Teachers or Future Teachers



  • joimichele
    Thanks for the ideas and I'm happy to say that so far I've made it to the gym everyday.


    How are the workouts going?
  • joimichele
    Hey! How is everyone? Any interesting updates? Teacher or weight related? Any tips or make it through the school day snacks to share?
  • joimichele
    The PE coach and I started an exercise club at work so after contract hours a few teachers and I change into workout clothes and do exercise videos twice a week. I have a spin bike in my living room. so when I make the time to watch tv I don't sit on the couch I use my bike. I'm loving it. I'm also starting a gym membership next week and my plan is to not go home before I get my workout in.
    Hope this helps!

    Wow! That is amazing! How is the workout group doing? How are you doing? What types of exercises does the group do?
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    HI!! I am on the last leg of my teaching education, and I am so excited!!! Almost done with my BA, then I am starting the Masters program at my school, which includes a credential program. I want to teach high school and College level English and History. For now, I am a fine jewelry repair technician part time, school full time, own my own free-lance photography business plus have a family of four!! I am so ready to start my career and make a difference, not only in teen/ adult lifes, but the lives of their families. On a side note, I am aiming to lose about 30 lbs, although I am mainly trying to bring my body fat down to the mid-low 20's. I was 250 at my highest, so now I am just focusing on being fit and healthy!!!

    I can't wait to talk to others who have a similar career or weight loss goal!!
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    Music Teacher here!! I'm actually in progress of getting a job at a preschool, I'm pretty excited about it! Hopefully we'll finish the salary negotiations and I can get started before Christmas and get a concert on the way :bigsmile:
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    2nd year teacher here! I teach elementary special ed. I was just thinking about how hard it is to eat healthy at school. No joke, here's a replay of my week:

    Monday: Staff meeting- Someone brought homemade bannana bread, and PTA had HUGE blueberry muffins there. There were cupcakes in the lounge leftover from a preschool birthday.

    Tuesday: One of my friends had doughnuts for her class for a celebration. During my planning, she brought them to my room to ask if I wanted one. I said no thanks because I'd just eaten breakfast. After school, she still had some leftover so she brought them AGAIN to see if I wanted a snack.

    Wednesday: TWO of my students had birthdays. They both brought cupcakes and of course came to give me one. I felt guilty saying no, so I took them and put them in the teacher's lounge after school.

    Thursday: It was my friend's birthday (different one). One of her students made her brownies (so sweet) so she came into my room after school to see if I wanted any.

    Friday: I'm sitting in the teacher's lounge working on my laptop waiting fo an RtI meeting to start in a few minutes. My principal comes in and starts digging through the fridge because she's hungry. She finds a package of cookie dough that was meant to be used for an overnight field trip but was leftover. She gets very excited and starts begging me to make them with her.

    Really??! No wonder it seems so many teachers are overweight! Most teachers at my school are fairly healthy- I don't know how they do it! BTW, I turned down every one of these things...at least I can be proud of myself for something!
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    Thanks for the ideas and I'm happy to say that so far I've made it to the gym everyday.


    How are the workouts going?

    I'm happy to say that I'm doing much better at getting to the gym and was able to workout Saturday - Wednesday this week. I was just to tired to go tonight but I did get in a 45 min walk. I'm hoping this will help me start dropping again. I've been stuck at 170 for a month but at least I'm not gaining. The bad news is we're about to start parent conferences which means long nights.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • tuskegee4
    tuskegee4 Posts: 110 Member
    Great Thread and idea: 3rd Grade Teacher, 15 years. Looking to lose another 10lbs. MFP has been great, losing weight and eating much healthier.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    13 year teacher. Currently teaching middle school...bumping for future.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Good thread. I was a 7-year special ed. teacher as a second career--Jr. High (loved it!) and High School (not so much). For the last 7 years, I've subbed--a lot!. I still love Jr. High, tolerate High School some days and enjoy it some days, and stay away from the young kids. The younger they are, the faster they wear me out. My last year as a "real" teacher took me up to 180 lbs. I started this fitness quest at 170 lbs. a couple of months ago, and I'm down to 155. I've see how hard it is to be a skinny teacher. I truly appreciate great teachers, especially when I'm subbing for their classes! If I don't fit it in, just ask me to leave. :-)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I found out through WORD OF MOUTH that Open House is tonight. Yet, I'm required to be there. A reminder would have been nice.....
    No! That is ridiculous! How did the parents know? Hope you survived!

    I survived. Not many customers - five. It's kind of sad, really. Parents are so disinterested in talking with teachers once they reach the high school level.

  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    Question for my fellow teachers: How many of you do the "5-6 meals a day" thing? I would like to try to do that, but it's so hard to find a break in the day (other than lunch) to get a mini-meal in. Has anyone been able to accomplish this kind of lifestyle while working as a teacher?
  • joimichele
    Question for my fellow teachers: How many of you do the "5-6 meals a day" thing? I would like to try to do that, but it's so hard to find a break in the day (other than lunch) to get a mini-meal in. Has anyone been able to accomplish this kind of lifestyle while working as a teacher?
    I do 2 snacks and 3 meals a day. I eat while I teach. I take small food though like nuts, grapes, or granola or I cut my fruit up into small pieces. All it takes is a quick stop at my desk when I ask a question. Kids usually are so busy with the question they don't notice me.
  • vixsummer
    vixsummer Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, fellow teachers! I'm a new teacher (adolescent English) in New York, and I actually find that my schedule is helping me! If I sat at a desk all day, I know I'd be snacking like a madwoman. I typically eat 3 meals, and 2 snacks, and it's so helpful for me to have a routine. The weekends are a totally different (read: disastrous) story. Any tips? Also, please feel free to friend me! I'd love to hear from all of you! :)
  • joimichele
    Anyone want to share fun Halloween crafts,treats, or ideas for the classroom?
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Hello, fellow teachers! I'm a new teacher (adolescent English) in New York, and I actually find that my schedule is helping me! If I sat at a desk all day, I know I'd be snacking like a madwoman. I typically eat 3 meals, and 2 snacks, and it's so helpful for me to have a routine. The weekends are a totally different (read: disastrous) story. Any tips? Also, please feel free to friend me! I'd love to hear from all of you! :)

    I have the sme problem. I think the weekdays are structured, so you can't graze whenever you want. Weekends at our house are crazy. Meals are at all different times and are often on the go.

    The main thing I try to do is plan ahead. I make a big pot of low-calorie soup and have quick to make meals on the weekends. That way, I can eat when I'm hungry, but not pig out on whatever is easier to grab.

    If I know we're going to have to eat out, I try to go to a restaurant that I'm familiar with. I use the internet to find out low-calorie options before I go and I resign myself to order what I selected at home.

    Last thing, make a point to do something active, even if it's window shopping or going outside for a breath of fresh air.

  • joimichele
    Hi teachers! So, one of my favorite holidays is coming up. I love Thanksgiving. Is anyone having a pre Thanksgiving potluck dinner at their school? We do. Any healthy recipe ideas? How about Thanksgiving day? What do you all plan to cook for Thanksgiving? Please share. I want to do something new this year.
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    I've been off for a couple of months. Excited about getting back on the routine. Already scary timeline at school and today was just our first day back.
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Just found this, what a great idea. I am an elementary french teacher and have been teaching for 7 years now, I've taught junior kindergarden, 1st grade, 3/4th grade and 6th grade. Last year I took a gym teaching position and lost 60 pounds, this year I am still teaching gym again and hoping to lose my last 50 pounds. We only start on the 9th of January, so I have a few more days of holidays, yay! Just enough to get my food intake in order before going back to work.