JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,092 Member
    So, my biggest goal is achieved. I got the email. I got the job! And I have a really good feeling about it. The office felt good when I walked in. The panic is subsiding and being replaced by some anxiety but mostly excitement!

    Yayyyyy!! Well done!!!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    @Snowflake1968, that is a great list of goals...and really well-planned and nothing unachievable. Also, that is great news on the tax refund and the calories from yesterday!

    @HGSmith0920, I've never seen this "done" button, is it in the phone app?

    Yes it is on the iphone app anyway.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    So, my biggest goal is achieved. I got the email. I got the job! And I have a really good feeling about it. The office felt good when I walked in. The panic is subsiding and being replaced by some anxiety but mostly excitement!

    Woohoooooo!!!! Congratulations! You should celebrate in a non-food related way.
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    I definitely need a (sensible) splurge. I'm thinking maybe a pedicure with a fun new color of nail polish. I can get one for 20 dollars so it's not too out of reach.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Fantastic news @nickssweetheart ! So happy for you.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    It’s late here but still a little loopy with the sleepover. Kids still awake and kitten is running around beside himself with excitement. And I’m so exhausted as been up since 3am when I was doing the cake! Please send sleepy vibes over to these 9 year olds for me!!

    Friday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - Emails on arrival to school :/ something always comes up! But did most this afternoon
    - April challenge - flush out yesterday’s damage! ✅
    - May challenge ✅
    - June challenge - remember that I am v tired, take conscious decisions to fuel myself properly and regularly to avoid hunger and know the difference between hunger and tiredness or emotions! ✅ I have had a few sneaks of treats from the girls but v proud to have stayed well within goal. Been really focussed on this today and it feels like a major victory to have had some moderation.
    - Buy pancake ingredients for kids’ breakfast tomorrow ✅
    - Leave work on time to deliver cake ✅
    - Quick run to health food shop before sleepover ✅
    - Try and sleep if the munchkins let me! :D time will tell!!
    - Make food plan for weekend - nah, just need to make it to tomorrow morning alive!!

    Saturday goals
    - morning workout only if all quiet with the kids
    - Get everyone packed and to school summer fair
    - April challenge
    - May challenge
    - June challenge - repeat today’s tiredness win!
    - Head to my parents after fair and take opportunity for some rest.
    - Early night

    Happy weekend all x

    Wish me good luck guys!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    I definitely need a (sensible) splurge. I'm thinking maybe a pedicure with a fun new color of nail polish. I can get one for 20 dollars so it's not too out of reach.

    I was just thinking I would like to have a pedicure, but I don't think I can find one that cheap here.
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    @Faebert, your cake was so gorgeous...I hope you get some well-deserved rest. Sending the Sandman direct to your house for the kiddos!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    It’s late here but still a little loopy with the sleepover. Kids still awake and kitten is running around beside himself with excitement. And I’m so exhausted as been up since 3am when I was doing the cake! Please send sleepy vibes over to these 9 year olds for me!!

    Friday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - Emails on arrival to school :/ something always comes up! But did most this afternoon
    - April challenge - flush out yesterday’s damage! ✅
    - May challenge ✅
    - June challenge - remember that I am v tired, take conscious decisions to fuel myself properly and regularly to avoid hunger and know the difference between hunger and tiredness or emotions! ✅ I have had a few sneaks of treats from the girls but v proud to have stayed well within goal. Been really focussed on this today and it feels like a major victory to have had some moderation.
    - Buy pancake ingredients for kids’ breakfast tomorrow ✅
    - Leave work on time to deliver cake ✅
    - Quick run to health food shop before sleepover ✅
    - Try and sleep if the munchkins let me! :D time will tell!!
    - Make food plan for weekend - nah, just need to make it to tomorrow morning alive!!

    Saturday goals
    - morning workout only if all quiet with the kids
    - Get everyone packed and to school summer fair
    - April challenge
    - May challenge
    - June challenge - repeat today’s tiredness win!
    - Head to my parents after fair and take opportunity for some rest.
    - Early night

    Happy weekend all x

    Wish me good luck guys!

    As tiring and exhausting as they were I truly miss the sleepover parties when my girls were little. I'm having a sleepover with the Grands next Saturday night. Hope they let you get some sleep soon!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So there is dinner that is ready to eat in about 4 minutes but the deep fried Oreos that D left in the fridge are calling my name! Actually, the timer just went off! So dinner is about to be served! I just need to get off the couch and put it into bowls! Come on Hannah! You can do it!

  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Quick check in today!
    House chores-nope
    Finish report at work-almost, should be done Monday
    Decide on week 2 reward (this one will be food :)) ✅-reuben at my favorite local greasy diner :)
    30 minutes exercise ✅
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise :( -was just under, may try to catch up with an evening snack
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:
    House chores
    Set up bullet journal for next 2 weeks
    30 minutes exercise
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Post here for accountability

    Happy Friday all!
  • monstersweetsbyallison
    June 29th JFT
    Stay in the green :)
    Go to dance class :'(
    Go for a run :'(
    Work on my emotional eating :)
    Finish up some paperwork!!! :)

    I didn't end up exercising today but I'm ok with that. I caught up on some sleep today which felt amazing. And did do some of my JFT goals for an overall good day.

    June 30th JFT
    Stay in the green
    Go to dance class
    Do calisthenics
    Work on my emotional eating
    Visit my oldest brother & his family

    ~*~wishing everyone here a beautiful day & successful weekend~*~
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :neutral: Had two extra kitkats (200 kcals) as was SO HUNGRY
    - 4 bottles water :smile:
    - No alcohol :smile:
    - Do exercise DVD :smile:
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book :smile:
    - Catch up on French revision :smiley:

    June challenge:

    June 10: "I'm on holiday" = chocolate :s
    June 11: Stress = gin, no food :neutral:
    June 12: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 13: 'celebratory' mood + pub + burger/ ice cream :s
    June 14: No emotional eating :smiley:
    June 15: Greed rather than emotions.. :neutral:
    June 16: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 17: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 18: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 19: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 20: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 21: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 22: Greed rather than emotions... :neutral:
    June 23: "F&ck it mood" - pub food/drink :/
    June 24: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 25: Grumpy, overworked - two gins :/
    June 26: Black mood but reined myself in, had moderate indulgence and then stopped :smile:
    June 27: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 28: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 29: No emotional eating :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - 3+ bottles water
    - Go for walk, at least 1h
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    1. Log everything I eat and stay under calorie goal. :)
    2. No eating out! I have a fridge and freezer jampacked with healthy food and I need to eat it. :)
    3. Physical therapy morning and evening. :)
    4. Drink 10 glasses of water. :neutral: Did not do this.
    5. Give some just for today support today! I've been on the receiving end and am so grateful and I want to do my part to make our thread so bright and helpful. :) Did my best although none of y'all particularly seemed to need support (except maybe for the moms out there...)

    Just For Saturday:

    1. Log everything I eat and stay under goal.
    2. No fast food!
    3. Physical therapy morning and evening.
    4. Drink 10 glasses of water. Filling my jug and putting it in the fridge so it will be nice and cold when I get back from taking the cat to the vet...
    5. Yoga routine.
    6. Treat myself to something special to celebrate my new job.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    edited June 2018
    1. Log everything I eat and stay under calorie goal. :)
    2. No eating out! I have a fridge and freezer jampacked with healthy food and I need to eat it. :)
    3. Physical therapy morning and evening. :)
    4. Drink 10 glasses of water. :neutral: Did not do this.
    5. Give some just for today support today! I've been on the receiving end and am so grateful and I want to do my part to make our thread so bright and helpful. :)Did my best although none of y'all particularly seemed to need support (except maybe for the moms out there...)

    Just For Saturday:

    1. Log everything I eat and stay under goal.
    2. No fast food!
    3. Physical therapy morning and evening.
    4. Drink 10 glasses of water. Filling my jug and putting it in the fridge so it will be nice and cold when I get back from taking the cat to the vet...
    5. Yoga routine.
    6. Treat myself to something special to celebrate my new job.

    I find just the community and participating, sharing ideas and stories is supportive whether I'm actually going through anything, fighting eating or not. It's nice to build the friendships.
    I think treating yourself for the new job is an awesome idea!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    JFT - Friday June 29
    2L of Water - No - I forgot to put water in the fridge at work yesterday morning, so I got behind on it first thing.
    Stay in Green n- Yes
    Outside 15 Minutes - Yes - took a 5k walk
    Write in Journal -Yes

    JFT - Saturday June 30
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Write in Journal

    Today I have my daughter and a young lady coming over to make the wedding invitations. They aren't coming until this afternoon which should give me time to go get some groceries, clean and paint my front door. I am going to get some healthy snacks for us to munch on while we are crafting. My daughter is trying to pay attention to her weight for the wedding next summer. The young lady I am helping lost over 100 pounds in 2012-2013 and has kept it off all this time. She watches what she eats most of the time, but still enjoys her life and fast food occasionally. She is an inspiration to me. The young ladies in my life are truly remarkable, they have all faced challenges head on and still go through life with beauty and grace. My husband said something about "millennials" the other day, I told him I'm tired of hearing it that the generation we know are hard working, generous, community minded people and our generation is worse. He must have thought about it for a while because a while later he told me I was right.

    The scale showed 185.6 again this morning, I swear this has been flashing about once a week for the last 3 weeks then it jumps back up again. I am not getting excited over it today. I will continue doing what I'm doing and hope that it starts to go lower, but I'm not jumping for joy yet.

    I will probably check in later before my girls arrive, if I don't make it I hope everyone has a great day!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Friday
    1. BE KIND TO YOURSELF - squash self doubt with self love :)
    2. Meds AM and PM >:) Home too late for pm didn't have enough with me
    3. Eat at maintenance >:) just over but not sweating it
    4. Go with the flow - be in the moment - give my best self to DH :)
    5. Pack frozen waters :)
    6. Log all food :)
    7. Enjoy every bite! :# so tasty!

    Jft Saturday
    1. Be kind
    2. Log all food
    3. Buy a big water and drink it!
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Seeking some advice. Today is my first cheat day in 2 weeks. I have been eating super clean, which I am very proud of, especially given years of super unhealthy eating. I picked out my reward-meal at one of my favorite restaurants. I decided to log the meal ahead of time to try and meal plan a bit around it. Holy cow-crappy food is LOADED with calories! Like really loaded! This is a real eye opener. I am definitely over my calories, even with my exercise completed for the day. I am struggling between doing an extra 30 minutes intense cardio to try and be close to my calorie limit for today, or do I just take today as a cheat day and accept that I'll go over??? Trying to find a balance with this all! Any feedback is greatly welcomed :)