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JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,589 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    7. Be kind to yourself :) I was kind, I was brave, I asked for a raise, I got it, and I didn't celebrate with food!!!

    7. Complete 10 each category of 365 Days of Happy for anniversary gift

    I love both of your #7s!

    Congratulations on being kind & brave & asking for a raise, for getting that raise, and then not celebrating with food. Win / win / win / win / win! :D

    What's the 365 Days of Happy, if you don't mind explaining?
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    7. Be kind to yourself :) I was kind, I was brave, I asked for a raise, I got it, and I didn't celebrate with food!!!

    7. Complete 10 each category of 365 Days of Happy for anniversary gift

    I love both of your #7s!

    Congratulations on being kind & brave & asking for a raise, for getting that raise, and then not celebrating with food. Win / win / win / win / win! :D

    What's the 365 Days of Happy, if you don't mind explaining?

    I was going to ask that as well and then forgot.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »

    JFT Wednesday
    :) 10K Steps
    :) Track Sodium
    :o Calories in green / Eat planned food
    :) 15 minutes in the sun

    I did eat the preplanned food. The problem is I also ate some unplanned food. Peanut M&Ms. A LOT of them. Then I wrote myself a screed about the M&M event. It actually made me feel better. While I was doing that I thought about regret and how, like embarrassment, it can be a helpful tool. It ended with
    Will I eat M&Ms tomorrow? No
    Tomorrow say: I will not eat M&Ms today.

    JFT Thursday
    Calories in green / Eat planned food
    15 minutes in the sun
    Review new exception report
    Write up tax correction for tax dept
    10K Steps
    and >>>> Do not eat M&Ms today

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,589 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    I did eat the preplanned food. The problem is I also ate some unplanned food. Peanut M&Ms. A LOT of them. Then I wrote myself a screed about the M&M event. It actually made me feel better. While I was doing that I thought about regret and how, like embarrassment, it can be a helpful tool. It ended with
    Will I eat M&Ms tomorrow? No
    Tomorrow say: I will not eat M&Ms today.

    and >>>> Do not eat M&Ms today

    This is great! I have an M&M stash in my work desk, and justify having some by passing my stash around the office. M&Ms are one of my favs, especially peanut M&Ms. I may borrow this. :wink:
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @junodog1 M&M's are just behind Oreo's for me...can't have them in the house...absolutely no will power. My college dorm mate and I would each get a package...mine would be all gone within an hour...hers would last two days or more...who does that??? Ahhh....well, might be one reason she was always thin, lol.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Gritty_Gal wrote: »
    Hello All

    Just found your thread and I love it! So inspirational!

    A few words about me:
    3 years ago I reached all my goals and was in the best shape Of my life. Kept it up for two years and slowly started falling off the wagon. Now a year later I’m ready to pull in the rains and get back in shape.

    I want to reach my goals by the end of August and two things that matter to me most are Body Fat % and Body Mass Index #. I want to reach BF 15% and BMI 19.

    My commitment:
    - Complete a Marathon in a Month Challenge - all my runs this month will < 42km
    - Complete 2 x HIIT a week
    - Stay green / eat healthier

    As far as my JFT - Friday
    - complete HIIT workout
    - Stay in green

    Welcome! Your goals sound great!

    This group also has a May Challenge going on and its to get outside for a walk or anything active for a minimum of 15 mins :)
  • Gritty_Gal
    Gritty_Gal Posts: 96 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Welcome! Your goals sound great!

    This group also has a May Challenge going on and its to get outside for a walk or anything active for a minimum of 15 mins :)

    Thank you so much! I’d love to join your May Challenge. So far I’m ✅ 2 - 15+ min walks this month.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    A warm, happy welcome to Baby and lots of love and healing thoughts to Mom.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    I couldn't remember if I posted goals this morning or not because I thought I had a list. Turns out I made a list at work and put it on one of my little desktop sticky notes. I didnt actually post it here. Lol. And honestly, I can't even remember much of it. Lol. I'm going to add a few that I should get done before bed tonight to the end of this post.

    I need some information though and I figured I'd ask all of you Mommies instead of scouring the internet.

    I think I may be expecting. I have TOM but it was late. For the last three or four days, I have had varying degrees of nausea and random lightheadedness/fuzzy thoughts...I know I have other symptoms, I just can't think of them at the moment. I took a test yesterday evening. Surprise surprise it came back negative. A nurse friend then told me to do it first thing in the morning or that it may be too soon to tell. I'm going to try that. Is it common to have TOM and be expecting at the same time?

    As for my list,

    1. Finish budget
    2. Actually eat something(other than Halo Top!!!)
    3. Finish online grocery order
    4. Watch Pens game(can be done while doing other things)
    5. Drink 2 more bottles of water

    I think that that is all I am going to accomplish today.

    Yes, you can have your monthly cycle in the beginning of a pregnancy. I have always had my cycle in the first month of every pregnancy. Definitely take the pregnancy with the first urine of the day (drink water before bed). This gives you the most accurate reading for the hormone you are testing for. If it is still negative, go see your doctor. Sometimes my cycle goes through changes and gets me sick until it adjusts. (No explanation just something I've always felt with.)

    Keep us updated, we are all here for you :blush:
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »

    A warm, happy welcome to Baby and lots of love and healing thoughts to Mom.

    Sending you a big Thank You!! :blush:
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Thursday
    1. Feed cats. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run 30 minutes; aim for 16 laps. Got 15/16 in 33.
    2. Review plans with sub. Freshmen - NoRedInk and literacy practice. Sophomore - reading & project work. Assign someone from class 1 to get computers for class 2. UPDATE CLASS WEBSITES for today AND tomorrow! Email D about recs for classic lit.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. Steps at school to 7k; aim for *10*. Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Iron Cast.
    4. Sophomore project work. Freshmen - grammar/play. Enter classwork grades.
    5. Practice audition song. Write essay. Chop more celery. Pack Friday lunch. Dinner - Plated 2? Meetup for JavaScript.
    6. Meds by 7:00. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:00. Alarm set for 6:20.

    JFT Friday-Saturday
    1. Feed cats. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run 30 minutes; aim for 16 laps.
    2. Email D about recs for classic lit. Check packing for field trip: dinner, celery, apple, popcorn, gum, protein bars. Make coffee. Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Iron Cast. Phone, ipad, earbuds, wallet. What else do I need?
    3. Call restaurant about lunch reservation.
    4. Practice audition song. Write essay. Enter classwork grades.
    5. Check with B about dinner?

    Time to head to bed! I'm a little late but overall today was a good day :)