200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Amy- Thanks so much!

    Rainvc- Banana and Peanut butter ROCK! They are a great potassium and protein start to the day! :)

    Rikki- You are starting fresh today! Get back into the game, track your foods and you will succeed!

    Megan- Congrats on the maintenance! When I did my last 5k I did it without training at all but I also walked at a brisk pace. I don't run because of knee and foot problems and never would be able to. You can do it as it is possible. What if you trained to run a bit, walk a bit, etc. Make your goals for the 5k realistic to what you can do.

    Nava- Sounds like you had a great weekend! We all need those from time to time. I am such a light weight when it comes to alcohol that 2 would knock me on my *kitten*!

    Karen- Look at you and the weigh in! I see Onderland in your future so soon!

    Okay, so I stepped on the scale this morning and I'm only up one pound over this weekends treats. Not bad at all. Means that I did well in keeping in moderation and exercise. I am going to be setting my goal this week to keep under my caloric goal between 300-500 calories a day so that I can get to the next goal. It won't be easy but it will be worth it when I go shopping next weekend and in the long run! :)
  • Crazy crazy day at work...

    THis weeks weigh in= 280.8 lbs

    I'm up .4 lbs.

    Nava...the second Kingslayer book was a little slower on the plot development. There were a couple of places where I was having dificulty getting through 'cause it didn't flow fast enough.

    Would love to have time to comment some more, but my attorneys are out of the office and for some reason when they leave my work load seems to triple. That and getting ready for vacation at the end of the week have made for a very tight time table. *sigh*
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Megan - I'd get the shoes and try C25K for a few weeks to see if you like it. Most cancer races are walking friendly - walking or a run walk combo could be your fallback. I jog slowly at 14 to 15 min mile vs running fast like Kerry's 10 to 11 min pace. Except for the 10K that have less than 10 runners, I've never been last. I just feel great getting out to do it. I say - GO FOR IT!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    This week's weight chart, ahoy! Much better turnout than some past challenges-- thanks to all who are sticking around and posting!

    Name / Starting Challenge Weight / Last Week's Weight / This week's weight (difference)

    Kristina 190.4 190.4 191.2 (+0.8)
    Victoria 194 192 192 (0)
    Kendal 212.6 213 212.4 (-0.6)
    Lacey 211.6 207.2 Pass (n/a)
    Amy 195 194 193.6 (-0.4)
    Sarah 208.6 206.2 204 (-1.8)
    Kerry 173.9 172.2 169 (-3.2) - welcome to the 160s!
    Hailie 249.8 251.8 251.8 (0)
    Karen 220 217 215.2 (-1.8)
    Nava 223 223 223 (0)
    megruder (katie) 235.4 235.6 233.8 (-1.8)
    gonnadoitjenn 310.4 311.5 308.9 (-2.6)
    Lauren 177.2 ? 175.2 (?)
    Pam 221.2 218.6 219.4 (+0.8)
    silver02bullet 210.8 214 210.4 (-3.6)
    Bobbie (k2quiere) 333.6 328.6 329.6 (+1.0)
    Hosanna (babyworms) 220 218.3 217.2 (-1.1)
    Kristi (kwick2010) 232.4 231.6 229.8 (-1.8)
    ladyg0915 276 276 281 (+5.0)
    Sarah (rainvc) 242 241.2 241.2 (0)
    Joann (nebraskamom21) 224 223 220.8 (-2.2)
    Katheryne 280.4 280.4 280.8 (+0.4)
    Stacey (sgc2005) 211 210.2 208.6 (-1.6)
    Ros (Rosy67) 223 221 217.5 (-3.5)
    queenofsheba n/a 200 197 (-3.0)

    This week's winner? Silver02bullet with 3.6 pounds lost!! Fab, hun! Close behing, we had Ros lose 3.5, queenofsheba lose 3.0, and Kerry lose 3.2

    Impressive ladies! Keep up the great work!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Good morning everyone! Sounds like we all had fabulous weekends - which seems to equal not-so-good weekends food-wise. But you know what everyone? That's okay!!! We all get back on the wagon and try super hard this week. We all need to remember not to deprive ourselves of an enjoyable life and fun time with family and friends because we're so scared about eating the wrong things :smile: /endpeptalk

    RainSarah - That brekkie sounds awesome!! If only bananas weren't costing more than gold here at the moment because of a cyclone in Queensland!! Great to hear you're feeling positive today! So am i :happy:

    Rikki - Sounds like you had a lovely time. whereabouts do you live that two women can get married? I know it's becoming more common around America, but our stupid Aussie government STILL won't allow it. It makes me angry. How difficult would it actually be to allow equality?? Grrrr. I know so many couples who would be getting married TOMORROW if it were legalised - including the minister doing MY wedding and her partner of 14 years. I feel so SO honoured that she is happy to marry me and the Other Half, and comments on what a good couple we are and how well we're going to do together... It means a lot coming from someone who is not legally allowed to marry the love of her life. Grrr. it makes me sad. I'm off topic now...

