August Day by Day Challenge (OPEN): 1 year anniversary!!!



  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hey guys! Sorry I've been away. It's been a little crazy. I've been doing really well with exercising but my eating has gone down the tube.

    Leela... 5k training isn't going. My knees still tend to hurt after exercising but they are slowly hurting less so I think this week I am going to try to hit the treadmill at least once... and see how it goes. Congrats on your 5k!! Not bad at all and to jog the whole thing (30 seconds... psh. doesn't matter.). That's my only goal. I don't even care about my time. Awesome!!!

    Goals for today and tomorrow since I will be without a computer...

    1. 8 glasses of water.
    2. NO fast food (it's a really bad addiction of mine)
    3. NO mindless snacking.

    Have a good couple days.

  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Goals for Aug. 13
    1. Water-Nope
    2. Make healthy choices-Nope
    3. Exercise for 30 mins-Yes, actually got an hour of walking in
    4. Have some cuddle time with hubby-yup, seen a movie and then watched football together :love:

    Goals for Aug. 14
    1. Water
    2. Try not to "pig out" on the pizza at the birthday party
    3. Exercise for 30 mins

    Good news, Lost 1.2 lbs this week :bigsmile:
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Just saying hey real quick to everyone while I have a second. Hope all is well with everyone!
    5K with my friend and fellow MFPer went great yesterday. She finished it in under and hour.........I am so so so proud of her!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Goals for Aug. 14
    1. Water-1/2 way, go 4 in today!
    2. Try not to "pig out" on the pizza at the birthday party-Done did really good today!
    3. Exercise for 30 mins -Nope, didn't get it in like i thought i would.....

    Good news, Lost 1.2 lbs this week :bigsmile:

    Goals for Aug. 15

    1. Go to to Y in the morning
    2. Make healthy choices
    3. skip the soda
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Well I still haven't stayed on top of things yet. I'm slowly trying to. I have found that everytime I go for a walk with Barb my ankle starts to hurt at the same point and today I pushed thru it and ended up with it feeling numb only on the outside from the knee down to my toes. I'm thinking that is a good sign I need to see the doctor about it.

    Since its the weekend my goals are simple. Drink lots of water all weekend. Clean my house and do the laundry. Make sure I have everything for my daughter for school. She starts Kindergarden on Tuesday!! Last but not least, get my resume around and make sure its updated so I can go look for work next week. I'm not looking forward to that one but with her in school and no other kids here for me to take care of I'm gonna go crazy if I don't find a job at least part time. LOL

    Hope you all have a good weekend:)

    So it was a good weekend:) Did pretty good on the eating thing and drank lots of water:) Pretty sure I have everything needed for my daughter for school but I didn't get around to my resume yet. I will work on that this week.

    So goals for monday
    1. Stay on top of that water intake
    2. make healthy choices since I'll be eating lunch out.
    3. Get in some sort of exercise

    Non-fitness goals
    1. Daughter's hair cut
    2. Go shopping
    3. Work on laundry so more cause it really is never ending in this house!

    We did get my son a new-to-us matteress and box spring this weekend and a bed frame for my daughter. Gave the old stuff to my SIL for her step daughter since her bed was falling apart and our stuff was still in good enough shape that it has at least a few more years of use out of it.

    Hope you all have a good Monday!!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Well it was my birthday on Saturday and the weekend went by in a bit of a crazy whirl, and while I didn't always make the healthiest choices they certainly weren't as bad as they could have been (I was given 5 different birthday cakes because everyone worried i wouldn't get one) now its just about getting back to good routines and really upping the exercise again.

    Monday's goals:

    1. Plan meals for the week
    2. Under on calories
    3. Water, lots and lots of water
    5. Tidy
    6. Sort out birthday present for my mother.

    Have a great day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 13 and 14:
    1. Water.--No and yes.
    2. Exercise for at least 30 minutes.--yes and no.
    3. Portion control and just do my best.--yes and yes.

    I didn't make it here yesterday but it wasn't a bad day. I did okay this weekend, though I should have had more water. New day, new week, fresh start!

    Niki--Glad you are back!

    Kim--Happy (belated) Birthday! Five birthday cakes! WOW! (Saturday was my DDs birthday, too, but we only had the one cake!)

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Goals for Aug. 15:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Stay on my eating plan and log everything.
    3. Exercise for 20 minutes.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Things are slowly going back to normal now and I should be able to post my daily goals again. Its so good to see everyone staying committed to the goals they set. Or if we slip up, not to beat ourselves up over it because tomorrow is a new day.

