lose 200lbs in less then a year ?



  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    Glad to see you back. You were missed!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    bjcrewe wrote: »
    Sorry i was gone for so long i feel in to some time where i just could not bring my self to want to do anything at all

    you do know that if you need someone to talk to a bunch of us are here to listen right? I know I will be just feel free to message me anytime if you feel like that again. I get like that too sometimes and we all need a friend!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    bjcrewe wrote: »
    Im going to look in to joining a local gym dout ill be albe to afford to join but going to look in to it

    if you cant afford it some gyms have a reduced price for those low income. not saying this will be the case. but you can ask.
  • bjcrewe
    bjcrewe Posts: 208 Member
    bametels wrote: »
    bjcrewe wrote: »
    Im going to look in to joining a local gym dout ill be albe to afford to join but going to look in to it

    Do you have a YMCA near you that has a gym, pool and/or exercise classes? Y's typically offer substantial subsidies for membership and activities based on an individual's/family's income. Subsidies are easy to apply for and are confidential.

    There is a y near but unfortunately my family makes to much to get the subsidizes. Iv looking in to that in the past

  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    bjcrewe wrote: »
    bametels wrote: »
    bjcrewe wrote: »
    Im going to look in to joining a local gym dout ill be albe to afford to join but going to look in to it

    Do you have a YMCA near you that has a gym, pool and/or exercise classes? Y's typically offer substantial subsidies for membership and activities based on an individual's/family's income. Subsidies are easy to apply for and are confidential.

    There is a y near but unfortunately my family makes to much to get the subsidizes. Iv looking in to that in the past

    The Y is a good choice if you want to swim, which may be good for you. But it's summer and getting out to walk would do wonders for you. That plus some bodyweight exercises could do until fall when it starts getting too cold or rainy. I didn't join the Y until I couldn't run outside (too much smoke from local and not local fires) and am thinking of putting it on pause for the summer.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    bjcrewe wrote: »
    I find my self needing a little kick in the butt most days but i got to step this up even if it kills me

    I know how you feel I had to kick myself in the rear today to get a workout in. I got in 2 -20 min workouts for the first time in over a year. it was worth it for me. I was in a slump.if I can dig myself out of the slump so can you.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    bjcrewe wrote: »
    I find my self needing a little kick in the butt most days but i got to step this up even if it kills me

    We all need a swift kick sometimes! Here's some advice that I used to ignore (being an introvert), but try to find a group or another person to exercise with. Maybe join a Meetup walking group in your area. I found it easy to skip exercise when nobody was holding me accountable. Then I joined a women's fit camp group at my daughter's taekwondo studio, and working out with other people has made all the difference. The coach doesn't let us give up on ourselves. I hope you can find a walking buddy, it's definitely more fun when you have someone to chat with! Good luck.
  • bjcrewe
    bjcrewe Posts: 208 Member
    Never really thought of doing mini goals
    bjcrewe wrote: »
    I find my self needing a little kick in the butt most days but i got to step this up even if it kills me

    Have you set mini-goals for yourself, @bjcrewe? I find that helps me quite a bit.

    My mini-goals for today are:

    Log all my food, no matter what.
    Do my hip stretches.
    Go for a walk on my work breaks.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    bjcrewe wrote: »
    I find my self needing a little kick in the butt most days but i got to step this up even if it kills me

    Have you set mini-goals for yourself, @bjcrewe? I find that helps me quite a bit.

    My mini-goals for today are:

    Log all my food, no matter what. - I didn't log my peas at dinner, but even adding them I was still within calories.
    Do my hip stretches. - I did them twice. I'm supposed to do 4 per day.
    Go for a walk on my work breaks. - Check

    Maybe you should give it a shot, @bjcrewe.

    Mini-goals for 5/8

    Log all my food.
    Get 12K steps.
    Do my hip stretches.
  • bjcrewe
    bjcrewe Posts: 208 Member
    So I'm thinking about trying to do a 5k im September.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    bjcrewe wrote: »
    So I'm thinking about trying to do a 5k im September.

    That's wonderful!