How did you meet your SO?



  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    At a mutual friend's cook out. Our first date was New Years Eve 1977. Been together ever since.

    40 years is no small feat. Congrats
  • bojack3
    bojack3 Posts: 1,483 Member
    Our story is strange. I can't help but think it was meant to be. I was visiting the Eiffel Tower with my ex. I had dropped my purse and some of it's contents spilled out. This guy was kind enough to bend down and help me with my belongings. He asked me if I was there with anyone and I said my boyfriend who at this point was quite far away from me and still hadn't noticed I'm not beside him or that I had even dropped my stuff. The guy says to me "thats too bad I would love to take you to dinner, and your boyfriend doesn't seem like he deserves you". We said goodbye and I caught up to my boyfriend but still thinking of this guy. There was something about him in only the few minutes that felt right. Anyways fast forward 4 years. Boyfriend is long gone. I had recently graduated university. Facebook had a group for my university's alumni. There's this guy in it and he looks so familiar but I can't pinpoint it. I think he's cute so I message him and tell him he looks very familiar. And lo and behold it's the guy from the Effiel tower. We had went to the same University for three years. I get to talking to him and there's that easy feeling again. Sadly he wasn't around anymore. I was in Toronto and he was in Texas. We chatted everyday and then that summer I flew to Texas to spend the summer there. I fell in love. That Christmas he flew here to visit and he just never went home. He's been here ever since. Things haven't always been easy for us. I went through my own stuff and separated myself from him but we managed to find our way back to each other and my love for him is greater than it's ever been.

    So a year later, what happened?
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    Yahoo Chatroom in 1998...
  • R3d_butt3rfly
    R3d_butt3rfly Posts: 1,127 Member
    Marshall's. I was working the service desk. He was the guy who stocked the vending machines. I used to get a lot of free candies ;) lol that was 15 yrs ago
  • bojack3
    bojack3 Posts: 1,483 Member
    She was a hairdresser in place I walked by everyday. One day I stopped in to try and get a haircut from her. She was too busy. So I stopped in every 2 weeks for months until she cut my hair. I asked her out and she said no......i was undeterred. I became a regular in the place and finally after about 6 months she went out with me. I knew it went well because we went out on a Friday and she told me she had another date on Saturday with someone else that she couldn't cancel. I said fine, but Saturday she called me and said she canceled that date and was free. It was a good day. Unfortunately we lasted only a couple of years, but it was pretty intense while it lasted.
  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    bojack3 wrote: »
    She was a hairdresser in place I walked by everyday. One day I stopped in to try and get a haircut from her. She was too busy. So I stopped in every 2 weeks for months until she cut my hair. I asked her out and she said no......i was undeterred. I became a regular in the place and finally after about 6 months she went out with me. I knew it went well because we went out on a Friday and she told me she had another date on Saturday with someone else that she couldn't cancel. I said fine, but Saturday she called me and said she canceled that date and was free. It was a good day. Unfortunately we lasted only a couple of years, but it was pretty intense while it lasted.

    She gave the best haircuts, didn't she?
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    POF (we are the coolest)

    I messaged him because he actually filled out his profile, and it said something about being a smart *kitten* so I thought he might be fun to talk to. Together 8 years, married for 4.
  • como_agua
    como_agua Posts: 213 Member
    edited June 2018
    at a nightclub! after dating a crazy stalker - i never wanted to set foot in a club again, fearful i'd run into him . but a friend i'd met in Greece came to my city and was staying with me while she was touring Canada. she wanted to go dancing so i agreed. this tall dark handsome fella asked me to dance and while he flailed on the dance floor like a frog in a blender - i kind of fell for his smile. his friend asked my friend to dance, and they came to our table and chatted with us. he didn't ask for my number then - but we met up again a few months later at a different club - and he finally asked! when he did call - he asked me over to his place for dinner - and the rest is history.

    30 years this September <3.
  • SabAteNine
    SabAteNine Posts: 1,866 Member
    Uni. He had enrolled again two semesters before, in my year, after a longer hiatus. I was out of a three-year relationship, and wasn't really looking. About 10 of us went out for a beer one day, and we got to talking something else other than projects. We kept talking. That was 8 years ago.
  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    SabAteNine wrote: »
    Uni. He had enrolled again two semesters before, in my year, after a longer hiatus. I was out of a three-year relationship, and wasn't really looking. About 10 of us went out for a beer one day, and we got to talking something else other than projects. We kept talking. That was 8 years ago.