    Sunday 8/14's goals:
    1. wash the last load of clothes (so thankful DH helped me with the majority of the washing this week) YES
    2. comb my daughter's hair/ get her ready for first day of school YES/YES
    3. zumba @2:30 YES
    4. follow the meal plan FOR THE MOST PART, EXCEPT FOR 2 MINI COOKIES
    5. stay hydrated. YES
    6. early bedtime. EARLY, BUT NOT AS EARLY AS I'D LIKE

    Monday 8/15's goals:
    1. Get daughter off to school and apply for jobs...ALREADY DONE
    2. log my food and stay on the plan.
    3. water all day.
    4. workout from home, maybe take a walk later.
    5. sweep bedroom floors.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Taking a little break from filling out applications, so I decided to catch up with everyone.

    Hi Kathy, don't forget to stay hydrated today!

    Kim, happy belated birthday, don't worry about your unhealthy choices, birthdays only come once a year!

    Barb, great job on the loss. you are doing such a great job with your daily goals.

    Beth, how's the ankle.

    Nicole, I can't wait to hear about your race! Are you all signed up for classes? Taking another full load?

    Momma, can't wait until you're back in the loop!

    Shanae, sounds likes you've had a busy week! I had to get all my daughter's supplies too. We had a uniform fashion show and surprisingly we only had a few things to give away. Mainly skirts that are now above the knee as most of her pants were always a little long, so now they fit good. Did you get a chance to get your nails done? Its nice to pamper yourself from time to time.

    Niki, I'm glad you've been hitting your goals! I'm proud to be one of the members who has been with this challenge for a year! woo hoo

    Splenda, I love your goals, so optimistic. Glad you can join us, we create a new board every month so there's never a wrong time to start.
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member

    Leela I am soooooo proud of you great job. My next goal is to try to begin to run. I am a little concerned about my knees but I know that this walking is only getting me so far and I need to burn more in a two hour work out. So I am looking up to what you are doing honey tell me more please. What do you need to do to begin? What kind of things do I need before I even start? Shoes, clothes (I am heavy chested). Yes honey got the nails done (I am so diva). Moved the entire house around furniture wise. Cleaned the entire house, did laundry, made all the childrens beds, went and did my shopping at the farmers market for the healthy meats that I wil be using to cook for the children, went and bought the boys cologne I love it when they think they look and smell good. Girl it smells like SUNDAY MORNING!!! LOL But they feel good. I feel that I really got my goals in this weekend and some.......

    Kim Happy Belated Birthday I pray that your day was (it sounds like it was) amazing and that God favors you in this year!

    Splenda I can see you have a wonderful personality through your words good luck on every goal!

    Ladies I love this group you all are wonderfully supportive! Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals!

    August 15 Goals

    1. Workout for 2 hours 5 mile walk (going for day four)
    2. More water I went the entire weekend with none.
    3. Take some time for me in the last days I have before the boys get back (try to find one more outing)
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    1:Be under 1000 calories ................Yes
    2: water 8 cups .......................Yes
    3: wake up before 9:30 ...........yes
    4: exercise 30 min. .........................Yes 37 min
    target is 3/4

    So I again got a 4/4! Wonderfull!

    I'm not used to go below 1000 cal but I wanted to compensate for the day before overindulgence.

    A new week. What would you like to be different at the end of this week ? I dont want to chase too many rabbits at a time but I need some success in my life. Last week I began cleaning my kitchen cupboards. Doing one everyday. I'm gonna keep doing this and maybe two every other day. I won't have finished at the end of the week but it will be closer to finish line. A friend of me can do it in a single day. She begin at 6 in the morning and keep going until she finish. Usually at 3 in the night. I don't know where she find her energy. For my part I have to do it the "slow but sure" way.

    So !

    1: Water 2L
    2: exercise 30 min
    3: wake-up before 9:30
    4: 2 Kitchen cupboards today
    Will be happy with 3/4

    See you tomorrow :flowerforyou:

  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So it was a good weekend:) Did pretty good on the eating thing and drank lots of water:) Pretty sure I have everything needed for my daughter for school but I didn't get around to my resume yet. I will work on that this week.

    So goals for monday
    1. Stay on top of that water intake
    2. make healthy choices since I'll be eating lunch out.- Well that was easier then I thought, but we didn't go out for lunch we just made it home in time to eat here instead:)
    3. Get in some sort of exercise- Got a little walking in doing the shopping thing as I was trying to kill time because I was done with my shopping early.

    Non-fitness goals
    1. Daughter's hair cut- Done:)
    2. Go shopping-Done:)
    3. Work on laundry so more cause it really is never ending in this house!-still working on it LOL

    Hope you all have a good Monday!!

    So I can't believe I've actually gotten most of my goals done for today already and its only 3pm!! :) YAY!!