    Megan - Great to hear things are going well with the boy!!

    Kerry and Pam - It's so lovely to hear these stories about your partners :smile: Isaac's definitely my best friend, and that makes it ok that i don't have many other people to spend my time with out here - i don't need it when i've got him!

    Pam and Lacey - I really envy people who enjoy studying. Both my parents are way studious - My dad spent seven years at uni, for two degrees, and part way through a PhD in Philosophy before they ran out of money and he had to quit. Mum has her nursing degree, and two years ago she did a midwifery refresher course, and last year she completed her masters in international health or something like that. She's talking about doing her PhD as well, but i think dad would be heartbroken, since all he really wants is to go back to uni and be a student again. I did NOT inherit these genes. I fought tooth and nail against doing any further study after year 12, and managed to be convinced to do a carer's certificate since i got a traineeship and was paid to do the study. Following that mum and dad convinced me to do a diploma of nursing by offering to pay for the course. I'd love to be a midwife, but the thought of going to Uni and studying again just makes me feel ill. ugh. Oh well, the plan is that in four years or so i'll stop work altogether and be a stay at home mum :ohwell:

    Hailie - When i have BM issues, i just use a fibre supplement that you mix into your drinks. I don't know if you have anything like it where you are, but it's called Benefiber, and it's colourless, tasteless, and very effective!!

    Way to go everyone who lost this week, and everyone who didn't, treasure the memories you have from the days you didn't eat so well, and get back on it - as i say, it's a new week!!

    The man and i went for another lovely morning walk this morning - i'm loving it! My friend is coming over in about an hour and we're going for another walk too - hoping she's up for a supermarket run, since i really need some stuff!!

    I'm on call today for this afternoon - i hate it, because i just can't relax and enjoy my day because i have to be on alert that i may get called in to work! I'm pretty much safe once it hits 2pm, but the call usually comes between 10-11. Pleh. Do NOT feel like going to work (a week off can do that to you!) but we DO need the money since we have yet to pay for our honeymoon. hrmmm.

    My weight's down again from yesterday, so managing to reverse the badness of the weekend, but i really REALLY think night shift is going to kill me! I managed to get into a really good eating routine last month on nights, but that was very easy since the Other Half was away the whole time, so i only had me to worry about! Not sure what i'll do this time - maybe chuck some meals in the fridge and tell him to get them himself! haha! Or else he can have eggs on toast for dinner every night with me!

    Oh well. Time to go and do the dishes (ick) before my friend gets here. It's cold and windy today, and probably going to rain. Joy of joys. Pleh.
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    I missed the weigh-in this week, but it might be for the best. I'm back up to 203 this week. Hoping it is TOM related and that i'll drop down this next week.

    My oldest started back to preschool today. The summer just flew by. I've been off with the logging of food since friday, so I need to get back to it before onederland starts slipping further away.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    This week's weight chart, ahoy! Much better turnout than some past challenges-- thanks to all who are sticking around and posting!

    Name / Starting Challenge Weight / Last Week's Weight / This week's weight (difference)

    Kristina 190.4 190.4 191.2 (+0.8)
    Victoria 194 192 192 (0)
    Kendal 212.6 213 212.4 (-0.6)
    Lacey 211.6 207.2 Pass (n/a)
    Amy 195 194 193.6 (-0.4)
    Sarah 208.6 206.2 204 (-1.8)
    Kerry 173.9 172.2 169 (-3.2) - welcome to the 160s!
    Hailie 249.8 251.8 251.8 (0)
    Karen 220 217 215.2 (-1.8)
    Nava 223 223 223 (0)
    megruder (katie) 235.4 235.6 233.8 (-1.8)
    gonnadoitjenn 310.4 311.5 308.9 (-2.6)
    Lauren 177.2 ? 175.2 (?)
    Pam 221.2 218.6 219.4 (+0.8)
    silver02bullet 210.8 214 210.4 (-3.6)
    Bobbie (k2quiere) 333.6 328.6 329.6 (+1.0)
    Hosanna (babyworms) 220 218.3 217.2 (-1.1)
    Kristi (kwick2010) 232.4 231.6 229.8 (-1.8)
    ladyg0915 276 276 281 (+5.0)
    Sarah (rainvc) 242 241.2 241.2 (0)
    Joann (nebraskamom21) 224 223 220.8 (-2.2)
    Katheryne 280.4 280.4 280.8 (+0.4)
    Stacey (sgc2005) 211 210.2 208.6 (-1.6)
    Ros (Rosy67) 223 221 217.5 (-3.5)
    queenofsheba n/a 200 197 (-3.0)

