People just aren't getting it.



  • imjustlisa
    imjustlisa Posts: 79 Member
    The only reason I even remotely get it is my place of employment. When I got hired on at the Dept of Public Health in the Nutrition Program I was all about the drive-thru. It wasn't until after I drank the organic, gluten free, fresh squeezed "kool aid" that I started to get it. My environment began to shape my food choices. The cube walls here are covered with fresh fruits and vegetables. Recipe cards and even cook books are in our break rooms.

    If I worked somewhere else I would still be all about the drive thru and skinny fat. Hell I'm still skinny fat with some hella nasty Slim Fast in the cupboard because it was affordable. What I'm saying is people have to start somewhere, farmboy and farmboy band wagon. We all have to crawl before we walk. It is not very enlightened or educated for walkers to look back at crawlers and condemn them for not knowing how to walk yet. This journey called life is individual for a reason.

    Lastly, discussion boards are for discussion. Period. Ones we may want to get involved with and ones we may not. Applaud the whiners and us stupid people for even being here. We won't stay stupid forever. I mean damn you didn't, did you?
    well said! It reminds me of when I took my son to the school the other day, he is now a sophomore and was laughing at all the new freshmen coming in and how confused and lost they looked. I said to him last year you were one of those lost freshmen, but now you have learned your way. have some patience and help them out.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Wow time to stay off the forums for a few days, huh?
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    i agree..

    however one point i would like to make is that for some people like myself they need to follow a certain restricted diet for health reasons. I have to follow a low carb diet...thank you insulin resistance. So i do use the atkins resources sometimes. like i love their meal bars and things. however i dont follow their under 30carb rule or anything like that...i follow my nutritionists carb rules..

    But i do agree. it is going to take dedication and work...its not going to happen fast
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    I hear ya. This forum really helps to stay on track with exercise and diet. Even when I mess up it's nice to see how much activity/dietary altering it will take to get back in line.
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    i agree..

    however one point i would like to make is that for some people like myself they need to follow a certain restricted diet for health reasons. I have to follow a low carb diet...thank you insulin resistance. So i do use the atkins resources sometimes. like i love their meal bars and things. however i dont follow their under 30carb rule or anything like that...i follow my nutritionists carb rules..

    But i do agree. it is going to take dedication and work...its not going to happen fast

    ^^^Good point!^^^
  • Lindlee2
    Lindlee2 Posts: 29 Member
    LOVE IT!!!!! And well said. Thank you
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    Can't argue with any of that, I wish I'd been here for the un-toned down version!

    I've never gone in for "fad" diets but I've never kept going long enough to get where I want to be - so I've yoyo'd for the last 30 years and every time I've gained back more than I lost.

    This time I'm in it for the long haul and I know there's no easy way, It's going to be hard but I've GOT to do it.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Fully agree, but id like to highlight one point.


    To me, if i forced myself to eat all the veg, cut all chocolate, etc etc, i know i wouldnt keep it going after a few months. With my current setup i could happily do those the rest of my life. I dont feel like im depriving myself of anything, and to me that's the key. I just cant see how i could fall off this now. Daily calorie budget. I want something "extravagant"? Work it into my daily calories. Is it worth it? Yes, i have it. No, i dont have it. Simple!
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I agree 100%! I'm always surprised when I see 30-40 year olds discussing fad diets, even 20 year olds, because they strike me as so unbelievable only naive teenage girls would try them. I guess sometimes people just like to believe there's a secret switch they can activate to burn all the fat.

    Stomach stapling does work, though, I'll add. From personal experience, anyways - my mother got it done 6-7 years ago and she was well over 250 lbs, maybe 300. She is a tiny 120 now, but that is because she used her surgery in conjunction with a healthier lifestyle to get herself back on track. If you eat the same way after surgery, you're going to look the same!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I'll second everything said here. I started just about a month ago and have lost 12 pounds. I lost 2 pounds in the last two days because I'm having some kind of stomach issue and can't keep anything down. It got the scale moving, but I feel like crap. I haven't eaten much (what I have eaten I've thrown up), so yeah, I lost a couple more pounds, but I feel weak and tired. Not the way to do it. Going to the doctor today to see if it's a virus or something with my hiatal hernia. I want them to do something so I can eat again and get back to the gym. Not going today because I have zero energy from having very little food in me. So I'm walking testimony that starving yourself is NOT the way to do it. Yeah, you'll lose weight, but you'll feel like death warmed over in the process!
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    I had the Vertical Sleeve surgery and I am down 120 lbs, people like to say that I took the "easy way out", but the truth is without changing MYSELF and my habits the surgery would not have worked. It has been an amazing tool, and has helped me to deal with my raging hunger so I am better able to stick to the plan, but I still have to be 100% responsible for what goes into my mouth and had to make a commitment to exercise and life style change! You are right, there is no magic bullet.
  • sweetxsour35
    I admit to trying a fad diet, and unsurprisingly, it didn't work. Yeah, I lost 40 lbs in 4 months, but I did gain half of it back. I went the low carb way and felt so deprived because my whole diet up until that point had been carbs. I didn't enjoy half the foods I was allowed to eat, and I was in the middle of a plateau anyway, so I gave up.

    Moral of the story, kids: Fad diets don't work!