May 2018 Running Challenge



  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary Everything about that photo is stunning!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited May 2018
    @juliet3455 I didn't have a specific injury moment that I can recall, but it's been flaring up the last week or so and the last few days it will catch sometimes. Today while I was doing a P90x workout it totally locked up. Not awful pain, but discomfort. I had an orthoscopic procedure to "clean out' the arthritis back in 2014 after an MCL tear that was slow healing. I was 100lbs overweight then. I am a normal weight now, but I think I did some real wear and tear on it. Ah well. Calling the Ortho Tuesday to have a looksie.

    In other news, not being a big yoga person, I don't really know many poses, but the P90X cardio DVD has a vinyasa sequence with the Warrior poses and OMG it felt so good.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    On a non-running note, did anyone see the 60 minute report on the effort to save the rhino species? The rhinos are on a farm in a top secret place (although 60 minutes found them) in order to protect their species. They are really beautiful animals and hate that they are almost extinct.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    May 2018

    Goal: 220 km

    01 May – 06.0 km
    04 May – 32.0 km in the rain + bee sting
    05 May – 05.0 km parkrun 28:58
    06 May – 09.4 km Sunday Social Run
    08 May – 14.1 km
    09 May – 17.6 km
    12 May – 10.0 km including parkrun 26:59
    14 May – 12.0 km
    15 May – 10 km 58:12
    18 May – 38.1 km
    19 May – 03.0 km
    21 May – 06.0 km
    22 May – 06.0 km faster
    24 May - 06.5 km intervals
    25 May – 26.0 km
    27 May – 10.0 km
    28 May – 10.7 km

    Total: 222.2 km

    Reached my May Goal today!

    Also very close to getting the super-difficult Strava Run Climbing Challenge (2000 metres elevation) badge.
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 584 Member
    While the hills were a killer to climb, it did mean we had some stunning views across the harbour from the cliff tops in yesterday's trail run.

    Were you at the Xterra Aukland? I have a pal who ran that exact race, saw an almost identical photo in his feed. I was like, hmmmm where have I seen that coastline (and white fence, and bib design)? The guy is a beast, came in 13th in his AG. Said it was an awesome race.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @juliet3455 congratulations on your HM finish and AG place. You really overcame a lot of obstacles.
    @ContraryMaryMary beautiful pic!
    @PastorVincent not sure if getting up earlier will help all that much. I was out the door at 5:30am Saturday and I lost 8 lbs. :*
    @MobyCarp you always amaze me with your race times, and how nonchalant you are about your blazing fast pace. Great job!
    Congrats to everyone that raced this weekend!
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary Now THAT is an awesome race photo! Congrats on your race :)

    Had a good weekend. Saturday I got in a morning run home from an appointment in the city and then an afternoon bike ride with the family when we went to visit some new friends. They grow their own strawberries, and my husband ate one and did not have an allergic reaction! He suspects he's not actually allergic to the fruit, but the pesticides that are in them. Our friends said they don't spray with anything, and have had one other allergic person eat their berries without a reaction. We had the medicine ready, but absolutely nothing happened. This doesn't look good for store-bought strawberries - I've seen the reactions he's had in the past.

    Sunday was a rest day. I gave myself the option of going for a bike ride... but took a nap and baked a cherry pie instead!

    Today I got one kiddo off to preschool and then went out to a nearby forest. I haven't been able to find a map of all of the trails/paths, so my goal today was to make my own! When I got home, my husband was getting ready to take the other kid to school on their bikes, so I switched shoes and met him near the school for a ride on one of my shorter routes. I still felt good afterwards and did the weight machine and some stretching.


    Upcoming races:
    6/2 Solidarność Half Marathon
    6/30 Silesian Highland [trail] Half Marathon
    7/16 CityTrail OnTour 5k
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent not sure if getting up earlier will help all that much. I was out the door at 5:30am Saturday and I lost 8 lbs. :*

    Temps are cooler in the AM, but Humidity is near 100%... so I guess it comes down to which demon you prefer to battle with!

  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    9 mile fast finish this am. Dragged a little on the last mile and was slower than expected but made y May goal with a couple days left.


  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    edited May 2018
    @katharmonic @zdyb23456 We’re visiting my in-laws, who live by Keuka. Hubby grew up in Corning, and his parents later bought and retired into a cabin near the lake.

    I don’t mind the hills here. I have my fair share of hills in Georgia.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    ... not sure if getting up earlier will help all that much. I was out the door at 5:30am Saturday and I lost 8 lbs. :*

    Seriously? 8 pounds? I "ran" yesterday and gained 2.5. I don't think I sweat, just bloat. :frowning:
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    I rested yesterday and celebrated my husband's birthday (mine is on Friday, so we had cake for us both) with the family. It was lovely, but I definitely needed to get out and use up all that extra energy today! :)

    My sister is going to run her first 5k with me in June, so I took her out to the lake trail to run 3 miles, walk 2. She's been really worried that she can't do the distance. As it turned out, her run keeper isn't all that accurate and is under-estimating her distance by almost a half mile over a 5K. We did a 15-minute mile and were easily conversational the whole way. I could have run comfortably a little faster, but it was really nice to have someone to talk to! We noticed right off that she was running the same speed as me, but taking twice the steps. I honestly don't understand how that works, lol, but we talked a little about cadence and I hope that she's able to run farther and faster by conserving her energy a little more.

    It was cool and rainy and a really nice run!

    27.75 running miles in May, 40 miles forward motion
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    ... not sure if getting up earlier will help all that much. I was out the door at 5:30am Saturday and I lost 8 lbs. :*

    Seriously? 8 pounds? I "ran" yesterday and gained 2.5. I don't think I sweat, just bloat. :frowning:

    I always weigh a pound more the morning after long run, and usually two pounds after legs day! It's your muscles fluffing up with water to repair themselves!

    Speaking of, did legs yesterday and today which was supposed to be a run day my knee was grumpy, so it was more of a long walk day. The good news is my knee feels better after walking than before - making progress.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    5/8/18 2.35 miles
    5/9/18 2.15 miles
    5/10/18 2 miles
    5/11/18 rest
    5/12/18 2.15 miles
    5/13/18 7 miles

    5/14/18 2 miles
    5/15/18 2.1 miles
    5/16/18 1.9 miles
    5/17/18 1.95 miles
    5/18/18 2.01 miles
    5/19/18 2.05 miles
    5/20/18 6.55 miles

    5/21/18 rest
    5/22/18 3.05 miles
    5/23/18 2.5 miles
    5/24/18 2.05 miles
    5/25/18 1.9 miles
    5/26/18 3.12 miles
    5/27/18 8 miles

    5/28/18 1.5 miles

    Total 71.98 miles

    I was supposed to do 47 minutes but at about 18 minutes decided to head home. I was having some discomfort on the outside of my upper leg. It felt like it was originating from my hip. Probably because I have tight hips. I did stretch/yoga after my 8 miles yesterday but maybe not enough. May's goal was to get running consistently so for June I want to add in strength and stretching.

    I should still be able to meet my 75 miles between Wednesday and Thursday (1.5 miles each day and usually those runs net me around 2). Tuesday and Friday are running rest days because of early doctor appointments.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    ... not sure if getting up earlier will help all that much. I was out the door at 5:30am Saturday and I lost 8 lbs. :*

    Seriously? 8 pounds? I "ran" yesterday and gained 2.5. I don't think I sweat, just bloat. :frowning:

    My pr is 12lb during an ultra training run. Hello dehydration! I will say that post run I try to get back a good amount of it by re fueling. By that evening, I got back 8.
    My sweat rate is ridiculous though. Sometimes a little embarrassing at the gym when someone is on the Tm next to me, my sweat often flings from running to their Tm. :#