Sisterhood HCP Week 4



  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I haven't posted in a while - I kind of melted down. I have suffered with post-partum depression with all of my kids and thought that maybe I had escaped it with my son (who is now 5mths). However, it became very clear a couple of weeks ago that I have not. Rather than doing what I know I can do to help myself feel better (working out, spending more time outside, taking extra vitamins, etc.), I really just collapsed and sunk into it. I wallowed in it. It was a very yucky week. The last few days I have done better, so here I am.

    Someone asked how we picked our goal weight and I realize that I may need to reevaluate mine. I am 5’5 and after my 3rd daughter was born I worked out very hard and got down to 125 – I was in the best shape of my adult (post kids) life. I didn’t stay at 125 for long, as I found that 130 was a lot easier for me to maintain. But then I had daughter #4 and my son in September. I set my goal weight back at 125 because I wanted to be in the best shape that I can be in before my brother-in-law’s wedding in April. I am realizing that it may not be realistic since I still have to lose 19 lbs and there are only in 8 weeks to go!! This realization definitely didn’t help with my depression. But I have decided that I would rather work as hard as I can, and lose what I can in the next 8 weeks. Whatever I lose, I will look better than I will if I just give-up!!
    I was wandering where you were. I am so sorry that you are suffering from PPD. I have never personally experienced it but I know many women that have. I think the decision you have made to take what ever weight loss before his wedding is the best thing right now. I think you have done great with your weight loss and if you try and lose it before then you will not be doing your body any good. If you ever need to chat I am on here all the time. You can always pm me.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I could have eaten differently but I felt like even once I get thin I will eat these things. I just have to eat them in moderation and be aware or everything I am putting in my mouth.

    Thompsons you are so right. I was thinking the same thing when you first were talking about whether or not you should have cake. This isn't a DIET you are on, this is a LIFESTYLE! And LIFE HAS CAKE!!! We have to all stop beating ourselves up for having a chocolate or two or a piece of cake on a special occasion... I said on another thread where one of us was crying because she emotionally ate 7 chocolates that it's not a few chocolates on one day that will make us fat (or keep us fat), it's a few chocolates EVERY day that will! Knowing that there will be a little 'sumthin sumthin' at a gathering or that it's Vday or Easter or a Birthday party or whatever allows you to make the choices before and after to BALANCE out those indulgences. Life is all about balance isn't it? Good for you for recognizing that you don't have to deprive yourself of what everyone else is enjoying - that's like a punishment or something and we all love ourselves so much (that's why we're here). It's ridiculous to think we'd punish ourselves for the rest of our lives.

    abullock, I'm sorry you're going through a depression right now. I've never had my own babies (:cry: ) so I can't relate, but I have had the blues and have them a bit right now (winter blahs mixed in with really bad homesickness). I hope you will continue to check in with us and know that we all care about you. Do your best with your weight loss, but more importantly take care of your heart and mind! Hugs to you!:flowerforyou:

    Pepamint! I was wondering where you were! Good for you for keeping up with your walks! I think you have the right idea about going low and slow with the 30 day. Once your body is ready for more, you'll know, and knowing you, you will be raring to go hardcore! :laugh: You go girl!

    Happy Sunday to everyone! I think my eliptical is arriving today! Yay!
    Yeah I thought long and hard about this. I just thought I am not going to never eat cake the rest of my life. I am young for god's sake. I had my cake and enjoyed it. I added the calories and excercised like I would any other day. Unlike before I started this journey. I would have sat down and eating half of the cake maybe not in one sitting but I would have kept going back for more. Instead I only allowed my self one peice. I even had one today but I am still in my calories. I hope you eliptical comes. We did not move our tredmil and I am so sad but I do have a gym right across the street but it is not as easy with two kids.
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Hi all!! Hope everyone had a great day yesterday.:heart::heart:
    Thompsons -- good for you for looking food in the face and saying, I can control what (and in my case how much) goes into my mouth and being realistic and not depriving yourself.
    Abullock -- I'm so glad you're back. Keep in touch with us, most of us are mommies too, so we feel your pain, and understand sometimes you just need a shoulder.:smile: I think you're right about your goals, don't beat yourself up if you don't get there. (Of course I'm just jealous, cuz if I was 145 after 5 kids I'd probably be having another on the way due to a horney hubby:laugh: ) You're one hot momma!
    Pepamint -- maybe you should alternate days. Go walking one day, and do the shred the next. That way you're not doubling up on the cardio. I've been trying to change it up every couple days and it seems to be working (after a couple weeks of nothing). Just a thought:wink:

