
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    Good morning, fitties! :-)

    Welcome to all the new challengers! And yes, this challenge is always open. If someone wants to join us on October 6th, we will welcome them in for one day of a fun challenge! Why not? ;-)

    Anyway, I'm still feeling sick today, unfortunately! Stupid cold. My voice has dropped like two octaves, does that happen to anyone else when you get a cold? I feel like a man today. Part of my job is answering the phones, and no one knows who I am. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

    Okay, time for another QOTD!!! I think that I will keep on posting the last several, in case anyone that joins in hasn't had the chance to answer the last couple. Answer whichever questions you want to answer, and/or ask some questions of your own!

    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why?

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past?

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    (1) Kettlebells b/c to me I feel like I'm doing a whole body workout.

    (2) I was googling something and stumbled upon MFP. Love MFP!

    (3) Clothes and jewelry were not fitting properly.
  • sgressock
    sgressock Posts: 47 Member
    NAME: Sunni
    AGE: 22
    HEIGHT: 5'6''
    GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 172 (I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks so it may be hard)
    GOAL PANTS SIZE: 12/14 (US)
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Honestly I try anything healthy.
    DIET GOALS: Stay healthy through my vacation, and eat right!
    EXERCISE GOALS: haha my goals are still to get motivated every day to exersise. I would like to walk in the morning and push hard in the evening though.
    OTHER GOALS: Hmm... Getting healthy is my main priority atm.
    FUN FACT: I havnt been home in a year.... Not many people know of my weight loss so they may be shocked. IM SO EXCITED!
  • hanaibo
    hanaibo Posts: 42
    Leah, I hope you are getting over your cold ok..Summer colds are the worst! :(

    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why?
    My favorite exercise is cycling! That's pretty much all I do on some days..I love it because it's fun (and fast) and can double as cheap transportation. Saves gas $$$.

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past?
    I've tried calorie counting sites (the ones where they just tell you how many calories different food items contain...no forums or anything, that are free, at least) in the past and they've worked fine. I love mfp because of the support mostly! Also because I can get access to good information offered by honest people who aren't trying to sell me stuff. :) I found out about MFP on a weight-loss/fitspo blog..glad I found it :D

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?
    I had grown comfortable with my "slightly above average" body type (always hovering between normal/overweight in terms of BMI) and was able to get away with eating junk when I was super active and rode my bike everywhere! This was before I got my driver's license. Once I did..I realized how many extra calories I was burning off the year before. The crappy food was also always putting me in a crappy mood...that paired with no self confidence..and lots of stress from school and work...did some damage to my relationship with my (now ex) boyfriend and many of my other friends. Much of the "me-problems" which triggered a good deal of the fights we had, seem to be suspiciously health related. So,feeling better because I ate fruits and veg instead of pizza...along with being single (^_^) helped me (motivation-wise) to get a head start on my fitness journey.

    Sorry for the long answer! Good luck to everyone!
  • QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    Just didn't feel like myself!! Always uncomfortable...nothing fit like it used to....didn't want to be seen around certain people.
  • tethomas73
    tethomas73 Posts: 249 Member
    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why? I really enjoy working out on the elliptical and some weight training..

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past? My daughter was telling me about all these different apps. that you could get on your phone, so I started looking for weight lost apps. and MFP pop up that is how I started using this program.. Do not have much to compare it to but I do really like this site..

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight? Well I have had many a-ha moments. But my daughter was graduating and moving on with her life while I was just sitting around doing nothing with mine, I was so wrap up in taking care of everybody else but me.. So when I started using MFP a week later I started going to the gym and its been on since then.. Every now and than old habits try to reenter but I have to stop and remind myself why this is so important to me..
  • NAME: Heather
    AGE: 19
    HEIGHT: 5'4
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Count calories
    DIET GOALS: Less fast food!
    EXERCISE GOALS: To work out at least 4 times a week.
    OTHER GOALS: I work at Lover's Lane and we dress up every weekend in October, gotta fit in some sexy Halloween costumes!
    FUN FACT: My favorite movie is Creepshow.
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    testing something...
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    shoot! it didn't work. more testing...
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    more testing...
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    Grrrrrr!!!!! OK...OK... OK... I GIVE UP!!!!!

    Can somebody pleeeeeeeease give me a step-by-step on how to add a picture to your signature? And please, feel no way about it - DUMB IT DOWN FOR ME!

    I have tried doing this: (1)- going to signature (from Community tab) and then (2)- pasting the code"http://i53.tinypic.com/bg78cp.jpg". But nothing. I have also tried doing this as "bg78cp.jpg" and have still failed.

    I just don't get the 'how' of it.... HELP ME PLEEEEEASE! (said in high pitched whining voice).
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    LOL!!! WTF just happened? How did I end up with the pic in middle of my last post? Surely I am a genuine *kitten* 'cause I just can't figure this out! LOL!!!
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!! YES!!!!! Obviously, you guys can now see that I got it to work. YES!!!!!! YES!!!!! YES!!!!!

    Still not quite sure 'how' I got it to work as I just kept doing the same thing over and over and over. BUT - YES!!!!!! There it is!!!!
  • GemSola
    GemSola Posts: 8
    First challenge. Yay!

