JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member

    @Snowflake1968 I'm sorry that your job doesnt seem to be going well. I think I missed the post about the potential new one. What is the job?

    It's so weird having the house to myself again. Lol. For the last like 3 weeks, we've had two other people here. So the fact that it is quiet and relatively clean is amazing! Lol.

    A young lady in my life is starting a business and has asked me to be a part of it. If it's as successful as I believe it will be I will never have to sell again! She wants me for my admin and leadership skills. She worked for me for 4 years and I am truly blessed that she has thought of me. I have a meeting with her on Sunday to figure out what my role will be, if I want to be a partner in the business, salary, etc. It starts on September 1st.

    That must be so nice having your house to yourself again.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    I am SO tired. Long shifts due to summer & holiday. My JFT is that I have tomorrow off... so I just have to make it through today. And I am determined to shower, wash my hair and dry it before bed despite how exhausted I know I'll be.

    Hope you get some rest soon :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    Only 5 posts since I last checked??? What's going on?

    Oh wait, it's the fourth of July... :)

    Funnily enough, we don't celebrate that over here :D

    LOL I love your sense of humour!
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,942 Member
    Just For Today:

    1. I will call or text all the special people in my life and wish them a good day.
    2. I will adhere to my dinner plan of veggie burger on bun with caramelized onions and fruit salad.
    3. I will drink lots of water.
    4. I will leave the house, the heat notwithstanding.

    Nice list! :)
  • monstersweetsbyallison
    Everyone here is so amazing!!

    I was feeling really down, like almost depressed or going to a dark place. Then I hop on here to maybe post about that, and I start reading all of your posts and enjoying your pictures. Suddenly I feel my emotions changing, being uplifted, and even catch myself smiling.

    Thank you to everyone on here, I am grateful for each and everyone of you. I really mean it, I appreciate you because you are extraordinary to me.

    Have a good day XOXO <3:)
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    @Snowflake1968 Congrats to your daughter! Your hair looks great! Makes those gorgeous eyes pop :)
    @monstersweetsbyallison I know what those swings feel like. It can be hard to push yourself to reach out once you start down the tunnel, so nicely done and I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. :) Keep being awesome!

    So today was pretty great. I had a major exercise breakthrough I am so excited to share. I was diagnosed with vocal chord dysfunction two years ago. This means that certain muscles in my throat are too tense, and when triggered (i.e. during exercise), my vocal chords close instead of open when I take deep breaths. It's incredibly stressful, especially as I have struggled with anxiety and panic attacks in the past. The treatment is a series of stretches and breathing exercises to relax the muscles in your throat and re-train you body how to breathe properly. I have never done them consistently, but I have been pretty good the last 2-3 weeks. Tonight I stepped up the difficulty level on my stationary bike and found that-I could breathe! No gasping for air, no wheezing, no having to stop and take breaks or quit due to feeling defeated. The last 10 minutes of my workout I am usually dying and counting down the minutes, but tonight I felt awesome because I could actually take full breaths and get the oxygen I needed. Sorry for the long post but it really just felt great.

    Ok, now to actually check-in!
    Be kind to myself ✅-had a few moments of feeling not good enough, but pushed through
    Reach out to supports ✅
    Self-care ✅-watched Brain on Fire today on Netflix, great movie
    House chores+catchup ✅
    30 minutes exercise ✅-while breathing!
    Top 5 on to-do list ✅ top 7 :)
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise ✅
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅
    BED BY 10!-Yikes, totally thrown off my the holiday :(
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:
    House chores
    30 minutes exercise
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    BED BY 10! For real this time!
    Post here for accountability
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    @PackerFanInGB good luck on your tests!
  • monstersweetsbyallison
    @jeschepp Thank you for your kind words.Your exercise breakthrough is exciting! Its great to hear you can breath so much better.

    @Snowflake1968 Your before and after pics are marvelous! Your daughter is talented. Also the new job/partnership sounds promising. Happy to hear about it.

    Okay its 10:30pm where I live. Fourth of July was fun. I didn't do too badly today with my JFT goals.

    JFT July 4th
    Stay in the green :(
    Go to dance class :)
    Water✔/walk✔/mindful eating❌/meal planning❌

    JFT July 5th
    Stay in the green!!!
    Go to dance class
    Go for a run
    Practice mindful eating!
    Meal plan all 3 meals & snacks!
    Water/walk/mindful eating/meal plan
    Pick up prescription
    Return library books & checkout beck diet solution
    Pick up grandpas' flags
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :/ Decided to go out for dinner to celebrate something good happening at work. This was not in the plan... I wonder if we should keep medium calorie pizza in the freezer for such eventualities. The thing is, sometimes I just want to go OUT rather than go back to poky flat...
    - Run to work :smile:
    - 4 bottles water :neutral: 3.5
    - 45 minute lunch break :smile:
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book :neutral: 3/4
    - Talk to boyfriend in French :smiley: Did this lots at dinner!
    - Send 2 emails :smile:

    July challenge: For me it works better to plan in the morning - I've got into the habit of doing it on my morning commute as it's reliable free time (whereas my evenings vary quite a lot). So let's say I have to do this by the end of breakfast every day.
    July 1st: Done :smile:
    July 2nd: Done :smile:
    July 3rd: Done :smile:
    July 4th: Planned... But did not stick to it :neutral:
    June 5th: Planned

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - Do exercise DVD
    - 4 bottles water

    - 45+ minute lunch break
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book
    - Stop work by 7.30
    - Talk to boyfriend in French
    - Sort out laptop documents
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    Just For Today:

    1. I will call or text all the special people in my life and wish them a good day. o:)
    2. I will adhere to my dinner plan of veggie burger on bun with caramelized onions and fruit salad. >:)
    3. I will drink lots of water. o:)
    4. I will leave the house, the heat notwithstanding. >:)

    Well I didn't stick to my goals all that well. I tried, but I just couldn't make myself leave the house after I realized the heat index was 107 and I was going to have to go out today anyway to go to the bank. And I felt a little sick to my stomach so I wound up eating noodles and fruit salad for dinner and moving the burger to today. I still feel a little ill, actually, but it's an improvement over feeling ravenously hungry.
  • allison8668
    allison8668 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning - I had posted here several times a month or so ago. Then I couldn't think of anything new or different that I wanted to do for the day - that wasn't just what I usually do.

    But, now I have something that I want to do for TODAY! And, that's eat more veggies! I honestly have only been eating salad veggies maybe 2 or 3 times a week. Not good enough IMHO. I need to incorporate more healthy veggies. I picked up some of the frozen riced vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, mixes, with no sauce. And, hopefully I'll like them. Also - green beans and spinach. I can't tell you how many times I buy fresh veggies and wind up tossing them - because I forgot about them or was too lazy to prep and cook them. So, I'm trying frozen for a while - probably get some fresh broccoli, too.

    I hope to report back tomorrow that I really liked my new found veggies - haha.

    Hope you all have a great day !
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    @jeschepp Thank you for your kind words.Your exercise breakthrough is exciting! Its great to hear you can breath so much better.

    @Snowflake1968 Your before and after pics are marvelous! Your daughter is talented. Also the new job/partnership sounds promising. Happy to hear about it.

    Okay its 10:30pm where I live. Fourth of July was fun. I didn't do too badly today with my JFT goals.

    JFT July 4th
    Stay in the green :(
    Go to dance class :)
    Water✔/walk✔/mindful eating❌/meal planning❌

    JFT July 5th
    Stay in the green!!!
    Go to dance class
    Go for a run
    Practice mindful eating!
    Meal plan all 3 meals & snacks!
    Water/walk/mindful eating/meal plan
    Pick up prescription
    Return library books & checkout beck diet solution
    Pick up grandpas' flags

    I am quite excited about the new opportunity I received the policy manual last night, I will be printing it off to read today.

    I am interested in the Beck Diet Solution too. I have a friend that buys all the books so I rarely have to borrow or buy myself I was shocked this is one she doesn't have. I may go buy it and then I can lend to her for a change :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    Just For Today:

    1. I will call or text all the special people in my life and wish them a good day. o:)
    2. I will adhere to my dinner plan of veggie burger on bun with caramelized onions and fruit salad. >:)
    3. I will drink lots of water. o:)
    4. I will leave the house, the heat notwithstanding. >:)

    Well I didn't stick to my goals all that well. I tried, but I just couldn't make myself leave the house after I realized the heat index was 107 and I was going to have to go out today anyway to go to the bank. And I felt a little sick to my stomach so I wound up eating noodles and fruit salad for dinner and moving the burger to today. I still feel a little ill, actually, but it's an improvement over feeling ravenously hungry.

    2 out of 4 is still 50% in some situations that is a pass :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    Good morning - I had posted here several times a month or so ago. Then I couldn't think of anything new or different that I wanted to do for the day - that wasn't just what I usually do.

    But, now I have something that I want to do for TODAY! And, that's eat more veggies! I honestly have only been eating salad veggies maybe 2 or 3 times a week. Not good enough IMHO. I need to incorporate more healthy veggies. I picked up some of the frozen riced vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, mixes, with no sauce. And, hopefully I'll like them. Also - green beans and spinach. I can't tell you how many times I buy fresh veggies and wind up tossing them - because I forgot about them or was too lazy to prep and cook them. So, I'm trying frozen for a while - probably get some fresh broccoli, too.

    I hope to report back tomorrow that I really liked my new found veggies - haha.

    Hope you all have a great day !

    I very rarely add new things to my list, it is usually the same every day. It is making habits for me :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    JFT - Wednesday July 4 - Happy Independence Day to my neighbours to the south!
    2L of Water - :)
    Stay in Green!!!!! - MUST DO THIS - :( Over by 96 which is way better than the 700 and something it was at one point in the day
    Outside 15 Minutes - :)
    Write in Journal - :)
    Walk - :):):):) I don't know what possessed me, but I ran some yesterday on my walk and I walk 1.25 kms more than I normally do. I cut a little over 2 minutes off my pace. So 6.25 km at 9:08 per km! My thighs are hurting today, but I'm quite proud of myself for doing that!

    JFT - Thursday July 5
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Write in Journal
    Read Policy Manual and make notes
    Sell this afternoon

    Had a great day yesterday, I am so very blessed in life right now! Now, if I could just start getting more disciplined with my eating I could have some losses too!

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,499 Member
    Recap 7/3 T ~ heat & humidity still horrible ~ forecast for highs in upper 80s (F) today = ick!!! :grumble:
    1) Walked dog before work 3.67 mi 1:01:45 ave. pace 16:49 + scared one bunny = happy dog B) & happy me B)
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 15,128 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 44 floors :smiley:
    3) Net calories green, or at least w/i 100 / monitor usual = Net calories -73, sodium -480, sugar -17 (fruit, veggies, Siggi's skyr, strawberry bar), fiber & protein good, 12c water :smiley:
    4) To-Do List!!! :smiley: Made great progress catching up, still have a ways to go...
    5) Unplug 9:30 (don't screw up sleep over W holiday) :neutral: don't recall / floss (getting back into "habit") :smiley: / retainers (don't forget!) :smiley: / bed & TV off 11:00 :p in bed by 9:30 & fell asleep w/ TV on

    July 4th I was in holiday mode ~ too much snacking ~ high sodium ~ but I logged! With another hot & humid day, decided it was my rest day ~ heat index 99 ~ retreated to AC. Fitbit 3,907 steps, 250+ steps 7/14 & 8 floors ~ wow, that was extremely sedentary!

    Today my dept only has two others here, and whole building is very quiet as well ~ lots of people took PTO Th & F so maybe I can finally catch up JFT and emails!

    JFT 7/5 R ~ ANOTHER hot & humid day ~ 73 and very humid at 5:45 a.m.
    1) Walked dog before work / 3.26 mi 57:20 / stretched after = happy & panting dog B) & happy, dripping me :sweat_smile:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Net calories green / monitor usual
    4) Boil eggs / wash dishes / keep on to-do list
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (walk dog F before work)
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Tuesday Recap
    1. Log all food >:)
    2. Easy on the hip :)
    3. Meds AM and PM >:)
    4. Lots of water - track it again >:)
    5. Pack dog bag; ace bandage in thunder shirt wrap, dog food, bed :)
    6. Pack food; pasta salad, steak tips, seltzers, chips, salsa, hot dogs :)
    7. Pack clothes, PJ's, sweatshirt, change of clothes, bathingsuit :)
    8. Do no harm but take no *kitten* :)
    9. Be REASONABLE with food choices - do not eat ALL OF THE THINGS :)

    So I thought I was going to lose my streak because my phone died while we were up at the lake and I just wanted to unplug - but it appears to still say 81 day steak? Did they give me a free pass on the holiday? Lol. I did decently - I finally got my period so I was again a carb monster and there were smores so of course I ate them! But I weighed in this morning at the same weight and I also ate some vegetables lol I think I found a good balance. The most important thing I've taken from taking a day off is that, ITS OKAY, you just get right back to it the next day. Although today I'm still not terribly prepared and its DH birthday - he's a little bummed none of his family got him a card - and I didnt give him one this morning either - I usually make cards at work but Tuesday was a whirlwind and I just forgot. He's my super sensitive zodiac cancer so that kinda stuff bums him out - I get it. But he and I really enjoyed ourselves relaxing the past two days and he was thankful for that. And so am I because all the floating has relieved my hip pain! Plans to go out to his favorite restaurant for dinner tonight and I'm gonna try to bust out the anniversary gift I've been trying to finish for redemption :p:D Soooo I guess I'm not really back to it today - and I'll probably have more "excuses" tomorrow - the whole house is a mess because we've been doing a million things - it's super hot - I'm tired. But I'm going to enjoy today with DH and then I WILL MAKE MY SMOOTHIE IN THE MORNING! And I will make wraps for lunch and I will cook dinner at home tomorrow night, even if it's hotdogs... one thing at a time! Just for today!!! (One of my JFT's for tomorrow is definitely going to be no excuses tho!)

    JFT Thursday
    1. Lots of water
    2. Finish 365 Days of Happy! It doesnt have to be perfect - it's literally the thought that counts on this one.
    3. Meds AM and PM
    4. Try magnesium lotion for cramps
    5. Reasonable lunch choices
    6. Make birthday card for DH
    7. Be kind
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Good morning - I had posted here several times a month or so ago. Then I couldn't think of anything new or different that I wanted to do for the day - that wasn't just what I usually do.

    But, now I have something that I want to do for TODAY! And, that's eat more veggies! I honestly have only been eating salad veggies maybe 2 or 3 times a week. Not good enough IMHO. I need to incorporate more healthy veggies. I picked up some of the frozen riced vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, mixes, with no sauce. And, hopefully I'll like them. Also - green beans and spinach. I can't tell you how many times I buy fresh veggies and wind up tossing them - because I forgot about them or was too lazy to prep and cook them. So, I'm trying frozen for a while - probably get some fresh broccoli, too.

    I hope to report back tomorrow that I really liked my new found veggies - haha.

    Hope you all have a great day !

    Hi! Nice to see you again! This is a great JFT goal. I need to eat more veggies also, and when you wrote above that you end up tossing your fresh veggies because you forget or just get too lazy to prep and cook, it hit the nail right on the head for me! I toss more veggies out than I eat it seems like (I'm probably exaggerating a bit but not by much!). I've tried the riced cauliflower in place of rice in stir fry, and I've used it in place of mashed potatoes with a dab of gravy with roast or meatloaf. I'm a huge potato lover, but it does do the trick for me as a substitute.

    Thanks for bringing this up. I'm going to add some riced veggies to my grocery list for this weekend and try the frozen route also. I needed that nudge...

    Have a great day!