Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Yennyboops
    Yennyboops Posts: 13 Member
    @EmergencyGraphics, thanks for the suggestion. I do find myself sitting for hours during the day and then when I do break out of my office I grab mindlessly. A walk is definitely something I could do!
  • kbeyer23
    kbeyer23 Posts: 88 Member
    edited April 2018
    @raven0811 congrats on the 1lb- it IS definitely something!!! Especially when (at least for me) motivation to just begin is 75% of the battle. I like to keep my immediate goals small, too. For a mini goal- you can do pound increments- percentage (5 or 10% of your total weight) or milestones/decades of weight lost or current weight in smaller chunks. I like to think up non food rewards for myself. :) If number goals aren't your thing- what about picking one healthy habit to improve upon? Water consumption, exercise, steps, etc.

    @Yennyboops I have said hello and goodbye and hello again to the same 50lbs so many times! Like a bad penny, haha. So I feel ya! I work in the home as well and so I have got to keep the munchies at bay as well. Some strategies I've tried- number uno is always keep EASY healthy snacks ready. I'm huge into dipping veggies into stuff- homemade ranch, veggie dip, hummus, etc. Sometimes when I know it's going to be harder (certain times of the month I'm raging hungry, haha) so I pre-log so my food for the entire day. It's psychological for me, and usually keeps me in check cause I rely on an evening snack for my own sanity. Sometimes I'll make myself drink a full cup of water and wait 15 minutes to decide if I'm really hungry or just bored. And if all that fails (or even if it doesn't!), find an accountability partner you trust who will ask you specifically each day about your snacking. That in and of itself is enough to keep my willpower cause I don't want to fess up to the munchies!!!
  • winter_willows
    winter_willows Posts: 10 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi, I'm new and would live to join this group if that's okay. I have about 40lbs to go to reach the -100lbs mark and I honestly don't believe I could possibly get there. I'm starting to think maybe 80 would be a better and more attainable number, so a loss of 20 more lbs...But I also really want to get to 100lbs lost. Add me as I'd love to get to know people in a similar situation so we can support each other :)
  • winter_willows
    winter_willows Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm new and would live to join this group if that's okay. I have about 40lbs to go to reach the -100lbs mark and I honestly don't believe I could possibly get there. I'm starting to think maybe 80 would be a better and more attainable number, so a loss of 20 more lbs...But I also really want to get to 100lbs lost. Add me as I'd love to get to know people in a similar situation so we can support each other :)

    It won't let me edit it, but I am off on my numbers and actually have 30lbs to go
  • Gzuschick
    Gzuschick Posts: 50 Member
    Just want to thank all of you for such encouragement and inspiration. Birder165 Lakota1961 and campfirequeen1 your words mean the world thank you! What an awesome source of motivation here in this group.
  • Silhouette_man
    Silhouette_man Posts: 104 Member
    @BarneyRubbleMD - That's fantastic Barney. You have come a long way this past year. Thanks for sharing.

    @Gzuschick - We are all in this together. Cheers.
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @BarneyRubbleMD What an inspiration you are! GREAT total loss! You rock!

    And, as @Lakota1961 said...we are definitely all in this together, through good weeks and bad. It's a sprint, not a marathon.

    Welcome to the new people on board. It seems as if each day there are more and more! It's great! :smile:
  • kbeyer23
    kbeyer23 Posts: 88 Member
    Baseball season has begun! And now that I've got 2 playing (so fun!) our schedule is cah-RAZY- at least 3 games a week right around dinnertime!! I need some easy/simple, possibly transportable meal ideas that are healthy! I 'budgeted' my day around pizza tonight but I can't keep doing that! So, whatcha got for me? Help!
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    I didn't hit the gym all week because I have a cold and didn't want to spread anything or cough a lot and get stared at. So I made a point to do some yardwork each day. I filled 2 yard waste bags cleaning flowerbeds and picking up falled sticks, planted bulbs and 2 raspberry canes, and hauled, mixed and spread compost and peat moss. I hope my hard work shows up on the scale tomorrow.
  • dignow96
    dignow96 Posts: 66 Member
    kbeyer23 wrote: »
    Baseball season has begun! And now that I've got 2 playing (so fun!) our schedule is cah-RAZY- at least 3 games a week right around dinnertime!! I need some easy/simple, possibly transportable meal ideas that are healthy! I 'budgeted' my day around pizza tonight but I can't keep doing that! So, whatcha got for me? Help!

    I have to travel with meals on occasion and have found a few things to be easier than others. Apples and peanut butter is always a hit. I sometimes do a baked ‘omelette’ (egg, tomato, chives, sausage or bacon, sometimes a little cheese) wrapped in a tortilla - I’ll throw that under a panini press to seal it up and crisp it a little and that travels well. I also do a lunch wrap that is similar - 150g grilled & shredded chicken, 75g diced cherry tomatoes, 75g diced red onion, 40g diced jalapeños, 50g feta, two/three tortillas depending on size. I mix everything and the liquid from the tomatoes and the cheese bind it all together, wrap it in the tortillas and you’re out the door. Hope those spark a few ideas.
  • kbeyer23
    kbeyer23 Posts: 88 Member

    Think Spring! Challenge
    Name: Katrina
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'8"
    Highest Weight: 305
    Start Weight (Mar 01, 2018): 282
    Goal Weight (Apr 27, 2018): 266

    Weigh-ins, week of
    Mar 09: 280.5
    Mar 16: 276
    Mar 23: 274.5
    Mar 30: 275
    Apr 06: 273.5
    Apr 13: 273.5
    Apr 20: 273.5
    Apr 27: 270

    Weight -/+ this week: -3.5
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -12
    Total weight lost: -30.5 pounds since 1-5-18

    Hooray for this spring challenge!!! I didn't hit my goal, but when I look back and consider what I've been going through during this challenge it's pretty good, considering! Losing 12lbs is a fantastic accomplishment! So I'm very happy with it even if it's not what I initially wanted. Onward!! (For those not in the know- my stepmother lost her battle with cancer March 19.)
  • Birder165
    Birder165 Posts: 484 Member
    Think Spring! Challenge
    Name: Karen
    Age: 57
    Height: 5'7"
    Highest Weight: 280ish was my highest weight ever but my MFP starting weight on Jan. 18/18 was 274.2
    Start Weight (Mar 1,2018): 257.8
    Goal Weight (Apr 27, 2018): 247 - I'm staying with 247 as my goal. I really want to get in to a lower decade of weight in April.

    Weigh-ins, week of
    Mar 09: 257
    Mar 16: 255.2
    Mar 23: 256.6
    Mar 30: 257.8
    Apr 06: 253.4
    Apr 13: 252. 6
    Apr 20: 249.8 - squeezed in to a new decade this morning!
    Apr 27: 252.6 - went off the rails on too many days - it's just food, waste & water weight so I'm not too concerned.
    Apr 30:

    Weight -/+ this week: +2.8
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -5.2
    Total weight lost: 21.6 lbs since Jan. 18/18

    What the past week looked like:

    Fri - 1949 - 249.8
    Sat - 3028 - 250.8
    Sun - 4124 - 252.4
    Mon - 1542 - 254.4
    Tue - 1436 - 251.4
    Wed - 1768 - 250.2
    Thu - 2608 - 251.4
    Today - 252.6

    I've never completed challenges in the past. When the going got tough, I would always give up and disappear. I'm happy that I'm still in the game, perhaps not giving it my all but not giving up either.
    If it's okay, I'd like to weigh in April 30 for my final weight for the challenge.
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    Finished this challenge under my goal so I'm a happy camper. If there's another one, I won't be doing it. I'll be out of town too much. Hope everyone has a great weekend! @kbeyer23 You did so great with your challenge. You've had a lot going on but you still killed it. :smile:
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    Think Spring! Challenge
    Name: Margie
    Age: 71
    Height: 5’1 ½”
    Highest Weight: 295.0
    Start Weight (Mar 01, 2018): 267.25
    Goal Weight (Apr 27, 2018): 263.25 (keeping it realistic @.5/wk for my life events)

    Weigh-ins, week of
    Mar 09: 269.0
    Mar 16: 267.75
    Mar 23: 266.75
    Mar 30: 266.25
    Apr 06: 265.25
    Apr 13: 265.5
    Apr 20: 261.75 (yay! Beat my goal for this challenge!)
  • EmergencyGraphics
    EmergencyGraphics Posts: 132 Member
    edited April 2018
    Think Spring! Challenge
    Name: Patty
    Age: 35
    Height: 5' 6"
    Highest Weight: 317
    Start Weight (Mar 01, 2018): 288
    Goal Weight (Apr 27, 2018): 278

    Weigh-ins, week of
    Mar 09: 287
    Mar 16: 287
    Mar 23: 286
    Mar 30: 284.6
    Apr 06: 284.4
    Apr 13: 286.4
    Apr 20: 285
    Apr 27: 283.8

    Weight -/+ this week: 1.2
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -4.2
    Total weight lost: 29.2

    I did not hit my goal but I also didn't try as hard as I should have. I was half-assing it and I got half-*kitten* results. I had some medical stuff going on and I was using it as an excuse. This last week I've been feeling better and I put effort into losing weigh and it paid off. Now I just need to keep focused and keep pushing my self.
  • Birder165
    Birder165 Posts: 484 Member
    @kbeyer23 12 pounds is fantastic!
    @dignow96 Amazing!
    @b_lisieux Excellent! I hope you'll be around for future challenges. Have a great summer!
    @EmergencyGraphics You still came out ahead. I was in the same boat for this challenge. I could've done much better with more effort.
  • DebCountsAll
    DebCountsAll Posts: 471 Member
    kbeyer23 wrote: »
    Think Spring! Challenge

    Hooray for this spring challenge!!! I didn't hit my goal, but when I look back and consider what I've been going through during this challenge it's pretty good, considering! Losing 12lbs is a fantastic accomplishment! So I'm very happy with it even if it's not what I initially wanted. Onward!! (For those not in the know- my stepmother lost her battle with cancer March 19.)

    Not going to lie...I have tears in my eyes as I type this. Here is proof that despite circumstances, we can choose to live a healthy life.