    I'm almost positive I went over on cals yesterday, but I did work out and saved a bunch for dinner. I had veggies, salad, baked potatoe and yummy prime rib. The only thing I could have done better on, and just didn't want to, was fried zuccini. I passed on dessert though. (really isn't a sacrifice for me, I'm not much for sweets anyway -- but shhh, it sounds better if I don't admit that:wink: ) It was so freakin yummy -- was going into beef withdrawls:laugh: . Oh well, not the end of the world! Well I have a busy day ahead, so I should get to it!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey everyone... I had an absolutely miserable Valentine's day... My kids were arguing the entire time, and now my youngest is sick. My husband acted like a real grump and I ended up being more stressed out as the evening progressed... Sometimes, I wish that I could just lock myself in a room and pretend that I was the only person in our house for a couple of hours... Anyway, I definitely over-did it on calories... I didn't even realize what I was doing until things were completely out of control. I also didn't work out like I should have. But today is another day, and I'm focusing on taking care of my little one. I'm going to double up and do the workout that I missed yesterday- I'll just split them up into two separate workouts so I don't feel like I'm doing too much. Hope everyone else had a better day that I did...:sad:
  • dsangel
    You're not alone MissResa. My vals day was good except for the cupcakes I made then ate too many of. And then ate more today. I haven't exercised in several days because "life" keeps interfering. As do these dang conversation hearts my sweet hubby got me! Anywho, I've got to buckle down and get busy. abullock and I have the same time goal but she is alot closer then I am! I would love to be at my goal weight of 150 by April but it's just not realistic. So I need help......I'm slightly over 200 right now, what would be a good and realistic goal weight for mid April??? I've lost around 9lbs in the past month, is it realistic to say another 9lbs from now till mid March then another 9 from mid March to mid April?
  • iwant2stayhealthy
    OK..I posted this on the wrong week so I am double posting. I am sorry..:flowerforyou: I come in peace. I actually tried to post last night but after typing a whole saga, I went to post and the site had gone down for maintenance..and did I because I was tired. Then I posted earlier and the site lost once again..I am trying to get this right.

    Seriously, I know I have been remiss in posting, as my DD Pepamint keeps reminding me. So she'll be my Bob about posting and I'll be her Jillian about walking. We both kick each others butt about food and strength we really are a team. I also promised to put a picture up..and I did...although I really hate to be much so that when my kids were younger and had just learned facts about "the undead" I think they actually believed me when I told them I was a vampire and wouldn't show up in pictures.

    First of all, way to go..everyone who has even lost an ounce..or hasn't gained..or has been sick and did the best they could..this is for the long even if you fell off the wagon..just keep your eye on the prize and get back on..those jeans will fit us. for me..I lost another 1.5 pounds..and a pair of jeans I had been avoiding due to the lovely "muffintop" effect that members of all genders are prone to if we gain weight, now fit me. NO...they are NOT the pair that I am longing to fit into...when (notice I said when, not IF) I fit into those you will hear me yelling even if you live in Timbuktu, but I feel encouraged. I also see that I am getting a bit tighter too..I am hoping that by the summer, I will not have the "flying squirrel" underarms and when I wear short sleeves, I won't get slapped in the head when I wave at someone. I know it's also due to my age...and gravity but why should I take it lying down..LOL

    Mistah sistah..wowzer..amazing weight loss..darn it..I will admit that I am jealous. I know you are working hard to lost it..but dudes can lose it a bit easier than we dudettes. My DH and I both went on weight watchers after my son was born ... 20 years ago..HE lost 45 pounds and has kept most of it off.....and eats what he wants in reasonable quantitites (and sometimes NOT such reasonable quantities). I have gained and lost the same measely 15 lbs I the same time he lost his 45....and gained 10 lbs more over the past two years. It just aint fair.. :grumble: seriously..props and kudos to you mistah..not only on your weight loss but handing with us..!

