Burnin Thru Augus(Closed Group)



  • yacker678
    My internet has been down, but now its back. Thankgoodness. I did not realize we got a new captain. Yikes sorry guys, but I am really trying.
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    I'm with you Angel... I hate jumping jacks! (I'm thinking a man came up with these challenges ....)

    It had to be a man! They don't have to worry about bouncing and flopping in the chest area as much! Lol.
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    These globe jump thingies. I can't watch the youtube video without thinking of the game "Frogger".
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    My internet has been down, but now its back. Thankgoodness. I did not realize we got a new captain. Yikes sorry guys, but I am really trying.
    It's fine! Do you have your weigh in for monday?
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member

    There was a plea for some more members of this team, so here I am!

    Just tell me what to do and I am on it!
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    Welcome Amy to the Team! Great to have you! I will let Joyous tell you what you need to do as I'm not sure of the rules of someone starting in the middle. If you go back a few pages, you will see this weeks daily challenges if you want to see what we have been doing. We are on the one that says "Week 2".

    Glad to have you!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I am having Amy start the challenges next week. I was informed that we need more members so I recruited a couple of friends.
  • knikkiola
    knikkiola Posts: 47 Member
    Well my legs feel like they are about to fall off but i completed todays challenges :-D

    under calories
    on target for water
    and exercise done (also completed an extra 6 miles for the challenge!!)
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    Great job Knikkiola! I'm impressed!
  • holly200
    holly200 Posts: 18
    okay captain. Done for the day. challenge met, water drank & under calories. So far I have all 10 miles in. I'll try to get in a couple more tomorrow in case someone else couldn't get their miles in.
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    Glad to welcome a new captain!

    My start weight was 168lbs and I emailed a SW photo to our previous captain.

    WEEK ONE: Over on water intake and under on kcals everyday.
    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 100 Jumping Jacks - COMPLETED
    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – Walk, Run or Jog 1 Mile (extra) - COMPLETED
    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Situps or Ab Crunches - COMPLETED
    Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 40 UP and Downs - COMPLETED
    Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 25 Pushups - COMPLETED
    Day 6 Exercise Challenge – 25 Squat Lunges - COMPLETED
    Weight loss for this week: 3lbs down! :-)

    WEEK TWO: contributed 5.1 miles so far to the group 100 mile challenge
    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 50 Squat Kicks - COMPLETED
    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – 50 Swimmer’s Presses + 1 Extra Mile - COMPLETED
    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Crunches + 50 Mountain Climbers - COMPLETED
    Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 3 sets of 21’s + 100 Jumping Jacks - COMPLETED
    Weight loss for this week so far: 1lb down (I weigh in on Sunday)
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    water done
    calorires under
    exercise done

    i added another mile today so thats 6 miles so far. :o)
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    week 3 was posted!!

    This is the week three team challenge. This should be done in addition to your normal workout
    routine. This is a challenge and is not a replacement! If you need a beginner workout please contact
    your team captain for ideas.
    Week Three Daily Exercise Challenge
    Daily Exercise = 1 point per member per day. If everyone does it you will be awarded a 5 point bonus for
    the team!
    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 50 Squat Kicks* and 3 sets of 12 Woodchops
    (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSu-wci9uTo )
    (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkhATg1-b9g&feature=relmfu )
    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – 50 Military Presses + 1 Extra Mile jog, walk,run + 3 sets of 21’s
    (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9WeqqMeJAM&feature=related )
    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 200 Jumping Jacks + 100 Mountain Climbers + 20 Lunges
    (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI8u58hPam4 )
    Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 3 sets of 21’s + 200 Jumping Jacks + 3 sets of 12 woodchops
    (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xLcsg-5Dw8 ) 21’s The video is a little long sorry.
    Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 100 AB Crunches + 50 Burpees (Oh yes they are back) Up/Downs
    (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKKKNR5USXc )
    Day 6 Exercise Challenge – Walk, run, swim, jog, bike 2 miles today. That’s it you’ve kicked your own
    butt this week!
    Day 7 Rest! You deserve it!

    Week Three Weekly Team Challenge
    Team Challenge as a team to do at least 4000 ab crunches for the week. So a team of 20 would need
    each person to do 200 Crunches extra for the week. Let’s burn that belly fat away!
    *Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best
    as you are much stronger than you believe.
    Please note each week the exercises will increase in difficulty. This will push each team member.
    Modifications will be provided for those who unable to complete the exercise as intended.
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    Week Three Weekly Team Challenge
    Team Challenge as a team to do at least 4000 ab crunches for the week. So a team of 20 would need
    each person to do 200 Crunches extra for the week. Let’s burn that belly fat away!

    Crunches! This is my time to shine!! I can do as many of these as is needed of me ... I'm gona aim to do 200 a day tho :-)
  • alwaysangel
    These globe jump thingies. I can't watch the youtube video without thinking of the game "Frogger".

    :laugh: LMBO!!! I loved that game lol

    I got mine done, they weren't easy. If I'm going to stay in this competition I'm going to need a heavy duty sports bra. LOL

  • alwaysangel
    What in the world is a burpee? Do I really wanna know?? LOL

    I commit to 500 crunches.

    I'm at 8 miles today for this week!

    I'm under by over 400 cals today!! Woo hoo! If that scale doesn't move tomorrow, I'm going to cry!

    Tomorrow is going to be tough for calories, going to a huge party with tons of food. Going to workout like crazy before I go and pray there are at least a few healthy choices.

    3 checks for me today!!

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I'll have you know that I didn't want to do ANYTHING today but I thought of all you folks and I had to do it for YOU!!!

    50 globe things that sucked tremendously - check
    100 JJs - yep still causing black eyes
    100 stairs - this was kind of easy since I have to go up and down stairs to let my dogs out all, day long... cause they don't know whether they want to be in or out...

    Ohh BTW - hit 10 miles!!!! Whoop whoop to me!

    Water - yep
    Calories - yep
    Whatever else there is - yep
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Oh Jeeezzus H what is a Wood Chop????

    <--- is just realizing this challenge thing is very challenging.... Damn It All to Hell!!!!
  • Bre_Deveraux
    everything completed for today !

    for some reason im ready for next week's challenges . i know that will all change by monday lol
  • dbgirl23
    dbgirl23 Posts: 32
    OMG!!! Those globe trotters were a BEAST!!!

    BUT... Challenge complete, under calories and water drank!!!

    Great job everyone!!! Keep it up :)