why don't you log?



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited April 2018
    I honestly don’t even know if my diary is open or closed. I can’t imagine why anyone would care about what I’m eating.

    Although I will say I also don’t keep friends either. My only two friends on here are my sister and my real life friend. I don’t have any random internet friends on mfp and I won’t, so there really isn’t anyone going and looking at my diary.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    I log very infrequently, maybe twice a year for 2-4 weeks tops.
    I have maintained for years, literally, without having to log so my diary is mainly empty, no insight for anyone, so it is closed.

    Cheers, h.

    Same here
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 8,995 Member
    Well, in my case I am not particularly sensitive about my diary and i left it open, although its value to anyone else is dubious.

    I was annoyed that somebody used something completely irelevant to the topic in hand as a snarky dig though.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,164 Member
    edited April 2018
    Well, in my case I am not particularly sensitive about my diary and i left it open, although its value to anyone else is dubious.

    I was annoyed that somebody used something completely irelevant to the topic in hand as a snarky dig though.

    Sensible people understand that as a reflection on them (the person who snarked), not you.
  • jefamer2017
    jefamer2017 Posts: 416 Member
    I don't share because I don't want or need to be judged about my food choices. People do that enough at work and in my personal life. If I like it that's all that matters.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Seeing how many people care about checking other people's diaries, I'm thinking about cleaning up my logging for a week to see how I like it. No more logging one week's worth of chocolate in one day or leaving days empty or half-filled because I'm logging elsewhere. If I like it, I'll open my diary.

    It would be easier to just direct people to my diary in threads where someone feels bad about snacking, carbs, processed food, relying on protein powders, going over calories (by a lot sometimes), not having the best macro distribution sometimes...etc. How even us long-term loggers are not perfect, yet it doesn't prevent us from losing weight.

    This should be interesting, but I don't know if I'll like it. I'm too "methodically" unorganized. I hope I'm not as opposed to order and organization as I think I am.
  • missevil
    missevil Posts: 113 Member
    I log diligently. Even on my worst days. And if I can only guess (birthday party buffet) I do so, but I don't skip. I like seeing the hard truth, no matter, how bad. And I know that I'm going to count for the rest of my life, so I do it.

    Mine is open to friends, mainly because my boyfriend sometimes needs to copy some entries when I cooked something and saved it as a recipe.

    I admit I like snooping through other peoples diaries and let them inspire me. In 90% of the cases, it doesn't work though, because most people are from other countries (mainly the US) and we don't have all those low-cal foods here in Germany.

    I'd never comment on a diary and have enough bad days myself to know how hard it is. And seriously, it's none of my business, what makes you feel happy and sated.

    I'm always looking for inspiration since I'm a shorty and don't have many calories to play with, so I like to see how other people manage and if there are more clever ideas to spend them properly.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 787 Member
    My diary has always been open, never received anything negative. I know when i've fallen off the bandwagon, no one has to tell me that XD. I usually get back on track the next day so I'm not ashamed of what my diary looks like to others. It probably gets boring because I meal prep on sunday so my weekday meals are the same
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Mine's open. Not sure why I opened it, but I've never had a comment on it and not sure if it has ever been looked at. I'm also decent at logging, not perfect but "good enough". Feel free to look.

    I do think that if you are asking for help, you should open it. It makes it easier if you are looking for advice for others to look back at what you've been eating. Logging errors still seem to be the #1 reason why people have trouble losing weight and is the first place others will want to look if they want to help. Close it once you get things sorted out.

    And I'm sorry that some get shamed for their logging. That just sucks.

  • amberellen12
    amberellen12 Posts: 248 Member
    I won’t think of looking at someone else’s food dairy so it never occurred to me to open mine. I also try to eat low calorie nutritarian and a lot of people would bash me for it when it’s none of their business to judge my way of eating.

    What's nutritarian?
    Also I love creeping on my friends' diaries.

    Dr Fuhrman Eat To Live life style.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    edited April 2018
    I logged consistently and with a scale for almost 90 days. But I've taken a break starting last week as logging was starting to get to me. I was getting borderline obsessed with logging every single morsel that passed my lips.(for the sake of data accuracy) And honestly, logging & weighing recipes was getting to be a PIA. I'm a little this little that cook, even when following a recipe. Nothing comes out the same way twice, so when I cook I had to add and weigh every item. I was starting to have dreams about weighing and logging my calories into MFP. I loved the data and seeing where my macros were everyday. But it was beginning to get into my head too much I think.
    However, I'm still trying to be mindful of what I eat, and be accountable to myself. Logging for those 3 months was not useless, it got me back on track for what portion control should look like. And showed me where I lack in macro nutrients for satiety. If the scale starts creeping back up, dropping too fast, or if I feel like I'm nutritionally deficient somewhere I'll be logging regularly again.
    As for public VS private? I have mine set to public I think. So far I have not received any comments about it. I'll admit I'm a diary creeper sometimes. I find it interesting to see what other people are eating & maybe I'll get inspired to make something similar to eat. Especially if they have similar stats as myself. I like to see what they eat and compare to what I'm doing. I would never comment on someone's diary though, unless they were asking for advice. We all have good days and bad days with our calories and nutrition. Who am I to comment on what someone is eating? That's not my place.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I log on a different site where I can set my own goals/ranges and already have groupings and recipes set up that often make things easier, so my diary here is basically empty.

    As for logging vs not logging - I tend to log for a few days or weeks here and there to keep myself accountable, but to be honest, I find it time consuming and a PITA to keep up long term, so I don't stick with it for long periods of time. I'll go a few weeks, maybe even a couple months with pretty good logging, but then I need a break.

    It would be easier if I had a "normal" work schedule and could meal prep one day, but since I work 7 days a week and frequently am on the road for a day or weekend or long weekend, I find meal prep to be nearly impossible. I just don't have hours available to shop, cook, prepare, portion, and then clean up after, so that means nearly every single meal every single day has to be measured, portioned, entered, and yes, I find that tedious.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Someone look at my diary and shame me for having a Big Mac for dinner. :)

    I did better. There is a burger joint I really like and have it maybe once or twice a year. The 90 minute drive is worth it. They opened a branch only 5 minutes away and were having a grand opening sale. When I say a burger, I mean what shows in this screenshot is probably an unser-estimation. I also had a busy work day so I didn't move much. My day truly does look like someone who eats nothing but twinkies and fast food and doesn't exercise. (also makes for an easy first day of organized logging)


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,483 Member
    @tacklewasher how could you possibly have eaten a Big Mac when you could have had the delicious burger @amusedmonkey has. For shame.

    Cheers, h.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 8,995 Member
    Shocked :o

    Why would anyone eat a fast food burger full of toxins, you should all be having smoothie made from organic kale

    Joking joking joking - have never eaten organic kale in my life :D:D
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Someone look at my diary and shame me for having a Big Mac for dinner. :)

    I did better. There is a burger joint I really like and have it maybe once or twice a year. The 90 minute drive is worth it. They opened a branch only 5 minutes away and were having a grand opening sale. When I say a burger, I mean what shows in this screenshot is probably an unser-estimation. I also had a busy work day so I didn't move much. My day truly does look like someone who eats nothing but twinkies and fast food and doesn't exercise. (also makes for an easy first day of organized logging)


    My question is: how the heck did you manage to stay within 1650 calories for the whole day? That's awesome.