    For those of you who are my age..54..or close to it...or on the other side of it bigtime...and proud of it..(although I do tell people I am 16 because that's how many years it is since I first beat cancer)...and post menopausal (in my case...due to the same cancer...and subsequent hysterctomy) mistah sistah..maybe you won't feel quite as female hormones here LOL....

    Every time you compare yourself to someone else you know..everyone is my house my younger DD can inhale what she wants..she was born with a six-pack and defined muscles..and loves to show it off. .I told her that she was blessed not to have to work at it and should be a bit more sensitive to others around if you have a friend or a family member like that..shrug your shoulders..(and if you are nasty...say a secret prayer that his or her metabolism slows down when they least expect it...LOL)... and focus and your goals. :drinker:

    Remember that the media is not our friend. Unless you are a movie star..(who can eat anything they want and not gain a pound..yeah right..LOL)...who has a personal trainer...and a personal chef...and a plastic surgeon...and a good makeup artist..and great lights and a talented sometimes is frustrating because the weight loss is even slower than it was and maybe you can't move quite as fast as you used to. Dont' give into feeling sorry for yourself. Focus on what you CAN do. I keep telling this to myself every day.


    Ms. Resa...Please forgive me if I offend you in any way but I have to tell you that I remember those days of toddler chaos..there is life after toddlerhood...and homework..and all that stuff...but although it's gotten better..even though they are all in college and grad kids still go at each other big time..and stress me out too. I have to learn to ignore it and let them settle it among themselves but it's really hard. But seriously, every day should be Valentine's Day for you. Even if it for an hour. Be a bit selfish..just a bit..see if you can get your DH to watch the kids for you once in a while and let see how he handles the arguements and fights..(I personally think guys are better at ignoring kids squabbles..unless there is bloodshed..:tongue: ) and if he does...don't let him convince you he's babysitting them..he isn't..any more than you are...:wink:

    I am losing weight painfully slowly...and I don't know why I don't really want to eat much either..I admit my weakness is that I crave pizza but not cake or candy...nothing to do with being hungry..more like the crisp of the crust..the sauce, the silkiness of the hot cheese all together. OMG..that's my downfall. I don't let myself even taste it because I know I could probably finish an entire pie...and feel guilty.

    Pepamint, my wonderful DD is aware of what I am talking about...I know I have a problem with food and my relationship with it since I've been about and doctors made me crazy as did my coaches so it's mental and physical with me. I will NEVER be happy how I look because when I look back at photos of myself, I think I looked amazing..but I remember how much I hated what I looked like at the time. OK..enough venting and confessing..but I had to write this because my relationship with all things food is not a healthy one.

    Long post..thanks for your patience. I will try to post at least twice a week..once on weigh in day and once any old time after that.