    NAME: Megan
    AGE: 19
    HEIGHT: 5'2''
    START PANTS SIZE: 12/14 (US)
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Just calorie counting
    DIET GOALS: eat more fruits and veggies, and to have a set work out schedule
    EXERCISE GOALS: to be able to jog between a half a mile and a mile without slowing to a walk
    OTHER GOALS: To tone up
    FUN FACT: I am a major sucker for almost any sort of boy band. I also own two cats (Hazel and Tigger) and two dogs (Sheena, and Tessie). Also, I am a major geek :P
  • PersuingPetite
    PersuingPetite Posts: 22 Member
    I would love to join!!!

    NAME: Pierce
    AGE: 18
    HEIGHT: 5'7"
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET:no?!. what can I say. I really like food.
    DIET GOALS: No more soda. (I feel addicted)
    EXERCISE GOALS: to bring back some endurance.
    OTHER GOALS: more firm and toned everywhere
    FUN FACT: I can wiggle my ears?.
  • This is AWESOME!!! I know how you feel about the "closed" challenges. So I am super super excited about this!!!!

    NAME: Heather
    AGE: 36
    HEIGHT: 5'6''
    GOAL PANTS SIZE: 13/14 (US)
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Count calories and fat and log on to MFP
    DIET GOALS: portion control
    EXERCISE GOALS: Complete "The Firm Express"
    OTHER GOALS: Think of this not as a diet but a lifestyle change
    FUN FACT: When I was a little girl I wanted to be a pro boxer and drive a yellow station wagon w/wood grain on it.....Can anybody say "DORK".....LOL :))
  • QOTD #1 - I love "The Firm" dvd's they are great for cardio and strength training. I can burn a lot of cals and I get a great sweat going. I'm a cardio junkie and the more I sweat the better I feel.

    QOTD #2 - I heard about MFP from a friend of mine. Since she had joined she had lost 16lbs and she said it was great for motivation. I'm so glad I joined cuz it is an awesome motivator and makes you accountable for your food records.

    QOTD#3 - My "AHH HAA" moment......hmmm.....when I was watching a "Biggest Loser" episode and my 5yr old little boy said, "Mommy, that makes me so sad that her mommy can't play with her." "Mommy I don't ever want it that you can't play with me and brother so you just keep working out okay mommy."
    I always try to workout and show my kiddos that excercise can be fun and not a chore. Its just part of our everyday life. But in April I had slowed down from working out I kinda hit a low. There was just so much going on with work, home and well just everyday life. I was just DRAINED and I wasn't working out at all. So from April to July I had gained 25lbs back. BOY OH BOY was that a big reality check and then I remembered Ty making that comment and how could I not take care of myself. I mean these 2 little boys of mine look to me to be here for them, guide them, and how selfish is it of me to not take care of myself. So now I make sure I get at least 30mins of excercise in everyday. And I also realized that doesn't just mean I have to do a DVD or treadmill. I can just play and dance w/my boys. I guess that could be another "AHH HA" moment excercise doesn't have to be limited to dvds and workout equipment.....you can also just play w/your kiddos.
  • Thanks for this!

    NAME: ----
    AGE: 21
    HEIGHT: 5'6''
    DIET GOALS: Stop binging at night
    EXERCISE GOALS: Workout 5-6x a week and stick to pilates and yoga
    OTHER GOALS: Master basic belly dancing
  • MLStoMLK
    MLStoMLK Posts: 28 Member
    QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why?

    Running or fast walking. I haven't started running again since I became pregnant 3 years ago and had to stop. I like it b/c it seems to burn calories much faster than walking. Hoping to get back into running.

    QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other programs/sites/diets/etc you've tried in the past?

    I found MFP on Google. I was looking for a calorie counter thing so I could track exactly how much I've been eating. A friend started doing this on her phone and has had great results. The other program that I have tried is Weight Watchers and Weight Watchers on-line. This is so much better b/c it's FREE!

    QOTD #3: What was your "a-ha" moment, meaning was there a specific moment that made you decide that it was time to lose the weight?

    My a-ha moments have been looking in the mirror at my big ol' stomach & behind, being asked by two people if I'm expecting a baby, putting on my swim suit, and hating to wear clothes that are too tight.
  • kierra28
    kierra28 Posts: 68 Member
    I was just calculating my steady weight loss (according to 6 lbs/week). I think I will make it to 148-146 lbs by October 7. I don't lnow whether I was super excited/sleepy/ or in a dumb moment phase that I mentioned 120 lbs as my goal by October *blush*. I want to retain my weight loss and don't think will go rapid weight loss way. Sorry for the error! Here's my revised goals:

    NAME: Kierra
    AGE: 24
    HEIGHT: 5'2.5"
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: vegetarian and counting calories!
    DIET GOALS: to be able to balance health and taste
    **EXERCISE GOALS: To complete Zumba Exhilerate by October and complete 30 day shred in October.
    OTHER GOALS: be more firm and toned everywhere and no longer afraid of exercising
    **FUN FACT: I have frequent dumb moments...lol!!
  • shele75
    shele75 Posts: 29
    YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!! YES!!!!! Obviously, you guys can now see that I got it to work. YES!!!!!! YES!!!!! YES!!!!!

    Still not quite sure 'how' I got it to work as I just kept doing the same thing over and over and over. BUT - YES!!!!!! There it is!!!!