    Isn't all that talking knackering?
  • como_agua
    como_agua Posts: 213 Member
    edited June 2018
    bojack3 wrote: »
    Our story is strange. I can't help but think it was meant to be. I was visiting the Eiffel Tower with my ex. I had dropped my purse and some of it's contents spilled out. This guy was kind enough to bend down and help me with my belongings. He asked me if I was there with anyone and I said my boyfriend who at this point was quite far away from me and still hadn't noticed I'm not beside him or that I had even dropped my stuff. The guy says to me "thats too bad I would love to take you to dinner, and your boyfriend doesn't seem like he deserves you". We said goodbye and I caught up to my boyfriend but still thinking of this guy. There was something about him in only the few minutes that felt right. Anyways fast forward 4 years. Boyfriend is long gone. I had recently graduated university. Facebook had a group for my university's alumni. There's this guy in it and he looks so familiar but I can't pinpoint it. I think he's cute so I message him and tell him he looks very familiar. And lo and behold it's the guy from the Effiel tower. We had went to the same University for three years. I get to talking to him and there's that easy feeling again. Sadly he wasn't around anymore. I was in Toronto and he was in Texas. We chatted everyday and then that summer I flew to Texas to spend the summer there. I fell in love. That Christmas he flew here to visit and he just never went home. He's been here ever since. Things haven't always been easy for us. I went through my own stuff and separated myself from him but we managed to find our way back to each other and my love for him is greater than it's ever been.

    So a year later, what happened?

    We decided to have a baby. But after back to back miscarriages, I became very depressed and emotionally I fell apart. I was scared to try again, I felt ashamed I couldn’t provide him with what he wanted and ran away from the situation telling myself I was giving him the chance to be with a woman who can. Months later, I am still feeling all of this and he is hoping I will come around when I am better. Quite the fairy tale ending.

    .....i hope it works... big hug....
  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    como_agua wrote: »
    Our story is strange. I can't help but think it was meant to be. I was visiting the Eiffel Tower with my ex. I had dropped my purse and some of it's contents spilled out. This guy was kind enough to bend down and help me with my belongings. He asked me if I was there with anyone and I said my boyfriend who at this point was quite far away from me and still hadn't noticed I'm not beside him or that I had even dropped my stuff. The guy says to me "thats too bad I would love to take you to dinner, and your boyfriend doesn't seem like he deserves you". We said goodbye and I caught up to my boyfriend but still thinking of this guy. There was something about him in only the few minutes that felt right. Anyways fast forward 4 years. Boyfriend is long gone. I had recently graduated university. Facebook had a group for my university's alumni. There's this guy in it and he looks so familiar but I can't pinpoint it. I think he's cute so I message him and tell him he looks very familiar. And lo and behold it's the guy from the Effiel tower. We had went to the same University for three years. I get to talking to him and there's that easy feeling again. Sadly he wasn't around anymore. I was in Toronto and he was in Texas. We chatted everyday and then that summer I flew to Texas to spend the summer there. I fell in love. That Christmas he flew here to visit and he just never went home. He's been here ever since. Things haven't always been easy for us. I went through my own stuff and separated myself from him but we managed to find our way back to each other and my love for him is greater than it's ever been.

    i'm so glad for you...from the bottom of my heart . what a story.

    I don't think that you read the update...
  • SabAteNine
    SabAteNine Posts: 1,866 Member
    PAFC84 wrote: »
    SabAteNine wrote: »
    Uni. He had enrolled again two semesters before, in my year, after a longer hiatus. I was out of a three-year relationship, and wasn't really looking. About 10 of us went out for a beer one day, and we got to talking something else other than projects. We kept talking. That was 8 years ago.

    Isn't all that talking knackering?

    Ha :lol: I didn't realize how it sounds until I re-read the post. We do take breaks from it. Plus, nowadays the vocabulary has shrunk a bit and it's way more on point. Like, „Hi, we're out of bread! Thanks!”:smiley:
  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    SabAteNine wrote: »
    PAFC84 wrote: »
    SabAteNine wrote: »
    Uni. He had enrolled again two semesters before, in my year, after a longer hiatus. I was out of a three-year relationship, and wasn't really looking. About 10 of us went out for a beer one day, and we got to talking something else other than projects. We kept talking. That was 8 years ago.

    Isn't all that talking knackering?

    Ha :lol: I didn't realize how it sounds until I re-read the post. We do take breaks from it. Plus, nowadays the vocabulary has shrunk a bit and it's way more on point. Like, „Hi, we're out of bread! Thanks!”:smiley:

    What. No "how are you?" How does he put up with you? ;)
  • huntersvonnegut
    huntersvonnegut Posts: 1,177 Member
    PAFC84 wrote: »
    At a mutual friend's cook out. Our first date was New Years Eve 1977. Been together ever since.

    40 years is no small feat. Congrats

    Mille grazie. Ironically, she has pretty small feet ;). Or is it coincidentaly? I’m usually not sure.

  • kdbulger
    kdbulger Posts: 396 Member
    We knew of each other from attending the same youth camp as teenagers. Back then, as teens, I couldn't say I had any attraction to him whatsoever.