    BTW..the photo was taken in it's recent..but notice no pic of the bod..only the face..LOL..hopefully at some point when I lose the 25lbs..(WHEN not IF) I will allow myself to be photographed as a complete human more ways than one..XOXO :bigsmile:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    You're not alone MissResa. My vals day was good except for the cupcakes I made then ate too many of. And then ate more today. I haven't exercised in several days because "life" keeps interfering. As do these dang conversation hearts my sweet hubby got me! Anywho, I've got to buckle down and get busy. abullock and I have the same time goal but she is alot closer then I am! I would love to be at my goal weight of 150 by April but it's just not realistic. So I need help......I'm slightly over 200 right now, what would be a good and realistic goal weight for mid April??? I've lost around 9lbs in the past month, is it realistic to say another 9lbs from now till mid March then another 9 from mid March to mid April?
    I am not sure I would go with 9 lbs. I would say 8 lbs a month or 2 a week. I am not sure what you started at but the lower you go the harder it is to take it off. You have to be more strict with calories and excecise more. So if you are at right about 200 I would set your goal at 185 by April. I have my goal for 195 by April. If I meet that goal sooner I will get it for 190.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Hey everyone... I had an absolutely miserable Valentine's day... My kids were arguing the entire time, and now my youngest is sick. My husband acted like a real grump and I ended up being more stressed out as the evening progressed... Sometimes, I wish that I could just lock myself in a room and pretend that I was the only person in our house for a couple of hours... Anyway, I definitely over-did it on calories... I didn't even realize what I was doing until things were completely out of control. I also didn't work out like I should have. But today is another day, and I'm focusing on taking care of my little one. I'm going to double up and do the workout that I missed yesterday- I'll just split them up into two separate workouts so I don't feel like I'm doing too much. Hope everyone else had a better day that I did...:sad:
    Sorry you had a bad day! It is ok to over do it once in a while as long as it isn't every day so start out the new day on the right foot. Get those workouts in. It will all be ok. Maybe you and hubby could go on a date night no kids to make up for the bad day.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi all!! Hope everyone had a great day yesterday.:heart::heart:
    Thompsons -- good for you for looking food in the face and saying, I can control what (and in my case how much) goes into my mouth and being realistic and not depriving yourself.
    Abullock -- I'm so glad you're back. Keep in touch with us, most of us are mommies too, so we feel your pain, and understand sometimes you just need a shoulder.:smile: I think you're right about your goals, don't beat yourself up if you don't get there. (Of course I'm just jealous, cuz if I was 145 after 5 kids I'd probably be having another on the way due to a horney hubby:laugh: ) You're one hot momma!
    Pepamint -- maybe you should alternate days. Go walking one day, and do the shred the next. That way you're not doubling up on the cardio. I've been trying to change it up every couple days and it seems to be working (after a couple weeks of nothing). Just a thought:wink:

    I'm almost positive I went over on cals yesterday, but I did work out and saved a bunch for dinner. I had veggies, salad, baked potatoe and yummy prime rib. The only thing I could have done better on, and just didn't want to, was fried zuccini. I passed on dessert though. (really isn't a sacrifice for me, I'm not much for sweets anyway -- but shhh, it sounds better if I don't admit that:wink: ) It was so freakin yummy -- was going into beef withdrawls:laugh: . Oh well, not the end of the world! Well I have a busy day ahead, so I should get to it!
    Yeah how much is a big thing for me too! In November my Mom made me a cake for my birthday. Well no one was eating it so over the course of 2 or 3 days I ate the whole thing. I would have huge pieces for breakfast lunch and dinner. Now looking at hoe many calories I was eating, I could die. I ate 4680 in cake alone. I am not sure about the icing. That is like 3 and a hlaf days worth of calories. I was eating regular meals on top of that so I am sure I was eating triple the amount of calories I should be eating. The stupid thing is I knew that. I have lost weight by watching calories and excerising before. My big problem is everytime my hubby deploy's i get depressed. This time was the worst with a 4 week old baby, and being in Germany with no friends of family. I was gaining steadily instead of losing weight. So anyway yeah I enjoyed my cake just did not over do it. I would die for some prime ribs though! I miss yummy American food so much! Also I am not sure if not being a sweets fan is better or not. What do you crave? I crave carbs and sweets!
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    I have lost weight by watching calories and excerising before. My big problem is everytime my hubby deploy's i get depressed. This time was the worst with a 4 week old baby, and being in Germany with no friends of family. I was gaining steadily instead of losing weight. So anyway yeah I enjoyed my cake just did not over do it. I would die for some prime ribs though! I miss yummy American food so much! Also I am not sure if not being a sweets fan is better or not. What do you crave? I crave carbs and sweets!

    Oh girl, I hear you about emotional eating. That is my deal too for sure. As much as I love my man, things haven't been perfect around here and since I've only been living with him and his son for 8 months, there's been a lot of growing pains. Plus it was a big move for me half way across the country - leaving good friends and my family behind for him. I get homesick a lot. I'm fighting it though (the emotional eating) and trying to work on myself and the battle of the blues. I just treated myself to YOU Being Beautiful by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen which works on outer and inner beauty which I feel I have lost both for myself lately (at least started to and want to gain the feeling of beauty back!). Plus I have other books (I'm a book lover) on working on your spirit etc. I'm on the verge of studying Eckardt Tolle's A Good Earth which I've heard great things about.

