How did you meet your SO?



  • iWishMyNameWasRebel
    iWishMyNameWasRebel Posts: 174 Member
    Facebook. We had a lot of mutual friends because we went to the same high school during my junior/senior years; however, we don't recall knowing or seeing each other there. We started to see each other commenting on mutual friends statuses, and then we started commenting on each other's comments, and then friended each other. Flirted a lot online and finally one of us asked the other to meet. We spent 3 hours in Starbucks talking before he finally had to go. He "followed" me almost all the way home, which freaked me out. Turns out, he lived a mile from me and we frequented all the same stores, LOL! We'd been ragingly lonely practically on the same road but it took Facebook for us to meet.
  • kittiebittie
    kittiebittie Posts: 39 Member
    I met hubby through a mutual friend who he met while he was foreign exchange student in the United States. I interviewed hubby through facebook for a college paper and we remained friends. Then he flew from Norway to the US to meet me. We started dating and got married! We lived in the US awhile but now I am working on my visa to move to Norway. We have been married 6 years and have a beautiful black kitty named Stoner (my profile picture).
  • ChaelAZ
    ChaelAZ Posts: 2,240 Member
    . [it] gets harder as you get older
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    speak for yourself and ....

    get off my lawn

    They have pills for it, in three hour increments even.
    And you have rocks, not a lawn.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    ChaelAZ wrote: »
    . [it] gets harder as you get older
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    speak for yourself and ....

    get off my lawn

    And you have rocks, not a lawn.

    one of the happiest days of my life was rolling our lawn mower to the curb with a sign that read:

    Free to a Good Home
  • DorothyM11
    DorothyM11 Posts: 22 Member
    When we were 11 years old (1966) my SO moved in next door. We will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary in July. We both went to college and have post-graduate degrees. Weird, I know!
  • budonyan
    budonyan Posts: 38 Member
    We met on a crummy little anxiety disorder support chat room. He drove 600 miles to see me and now we're married and been together the better part of a decade. The lesson is meet crazy people on a chatroom and get married! (just kidding I got lucky lol)
  • jonathanbowler
    jonathanbowler Posts: 4 Member
    I met my wife online. I was newly single (a few weeks) after a 6 year engagement, and decided not to sit around wasting my life away (it was going down hill for quite a while, so no loss when she made me decide between my family and her). We text for a few weeks and finally met up for coffee after work one day, and haven't looked back since. September will make 4 years.
  • MsStacey130
    MsStacey130 Posts: 1 Member
    We met when we were 9 or 10 years old; he looked at a drawing I made in class and he said it "looked like 'a stupid'," so I told him his face was stupid. We were best friends after that point, started officially dating in high school, and got married September of last year after being together for 6 years :smile:
  • wendygailskitchen
    wendygailskitchen Posts: 9 Member
    I walked into church on a Sunday night, about half hour early (I was the piano player). I was about to go start "warming up the keys" (practice)before service. My pastor/friend walked in and out of the blue told me He had somebody he wanted me to meet. I told him ok. Wednesday night service, Pastor told me if I didn't have any plans, to be at his home that Friday night at 7pm and that him and his wife, plus two other couples, myself and my now husband were going out . Mind you that before that night, I had never laid eyes on him. From the day we meet, until the day we were married was 7 months. That was 22 years ago. And yes, we're still married
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    So it’s Thursday and I’m at Cheers (swear ta gawd that was the name then). It’s just me and and Tommy the fresh off the boat Irish bartender in the whole place. We’re sampling every pharmacological treat he found in his uncle’s medicine cabinet and drinking everything in sight for free because Tommy’s already decided that “you fookin’ Americans work way to goddamn hard so I am going back home, going on the dole and getting goddamn high.”

    It’s about 7:00 and we are halfway through an 8-ball and we’re trying to find porn on the satellite dish. I get up to go to the bathroom for a pee and a bump. When I come outta the bathroom I see there’s someone sitting right next to my stuff. My first thought was, “The whole fookin’ bar and ye sit right fookin’ next to me. Just fookin’ lovely.”

    I make my way back and sit down. There’s a pretty Asian girl sitting there smiling at me.

    Tommy slurs, “Richie, this is Jeanny. Jeanny, Richie. There. Done.”

    She says hi and asks what we’re doing with a heavy accent.

    “Lookin’ for porn and getting goddamn high,” I snarled.

    She laughed hysterically and slapped me hard on the arm, “You funny, Richie. Find penis movie,Tommy!”

    It went downhill from there.
  • PinkCaribou
    PinkCaribou Posts: 4 Member
    I met my husband in an online 3D chat world in April 2002. We were both teenagers and we became fast friends--later best friends who told each other literally EVERYTHING. I lived in Virginia and he lived in England, but we didn't let time differences stand in our way.

    When I left my first husband, best friend said he'd had feelings for me for a very long time.

    We've been married for two years now and I emigrated to England to be with him :)
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,812 Member
    Burger King...I worked there my junior year of high school, then my now husband started working there, been together 13 years, and have 4 kids
  • 2VORNT2V
    2VORNT2V Posts: 596 Member
    angmarie28 wrote: »
    Burger King...I worked there my junior year of high school, then my now husband started working there, been together 13 years, and have 4 kids

    Dude, are you married to THE KING?
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,812 Member
    2VORNT2V wrote: »
    angmarie28 wrote: »
    Burger King...I worked there my junior year of high school, then my now husband started working there, been together 13 years, and have 4 kids

    Dude, are you married to THE KING?

    He Wishes.
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    Well. It started with a box of cheeze its. And ended with a video.
  • 2VORNT2V
    2VORNT2V Posts: 596 Member
    Well. It started with a box of cheeze its. And ended with a video.

    Hey, I've seen that movie.Believe the title was..

    "Two Attractive Young Women Twist It, Bop It, Cheeze Its [1080P QUALITY][BESTVIDZ.COM]
  • karsei01
    karsei01 Posts: 442 Member
    I met hubby through a mutual friend who he met while he was foreign exchange student in the United States. I interviewed hubby through facebook for a college paper and we remained friends. Then he flew from Norway to the US to meet me. We started dating and got married! We lived in the US awhile but now I am working on my visa to move to Norway. We have been married 6 years and have a beautiful black kitty named Stoner (my profile picture).

    See? we norwegians are good people...hehe
    Where are you gonna move?
  • ronronronj
    ronronronj Posts: 474 Member
    I was at a singles-oriented religious service. The service was about to start and I was talking to a guy next to me. A couple walked in looking for a seat. I told the guy next to me to move over so I could also and make room for this couple. The woman sat next to me with the guy in the aisle. I was showing the woman what page we were on at various points in the service.

    As it turned out, they were not a couple. The guy left early, and this woman and I got to talking after the service. She gave me her number, but then she was going to school out of town. I figured she had a boyfriend there, but decided to give her a call anyway. We kept up this telephone relationship for six weeks! School ended and she came back home. We started dating and I proposed after three months. We got married about three months after that, so the total time between first meeting and marriage was 8 months. We've been married 21 years now.
  • RockinBaker5210
    RockinBaker5210 Posts: 27 Member
    edited June 2018
    I met him on an online dating site. After weeks of debating on whether I should message him or not (a little shy to send out the first message), I finally decided I had nothing to lose and sent him a quick message about how we seemed to have a few things in common. He wrote back, and after a week of sending novel-length letter back and forth once or twice a day to get to know each other, we finally talked on the phone and then a few day later, met in person. We've been together now just over 11 years and married for 8 of them and still going strong.