Teachers or Future Teachers



  • SLHartman
    SLHartman Posts: 142 Member
    I forgot to add that I'm also looking for any fun ideas on how to incorporate excercise into a busy schedule. Any ideas would be welcomed!
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    future teacher here! I start my student teaching in approx. 8 days...eeeek! first grade here i come. I hope that with the hectic life of a student teacher i can keep on track with my food!
  • schotas
    schotas Posts: 150 Member
    I am starting my 21st year of teaching. I have taught 3rd grade the entire time, and I love it! I consider each year to be a blessing because I know God has handpicked each child to be in my class for a purpose. The fun/challenge is trying to learn what that purpose is...to bring them out of their shell, to be an encourager when they might not have one at home, to help the child with ADHD/ADD feel successful, etc. Not to mention, I ALWAYS end up learning from them.

    My goal is to lose the last few pounds to get me to my healthy weight of 125. It will certainly be a challenge since I start on Monday (inservice days) and we are beginning with a breakfast. Let the eating begin. It would be great to have a group of people to turn to when the temptations are everywhere at work.

    Have a great year, everyone!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Good Luck for the 2011/12 school year, we just started our teacher training days this past Friday and have already been tempted by pastry spreads and had to have what I thought was one of the healthier items on a fast food menu, contained 1500mg of sodium

    Yeah, that's my issue. I can low in calorie but sodium? A lot more difficult :(
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    Just found this post...I am starting my 4th year as a high school Spanish teacher. I am excited to see my friends and the kids. I am stressed out though thinking about how I will keep up my exercise plan. Feel free to friend me :-)
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    I have a training next week where they'll be catering breakfast and lunch. I'm considering packing my own, but would that be rude?

    I packed my own when we had in-service week before last. I also refused to go out to eat with the others, and they called me anti-social, but I don't care. I worked to hard to throw it away. And maybe it is rude to offer unhealthy food with no healthy alternative.

    I agree it is rude to not offer alternatives! I used to teach at an inner city school in the south and they always served fried this and fried that or fish (which i hate) and that was usually fried too -occasionally it was barbeque which was one of the few things I would eat but pulled pork is not healthy! It agrivated me that they would serve us food and require us to stay for a meeting meaning that if you didn't like that food you were out of luck and didn't get to eat...(which is against our contract but that's another whole story) So no it's not rude to pack your own lunch! I am planning on packing lunches for every day of planning next week just in case my new school serves something yuck (thought this school does usually offer some alternatives:smile:) - sorry for the mini rant!
  • JoLeeFA
    JoLeeFA Posts: 211 Member
    I am so with you on the ranting...

    My school does not offer healthy options at the staff or faculty meetings either.

    I will be packing my lunch from now on. Friday, I tried to be good with pulled pork.. NOT too successful!
  • Suzieqt81
    Suzieqt81 Posts: 96 Member
    What a wonderful post idea. I am a future teacher although I will begin substitute teaching this school year. My eventual goal is to be a school psychologist. I have done plenty of volunteering within schools and see first hand just how difficult it can be to monitor ones weight...teaching at an Elementary level, everything is so busy, face paced that it's easy to eat and little here, snack alittle there and lose count of what you put in your body...I look forward to reading everyone's post and sharing new ideas as well...
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Hi! I'm 26, my name's Meg.

    I have B.A.s in International Relations and German Literature, but I'm an Engish (as a foreign language) teacher in Germany. I have TESOL, TEFL, and TESL certifications, and am thinking about doing a Masters in pedagogy. I teach all ages, from at a kindergarten once a week to business students at a private school.

    We *always* have snacks in the teacher's room, and the hours are never the same so it can be hard to get in 3 healthy meals.

    Wow! Germany. What is it like. What is typical schedule like there? Nice to meet you.

    Nice to me you (all)!

    For elementary school, the schedule is pretty much 8am-1:00 pm (up to 4th grade). After that the kids are (mostly, some parts are changing to a hybrid system) split into one of 3 schools, which are usually 8-3 or 4. And they're on what's like a college semester schedule (with Mon-Wed-Fri classes, and Tues-Thurs)

    My schedule is different all the time. I have some classes that are the same every week, but for instance, I teach 8-3:45 everyday for the next few weeks, but sometimes I also teach in the evening or on Saturday. As a private school, we get a lot o people who need faster lessons, or hold weird hours. :)
  • I have a training next week where they'll be catering breakfast and lunch. I'm considering packing my own, but would that be rude?

    I packed my own when we had in-service week before last. I also refused to go out to eat with the others, and they called me anti-social, but I don't care. I worked to hard to throw it away. And maybe it is rude to offer unhealthy food with no healthy alternative.

    Man can I relate to this!!! I hate how if you don't do exactly what everyone else is doing, eat the same thing, you are anti-social. I'm worried about that with 3 full days of meetings that start tomorrow! I guess come Christmas time when I have lost 20 more pounds and others have gained it then they will understand my reasonings! :)

    good luck to everyone as we get started back up!
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    Hey to all the newcomers! I'm losing track. I didn't expect for this number of responses but I am ecstatic that we will have so many educators working towards a common goal. Please add me if you like. I am unsure were I left off in the friends adding stage but I will try my best to add as many as possible.

    So, what I would like to propose is an educators challenge. I would like us all to collectively have a goal to lose 100 lbs by summer break. I believe we can surpass that but it's a start. The main goal of the challenge would be to eat healthy and exercise at least 4 times a week, I can keep track of our weight on a spreadsheet. We can have a monthly or weekly weigh in (I am open to suggestions). The group will remain open and people can join at any time. Again, I am open to suggestions. Yay or nay?
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    Hi everyone! I'm a future teacher, currently going into my last year of certification and hopefully starting teaching high school English/History in the 2011-12 school year. Last year while practice teaching I gained 10-15 lbs and that CANNOT happen this year.

    I also have 2 kids of my own, 4 and 6... so I'm busy busy busy and getting in exercise especially when lesson planning is very hard. Sometimes impossible.

    I think it is the stress and pure shock of all the goodies. My first year I gained 10 lbs.
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    Oh yea, forgot to tell you - - - - I went back to my old gym for the first time in over 6 months, met with the owner/trainer/RN - - - She has me set up with a plan.. I go back to gym exercise, esp strength training on MONDAY (after my 8-5 meeting LOL)

    That is a big step. I am thinking about joining the gym near my school.
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    I joined here (myfitnesspal) because I'm (hopefully) a future teacher. Got licensed back in May (6-12 social studies in IL) and the job hunt and lack of any successes has led me to get pretty down and eat everything in sight. The closer to the start of the school year, the worse it has gotten.

    Congrats to all of you who have or who have found jobs this year :)
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I'm in Il as well and teaching is the worst job market. It took me so long to find a job and it's not even in my original field. I spent the summer sending in resumes etc and did not get on bite. It makes me sad. Feel free to add me! We can help each other out.

    Are you at least in some teaching or aid position now? Still looking for your ideal? I'm trying to stay positive. Almost have everything set up to sub for 2 districts near me (IL sure has a ton of hoops to jump through even for that!) and at least that will be a foot in the door for sometime in the future :)

    Have added you as a pal as well.

    Yes, I am teaching special education at the moment but it is overwhelming because it is not what I originally went to school for. Yea, have you gotten to the part where they make you promise them your first born?
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    HI! My name's Cristy and I'm a middle school teacher. This year I'll be teaching Social Studies and Reading (my two favorite subjects, so I'm exited!)...until Monday, though, I was a Language Arts teacher. I found out Monday that I'd be changing grades, subjects and rooms... and we get kids this coming Monday! After two days of moving and setting up a new classroom (again!!) I'm exhausted -- my room is close enough to ready to have students show up -- now it's time to figure out what I'm going to do with them!! I finally was given a curriculum guide this morning....... okay, venting over, but I know as teachers you'll understand better than anybody what the last two days have been like!!!

    This is my seventh year (5 in 5th grade, last year in 6th). I teach in a Title 1/Low Economic school where I'm Dept Chair, Core Mentor and Co-sponsor of Student Council. I'm also a wife and mom, with four kids in grades 7, 9, 12 and a college freshman. My stepsons are in college and grad school.

    Like most, I've been having a great weight-loss and exercise summer, but I"m nervous about the new school year. If the last two days are any indication I'm gonna have a tough time getting my exercise in... I've been too tired to do much when I get home! Food won't be a big problem, as I usually bring my lunch and snacks (I'm scared of the cafeteria food!! LOL) I've worked this summer on making healthy choices that I can pack along. My goal this month -- EXERCISE!!!

    Good luck to everyone on the start of a new school year!!!!

    Those are my two favorite as well. Good luck with the fresh start!
  • terrie98
    terrie98 Posts: 49
    Hey to all the newcomers! I'm losing track. I didn't expect for this number of responses but I am ecstatic that we will have so many educators working towards a common goal. Please add me if you like. I am unsure were I left off in the friends adding stage but I will try my best to add as many as possible.

    So, what I would like to propose is an educators challenge. I would like us all to collectively have a goal to lose 100 lbs by summer break. I believe we can surpass that but it's a start. The main goal of the challenge would be to eat healthy and exercise at least 4 times a week, I can keep track of our weight on a spreadsheet. We can have a monthly or weekly weigh in (I am open to suggestions). The group will remain open and people can join at any time. Again, I am open to suggestions. Yay or nay?

    I love the idea of the challenge. I think it is a good idea to have everyone weigh in via email or message or just on the boards a certain day of the week,
  • Louieanne
    Louieanne Posts: 26 Member
    Hello everyone! I am 27 years old and starting my third year as a preschool teacher! I have my BS in elementary education as well as a degree in early childhoo development I have worked in the early childhood profession for all of my adult life. I love teaching preschool and have 40 four year old enrolled in my class this year (20 in the am and 20 in the pm). The hardest part about teaching preschool is that we have lunch as well as a morning snack and afternoon snack but I have learned to pack my own snacks and stay far away from the kids snacks. My ultimate weight loss goal is 100 lbs, I need to lose this weight to help with some infertility issues.
  • charelaine
    charelaine Posts: 712 Member
    I like the idea of a challenge too. My start weight would be 176.8.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    To all of you going back on Monday... Have a great start to the school year!! The beginning of school is almost as fun as the end of the year!! I go back next Monday,and my kids come on the 29th of August. I'm starting at a new school this year, and I am looking forward to getting started.

    Keep logging in. Anyone who would like support and motivation from me... feel free to friend me:-)
    (Middle School Math Teacher - year 18)