    Lee, my ankle feels fine as long as I don't push myself too hard. I still need to call the dr to get in about it but I also have to have the money for the co-pay when I go and the bills take almost all of it when the paychecks come in. I hate being broke. :(

    Kim, Happy belated birthday!!

    Glad to see you all doing so well!! Got the open house/cookout for my daughter's school tonight. Not a whole lot of power over what will be available to eat but I will make healty choices. Going to be an interesting night as one of the mom's on the PTA at the school has it out for me, we went to school together and were friend's until she stabbed me in the back over nothing.

    Goals for tomorrow.
    1. some sort of exercise
    2. figure out a kid-free routine (at least until I get a job)
    3. water

    Non-fitness goals
    1. Try not to cry too much after I drop my daughter off at school
    2. Clean the bathroom
    3. Laundry(there is a 2 foot pile on the floor in my laundry room...)

    Have a good evening everyone!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Goals for Aug. 15

    1. Go to to Y in the morning-Done, got a pretty good workout in this morning
    2. Make healthy choices-done
    3. skip the soda-Done

    Goals for Aug. 16
    1. Keep up the water intake
    2. Healthy choices
    3. Log everything

    I'm thinking about taking a break from the exercise tomorrow (I'm pooped after today's workout), but right back to it Wednesday (after I run my errands).

    Thanks, Leela!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes.:heart:

    Yesterday was not a success generally. I did get a run in the evening though so the day was not a total loss. As they say today is a new day.

    1. I WILL come in under on calories:angry:
    2. Water
    3. Exercise: Shred (done), walk at lunch, & run after work
    4. Tidy bedroom

    Have a lovely day everyone!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday 8/15's goals:
    1. Get daughter off to school and apply for jobs...ALREADY DONE
    2. log my food and stay on the plan. YES BUT NOT PERFECT
    3. water all day. MOST OF THE DAY
    4. workout from home, maybe take a walk later. YES, NO WALK THOUGH
    5. sweep bedroom floors. NOPE COMPLETELY FORGOT.

    Tuesday 8/16's goals:
    1. sweep bedroom floors.
    2. prep all meals in advance.
    3. hit the pavement as soon as my daughter leaves.
    4. Continue searching for a job (Beth, I def. know what you mean about being broke!)
    5. Smile in the face of defeat!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 15:
    1. WATER!!!--Should have been better!
    2. Stay on my eating plan and log everything.--Yes and yes.
    3. Exercise for 20 minutes.--Yes.

    Not a bad day except for not drinking enough water. I will drink more today.

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Goals for Aug. 16:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay on plan and log everything.
    3. Exercise for 20 minutes.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    1: Water 2L .........................Yes
    2: exercise 30 min ........................Yes 40 minutes walking on treadmill while watching "The Biggest Loser" on tv
    3: wake-up before 9:30 ..................Yes
    4: 2 Kitchen cupboards today ...... Well, only did one and late in the day.
    Will be happy with 3/4

    Not so bad, no! That's good! I need to give myself credit when I do something good and not focus only on the negative part.
    I did most of what I asked myself by doing 3.5/4 Its even better than what I was asking myself to do. I also did a lot of laundry and washed my bed. Clean clothes are in their drawers. And I went to grocery with my 85 years old neighbour. I prepared myself good meals. It was a good day!

    Do you find yourself looking only for the negative part ?

    goals for today

    1: Water 2L
    2: 1 kitchen cupboard
    3: 15 minutes exercises
    4: Wake up before 9:30
    5: Brush the dog
    will be happy with 4/5!

    It's gonna be a tight day. I see my counsellor at 1 pm and I have dinner with friends tonight. Another bad calories day! Will I ever be able to lose weight ?

    see you tomorrow ! :flowerforyou:

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Just a quick check in to see what I still had left to do. sweep those darn floors. they will def get done today! Everything else is either done or in the works!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Goals for Aug. 16
    1. Keep up the water intake-6 out of 8 ain't bad :drinker:
    2. Healthy choices-Yes!
    3. Log everything-Done!

    Goals for Aug. 17

    1. Healthy choices
    2. Water, water, and water
    3. Exercise for at least 30 mins, sometime after running all the errands/paying bills

    Good night everyone!
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    1: Water 2L ....................Yes but had to finish drinking at night so woke up early this morning lol
    2: 1 kitchen cupboard ................Yes
    3: 15 minutes exercises ...................Yes
    4: Wake up before 9:30 ...............Yes 6:00 but will have a nap today
    5: Brush the dog poor dog, she is shedding and filling the house with hairs (poor me who run after the hairy puppys all day!)
    will be happy with 4/5!

    Well, I'm happy! I did a good job!

    1: Water 2L
    2: 1 kitchen cupboard
    3: 30 minutes exercises
    4: Wake up before 9:30
    5: Brush the dog
    will be happy with 4/5!