    In my early twenties I was on a dating site, and after a few really awful strike-outs, I had decided to just quit dating for awhile to focus on school and personal development. I logged in to the site to delete my profile and decided to check the unread message in my inbox before hitting delete.

    The message was from him, and instead of being all pervy like 90% of messages, it was just a friendly, "Oh hi, I think I know from the youth camp in 2002, right?". I replied, and we struck up a conversation which moved to email/MSN messenger so I could delete my account.

    Talking to him was so easy and delightful - very quickly we were talking as often as possible, and decided to get together for a date. The rest is history - we've been together for 11 years, married for 8. We have two kids. He's my best friend.

    If you believe in signs from the dearly departed - my great grandmother, which whom I was very close, died less than a year before I started dating my SO. Shortly after we started dating, I had a dream that my great-grandmother came back from the grave to guide me to a hidden winning lottery ticket in her house - the lottery is a real one here in Canada called Set For Life. As soon as I woke up I knew the dream was a message about more than a lottery - it was that SO was the one and that we would be set for life together.
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    DragonCon '94, Klingons, and a prank phone call....been married 20 years now.
  • SabAteNine
    SabAteNine Posts: 1,866 Member
    PAFC84 wrote: »
    SabAteNine wrote: »
    PAFC84 wrote: »
    SabAteNine wrote: »
    Uni. He had enrolled again two semesters before, in my year, after a longer hiatus. I was out of a three-year relationship, and wasn't really looking. About 10 of us went out for a beer one day, and we got to talking something else other than projects. We kept talking. That was 8 years ago.

    Isn't all that talking knackering?

    Ha :lol: I didn't realize how it sounds until I re-read the post. We do take breaks from it. Plus, nowadays the vocabulary has shrunk a bit and it's way more on point. Like, „Hi, we're out of bread! Thanks!”:smiley:

    What. No "how are you?" How does he put up with you? ;)

    No no, that was him :smiley: I'm in full control of shopping. And don't eat bread. Usually.
  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    SabAteNine wrote: »
    PAFC84 wrote: »
    SabAteNine wrote: »
    PAFC84 wrote: »
    SabAteNine wrote: »
    Uni. He had enrolled again two semesters before, in my year, after a longer hiatus. I was out of a three-year relationship, and wasn't really looking. About 10 of us went out for a beer one day, and we got to talking something else other than projects. We kept talking. That was 8 years ago.

    Isn't all that talking knackering?

    Ha :lol: I didn't realize how it sounds until I re-read the post. We do take breaks from it. Plus, nowadays the vocabulary has shrunk a bit and it's way more on point. Like, „Hi, we're out of bread! Thanks!”:smiley:

    What. No "how are you?" How does he put up with you? ;)

    No no, that was him :smiley: I'm in full control of shopping. And don't eat bread. Usually.

    Disaster averted. Good work
  • SabAteNine
    SabAteNine Posts: 1,866 Member
    edited June 2018
    bojack3 wrote: »
    Our story is strange. I can't help but think it was meant to be. I was visiting the Eiffel Tower with my ex. I had dropped my purse and some of it's contents spilled out. This guy was kind enough to bend down and help me with my belongings. He asked me if I was there with anyone and I said my boyfriend who at this point was quite far away from me and still hadn't noticed I'm not beside him or that I had even dropped my stuff. The guy says to me "thats too bad I would love to take you to dinner, and your boyfriend doesn't seem like he deserves you". We said goodbye and I caught up to my boyfriend but still thinking of this guy. There was something about him in only the few minutes that felt right. Anyways fast forward 4 years. Boyfriend is long gone. I had recently graduated university. Facebook had a group for my university's alumni. There's this guy in it and he looks so familiar but I can't pinpoint it. I think he's cute so I message him and tell him he looks very familiar. And lo and behold it's the guy from the Effiel tower. We had went to the same University for three years. I get to talking to him and there's that easy feeling again. Sadly he wasn't around anymore. I was in Toronto and he was in Texas. We chatted everyday and then that summer I flew to Texas to spend the summer there. I fell in love. That Christmas he flew here to visit and he just never went home. He's been here ever since. Things haven't always been easy for us. I went through my own stuff and separated myself from him but we managed to find our way back to each other and my love for him is greater than it's ever been.

    So a year later, what happened?

    We decided to have a baby. But after back to back miscarriages, I became very depressed and emotionally I fell apart. I was scared to try again, I felt ashamed I couldn’t provide him with what he wanted and ran away from the situation telling myself I was giving him the chance to be with a woman who can. Months later, I am still feeling all of this and he is hoping I will come around when I am better. Quite the fairy tale ending.

    Oh, Meg. This was a story that put a lump in my throat. You are a strong, beautiful, AMAZING and kind human being and you deserve all the happy in the world. May you have it. Stay strong.