

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,630 Member
    Weighed myself. I’m 3-1/2lbs lighter than what I have in my profile. I will update it if I stay there in another week, but I will just lower it by 1/2 lb
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,300 Member
    Just finished eating a fabulous veggie curry. It always makes me feel so virtuous! Butternut squash, garbanzos, lentils and spinach, plus the usual onions, garlic, ginger and chilli paste. Plus spices. Have it with hot mixed pickle and raita.

    More AF stuff arrived today. Taking a big selection on the cruise. Just bought a new Seedlip for DH, who tasted the Spice one at DS's and liked it. I prefer the Garden, but they are both nice. I will have the occasional glass of alcohol, e.g. champagne, but I'm not going to drink like the last two years.

    Makeup - I don't wear it everyday just around the house, but if I go out I like to wear some. I definitely look sick without it and people always ask me if I am alright! :o I am deathly pale with no colour in my cheeks and my eyes are tiny. Without makeup I remind myself of my aged mother. Not good. I like to wear a tinted 50 sunscreen, a bit of foundation on my nose, a touch of powder on my nose and greasy forehead. Then some eyebrow pencil, shadow and mascara, with a thin line under my eyes. The most important thing is the liquid blusher to stop me looking half dead. Then some lip pencil, some indelible lipstick, plus a bit of normal lipstick on top. It takes around 10 minutes.
    When I'm done I feel human again and about ten times as confident. It is "my face". Not my mother's. It brightens my mood and I feel ready for anything. Same goes for my hair. If my hair isn't blonde, shiny and beautiful I'm not quite right.
    Fortunately there are many days when I go nowhere and see no one, so I can just slob out with greasy hair and no makeup. But if I want to face the world it really helps. :DB)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Regarding makeup - around the house day to day, I usually don't wear any. If I end up going to "town" to the post office or some other quick stop in errand, I will put on eyebrows (I haven't had any eyebrows for YEARS). If I know I will be going out, I generally use a powder foundation, some blush, light eye makeup and eyebrows. Two minutes tops. I do have a tinted moisturizer from my dermatologist that I am supposed to wear all the time (to protect from not only the sun but the damaging rays of the computer) but I do not. I don't like the feel of anything that heavy on my face all the time.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Finished baking for my eldest son that lives here, his squadron heading up to Alaska for a spell training. Gotta have some cookies on those long watches! The brownie mini loaves are for my DIL, thinking some chocolate might just keep that little thing upbeat. Sending her cookies ( in the foil), to round out the chocolate aspect. The cookies are just sugar cookies with mini M&M's.

    Not taking my cold medicine Sat and Sun so it will be out of my system prior to my procedure Monday morning. Plus I have to stay overnight. Nervous about that!
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Re Makeup: I wear makeup whenever I go out. Having acne really bad for many years, I had to wear something to cover it up. After my hysterectomy at age 39, the acne finally went away but I still wear foundation, blush, and lipstick. My eyesight is so bad I cannot put liner on without smearing it all over the place and I have stubs for lashes so no eye makeup. This is bad because my eyes have always been my best feature.

    Rebecca ~ Good for you baking for your son and DnL. :) I made a pudding cake the other day and now I know why I never bake....I end up eating it. LOL

    Had two pieces of fried chicken from the deli for lunch and now I feel so guilty consuming all that grease. :s Mad at myself for suggesting it but DH loves it.

    Carol from GA

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Oh, lip goo is always on. Usually tinted gloss, sometimes lipstick. Occasionally lip stain.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member

    Today I prepared my fav salad ever. Cottage cheese, some tomatoes, cucumber, green onion, some EVOO basil and garlic dressing, and wild rice. So yummy! I am addicted to large curd creamy cottage cheese. It's better than any sauce, and I sometimes add it to spaghetti sauce dishes, as a side.
    Tonight it's some sauteed kielbasa sausage, zucchini and more cottage cheese! Oh and a cuppa joe!
    Enjoy the day all!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    I like to eat my salads with a spoon too!
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    So, there I was thinking "Wow! The girls are quiet this month!" Turns out that while I had read June's first posts, I had forgotten to BOOKMARK June and so was still reading from May.... Had 5 pages to catch up on! lol Am now caught up.
    Lisa, that house just wasn't meant to be, there's a better one out there!
    On makeup, I never did use much, never got properly shown or taught how to do foundation, blush, etc, blundered about with it several years ago, and while I liked what I saw when I would first put it on, within a few hours the foundation would sort of cake in the lines and make me look MUCH older than I really am, so gave up on that. I used to use eyeshadow a lot, got pretty good with that, but am now finding that too much of that stuff irritates my eyes. I do use mascara, pretty much never leave home without it, my lashes aren't really thick, but good enough, but very blonde on the ends to they tend to look very short. The mascara just makes them show up better. I tried eyeliner, that really bothered my eyes, made them burn, not fun so gave up on that. Hubby also thought it made me look like I had two black eyes and I guess he didn't want to be blamed for something that he didn't do! lol
    Still haven't said anything to DS about the wedding day, I really want to do something soon, just hard to get together with him and I don't really want to waste any of the small portion of time that I get to spend with my grandson by having some big emotional confrontation with my son and daughter in law! Really need to do something soon tho, I'm stress eating and I'm pretty sure that's a huge part of the stress. Maybe they will let us take him for one day a week, or even one day every other week. Then he would at least know who we are!
    Okay, enough of the pity party.
    Heather, enjoy the cruise! We've only ever been on one, we did the Caribbean, enjoyed it immensely, definitely my idea of a vacation!
    Machka, you are a pillar of strength! Happy to hear that hubby is progressing. I'm sure it's not happening as fast as you would like, but you are certainly facing it with dignity and grace. You are truly an inspiration!
    Congrats to those celebrating, Hugs for those needing them and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island, where the weather is so much nicer than the weather man said it would be! (YAY!!!)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Barbie. Thanks for the June thread. Grateful.

    Karen in Virginia
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Dana, Milly has a beautiful face, reminds me most of my mare Aseelah.

    Katla, I am not boosting my hormones through synthetic or even bioidentical means. I am using herbs, food and essential oils to boost/balance many hormones such as melatonin, cortisol, Human Growth Hormone, DHEA, Adosterone, Thyroid hormones as well as the sex hormones, estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. There is so much information out there to help. By doing things naturally, I give my body the building blocks so it can produce what I need.

    My symptoms have been: cold hands and feet, thin-skinned, feel the cold easily, urinary stress incontinence, small bladder, need to pee all the time, leaking during exercise, difficulty building muscle, low libido, anxiety, increased wrinkles and greying hair, sugar cravings, and less sleeping. By learning how to boost hormones naturally, I have been fixing and improving lots of my symptoms.

    The three books I have found to be most informative are: Bio Young, by Roxy Dillon, How Not To Die, by Dr. Michael Gregor and The Hormone Solution, by Theirry Hertoghe. For anybody who believes that knowledge is power and wants to take control of their own health issues, I highly recommend these three books which each provide an essential piece of the puzzle. This information is vital for weight and depression issues as well.

    Machka, there is an excellent chapter on memory in The Hormone Solution and I thought you should read it and be empowered to help your husband as his body repairs the damage done by the accident.

    I am particularly happy that I have totally fixed my exercise leakage problem without doing any useless Keigal exercises. I am going to try jumping on the trampoline again, LOL.

    <3 Wendy
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did a hot cardio DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Warrior Workout DVD

    Lisa – I’m so sorry you didn’t get the house. But you DO have a great outlook on it.

    Lenora – thanks so much for your opinion on the Denise situation. It’s so good to run this by someone who has BTDT. I think this is what I’m going to do – just drop the whole thing knowing that they just don’t know any better.

    M – yes, the bridal shower was almost a year ago. It just brought up the feelings when Pete went on and on about how his family would never treat Denise the way he feels Jess treats her. Felicia – I felt I had let it go, but when Pete brought up the “my family is so great” business, that just brought up these feelings to me.

    Rye – don’t be amazed that I broke my hula hoop. It was VERY old. Jess is 34, I probably got it when she was around 9. But thanks for the compliment, tho. It was probably dried out. I do like to change up my workout, that’s good for the muscles. To me, it’s boring to do the same thing day after day. I just couldn’t do it. Like I only go to the water class one day/week. Unless I absolutely had to, I’d get bored doing it more often

    Just came back from a friend’s house. She had a “smell the flowers” brunch. I was surprised in a way that I was the only person who brought something to have in addition to something for the food pantry. Oh well….as Vince said, “that’s you. You can’t go anywhere emptyhanded”. And he’s right. She had these quiches, just had a bite of each of the three of them. Then she had bacon (the Italian type) wrapped melon (I had one), I had a piece of biscuit and butter. That was enough for me. Actually, I had some chicken before I went along with quite a bit of water.

    Lenora – good thoughts for Jennifer’s niece

    NYKaren – good for you signing up at a gym. Is it a chain or a local gym?

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,630 Member
    Stats for the day

    Spin class- 68min, 119ahr, 148mhr, 105aw, 80ar, 16.9mi= 497c
    Apple Watch- 504c
    Walk pick up winkle- 47.43min, 125mhr, 3.3ap, 2.6mi= 257c
    Apple Watch- 274c

    Total cal 754
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member