Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)



  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    Hi all!

    I know today is weigh in day, but I should probably just have you keep me at where I was. I went out last night and had chinese, and I think it caused major water retention or something, because I was up like 3 pounds this morning ! And I know I cheated last night, but there is no way I gained 3 pounds this week! I don't think I lost any either though. I am feeling stuck, and discouraged because I was not thinking I would plateau after jut 10 pounds! I am going to try to add a few calories for a couple days and see if that gets me anywhere, and also focus on drinking more water.

    So I guess for today keep me at 172.8 :( I REALLY wanna see the 160's soon!!!
    I hope you are all doing great!
  • LPC020409
    LPC020409 Posts: 74 Member
    My weight this week is 173.7. I've been on off of work for most of this week and have been eating out way too much. I'm going to try to get back on track on Sat.
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning wonderful ladies!!! My weight this morning is 168!!! I have been working on the crunches, but could only get to 40. DD and I have another 5k race this weekend, so I look forward to weighing even less on Monday!
  • xmusicxlovex
    xmusicxlovex Posts: 47 Member
    My weight this morning is 169 didn't lose anything but atleast maintaining.. gonna try to zig zag my calories this week and see if that helps. Good luck everyone this week! Andrea that's great you have lost! :)
  • xmusicxlovex
    xmusicxlovex Posts: 47 Member
    Put me down as 173 my scale has been off for the past few weeks got a new one and it said I weighted 173
  • andreasperry
    ive given up on scales... drs office says that this scale is 10 lbs off and well this one said my last one was 10 lbs off.... sooo even if i am 10 lbs lighter then what this one reads (YAY) im sticking with the 188.7 since this is the one that i am able to weigh myself on weekly... all in all if the scales going down i am losing weight and at the end off this challenge maybe ill go check a couple of friends scales and see what they all say?!?!?!?
  • Gift80
    Gift80 Posts: 16
    Hey...no weight change for me. 169.4...at least I'm still under 170=) Grrrr....motivation is turning up...hopefully next week, I'll see some real progress. Be encouraged!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member
    hi everyone,
    I am back from camping, we had a wonderful time. Lots of hiking and swimming. My mom met us there and then took the kids home so that me and my hubby can celebrate our anniversary. YEAH. No kids for 4 days, what shall we do? We took our puppy camping and this morning as we were getting ready to leave he was running around the table and knocked over my sons fishing pool and ran and somehow got the fish hook caught on the top of his mouth. He was yelping but we got him to calm down and he allowed me to open his mouth and keep it open while my hubby used some side snipes(a type of wire cutters used for fishing) to cut the bottom of the hook and get it out. Talk about a trusting puppy and a traumatic experience. My daughter was crying hysterically and I felt horrible. But we looked and looked and cannot even see where it was and he seems to be fine. I will be keeping a really close eye on him for a few days though.

    I did pretty good eating wise so I hope with all the exercising the scale shows a loss this next week.......Hope everyone had a good uneventful weekend......

    my weigh in for this week is 178.9 no change. I will try to get the chart up tomorrow.......
  • ashleystetzer
    ashleystetzer Posts: 43 Member
    I also had no change in weight Friday, still at 171. I didn't run at all last week, this week will be better!
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    This week will be better for all of us! I would like to challenge you all week thisto join me in drinking enough water... at least 8-10 cups per day, and in getting enough sleep! Our bodies will thank us!
    Make it a great week, team!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member

    CONGRATS to all the losers this week. To all of us that maintained this week, at least we didnt gain. I have been at a bit of a plateau the last few weeks. I am upping my exercise and hope to see the scale move this week Good Luck to everyone.

    Jen thanks for the challenge, I am diffinately going to get my water in , getting to bed on time seems to be a challenge for me, but this week I will get my rest.

    I challenge all of you to walk an extra 5 miles this week ( this is in addition to what you normally do) WE CAN DO THIS
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member
    sorry double posted
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327

    We’ve “whittled” down our numbers, ladies! We started out with 74 members on July 18. Now, 4 weeks later, we are down to 60. A couple of group captains dropped inactive members (those who haven’t checked in for 2 or more weeks). One member is also celebrating a pregnancy and is no longer being tracked.

    Check out our weekly update below:

    No group gains this week, and that’s a large improvement from last week! Yay, Hot Moms!!

    This chart is SO condensed that it’s difficult to see the personal progress members are making. After 4 weeks, I thought it would be helpful to provide some performance feedback. Let’s use these numbers to better understand where we are and to help us get to where we want to be.

    First, let’s recognize the 16 moms who are on track to reach their 12/31/11 goal weights. (Chart organized by group #.)

    Special Shout-Out to :flowerforyou: swimmom2 :flowerforyou: for reaching 50% already! You’re half-way there!!

    There are also 19 moms who are 50-97% towards their 12/31/11 goal weights. Here they are below:

    That leaves us with 25 moms who are 0-49% towards their 12/31/11 goal weights. No reason to list them – they know who they are. :tongue: This includes me, Hot Moms.

    To give you my numbers, my SW was 199.0, and I have lost a grand total of 1.8 lbs since July 18. If I continue down this path, I will lose a total of 10.4 lbs by December 31, which is only 28% of the weight I need to lose to reach my GW. Considering this feedback, I have 2 options: (1) Change my 12/31/11 GW to 188.6 so I can be on track to reach my GW, or (2) Kick it up a notch, eat clean, exercise hard, and start losing more than a pound a week so that I can get to my original 12/31/11 GW. For me, I choose option 2. These past 4 weeks were hard, due to family outings and sickness, so I’m hopeful my numbers will improve. I recognize that there are just under 20 weeks left in the year. I only need to lose 1.6 lbs a week to obtain my GW, so I believe it’s still possible; therefore, my GW stays the same (for now).

    Now take a moment to review your numbers. Are you on track? If not, do you want to adjust your 12/31/11 GW? If yes, don’t sweat it! It’s all about using this feedback to help you get where you want to be. Remember, there is no such thing as failure – only feedback; only results.

    Let's go, Hot Moms!!
    Posted on the following groups:
    --“Who want to be a hot mom?!” Group 1 (closed group)
    -- Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom – Group 2 – CLOSED THREAD
    -- Random Rambling Hot Moms (Closed)
    Group 3
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MOM group 5
    -- “Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom” Group 7
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom?!: GROUP 8 CLOSED THREAD.
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom-Group 9 (closed group)
    -- Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control
    Group 10
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member
    I notice that there are 7 of us listed on the chart for being on track or 50-98% ontrack. WE ROCK> Keep up the good work ladies
    My mom took the kids home from camping this week and we are having a wonderful time. Today we went to the hot springs and had mud baths and couple massages and went out to dinner. It was so nice and relaxing and I did get in quite a bit of walking and some swimming and kept ontrack for my eating. What are you upto this week?
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member


    Where is everyone? I would like to challenge everyone the group to walk, run, bike, etc 50 miles collectively . When you do your mile please copy the miles before you add your name and miles to it and add your miles at the end. I hope that made sense. We have until sunday at midnight to get our 50 miles in. WE CAN DO THIS.........

    themommie - 2 miles

    total miles as a group.......2 miles
  • andreasperry
    ohhhhh i like this challenge!!! yay lets go!

    themommie - 2 miles
    andreasperry - 3.5 miles

    total miles as a group...... 5. 5 miles
  • ashleystetzer
    ashleystetzer Posts: 43 Member
    themommie - 2 miles
    andreasperry - 3.5 miles
    ashleystetzer - 3 miles

    total miles as a group...... 8. 5 miles
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member
    just checking in. We met my mom 1/2 way today to get the kids back, they had alot of fun with my mom. But my youngest missed me something terrible and was more then ready to come home. She is diffinately a momma's girl. I think I will start calling her the velcro kid . LOL. The puppy was very excited that the kids were home. Do life is getting back to normal. My son and daughter have orientation tomorrow at their schools. then sat we are going to my granddaughters bday, she is turning 6 . Then monday school starts. YEAH . I will be able to get back to the gym.....

    What is going on in everyone elses life?
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member
    themommie - 2 miles
    andreasperry - 3.5 miles
    ashleystetzer - 3 miles
    themommie- 2 miles

    total miles as a group...... 10. 5 miles

    come on ladies we have a ways to go to meet our goal......LETS DO IT
  • ashleystetzer
    ashleystetzer Posts: 43 Member
    I am so happy to report I was 169 this morning! I haven't seen the 160's in a long time! This week I kind of zig zagged my calories a little and I lost 2 pounds! Have a great weekend everyone :happy: