The last 10 pounds challenge (closed group)



  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    How is everyone doing this week???

    I'm doing okay....I think. My calories and protein are decent and I started my Turbo Fire (which I am really excited about). BUT --- my sodium has been high. Seems to me that my high protein choices might also be high in sodium. Hmmmm.

    Sodium is always an issue for me too. I have trying really hard to keep it low. I don't even cook with it anymore. I know what sodium can do to my body and its not good!!!!
    I noticed the only day it was really bad was last night, think maybe it was the lunch meat (try the lower sodium brand...not much lower but better)!! For now just drinks lots of water to help flush it out :)

    ps hate the smileys aren't working!!!
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    I've been thinking of making a thread to ask the question, but I wanted to ask you ladies first: How much exercise is too much?

    I did Jillian's No More Trouble Zones and burned 322 (after subtracting my BMI from my HRM), and almost did an hour of Zumba after. I have a tendency to let things like exercise (and eating) become a slippery slope. So, my question is, how do you know you're doing enough, granted that you're always under/within your net calories? I want to slowly gain muscle and lose lose lose that fat, but I don't want to burn any muscle in the process.

    I'm currently doing three days on, alternating types of strength (usually circuit training or yoga) plus cardio, and one day off.

    Any thoughts? Thanks <3
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Really great question....wish I had an answer for you but I'm looking forward to hear what other people have to say about this.
    I'm currently doing cardio 6-7days a week, strength training 6-7days, plus yoga (well now that I'm done with the 30day shred I can get back to it) 3-4days.
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    I've been thinking of making a thread to ask the question, but I wanted to ask you ladies first: How much exercise is too much?

    I did Jillian's No More Trouble Zones and burned 322 (after subtracting my BMI from my HRM), and almost did an hour of Zumba after. I have a tendency to let things like exercise (and eating) become a slippery slope. So, my question is, how do you know you're doing enough, granted that you're always under/within your net calories? I want to slowly gain muscle and lose lose lose that fat, but I don't want to burn any muscle in the process.

    I'm currently doing three days on, alternating types of strength (usually circuit training or yoga) plus cardio, and one day off.

    Any thoughts? Thanks <3

    I would limit your cardio to 45 minutes or less. I would say 30 minutes of cardio would be best. That is the suggested amount for heart health....and it shouldn't cause you to lose muscles. What you are doing is fine (3-4 times per week). I think 7 days would be too much --- your body needs to rest and recover.

    Strength training should either be full body strength every other day OR 4 days of strength (2 days upper/2 days lower body). You NEED to give your muscles at least one day (two days would be better) in between workouts to rest. When you work out, you are tearing the muscle. Your body needs the next two days to repair and build. If you exercise one day after another, you can cause damage to your muscles.

    BUT ---- to make sure that you don't lose muscle, you have to get your protein. The book that I just read recommended having your ratios set to 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. The book also says that it takes 454 grams of protein to create a pound of muscle tissue. "The only way to preserve muscle tissue when drastically cutting calories is to eat a lot of protein." You gotta eat your protein girl!

    AND --- if you are feeling tired, that is your body asking for a break. Take the break, it's okay. Let your body heal and recover.

    You're doing great!
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member

    I'm currently doing three days on, alternating types of strength (usually circuit training or yoga) plus cardio, and one day off.

    Any thoughts? Thanks <3

    Oh --- and I don't think that yoga counts as strength (although it feels like it). I think that falls under stretching and flexibility. Strength exercises should include some sort of weight (hand weights, cans of vegetables, barbells, your own weight like when doing squats).
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Thanks! I was feeling absolutely drained after my morning, and it's good to know that I'm still doing enough. Much appreciated. <3
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Welcome lbjhill!!!!! Welcome to the group! Please feel free to drop in during the week to post how you are doing and any suggestions you might have!
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member

    I'm currently doing three days on, alternating types of strength (usually circuit training or yoga) plus cardio, and one day off.

    Any thoughts? Thanks <3

    Oh --- and I don't think that yoga counts as strength (although it feels like it). I think that falls under stretching and flexibility. Strength exercises should include some sort of weight (hand weights, cans of vegetables, barbells, your own weight like when doing squats).

