May 2018 Running Challenge



  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    Fantastic racing @PastorVincent!!! I knew you that sub-four in you. Congrats! :smile:
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    He did it! Congratulations @PastorVincent!

    Pittsburgh Marathon:
    @PastorVincent crossed the Finish at 11:12
    Course time: 03:51:53
    Pace: 08:51 min/mi

    @PastorVincent that is FANTASTIC!!
    (Insert the voice of your favorite sideline reporter) Congratulations @PastorVincent. What do you most attribute to your phenomenal improvement over the last marathon here in Pittsburgh?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    WhooHoo @PastorVincent!!! Congratulations on an awesome race and PR!!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Woohoo @PastorVincent! Knew you would do it. Now... show us all those shiny medals!

    5/1 - 2 miles
    5/2 - 1.8 miles
    5/3 - 1.85 miles
    5/4 - 2 miles
    5/5 - 2 miles
    5/6 - 6 miles

    Total: 15.65 miles

    I think those 6 miles were my hardest long run ever! This heart rate training is difficult but I'm going to keep at it. I did pretty well until about the last 2 miles of the Zone 2. I had to take several walk breaks to keep my HR in zone 2. Then my cool down/zone 1 half mile was basically a walk.

    I followed my run with the runner's world recovery run. I love that video. It's a good length (20 minutes) and really hits all the right spots. Seriously the only yoga I can bring myself to do on a regular basis.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,233 Member
    Congrats @PastorVincent!
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Yay! Just got in from my run to see the great news about @PastorVincent - Huge congratulations. Can't wait to see the bling.

    I did a very slow and steady run which was somewhere between 3 and 5 miles. My Garmin ran out of juice at just past three miles, so I'm not completely sure how far I went. But there are no aches and pains, which is good.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    He did it! Congratulations @PastorVincent!

    Pittsburgh Marathon:
    @PastorVincent crossed the Finish at 11:12
    Course time: 03:51:53
    Pace: 08:51 min/mi

    Congratulations! Wooooooo boy!
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Congratulations @PastorVincent ! You had me worried with how fast you went out, but you ran a great race and crushed your sub-4 hour goal. I make it a 9:17 average for the last 10K, not much slower than the overall average you needed and plenty good enough with as fast as you ran the first 20 miles.
  • weat0043
    weat0043 Posts: 172 Member
    Way to go @PastorVincent you rocked it!
  • CeciliaBobilia
    CeciliaBobilia Posts: 246 Member
    edited May 2018
    May 4: 3.44mi
    May 6: 4.74mi


    **Edited to say: Congratulations @PastorVincent ! Fantastic time!
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member

    I don’t do anything. I run 6 days a week and over the last year the weekly mileage has steadily increased unless I’m tapering.

    I was doing a beginner crossfit class occasionally, but it interferes with my long runs I do on Fridays. I don’t want to do both on the same day.

    I do walk at least a mile after each of my runs and I think that goes a long way in preventing soreness and injury. At least it’s pretty rare that I feel sore after running.

    I have been thinking about body recomposition because even though I’m the same-ish weight as my younger years I feel flabby everywhere except my legs. I’m worried I’d have to give up running though.
  • JulieS3103
    JulieS3103 Posts: 86 Member
    Congratulations @PastorVincent!! Awesome job!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,233 Member
    edited May 2018
    I like @MobyCarp’s description of “cross training” as something along the lines of what else do you do other than running...

    I currently run 5 days a week with a long run on Saturday and Sunday’s run designated as a recovery/“leisure” activity. In nicer weather, the Sunday run could easily be a bike ride, hike or some other fun/“leisure” activity to move my legs and get blood flowing.

    I also lift 4 days a week-2 Days of a push/pull combo and the others are squats/deadlifts. I strongly dislike lifting weights, but the strength is important and helpful for keeping my body upright and able to run longer distances with less fatigue.

    Plus bathing my dog is like wrestling an angry, greased buffalo and someone has to hoist her 100+ lb svelte self into the tub because she sure isn’t jumping in of her own volition.

    It does take some balance for me to find the right bit of lower body lifting that allows me to keep that strength but doesn’t interfere with running.

    I also do yoga on long run days.

    When I’m not training for a long running race (and sometimes when I am), I do other conditioning (? Not sure what to call them) workouts or HIIT. I have a fully outfitted gym in my basement with a whole weight setup (rack with pulleys, bars, bumper plates, etc), kettlebells, medicine balls, a bunch of other stuff, treadmill, rower, assault bike, regular stationary bike, etc. And a TV. That’s probably the most important part of the whole setup.

    Right now I have 2 full rest days a week. Obviously, there’s quite a bit of doubling up.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    Great job @PastorVincent !!!! You killed it!
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hooray @PastorVincent !!! I also hope it was good prep for your upcoming 50k.

    I took a nap today after church, and it was lovely. Then I got up and ran for a little over 10k. I saw some kids using the dirt ramps in the woods with their bikes, looked fun if I was younger and had a full-faced helmet ;)

    My exercise-induced asthma seems to be acting up (maybe pollen is aggravating it?). It's not a huge deal, though; I can do this.

  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Plus I figure the adrenaline of the race and running with other people will help too

    That is 99.99999% guaranteed! You'll do great.