P90X starting Monday Aug 15



  • Hi all,

    Yes ready to start. Look forward to it. Sounds good idea posting daily w/o activities.

    I did Kenpo yesterday, was really energised after. Unfortunately no exercise today (social events took over).

    ‘Lisa451999’: well done on sorting the meal plan. It takes time but its worth it. I’m vegetarian and it took quite a while. I’d be interested to know how you get on – please do (if its ok with you?) let us know how you find it.

    Good luck all.
  • I took my P90x fitness test today. I passed everything except I can't do one pull up. No surprise there. I came close to failing the flexibility test. Lol! I am short 4 inches when it comes to sitting down with legs outstretched and touching my toes. Nice!
  • @unfitunhealthy....thanks! The hubby is in the kitchen now cooking up our chicken, turkey and quinoa. He has decided to do it with us. He is going to cook the food then I will get it all sorted as to when we eat it and get it packed for work tomorrow. Teamwork in action! :)
  • Hope you are all ready to start tomorrow!! So excited.

    feel free to add me :)
  • brandenocs
    brandenocs Posts: 146 Member
    I would but I'm halfway through phase 3 of doubles...
  • Hello all,

    Got more people on the group – brilliant. Will post my w/o activity later today: wasn't awake enough this morning to train.

    @lisa45199: very impressed getting the hubby onboard and sorting the cooking! Well done pressing your fitness test. I wasn’t great on ‘toe touch’ either or ‘wall squat’ – just about passed! How’s everyone finding their fit tests?

    Have a good day all.
  • I've been doing it for two weeks but had friends in town last week, so I only did it one or two days... (shame face). I need to start over and this sounds like the perfect opportunity.
  • achasnis
    achasnis Posts: 119 Member
    I am currently on Phase 2 Week 1! Hoping everyone enjoys it as much as I have. Also, I'm curious to see what everyone gets for results.... I haven't hardly had the scale budge, but have had a pretty decent inch loss thus far.... Let me know if this is the same for anyone else! (Because I have been secretly freaking out about it :blushing: )
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    Hope your all good and ready for the action to start.

    I have just completed Yoga x,with a calorie burn of 541 calories. X stretch for me tomorrow and then begin phase 2 on Wednesday.

    I have changed my nutrition plan to phase 2 now as I felt very tired at the end of phase 1 and I have to say it has made all the difference with bigger calorific burn totals in each of the workouts performed during recovery week.

    Feeling fresh and ready to go again on Wednesday...:smile:

    Good luck to everyone starting Day 1 Phase 1 and all the best to everyone who is about to start their new phase.

  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Im starting today too :)
  • Ezada
    Ezada Posts: 207 Member
    I'm in! I will update this afternoon :D
  • willdbill0712
    willdbill0712 Posts: 83 Member
    Week 2 of classic starts for us tonight. Everyone feel free to add me, I would love to be able to hear updates!
  • redheadedtomboy
    redheadedtomboy Posts: 5 Member
    This is perfect as I was already planning on beginning today and really need the support!
  • Sounds like everyone is doing great! I am going to do my first workout tonight after work. Today is my first day following their meal plan and I have to admit that I feel stuffed and I am supposed to eat again in 30 minutes. I love this diet! Lol! Everyone feel free to add me as a friend.
  • FJCowgirl
    FJCowgirl Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in too. I originally started P90X lean routine on Jan. 1st but only made it 60 days. I did however lose 12 lbs and 8.25 inches. Gained it all back since then though. I WILL stick with it this time! I started today doing a modified lean routine. Skipping yoga and working out 5 days a week. How does everyone enter their calorie burn from P90X? Today was core synergistics and the closest I could find was calisthenics, so I put in 40 minutes of that, plus 5 minutes of stretching.
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member

    I would say entering the exercise burn like that is just fine. I have done a manual input on all the programmes under my exercises so that I can add them more quickly after each session.

    Nice session you did there today,I love plyo,that and core synergistics are my favourites.

    Good luck going forward ....:smile:
  • Hi all. Just done c/synergistics – glad I managed to find the energy to work out. Feel better for having exercised. Keep up the hard work folks.
  • Hello everyone!

    I started today so I am SO glad I found this board! I wasn't as challenged as I expected to be, but I am sure I will feel to differently in the morning. Ab Ripper X was the most challenging for me since I just had a baby less than 4 weeks ago. Hopefully, we can all keep each other motivated!
  • Just completed my first workout. Chest & Back and then Ab Ripper X. I consider myself to be in pretty good shape and I found this challenging. I have never hated push-ups so much before. Lol! I am glad I did it, I know I am going to love this program. How did you guys do?
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Started Phase 2 of the Classics program today - what I can say it that the pushups in the phase (side push ups, 4 fast 4 slow, etc.) are extremely challenging - wow - felt great though...

    Hope everyone got their workout in. Tomorrow, I am going to do Plyo X and Ab Ripper X.
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