    As for what I crave - definitely not sweets. I enjoy chocolate of course (I am woman!) but actually prefer a dark chocolate - almost a semi sweet one. And (don't hate me) I still have a bunch of chocolates left over from Christmas in the top cupboard (away from where the 11yr old can reach). I enjoy having ONE every couple of weeks or whatever, but I certainly don't need to eat them because they're there. I've always been like that - I think there's something wrong with me! LOL Seriously though, I crave pub-type food. Burgers, fries, pizza, nachos....mmmmm cheeeeeese. That's my downfall for sure. Big fat french fries with mayonaisse. Heaven. Okay, enough of this; it's killing me!

    Got my eliptical yesterday! I'll have to time myself and see how much I can do before I feel like dying, then take it from there and try to improve each day. I'm excited!

    Happy Monday to all - good luck in your weigh ins tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    OH my gosh weigh ins tomorrow! I am all messed up here with the holiday today. I better get my butt in gear. I would love some Aussie cheese fries! Oh I think when I go home if ever or when I move home I will gain 20 lbs. I miss food so much! I know I should not think that way but I am so deprived of good american food! Yay for your eliptical!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    weel it was a lazy morning for me slept in and all....gonna go for my walk just wanted to say hi to all and welcome my mother back (yes we look nothing alike :bigsmile: ) but she is well the most amazing person i know i love her to death so im glad she is back....hope everyone is having a great presidents day.
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    I'm glad you're mom's back too! And I do think you look alike - definitely look related anyway! I'm glad she posted a picture too. I like seeing people's faces as I read their posts!

    I went to sleep way too late last night (holiday here today) and now I'm super sluggish. I almost want to have a nap and I really haven't gotten moving yet! I need to get going, have a shower, exercise, do laundry and prepare for my boys coming home today.... not necessarily in that order. I can't wait to give my man a big fat kiss. :smooched: Oh ya, and I need to eat something. My tummy's growling.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey all... Well things have gotten a little better since I posted last... My little one is still sick, but she's being a trooper and isn't being grumpy at all... I think I would be!!!

    Well, today I put on some jeans that I don't wear very often-I'm always afraid that I'm going to cut off the circulation to my lower extremities whenever I sit down. They actually fit today!!! I can definitely feel a big difference in the legs, too-they are pretty loose!!! I can't wait until weigh in tomorrow... Hope everyone has had a good weekend!!!
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Missmez -- I was going to ask you the other day, if you come across some good quotes from the "inner/outer beauty" book you're reading then please share! Sounds like you're a "reader". I enjoy reading but never make the time anymore, especially since we are so far from the library. Anyway, this is your mission should you choose to accept it:bigsmile:
    **this message will self-destruct in 5 seconds**
    :laugh: :laugh:
  • Kristihgp
    "Youre ALL that" by Paula White is a really good book too for inner self-examination!! :wink:

    Going out to dinner tonight to celebrate my son's birthday...boy oh boy...the night before
    weigh-in GREAT!!! :grumble: I'm hoping to have chicken, rice and maybe a veggie...hopefully
    that'll help!!

    Good luck tomorrow "guy and dolls"...
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    kris you'll be fine dont think of it as the night before weigh in think of it as this is how i have to eat everyday for the rest of my will be fine i have faith and look foward to hearing about what you chose to eat for dinner.....yikes weigh in tom walk then weigh in thats how i go

    ps bodies feeling better todays walk was a struggle cause of my uninvited friend but mom pushed me to go and i did....feeling better so tom should be ok im just nervous about the scale.

    good luck all
  • Mlieb
    Mlieb Posts: 121
    Okay...I finally bought a scale and am happy that there is no weight gain (girl scout cookie season).

    I wanted to start from the beginning but with the scale broken (old not from my weight)...I was in limbo, but am back on track now!

  • hopetobeinshape
    hello all!

    I am new to the group...just started MFP a couple wks ago and am getting my bearings. I had a really great wk last wk, getting in all of my water as well as eating and exercising well. Sunday and Monday were rough patches for me :mad:

    So here I am starting anew today :happy:

    I have class all day then am going to come home to do both cardio and strength training to make up for yesterday! (then I will do my weigh in :laugh: )

    Hope everyone is having a good week ! :flowerforyou: