodium/ no tracking)
    January 30: 141.2 (daily exercise and eating back all calories)

    January Goal: 5 pounds (143.9)/ Revised goal (141) (Yay! Met revised goal!)
    January Loss: 7.7 pounds (some water weight for sure)

    February 5: 148.1 (up so many pounds due to a couple of days of bad eating, no logging)
    February 12: 141.3 (my weight has gone crazy; 3 days did the above, so sensitive to sodium and extra calories)
    February 19: 146.8 (couple of days eating at Disney, couple of days family in town, bad food choices, not logging)
    February 26: 140.0 (working out daily, staying at calorie goal, lots of water)
    February 28: 140.2

    February Goal: 2 pounds (139)
    February Loss: 1.2 pounds from end of Jan to end of Feb (not goal, but happy with overall loss)

    March 5: 144.4 (way over calories, too much sodium, not enough water)
    March 12: 141.5 (back on track after 3 days of horrible eating; want to be under 140 in next two weeks)
    March 19: 135.9 (finally some real weight loss! Let's see how much I can keep off after we go on vacation)
    March 25: 138.8

    March Goal: 3.2 pounds (137)
    March Loss: 1.4 pounds from end of February to last March weigh-ins

    April 2: No scale/ on vacation
    April 9: 144.4 (not surprised; ate so much on vacation)
    April 17: 140.7
    April 23: 145.6 (overate this weekend: day 3 of Disneyland Southern California pass-I don't do well at theme parks or the day after; will have to work really hard to meet April goal)
    April 30:

    April Goal: lose whatever vacation weight I gained; return to under 140 pounds
    April Loss:

    Weight loss this week: 3.7 pounds
    Goal weight for challenge: 137 pounds

    Actual weight lost for challenge:
  • leah_not_leia
    leah_not_leia Posts: 78 Member

    January 1: 165.0 lbs
    January 8: 163.0 lbs
    January 15: 160.7 lbs
    January 22: 159.9 lbs
    January 29: 161.1 lbs

    EOM Weight: 161.1 lbs (-3.9 lbs from SW)

    February 5: 159.9 lbs
    February 12: 159.7 lbs
    February 19: 162.4 lbs
    February 26: 162.4 lbs

    EOM Weight:161.1 lbs (-3.9 lbs from SW)
    March 5: 159.9 lbs
    March 12: 160.4 lbs
    March 22: 159.4 lbs
    March 29: 158.2 lbs

    March Goal: 157 lbs ( - 2.9 lbs)
    EOM Weight: 158.2 lbs
    April 2: 160 lbs (damn water weight! lol)
    April 9: 160.8 lbs
    April 18: 157.7 lbs (is this real lol?)
    April 23: 159.2 lbs
    April 30:

    April Goal: 155 lbs (pushing it!!)
    EOM Weight:

    Goal weight for challenge: 155 lbs ( -10 lb loss)
    Actual weight lost for challenge:

    Weight lost this week: Still under the 160s, I'll take it lol. Meal prepped for this week for day that I will be home. I will be traveling on Thursday and Friday so I aim to keep healthy while on the road. Goal is to avoid greasy fastfood, walk around airport while waiting for flights, and to make use of the hotel's gym.

  • bisonpitcher
    bisonpitcher Posts: 519 Member

    January 1: 240.2
    January 8: Out of Town
    January 15: 239.0
    January 22: 232.4 (Had a whoosh!)
    January 29: 233.0

    January Goal: 230 (-10.2)
    January Loss: 7.2

    February 5: 235.4
    February 12: 232.4
    February 19: 229.0
    February 26: 227.4

    February Goal: 220 (-10)
    February Loss: 5.6

    March 5: 226.0
    March 12: 221.6
    March 19: Out of Town
    March 26: 220.6

    March Goal: 216 (-11.4)
    March Loss: 6.8

    April 2: 219.0
    April 9: 218.2
    April 16: 215.2
    April 23: 212.8
    April 30:

    April Goal: 211 (-9.6)
    April Loss:

    Weight lost this week: 2.4

    Goal weight for challenge: 204 (-36.2)

    Actual weight lost for challenge: 27.4

  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,020 Member

    January 1: 206.8
    January 8: 205 Great loss for me.
    January 15: 205.2 Up slightly, hoped to be under slightly. Will have to work hard this week to make it up.
    January 22: 206.4 Awful food choices this week. Embarrassed to put up my weight
    January 29: 204.6 Great week for me. Watched food and got walking in

    January Goal: 202 I didn't make my goal but am happy with any loss.
    January Loss: -2.2

    February 5: 204.4 A loss is a loss no matter how small.
    February 12: 204 Once again a small loss but still something.
    February 19: 203.6 Trend continues. Went to a quilting retreat this past weekend and still lost weight.
    February 26: 205.6

    February Goal: Under 200
    February Loss: +2

    March 5: 207.2 Terrible week with depression and stress.
    March 12: 204 Great week for me weight wise. Really increased the walking and watching calories.
    March 19: 205.2 Up this week due to a bit of snacking I think
    March 26: 206.6

    March Goal: Under 200
    March Loss: -.6

    April 2: 206.6 Stayed the same
    April 9: 207.2 Another bad week. I got to get this under control!!!
    April 16: 206.2
    April 23: 205.4 Something in the right direction :)
    April 30:

    April Goal:
    April Loss:

    Weight lost this week: -.8 ( -1.4)

    Goal weight for challenge: 190 16.8 pounds
  • mrs_kris_campos
    mrs_kris_campos Posts: 53 Member

    January 1: 284.4 lbs
    January 7: 282.8 lbs
    January 14: 282.4 lbs
    January 21: 288.8 lbs
    January 28: 280.0 lbs

    January Goal: Did not have a set goal in January.
    January Loss: 3.2 lbs

    February 1: 281.2 lbs
    February 4: 276.6 lbs
    February 11: 275.4 lbs
    February 18: 276.2 lbs
    February 25: 275.0 lbs

    February Goal: lose 5+ pounds
    February Loss: 6.2 lbs – goal met – YaY!

    March 1: 278.8 lbs
    March 4: 276.2 lbs
    March 11: 278.4 lbs
    March 18:--
    March 25:--

    March Goal: lose 5+ pounds and stick to low-carb with only one cheat meal a week
    March Loss: 2.2 pounds – did not meet March’s goal.

    April 1: 276.6 lbs
    April 8: 272.4 lbs
    April 16: 274.4 lbs
    April 23: 273.8 lbs
    April 29:

    April Goal: Refocus on my goals and lose weight.
    April Loss:

    Weight loss this week: 0.6 pounds

    Goal weight for challenge: 245 lbs

    Actual weight loss for challenge: 10.6 pounds

    This week I am going to completely focus on my goals and hopefully walk away with a greater loss
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT AND DATE WITH MFP: 200.4 on 04/01/2016

    January 1: 196.6
    January 8: 192.2
    January 15: 193.6
    January 22: 193.6
    January 29: 188.0

    January Goal: 190.0
    January Loss: 8.6

    February 5: 189.0
    February 12: 186.6
    February 19: 185.0
    February 26: 181.4

    February Goal: 185.0
    February Loss: 6.6

    March 5: 181.4
    March 12: 181.4
    March 19: 177.6
    March 26: 178.0

    March Goal: 180.0
    March Loss: 3.4

    April 2: 179.6 - Had a lot going on and didn't track, so this isn't THAT bad.
    April 9: 176.6 - headed the right way again :)
    April 16: 179.0 - awful week, couldn't run so I decided to eat everything in sight (didn't help lol)
    April 23: 179.6
    April 30:

    April Goal: 175.0
    April Loss:

    Weight lost this week: +0.6

    Goal weight for challenge: 175.0

    Actual weight lost for challenge: 17.0
  • Phoe87
    Phoe87 Posts: 144 Member

    January 1: 170
    January 8: 168.8
    January 15: 168.6
    January 22: 165.7
    January 29: 164.2

    January Goal: 165
    January Loss: 5.8

    February 5: 162.7
    February 12:
    February 19:
    February 26: 159.2

    February Goal: 160
    February Loss: 5 pounds

    March 5: 157.4
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:154.7

    March Goal: 155
    March Loss: 2.7

    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16: 152.2
    April 23:150.7 (Almost there!!)
    April 30:

    April Goal: 150
    April Loss:4.7

    Goal weight for challenge: 150

    Actual weight lost for challenge:19.3