Who else is "enjoying" the exceptionally hot and humid weather gracing the US Midwest this weekend?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,170 Member
    Rowing at 8:30AM this weekend as always (can't stand the super early), full sun and plenty of humidity on the river, sticking mostly with steady state on these hotter days.

    A couple of times earlier in Spring, when it got into the 90s (lower heat index than this weekend, though), I went biking mid-afternoon out of sheer stubbornness. ;) Don't know if I'll try for a repeat this weekend, or not.

    Being acclimated is a big deal; I've been rowing 4 mornings a week for a couple of months now, plus some evenings, and there's been some heat . . . I'm probably adapted enough. But drinking water, always lots of water.

    Some folks who've unintentionally flipped singles in our evening learn-to-row class this week were expressing appreciation for the impromptu cooling swim. (I hate to swim, especially when I intend to be rowing. ;) ).
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Rowing at 8:30AM this weekend as always (can't stand the super early), full sun and plenty of humidity on the river, sticking mostly with steady state on these hotter days.

    A couple of times earlier in Spring, when it got into the 90s (lower heat index than this weekend, though), I went biking mid-afternoon out of sheer stubbornness. ;) Don't know if I'll try for a repeat this weekend, or not.

    Being acclimated is a big deal; I've been rowing 4 mornings a week for a couple of months now, plus some evenings, and there's been some heat . . . I'm probably adapted enough. But drinking water, always lots of water.

    Some folks who've unintentionally flipped singles in our evening learn-to-row class this week were expressing appreciation for the impromptu cooling swim. (I hate to swim, especially when I intend to be rowing. ;) ).

    I know you’ve mentioned your dislike of swimming before, but I’m impressed that extends to a dunking in hot weather! I’m new enough to running that I still struggle to modulate properly, but hopefully I’ll get there one day.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I don't enjoy it one bit :(

    Last year was one of the hottest years in history, and I ended up with recurring prickly heat all summer on my entire back. That's no fun. This year is not as hot, but I'm not taking any chances. I had my treadmill moved to a room with decent air conditioning and that's where my cardio will happen.
  • mkculs
    mkculs Posts: 316 Member
    @MegaMooseEsq Some say the mosquito is our state bird. I live practically in a conservancy in the wetlands area. I get my sprinting in dashing to and from my car to avoid the little blood suckers.

    Got my walk/jog in today but had to walk a lot more on the second half. Just guzzled Gatorade, which I don’t usually drink and it hit the spot. I may try to get my kids to go to the pool with me this evening—my nearby lake is closed bc of algae bloom. I’ll be working inside restoring order to my home. Between the end of the school year, my son getting home from college, and being away for a week, things have gotten a little out of hand. I’m glad to have an indoor task for the next couple of days.
  • makinemjellis
    makinemjellis Posts: 91 Member
    I’m originally from SC, now living in SD. The current heat/humidity levels make me feel like I’m back in the southeast. The biggest difference is that at least in the southeast, everywhere had AC...
  • joann23456
    joann23456 Posts: 25 Member
    I’ve been sitting down for five minutes at a shady spot in the middle of my walk route. Can’t wait for cooler weather.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I live in Southern California. It gets hot during the day, but it's not humid and there are no mosquitoes. Then the sea breeze comes in the afternoon and turns this place into an evening paradise. B)

    It's not been hot here at all lately. It's supposed to warm up next week, though.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,224 Member
    I’m in the northeast and the heat index is over 100 today (higher tomorrow). I’m supposed to do an 18 mile run today.

    I think there’s another thread asking about your slowest mile? Stay tuned. I should have an update for that later today.
  • thesnackmonster
    thesnackmonster Posts: 78 Member
    Hello from the UK, we are having a mini heatwave too! 26 degrees today, that’s hot for us😎
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited June 2018
    mkculs wrote: »
    @MegaMooseEsq Some say the mosquito is our state bird. I live practically in a conservancy in the wetlands area. I get my sprinting in dashing to and from my car to avoid the little blood suckers.

    Got my walk/jog in today but had to walk a lot more on the second half. Just guzzled Gatorade, which I don’t usually drink and it hit the spot. I may try to get my kids to go to the pool with me this evening—my nearby lake is closed bc of algae bloom. I’ll be working inside restoring order to my home. Between the end of the school year, my son getting home from college, and being away for a week, things have gotten a little out of hand. I’m glad to have an indoor task for the next couple of days.

    I have a super power that causes me to get bit by any mosquito within a 5mile radius but the bites only last about a half an hour. I mostly just try and stay inside at dusk, although it's been such a good time for gardening recently. Ah well.

    jenilla1 wrote: »
    I live in Southern California. It gets hot during the day, but it's not humid and there are no mosquitoes. Then the sea breeze comes in the afternoon and turns this place into an evening paradise. B)

    It's not been hot here at all lately. It's supposed to warm up next week, though.

    I was trying to explain to someone in Portland why the whole "dry heat vs humidity" thing is a thing and they didn't get it until I said that the presence or absence of sunlight doesn't make much difference when it's humid. Then they got it.

    jellis432 wrote: »
    I’m originally from SC, now living in SD. The current heat/humidity levels make me feel like I’m back in the southeast. The biggest difference is that at least in the southeast, everywhere had AC...

    It drives me bonkers that AC is so rare in the Midwest - I've been renting for two decades and have never had central air.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    mkculs wrote: »
    @MegaMooseEsq Some say the mosquito is our state bird. I live practically in a conservancy in the wetlands area. I get my sprinting in dashing to and from my car to avoid the little blood suckers.

    Got my walk/jog in today but had to walk a lot more on the second half. Just guzzled Gatorade, which I don’t usually drink and it hit the spot. I may try to get my kids to go to the pool with me this evening—my nearby lake is closed bc of algae bloom. I’ll be working inside restoring order to my home. Between the end of the school year, my son getting home from college, and being away for a week, things have gotten a little out of hand. I’m glad to have an indoor task for the next couple of days.

    I have a super power that causes me to get bit by any mosquito within a 5mile radius but the bites only last about a half an hour. I mostly just try and stay inside at dusk, although it's been such a good time for gardening recently. Ah well.

    jenilla1 wrote: »
    I live in Southern California. It gets hot during the day, but it's not humid and there are no mosquitoes. Then the sea breeze comes in the afternoon and turns this place into an evening paradise. B)

    It's not been hot here at all lately. It's supposed to warm up next week, though.

    I was trying to explain to someone in Portland why the whole "dry heat vs humidity" thing is a thing and they didn't get it until I said that the presence or absence of sunlight doesn't make much difference when it's humid. Then they got it.

    jellis432 wrote: »
    I’m originally from SC, now living in SD. The current heat/humidity levels make me feel like I’m back in the southeast. The biggest difference is that at least in the southeast, everywhere had AC...

    It drives me bonkers that AC is so rare in the Midwest - I've been renting for two decades and have never had central air.

    My husband and daughter have that same super power and it completely ruins most outdoor evening time. The little buggers ignore me almost completely though.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    mkculs wrote: »
    Just thought I'd see how everyone is handling it, esp. if you walk/run/bike, etc., outdoors.

    I'm getting up and out early tomorrow and it will still be really tough, but worth it.

    No outdoors. Not with the sauna like humidity.

    Exercise videos to the rescue! If it's walking you're looking, check out Walk at Home videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SSYX8sIOmM
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,170 Member
    Rowed this morning at 8:30 as planned, temps already in the 80s, sunny, humid. But there was a nice breeze from the West (hard to feel when rowing downstream because we were moving about the same speed, but it felt good when rowing upstream). On the water for around a hour and a half.

    Moved on to a farmers' market/food truck roundup/music/heritage festival out on an asphalt parking lot by the mall and partly in a park, walked for 40-45 minutes, maybe a mile and a half or two looking at everything (sprawling event), full sun, probably around 90. (I felt empathy for the guys in full multi-layered colonial era military uniforms!) Ate a mini ice cream bar (stout-flavored rich ice cream, chocolate coating, peanuts, caramel - so delicious) and a small cup of cold vegan dill pickle soup (also yum, and the saltiness was sooo satisfying). The township fire department was there doing a game with kids where they'd help the kids try to spray a model house silhouette with their firehoses to open up doors and windows, then the firefighters would turn the hoses into the air to rain cool water down onto gathering kids (and certain li'l ol' ladies . . . well, maybe I was the only li'l ol' lady getting soaked). Finally, bought fresh local strawberries, blueberries, black cherries and heritage summer squash for later.

    So far, the hot weekend has been pretty idyllic, to tell the truth. ;););)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I'm exercising indoors. I can't take the heat very well.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm so jealous of you guys on the side of the pond! It's 4C (39F) here in my state of Aus right now. We're freezing our butts off over here :sad:
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    Absolutely disgusted...even when taking things slow/easy, not supersetting, sweating with very little effort....no this is no indication of being out of shape or not having cardiovascular conditioning...it's an autonomic process for maintaining homeostasis (essentially has no control over)
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    I sit in the walk in freezer at work.
  • mkculs
    mkculs Posts: 316 Member
    I’m in the northeast and the heat index is over 100 today (higher tomorrow). I’m supposed to do an 18 mile run today.

    I think there’s another thread asking about your slowest mile? Stay tuned. I should have an update for that later today.

    :smiley: That's the right attitude!
  • mkculs
    mkculs Posts: 316 Member
    So many creative ideas for staying active and comfortable!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Sami488 wrote: »
    Sami488 wrote: »
    I find it hard to feel any sympathy whilst I’m here in South Georgia and the heat index is currently 94 degrees at 8:45 at night. And it’s been cloudy all day.

    I'm not sure what you think Midwesterners think is unpleasant, but the heat index is currently 101 degrees just before 8 PM so 94 sounds like an improvement to me!

    But do you have mosquitoes??

    When I lived in Oklahoma we called them the state bird. :lol: