Ask a man....



  • Themajez
    Themajez Posts: 61 Member
    If a girl offers it, would you always sleep with them on the first date?

    No, not always. If the woman seems flakey at all I would take a rain check. That's because I'm likely to want to do it at least twice, flakey women would probably disappear after the first time. I try and avoid such women.
  • Themajez
    Themajez Posts: 61 Member
    I live with two matured middle aged guys (3 boys if you count the cat) and the floor is always wet around the toilet. I have come to live with it and its just there... always..... :s

    That's gross. I suggest that you buy one of those carpet rectangles with the cutout for the base of the toilet. It will absorb the drops and just wash it once a week. It's also handy on cold nights so your feet don't get cold on a wooden floor.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,451 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    If a girl offers it, would you always sleep with them on the first date?


    ..... what kind of guy do you think I am !?

    (rhetorical question; no need to answer.)

    But .. 😢 you mean you'd turn me down 😭😭😭
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Themajez wrote: »
    Why do some men pee all over the toilet seat? Is the hole not big enough? Is it a aiming problem?

    Another guy here. First, any guy who doesn't lift the toilet seat is either highly foolish or has a perfect stream. Since a perfect stream doesn't really exist in normal life we can deduce that guys who don't lift the seat either have to go immediately, and are prepared to thoroughly clean the seat afterwards. Or they just don't care. Avoid such men if possible.

    That's a hygenic issue. In general, both men & women, people with poor hygene should be avoided if possible. That's just gross!
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 511 Member
    PaperDoll_ wrote: »
    coachswaf wrote: »
    Why do so many women seem bitter and talk horribly about men on mfp?

    Penal envy man

    Peeing standing up

    Tending to age extraordinary

    The list is endless

    This is so true! Everyday I wake up, I think about how much better my life could be if only I could pee standing up.

    It's not so much the standing up, it's being able to go outside with ease, at least that's what I'm assuming with all our warehouse guys insisting to pee outside instead of walking 20 feet to the restroom.