    Depends on the kind of yoga, though. I try to tend toward vinyasa and "power" yoga, but I know that I'm limited by my own body weight (which hopefully won't increase like hand weights can, haha). :D
  • nickikole1
    I was doing so well at the beginning of the week, although one day I ate soo much sodium and didn't even realize it because my chart doesn't tell me... I only figured that out because I put in my fiance's food for the night and saw his numbers. I might need to change it so my diary tells me sodium from now on.
    Every time I weighed myself throughout the week, the numbers looked good. But I ended off the week with a camping trip with my youth group and a trip to my soon to be in-laws immediately after that. I am never a healthy eater at their house. There's just too much good food. Anyway, I weighed myself on their scale (I almost brought my own scale with me so the numbers would be correct for check in today, but I forgot it. :-P) The scale said 159.0 pounds... so definitely no weight loss this week :-(. Maybe once I get home, I'll get back on track and do better. I hope everyone else had better luck than I did this week!
  • nickikole1
    Do we lose points when we gain weight for the week?
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    Here I am! Sorry I missed last week's check in, but I was camping with a very low-tech phone so I had no computer access. Also, somewhere in loading/unloading kayaks on top of the car, hauling camping equipment & tangling with a tree branch on our float trip, I managed to strain my right shoulder & elbow. So I took it super-easy this week and have no exercise at all to report. My elbow is still sore, but better.

    I do have a 4 lb loss though. I've been at 156 since mid-July and really wasn't feeling like I had lost, especially with the last week's activities. However, I got off & back on the scale 3 times and it continued to show 152. Yeah!

    OK - now I'm going to wake up my sweetie so we can take the bikes out for awhile. I will have exercise to report next Sunday.

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    checking in! I had a major set back this week after running my first 20 minutes straight (in this era of my health. I used to run for 45 minutes to an hour- how frustrating). My right ankle won't hold my weight very well and my doctor put me in an air cast. So, basically I can't do any cardio right now. I don't think I need to express my frustration for you all to understand.

    I raised my calories this week to see if that was the problem. I am going to give it another week before I decide if I should keep it raised or lower it again.

    I made some bad food choices all this week as well... Having more calories makes it easier to decide that I can eat something bad, because I can afford it calorically. Also a reason that I'm not judging this week alone to decide to change my calories.

    Monday: running- 30 min, strength training- 45
    Tuesday: strength training 30 min, elliptical 15 minutes ( I LOATH the elliptical but I was trying to do low impact for my ankle)
    Wednesday: strength training 30 min, running 30 min. (where I really messed up my ankle)
    Thursday: none
    Friday: none
    Saturday: Strength training 30 min

    I'll be trying to get rid of my way to numerous carbs and the ice cream. Can anyone give me some feedback on what I should try? I can't do the cardio but I can focus on strength training and started yesterday. I'm really sick of this weight.

    weight: 133
    all my measurements are the same
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Very excited to say that I lost some weight this week (which really surprised me because I wasn't feeling any thinner). Today I report in at 125.5#. Now I am trying to keep my excitment under control because I have been bouncing between 126 and 128 for a while now. Next week will be the true test.

    This week I officially started the Turbo Fire routine for cardio (LOVE it!). I continue to do the Butt Bible series for strength. I also increased my calories. I used to be at 1200 calories. Now I am at 1460 --- and I am really trying to eat back exercise calories (so really I am eating about 1700 calories per day). Hopefully may weight won't bounce back up next week. I'm giving this routine a few weeks. If I haven't lost pounds or inches by the first or second week of September, then I will re-evaluate.

    Sunday -- REST
    Monday -- Turbo Fire, Butt Bible Upper
    Tuesday -- Turbro Fire, Butt Bible Lower
    Wednesday -- REST
    Thursday -- Turbo Fire, Butt Bible Upper
    Friday -- Turbo Fire
    Saturday -- Turbo Fire, Butt Bible Lower

    I will say -- even though I have been on the plateau -- my butt and legs are looking better. Now I need to find a good way to determine body fat %. My fancy scale does it, but I don't really trust it. Plus, it told me 27% today (which is higher than it was last week at a higher weight) :(
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    139, up one. Theoretically, TOM (with some usual symptoms) but "it" didn't happen quite yet...

