HOW did you lose the weight??? Do you get asked that all the time?



  • guy_1987
    guy_1987 Posts: 48 Member
    I get the odd bit of praise such as "wow you've lost weight" from women which is really nice.

    Blokes say things like "good work, mate" which is enough for me.

    Not many ask how which suits me.

    When they do I say its ultimately being really strict on my diet, reduce alcohol right down and 3-4 times a week exercise.

    Simple isn't it!

    Hum. :D

  • Satasha_ronee
    Satasha_ronee Posts: 4 Member
    I completely agree... no says you need to lose weight... but everyone has an opinion on how much you should lose.. I think those are the “HATERS” the negativity makes me go even harder... Let them keep watching you and helping you reach your goals with negative comments while they eat their lives away... ✌
  • RunStart34
    RunStart34 Posts: 157 Member
    euronorris wrote: »
    Just as annoying, is when you have a treat and you get "I thought you were on a diet?!". Yes mate, I am, but if the calories fit and I want a damn cupcake (made and brought in by a colleague on rare occasions) occasionally, I'll have one. One cupcake won't make me fat, just as one salad won't make me skinny. Mind your own food choices, and stop trying to police mine, thank you very much!

    I totally agree!!! I always have to say i am not on a diet I've just changed my eating habits. But if i want a slice of pizza or a slice of cake I'll have it if it fits in my calories!!!
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    xhuerax wrote: »
    euronorris wrote: »
    Just as annoying, is when you have a treat and you get "I thought you were on a diet?!". Yes mate, I am, but if the calories fit and I want a damn cupcake (made and brought in by a colleague on rare occasions) occasionally, I'll have one. One cupcake won't make me fat, just as one salad won't make me skinny. Mind your own food choices, and stop trying to police mine, thank you very much!

    I totally agree!!! I always have to say i am not on a diet I've just changed my eating habits. But if i want a slice of pizza or a slice of cake I'll have it if it fits in my calories!!!

    People don't want to believe that you can still eat "bad food"! I get that all the time and it's so irritating! Or "how are you skinny when you eat cake?"....moderation is never what people want to hear!
  • roobe18
    roobe18 Posts: 45 Member
    Many years ago I lost quite a bit of weight and someone gave me the "how'd you do it". I just replied "pretty much just stopped eating". She replied "I was afraid you were going to say that". Everyone wants there to be some magic pill/thing/action that makes it easier, while still being able to eat donuts.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    Ate less, exercised more
  • yweight2020
    yweight2020 Posts: 591 Member
    My aunt ask all the time and I see her at least twice per month and I'm still in the weight loss process. It was annoying but now I just ignore the constant questions, it comes with compliments but she just doesnt beleive I eat less and move more. She has weight to lose, Idk what to tell her but this is how I'm doing it.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    sexysizeme wrote: »
    My aunt ask all the time and I see her at least twice per month and I'm still in the weight loss process. It was annoying but now I just ignore the constant questions, it comes with compliments but she just doesnt beleive I eat less and move more. She has weight to lose, Idk what to tell her but this is how I'm doing it.

    Be honest its for her to digest! Be her example!
  • yweight2020
    yweight2020 Posts: 591 Member
    Dsboohead, thank you I will do my best to be a good weight loss/healthy example.
  • jonnie256
    jonnie256 Posts: 169 Member
    My answer is I still eat whatever I want...just less of it and I workout more.
  • Pastaprincess1978
    Pastaprincess1978 Posts: 371 Member
    Villypierr wrote: »
    I am usually bored to answer cause I realised that when I do, and tell all the process, everyone starts to make jokes and change the subject.

    I know that this happens cause deep inside, they know I accomplished something super hard and they can't deal with it. When you have fat (every kind of fat) people think for some reason you are weak,too. For some reason when they see you suddenly being fit they are just furious inside. The only ppl that are really happy for you usually are your close friends, family and your pet cause you take it longer walks. :smiley: that's my opinion. So now, I don't even answer... I just say when they ask : "Trust me ,you don't want to know..." :smiley:

    Yep! I have heard:
    • when someone mentioned you lost weight the other day, you took it as a positive, WHY?? (from a 60 something woman who is overweight and has been told to lose by her Dr)
    • Oh, so at lunch now you don't eat, you just swim? (because I mentioned that I swim at lunch now - I quickly said "no I eat and then I swim at lunch" - next time I will say "no I just eat enough for one person and not 3") - again another comment from a very overweight woman.

    People are confronted with their own failures when you succeed in my opinion. That woman who mentioned that I took it as a positive/complement when someone noticed my weight loss was clearly trying to say my weight loss was a bad thing. I came back with all the wonderful health benefits such as no more aching joints, easier to get up and down, more energy, etc etc and went on about how good I feel now on such a healthy diet! She quickly shut down the conversation!
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    Man..I feel like I’m a bit disappointed with these responses. In my experience, when people ask how I’ve lost weight, it’s sometimes because they’re reaching out for help, and the whole “eat less, exercise more” doesn’t cut it for me. I actually go into detail about what I eat, how much, how much/often I exercise, the mentality behind it, etc. I don’t think I could fathom just stating something so simple when I know for myself that a process went into it. Maybe most people are just..simplifying their responses based on time, but I’m definitely disappointed not to actually see more substance in this thread.

    I have never once been asked this question by anyone who proved to be sincerely interested in the details of my regimen. They're looking for some trick or a magic bullet. It does no one any favors to pretend there's any other road to weight loss than CICO.
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