    This week's winner? Silver02bullet with 3.6 pounds lost!! Fab, hun! Close behing, we had Ros lose 3.5, queenofsheba lose 3.0, and Kerry lose 3.2

    Impressive ladies! Keep up the great work!

    Oh darn, I wish I would have realized I had given you last Monday's weight, as I'm actually down, but it will just make for a better weigh-in next week :-)
  • Amy: I didn't realize you read it too. It sounds legit! Ah, I have to read it for my Popular Children's Lit. class this fall. Thanks for the info about the setting on fiber and other nutrients....*fingers crossed* I hope it helps me! Girls' night was legit! Ahhhhh, it was so perfect! I live in a "cocoon" but with two of my best friends I come out of my shell.

    Kristina: I tried the best I could, ironically I ate worse pre-girls night during the day than I did during girls night.

    Karen: Do you have good stretches that work? My calves hurt like h e l l.

    Pam: I agree whole heartily with what you said about the "diet" thing.

    Hosanna: I love the story behind "babyworms".

    Victoria: What's another must-read book? Any suggestions?

    Nava: Thank you for your advice about using judgement when it comes to BM issues. EXACTLY! People are too contradicting sometimes, you can't have it BOTH WAYS!

    Kerry: What's a good way to avoid sodium? I feel like I working hard but the weight isn't coming off. Will you stick around here once you are at a "good" weight? I sure hope so! :smile: I sooooooooooooooo want to grow up and have my S.O.

    I start school a week from today because my high school is stupid. I am getting SUPER tan! :drinker: BM issues are stupid. I feel like I have a legit waist now. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddd here's a picture of the morning after girls' night when we went on a 13.1 mile bike ride for two hours! WHOOOOPPPP!

  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Laura- I added your weight to the chart, so I have it for next week

    Bobbie- I might have screwed up and used the wrong weight. Do you want me to change it on the chart, so ti's more accurate for next week's chart?

    Hailie- great pic of you!!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Double post...didn't show up when I first sent it.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Kristina: Hun, you didn't screw up. I forgot that I weighed in with Monday's weight (which is my official MFP weigh-in) and this week I weighed in on Friday because I saw everyone else doing it. I actually weigh every morning, so no matter what, it all works out in the wash of daily fluctuations. This morning's weight was 325, so whichever you want to use is cool :-)

    Hallie: You are too cute to me; everything you say just makes me smile. I know you probably get this from adults a lot, but enjoy this time and don't try to run through it.

    Megan: I'm crossing my fingers for you and the new "boy". There is nothing more uplifting than to have someone to sped time with that you enjoy looking at. I'm trying to see where things go with an old "boy" that I just randomly stopped talking to over a year ago. I think I just got freaked out, but now I'm ready to see where it goes.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    I come bearing a giggle for a Monday.

    I just wanted to share this with you all. I laughed to the point of tears the first time i read them. This girl has such a great writing style, and her pictures just make it so much funnier.

    Small introduction - She adopted a dog from the pound that later turned out to be intellectually handicapped.
    Here are her stories about The Simple Dog

    Meet the Simple Dog


    Simple Dog doesn't understand the concept of moving house


    Simple Dog has an adventure.


    Seriously. Read them.
    You'll be glad you did!
    I have had a higher regard for the intelligence of my dogs since reading these!!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Oh. My. Gosh. I'm gone for a coupla days and the thread EXPLODES.

    Hi. I'm here. I'm around. I have two extra kids this week and next week and then two days of the following week and then I only have MY kids. Do me a favor, will ya, girls? The next time I offer to do daycare for someone else's kids...just smack the crap outta me, ok? Thanks. It's not that I just have two extra kids...but its THESE kids. The 6 yo uses language that would make a sailor blush and the 11 yo is talking about sex acts that I have never heard of. They have NO respect for adults, other children, or humanity at all. They have both lost furniture priveleges for abusing my couch and scratching my dining room table -- on purpose, with their forks, because it was 'fun.' The 6 yo will throw his plate if he doesn't like his food and the 11 yo will pout...out loud -- which makes. me. INSANE. The best part about this is my workouts have rocked...I seem to have some extra pent up energy to expel after they are gone at night.

    I am skipping my weigh in this week since I am not near a scale. If we are going by how much I feel I weigh: 510.9 lbs. But I could be off.

    Babyworms, I LOVE hyperbole and a Half. God of Cake is the ABSOLUTE best.

    School starts in 15 days. 15 days. I can do ANYTHING for 15 days. My hubby starts his new job in 6 days. I have friends coming to visit in 20 days. I. must. clean. my. house. I am considering the gasoline/match trick for cleaning. My laundry is out of control and I currently have a 'path' to my bed. I say 'path' because even the 'path' has deadly obstacles in the dark...so you must plot your route before turning off the light.

    Ok. Really, not everything is bad. Sorry for the ranting. I am going to go eat a cookie. Go ahead. Stop me. I dare you. :) Love you, girls. I will be more diligent in responding starting tomorrow, since we have a computer once again and I don't have to do it on my phone.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    WiggleSarah - Go ahead, eat your cookie. HOW GOOD IS GOD OF CAKE! I like the party. But NOTHING compares to the Simple Dog. I want a mug with the dog on it. And i want to buy her book when it's published!! Have you ever read The Oatmeal? his blog is awesome too

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hosanna & Sarah: I absolutely :heart: Hyperbole and a Half and The Oatmeal. I have The Oatmeal's book and I will buy Ali's book once it comes out. I love the God of Cake and anything having to do with her simple dog. I've even performed some of the tests she tries on her simple dog on my dog (my dog isn't simple - yay!).

    Hailie: You look so cute and happy on your bike ride (and the weather looks gorgeous too - we don't get an awful lot of sun here in Germany). When I get sore calves, I do stretches like these: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-241-287--8969-0,00.html and I roll them over a foam roller (you could use a rolling pin if you don't have a roller).

    Laura: Once you get back on track, you'll be back in One-derland before you know it!

    Annette: I just finished up all my papers for my courses and I will have to sit for final exams in those classes in 2 weeks. You'll do great with the 30 Day Shred!

    Kristina: I feel you on the frustration. I have been all messed up since Friday and had a decent sized gain come this morning. I know that straightening out my diet, logging EVERYTHING, and drinking enough water will flush a lot of the gain away but I am still disappointed in myself for being so out of control all weekend long. But today is a new day, and I've got a healthy breakfast down and have plans to stick to my calorie goal and get some kind of movement into my day. dammit. I was doing some research on Vegetarian food in Paris and there's this cute Bed & Breakfast that I HAVE to try (they do dinners too) - they are all organic, vegan and locally grown delicacies.

    Pam: I have an AA in Vietnamese (don't ask) and a BA in Humanities (which hasn't proven to be very useful as I worked in the investment field before moving here and not working at all). I like learning things too. So far (this is my first semester), nutrition has been WAY interesting and I've learned a lot. The Hubbs is even vaguely interested in the things I've learned and has asked me for nutrition advice from time to time.

    Megan: I agree with what everyone else said- sign up, train with C25K and come race day, if you can't run the whole thing - don't. I used to run 5K's all the time when I was in the Air Force but then I was ill for a while and gained a lot of weight and I started running again in January 2010. I ran my 1st 5K in February 2010 and I alternated running and walking. I wasn't the only person doing that and some people just walked the whole thing. If you go at a pace that feels good for you, you'll do fine.

    Nava: I hate that too! (Except on other websites cuz I pay the $79 a year for the Amazon Prime membership and "free" shipping every time as I buy so much stuff from Amazon).

    Lacey: If I spilled my shake on the counter, I guarantee you that I'd scoop it back in my cup and drink it. How'd that keyboard thing work out for your iPad?

    As I mentioned to Kristina, I've been on a bit of a food bender since Friday. I didn't even log yesterday, so I honestly don't know how many calories I ended up eating. I've been kinda bummed out and I know I am eating my feelings (that and I'm PMS-y, which equals a very pissy Amy). So I am taking this opportunity to tell you guys that I'm done with it. I'm logging my food and drowning myself in water and green tea (after I finish my coffee- LOL). Have a good one.
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    OMG Hosanna- I had never heard of Hyperbole and a half. I have just spent hours reading all her blogs and am sitting here in a pool of tears and snot with my cheek muscles aching...haven't laughed so much in months! Thank you so much for the discovery :heart:

    (Yay! Smilies are back!)

    PS Cake and dog are genius, but the hate spiral and why I'll never be an adult are actually ME!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Sarah (wnt)- Those kids sound absolutely horrid. I do not envy you. Can you find some excuse not to watch them for the next 2 weeks? Or maybe just tell their parents that they are too much for you to handle and give them a big eff you! haha, might not be possible if their parents are your friends/family and you want to ever see them again. If you have to keep them, put them to work. Yard work or house work or something. There's a reason criminals get community service and hard labor as punishment for a crime. Could give them an idea of what their future might hold if they keep misbehaving like that.

    Ugh. I took the clear plastic screen saver thing off my ipod to try to straighten it and now there are teeny tiny pieces of lint/dirt and a ton of air bubbles and it's pissing me off.

    Mr. Reunion and I went for another walk last night. It was cooler than it has been in a while so he and Lexi ran for a little bit. I'm still dealing with the sodium from the japanese fiasco on Sunday night. I'm trying to decide if it'll be better to weigh in on Thursday before I go camping or Sunday when I get back.

    I so freakin love Hyperbole and a Half. The Simple Dog Doesn't Understand Moving made me cry at work I was laughing so hard.

    ETA: Mr. Reunion thought he was being sweet to bring me a king sized KitKat yesterday. It's in my desk drawer at the moment. Not sure what to do with it. Might eat one or two and give the rest away. I don't need it.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Babyworms ~ Oh, well I live in Ohio but we went to South Carolina for the wedding. They just had the wedding on the beach and it wasn't "official to the state of SC. They could've gone to NY, but it would still not be recognized when they got back to SC. The official was amazing and he and his partner have been together for like 17 years. I cried like a baby because it was just so beautiful and you can feel how much they love each other. I've been friends with my BFF for about 20 years and her GF for almost 10 now. Wow....

    Update on me. I am down a lb today so there is hope for this weeks WI and it was all just a sodium shock to my system. I was so exhausted that I couldn't get up for the gym today so I brought my stuff and will take the kids on a walk/jog after work. I could def feel the difference when I got home. I just felt all huge and gross and my favorite jeans didn't button. Um...that is unaceptable!

    My son's 5th B-Day party is next weekend and it is usually a big "end of summer" party as well. So, by this time of year I hate to have burgers and dogs because it's already been worn out. So, since his theme this year is a "Cowboy" party, I was thinking of a Taco bar. This way, I can have fat free refried beans, fat free sour cream and cheese, ground turkey, whole wheat and flour tortillas and tons of veggies for the tacos/nachos. What do ya'll think?
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Sarah(thes) You are so close to Onederland!! Get it girl!

    We had lots of ladies with super losses this week. Great job!!

    Haillie: Adoraple pic! You have such a great smile! Gorgeous!

    Sarah (wiggle): Eeek. You brave soul. I love my son to bits, but I'm not a "kid" person. Other people's children make me squeamish.

    Rikki: For my sons bday party last year I did a taco bar. It was easy for me to throw together and everyone LOVED it because it was different.

    Went to the doc yesterday and I am down 11 pounds from last years appt. The nurse was so encouraging!!

    I feel so sick today. And yet again, won't make it to the gym. We are going to a baseball game tonight. I might do a few laps around the stadium and use my runkeeper app to log my distance/time/pace. Anywho, I battled a headache yesterday, went to bed early, but it didn't help. No I'm nauseated and have a headache. Lovely!
  • Hosanna....OMG, I laughed so hard I cried last night. I'm going to go back and read some more today, but I read your post about five minutes until my bedtime last night. I feel like such a weeny when I say I missed my bed time. But if Katheryne doesn't get at least 7.5-8 hours of sleep, Katheryne is an absolute terror to deal with in the morning....Anyway....Simple dog was a riot. I could so feel the pain about moving. I took a "helper dog" and six cats on a two week move from Kentcuky, across Canada, to Alaska a couple of years back. The humans were practactly jibbering idiots by the time we arrived.

    Sarah...So sorry to hear about the problem kids. Hopefully your servitude will not drag on too bad for you.

    Rikki...I think taco bar sounds fantastic. And the kids will probably love it, 'cause I imagine they might be tired of hamburgers and hotdogs too.

    Weight was WAY up this morning. I've been over on sodium for three days in a row now. I've got to get this in gear or none of my new clothes will fit on vacation. I've got just enough days to salt detox before I leave on Friday if I behave for the rest of the week.

    Well, more later, work "officially" starts in three minutes...Here's hoping for less chaos than yesterday.