    Sunday: Walking, Zumba, and Yoga
    Monday: Running and Walking (in sand, on the beach!)
    Tuesday: Ripped in 30 and Yoga
    Wednesday: Running (NSV-- two miles on the boardwalk without stopping, 20 min.) and Walking (in sand, on the beach!)
    Thursday: Rest
    Friday: No More Trouble Zones
    Saturday: Yoga and Zumba (NSV-- full Crow Pose)
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    You guys are doing great! Keep up the good work! I will have the point totals up tomorrow. I'm still waiting on a few to check in.

    Remember this week's challenge was to not go over your calorie goal all week long (or you would lose 5 points). I gave a 50 calorie grace, so you were not penelized if you went over by up to 50 calories.

    Points will be granted for getting within 150 calories of your goal (and not going over by more than 50), for each day that you drank your 8 glasses of water, for meeting your protein goal (within 10 grams), and for each day of strength exercise.

    How do you think you did??
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member

    PART 1 --
    From the book that I was reading, The New Rules of Lifting for Women:
    "Your body has more than 600 muscles, and the squat is thought to work close to half of them."

    So this week's challenge (for 5 extra points) is to do 200 extra squats. They don't have to be done at once; you have all week to work towards that number.

    PART 2 --
    From what I have seen so far, we did not do our best drinking water. So --- you will get 5 extra points if you drink your 8 glasses of water at least 6 days this week. Come on ladies --- EASY points!

    **** Have an idea for next week's challenge??? Message me please.
  • jalysons
    jalysons Posts: 73 Member
    It offical:

    i GAINED back the 1 pound I had lost. So annoying. Suggestions are welcome. Also, I am not sure if I count walking or not. Most days I walk the dog at least an hour. 30 minutes in AM/30 minutes in PM. In PM usually have stroller which is heavy. I wear HRM and it says I burn anywhere from 100-300 depending on length of walk and who I have with me (just dog or twins)

    Monday - strength train - 40 minutes, stepmill - 40 minutes, ( walking - 40 minutes)
    Tuesday - Running - 22 minutes, Elliptical, - 10 minutes, stairmaster - 35 (75 min walking not sure if I should count this dog in am and dog/stroller in evening
    Wed - Insantiity and Insanity Abs, stairmaster - 30 minutes, running - 11 minutes, walking - 70 minutes
    TH - Insanity - and Abs - stairmaster - 10, stength - 40, walking 50
    Fri - spinning , elliptical, 25, walking 75
    Saturday - running - 58-outisde, stregth - 25 minutes, running treadmill - 10 (chatting with friend who was walking so hopped on- i know i am crazy), stairmaster 11, elliptocal - 10, walking - 72 min
    Sunday - 57 minute run, elliptocal - 15, stairmaster, 20, walking (80)- 30 a little slow but pushing dog and pull tricyle. Only logged 30

    SO I AM VERY DISCOURAGED, I hardly had any wine this week (a miracle), ate way better then when on vacation where I had lost the pound.

    GRR, beginning to think I am destined to be at this weight.

    Oh, I did have body fat checked and am 20.2 with calipers

  • roxiedo
    roxiedo Posts: 154
    Out of the 140s - 139.8 pounds - lost .4 - better than nothing or gaining. This week I am going to concentrate on doing Tae Bo and Jane Fonda. I did use my weight gloves while exercising this week. Lower extremity exercises 4 this week, upper 2.

    I made a big pot of the Weight Watchers vegetable soup tonight - time get get back to eating the soup so hoping for a good weigh in this week.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    Down 1.7 to 148.5 this week! Yay me! So thrilled because my 25 yr reunion is this next Saturday & I'm feelin' pretty good about it. Think I only had 2 "bad" days going over my calories - Monday & today. Monday was just a bad meal choice all together & tonight was decent food, just too much of it. Did strength-training 2x this week - Tuesday & Friday. Cardio [walking] most days - gotta earn those extra calories! :). Didn't drink my 8 glasses of water each day - no excuses. Hoping to do better this week! Wishing you ALL much success this upcoming week!
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member

    PART 1 --
    From the book that I was reading, The New Rules of Lifting for Women:
    "Your body has more than 600 muscles, and the squat is thought to work close to half of them."

    So this week's challenge (for 5 extra points) is to do 200 extra squats. They don't have to be done at once; you have all week to work towards that number.

    My plan for fitting in those extra squats - we have a private restroom here at work so during each of my many visits (from all that water!) I will do a set of 12 squats before returning to my desk. They should add up quickly!