Anyone cutting after a bulk?



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Also to add, this is intended to last 6-8 weeks and then a 2 week break
  • edickson76
    edickson76 Posts: 107 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Fantastic video. Thanks for sharing @edickson76. Do you do refeeds often? Maybe start to incorporate them regularly. Good luck with the rest of your cut.

    My original plan was 4 weeks, then a refeed, then another 4 or 5 weeks of cut. Social events have interfered with that plan. "Refeed" day first weekend, then Memorial Day BBQs (more surplus) after week 3. That had limited my progress so I was trying to stretch the cut out to 6 weeks and refeed this week. Obviously life went a little differently, but yes there was a plan.

    Friend is having a birthday party end of the month, so that will be another refeed. And then there's July 4th. I think I'm covered for refeeds. :smile:
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    How is everyone doing?

    Cut is still going over here. My weekends are a little more indulgent than they probably should be but it's ok. I am trying to get in 4 training sessions per week, plus one yoga class and at least one day of cardio. I have a weekend getaway in less than 4 weeks so hopefully I am in decent shape by then. That will also be the start of my diet break.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    How is everyone doing?

    Cut is still going over here. My weekends are a little more indulgent than they probably should be but it's ok. I am trying to get in 4 training sessions per week, plus one yoga class and at least one day of cardio. I have a weekend getaway in less than 4 weeks so hopefully I am in decent shape by then. That will also be the start of my diet break.
    Mine is next week, can't wait. I'll be going from 2400 calories to somewhere around 2800. Not sure if that's my new maintenance, but they say that you need to estimate BW X 14-17...since I have a high metabolism, I multiplied it by 17. Even if I do gain weight, the following week, I'll flush it all down again when I get back to my regular cutting calories.
  • Davidsdottir
    Davidsdottir Posts: 1,285 Member
    A month into my recomp and I'm sitting at exactly 140.0 still. My TDEE has dropped because life stuff has changed, so I'm trying out 2400 cals now.
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    How is everyone doing?

    Cut is still going over here. My weekends are a little more indulgent than they probably should be but it's ok. I am trying to get in 4 training sessions per week, plus one yoga class and at least one day of cardio. I have a weekend getaway in less than 4 weeks so hopefully I am in decent shape by then. That will also be the start of my diet break.

    Bulk going ... going

    Gained 12 pounds since ending the cut. Still trying to keep it lean(ish) but constantly questioning if I'm spinning those wheels. I was stuck at 197 for almost three weeks and then all of a sudden popped up to 202... and then back down to 200 this morning. Big surplus and big bulks are so much easier on my head but I want to avoid another 4 month cut.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I am on vacation until the 2nd, but my trial week of UD2 went very well. I was compliant and my net loss was 1.5 lbs before vacation started. I have to finalize the programming of my lifting routine but that should be easy
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    It had been a while since I did any sort of rest/deload week so I'm doing that this week; lighter weight, mostly dumbbell, full body workout. Did that Monday and this morning, will likely do a third Saturday. Also cut my grass last night and might hit cardio tomorrow if I feel like getting out of bed on time. Food this week has been a little suspect, all-day meetings Tuesday and yesterday with a big vendor, calories floating close to maintenance, average weight so far this week at 173.2 which is flat compared with last week.

    The right shoulder soreness I've been feeling hasn't really gone away and I think it's being caused by how I snooze my alarm, not by working out. Not really sure how to feel about that, not the type of "injury" I thought I'd already be incurring at 29. Going to change where I keep my phone (alarm source) and see how much better it feels through the weekend; if it's not back close to 100% I'll do another light weight week.

    I should be able to stick to target calories today and tomorrow no problem, food-centric family events scheduled for Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday so it'll be a dice roll on those days.
  • AEC50
    AEC50 Posts: 124 Member
    This was my first cut after a bulk and it was not easy. More accurately, it didn't happen. I never hit goal weight - I gained 14 and wanted to drop 8. I lost about 5 and found summer indulgences like a cocktail on the patio at sunset or slushies with my kids are too good to worry about the last three pounds. Guess I was made to be a recomper :) I'm back at maintenance calories and will see how things go over the next few weeks with a vacation.
  • Davidsdottir
    Davidsdottir Posts: 1,285 Member
    Alexson50 wrote: »
    This was my first cut after a bulk and it was not easy. More accurately, it didn't happen. I never hit goal weight - I gained 14 and wanted to drop 8. I lost about 5 and found summer indulgences like a cocktail on the patio at sunset or slushies with my kids are too good to worry about the last three pounds. Guess I was made to be a recomper :) I'm back at maintenance calories and will see how things go over the next few weeks with a vacation.

    Nothing wrong with that! I specifically went into this bulk with the mindset that the end weight is my goal weight and that once I hit it I'd recomp. It's been a month since I hit my goal and I dropped to maintenance. So far so good.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    How is everyone doing?

    Cut is still going over here. My weekends are a little more indulgent than they probably should be but it's ok. I am trying to get in 4 training sessions per week, plus one yoga class and at least one day of cardio. I have a weekend getaway in less than 4 weeks so hopefully I am in decent shape by then. That will also be the start of my diet break.

    Bulk going ... going

    Gained 12 pounds since ending the cut. Still trying to keep it lean(ish) but constantly questioning if I'm spinning those wheels. I was stuck at 197 for almost three weeks and then all of a sudden popped up to 202... and then back down to 200 this morning. Big surplus and big bulks are so much easier on my head but I want to avoid another 4 month cut.

    I hate that feeling.. that is why I always aimed a bit high around 0.5lb per week and sometimes it would be 0.7lbs and I would just go with it. I would rather gain more and have to cut longer then waste time not gaining properly. But then again it depends what is the hard part for you. Cutting is no picnic.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Alexson50 wrote: »
    This was my first cut after a bulk and it was not easy. More accurately, it didn't happen. I never hit goal weight - I gained 14 and wanted to drop 8. I lost about 5 and found summer indulgences like a cocktail on the patio at sunset or slushies with my kids are too good to worry about the last three pounds. Guess I was made to be a recomper :) I'm back at maintenance calories and will see how things go over the next few weeks with a vacation.

    Oh I know all the long weekends and parties, it can really mess up a deficit.

    Let us know how the recomp goes for you!
  • billkansas
    billkansas Posts: 267 Member
    I've lost 5 lbs over the last 5 or 6 weeks and seems like my lifts are now all down by 10 lbs or more! :'( I also have some sort of injury to my gluteus/illiac crest area so squat/deadlift (my two favorite lifts) are way down (trying not to aggravate my PIA)! I sort of like what I'm seeing in the mirror though....slightly less flab. :D
  • rose2_0
    rose2_0 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm doing terrible. No cut to be seen. I look the smallest I ever have at 147 though and I can eat so much more than I used to be able to so...screw it. I'm staying juicy this summer. Boys have been buying me dinner too so I figure everything is looking alright enough.
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    How do you know/what do you do - if you are cutting too quickly?

    This whole past year has been a circus for me, but through it, I did manage to train pretty consistently and overeat (despite my best efforts to recomp) so I ended up with 15 pounds to lose three weeks ago. I know some was water weight, but I also KNOW some of that is muscle- I followed a glute hypertrophy program and I can see a difference in photos and by feel. Anyway, I've stuck to a VERY maintainable deficit (about 1800-2100 calories a day, depending on exercise - and making sure to get ~1 gram protein per lb bodyweight) and three weeks later I've lost about 11 pounds. Which puts me 4 pounds from my goal weight and about 6 pounds from where I don't want to lose any more than that, at all. So - is this too fast? Will I lose my gains? Do I up my calories? I was thinking it would be fine to lose a pound a week. Not three. :/
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    jdog022 wrote: »
    Its been very hard lately. Work stress, Kid stress, etc. So I think I am done.

    Here is where I ended up. Not as lean as I hoped but there's always next year. This is also a full day of food and maybe a white monster or 3.. and right before bed, pjs and all.
    Probably rock maintenance for July and head into a long lean bulk. However long it takes to get to 190. Could be a year. My back and side delts suck and need to grow.


    You're showing an 8 pack and you don't think your lean enough??? I think you're too tough on yourself, you should pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Remember that you're in the 1% of the population who is so lean enough to see their 8 pack.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited June 2018
    EmbeeKay wrote: »
    How do you know/what do you do - if you are cutting too quickly?
    The thumb of rule is that you shouldn't lose more than 1% of your bodyweight. I weigh 164 lbs, therefore if I lose over 1.64 lbs (164 X 1% = 1.64) per week on average, that's just too much. I would be basically losing fat and a lot more muscles.

    Ideally you should be losing in the range of 0.3%-1% of your bodyweight on a weekly basis to ensure that you lose fat and minimize muscle loss.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    EmbeeKay wrote: »
    How do you know/what do you do - if you are cutting too quickly?

    This whole past year has been a circus for me, but through it, I did manage to train pretty consistently and overeat (despite my best efforts to recomp) so I ended up with 15 pounds to lose three weeks ago. I know some was water weight, but I also KNOW some of that is muscle- I followed a glute hypertrophy program and I can see a difference in photos and by feel. Anyway, I've stuck to a VERY maintainable deficit (about 1800-2100 calories a day, depending on exercise - and making sure to get ~1 gram protein per lb bodyweight) and three weeks later I've lost about 11 pounds. Which puts me 4 pounds from my goal weight and about 6 pounds from where I don't want to lose any more than that, at all. So - is this too fast? Will I lose my gains? Do I up my calories? I was thinking it would be fine to lose a pound a week. Not three. :/

    I would say you are cutting too quickly when you are losing more than 1% of your bodyweight per week. Anymore than that and you typically risk muscle loss especially if you are already very lean. Another way to tell, your gym performance is suffering, you feel very fatigued, and visual results.. if you start to look like you are losing significant size where you don't want to lose it, or you are looking worse each week (less defined, scrawny vs ripped, etc).

    How fast did that weight come off, was it consistent 4 lbs per week or did it happen with a woosh? I'm sure some of that is water weight but you could also be losing too quickly. Do you use a trend weight app? That can help sort through some of the noise from fluctuations.

    I would definitely up the calories especially being so close to goal. Even 1lb per week might be pushing it for you. To give you an idea I only lose 0.5lb per week after a bulk because I am terrified of losing too much muscle. The glutes are a very expensive muscle to keep and your body will very easily give it up if you are too aggressive, even if you are running a glute focused program and getting adequate protein.

    How are you feeling about your progress and physique? What are your goals? Are you planning on running a bulk after you cut?
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    How is everyone doing?

    Cut is still going over here. My weekends are a little more indulgent than they probably should be but it's ok. I am trying to get in 4 training sessions per week, plus one yoga class and at least one day of cardio. I have a weekend getaway in less than 4 weeks so hopefully I am in decent shape by then. That will also be the start of my diet break.

    Bulk going ... going

    Gained 12 pounds since ending the cut. Still trying to keep it lean(ish) but constantly questioning if I'm spinning those wheels. I was stuck at 197 for almost three weeks and then all of a sudden popped up to 202... and then back down to 200 this morning. Big surplus and big bulks are so much easier on my head but I want to avoid another 4 month cut.

    I hate that feeling.. that is why I always aimed a bit high around 0.5lb per week and sometimes it would be 0.7lbs and I would just go with it. I would rather gain more and have to cut longer then waste time not gaining properly. But then again it depends what is the hard part for you. Cutting is no picnic.

    I cut easily - but it’s still not fun and a lot of time where I’m not growing. Took 4 months this year to cut last years flab.

    The weight I put on from my DC trip - which was probably just me being stopped up from travel, is gone and I’ve stabilized at 197.4 this morning. Felt a bit dissatisfied with that progress but my logs show it’s about a 2.5 pound gain this month. 7.4 pounds since ending my cut in May. It took me a while to ramp up to my current calorie intake and of course a chunk of what I’ve gained is just glycogen/water weight. I’ve also still got my abs, which is a bonus I guess. ;) I think I’ll bump intake up a couple of hundred on workout days and see what happens.

    EmbeeKay wrote: »
    How do you know/what do you do - if you are cutting too quickly?

    This whole past year has been a circus for me, but through it, I did manage to train pretty consistently and overeat (despite my best efforts to recomp) so I ended up with 15 pounds to lose three weeks ago. I know some was water weight, but I also KNOW some of that is muscle- I followed a glute hypertrophy program and I can see a difference in photos and by feel. Anyway, I've stuck to a VERY maintainable deficit (about 1800-2100 calories a day, depending on exercise - and making sure to get ~1 gram protein per lb bodyweight) and three weeks later I've lost about 11 pounds. Which puts me 4 pounds from my goal weight and about 6 pounds from where I don't want to lose any more than that, at all. So - is this too fast? Will I lose my gains? Do I up my calories? I was thinking it would be fine to lose a pound a week. Not three. :/

    A lot of your initial loss may have been water. How much difference is there between your carb intake now compared to your bulk?