July 2018 Running Challenge



  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    AprilRN10 wrote: »

    This morning I saw a male cardinal in all his beauty and I raced a squirrel! It kept running back and forth with me.

    Love when that happens. The best is when the birds do it. They hop along for a bit then give up and take wing. Once they do that they crush me. heh.

    I compete with lizards. And lately cockroaches. Gotta love monsoon season! I'm the weirdo that if I see a roach inside, kill it! Outisde? OH I better not step on this poor creature.

    I certainly lost to the squirrel! I'm the weirdo who Carrie's bugs outside instead of killing them!
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    @amymoreorless That's encouragement?! I wouldn't like it either!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @amymoreorless Reminds me of when I had a Wii Fit and I would step on the scale. It used such a sad and disappointed voice when it told me my results.
  • abutcher2122
    abutcher2122 Posts: 175 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I had a cockroach cross my path last night and I almost broke my ankle trying not to step on it and run the opposite direction at the same time. Thankfully I've never had any in my house or close to it cuz I'd burn that house down. There are few bugs I lose my *kitten* over and if I seem them in someone's house I will never go there again. lol.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,025 Member
    July goal: 80 miles

    7/1: 7.6 miles
    7/3: 4.2 miles
    7/5: 4.6 miles
    7/6: 4.3 miles
    7/8: 7.1 miles
    7/10: 4.5 miles
    7/11: 4.5 miles
    7/12: 4.5 miles
    7/15: 8.3 miles
    7/17: 4.5miles

    54.1/80 miles

    I had a good 4.5 mile run this morning. I was a little slower than last week. I think partly because I got the shingles vaccine yesterday and my arm hurts so bad. You wouldn't think that would affect running, but I think it did. Plus I was really tired because I didn't sleep well since every time I tried to lay on my left side I woke up because my arm hurt. I was not able to evade any of the zombie's this morning while playing Zombies Run. But I still had a good run. And afterwards I felt that disappointment that I sometimes feel when I am done with my run and I have to wait until tomorrow before I get to run again. A couple of interesting things happened this morning. I live a couple of blocks from the hospital. It is a small rural hospital and usually if there is something serious they care flight you to Ft. Worth or maybe Abilene. This morning I saw an ambulance meeting the care flight chopper. It was so loud. The ambulance came screeching in with all their sirens and got there just as the chopper was setting down. It must have been something really bad since they bypassed the ER and went straight to the care flight. I knew they were loud because we see/hear them a lot, but this was the first time I was just across the street from the helipad when they were landing. I hope everyone is ok. Then just as I got home I was scared by a dog. I think it was a neighbor's dog that should not have been out of the yard. He came running around the side of the house barking and it was loud and scary because it was a pretty big dog. I jumped and possibly yelped. But he just looked at me and then continued chasing the cat that he was after that I had not even noticed. So it really just furthered my belief that big dogs are better than little dogs.

    @MegaMooseEsq Learning not to compare myself with others has been really hard for me. But I think I am getting better. I also think "I get to run" and you are right not a lot of people feel that way.

    @amymoreorless When the time comes to replace my Garmin I know I will not be getting a TomTom. I already have a hard time not comparing myself unfavorably with others. I don't need my watch doing it for me.

    @skippygirlsmom Hugs and prayers for Skip.


    2018 races:
    5/19/18: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon - 2:43:59.7. - 2nd place AG
    11/10/18: Wags & Whiskers 5K
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2018
    @RunsOnEspresso I had a cockroach cross my path last night and I almost broke my ankle trying not to step on it and run the opposite direction at the same time. Thankfully I've never had any in my house or close to it cuz I'd burn that house down. There are few bugs I lose my *kitten* over and if I seem them in someone's house I will never go there again. lol.

    I steped on a leopard frog last night. Barefoot. He was wriggly and wet. He did hop away after our encounter. But dh said there was a garder snake in the flower bed, so even if i didnt kill him the cats or the snake probably got him. Think I'll keep the frogs and snakes and pass on the bugs! LOL!

    @amymoreorless Hahaha! That Garmin! My notifications are off. It would make me mad enough to motivate me to run faster. Everyone, but Garmin apparently, knows summer paces don't count. My best 10k (lately, not pr) is about 1:20.
    So you're faster than I am, if that matters :wink:
    ETA missed its a Tom Tom, not Garmin
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    July goal is 150 miles

    7/1..... 5.00............ 5.00/145.00
    7/2..... Rest............ 5.00/145.00
    7/3..... 7.00............12.00/138.00
    7/4..... 5.00............17.00/133.00
    7/5..... 7.00............24.00/126.00
    7/6..... 5.00............29.00/121.00
    7/7..... Rest............29.00/121.00
    7/8..... 16.00..........45.00/105.00
    7/9..... Rest............45.00/105.00
    7/10.... 6.00...........51.00/ 99.00
    7/11.... 4.00...........55.00/ 95.00
    7/12.... 6.00...........61.00/ 89.00
    7/13.... Rest...........61.00/ 89.00
    7/14.... 14.00.........75.00/ 75.00
    7/15...... 6.50.........81.50/ 68.50
    7/16.... Rest...........81.50/68.50
    7/17.... 10.00.........91.50/ 58.50

    Upcoming races:

    October 20: Sinnemahone Ultra Marathon Trail Race (50K)

    @midwesterner85 is copying me.

    @LaDispute57 I just noticed! So apparently I screwed up this morning when I did 11 miles... I was supposed to do 10. Silly me. :)
  • bullterrierfan
    bullterrierfan Posts: 9 Member
    What, if any, running apps do people on here use? I use Strava and Nike+. Good luck everyone!!!!
  • bride001
    bride001 Posts: 153 Member
    shanaber wrote: »

    @bride001 - have you tried using KT Tape and wrapping your foot? It may give it the extra support it needs as it heals.

    @shanaber - I haven't tried KT tape for the PF. I did watch a couple of videos on YouTube on how to apply it to the ankle for PF, but I am scared if applied incorrectly it might do more damage than help.

    When the PF first started, my foot was in pain all day and hurt to walk. Now, it seems like it only flaes up when I run. i have been doing stretches and a walk to warm up and cool down. Hopefully it will get better with time.

    I took a rest day today - I couldn't find my spped workout I wanted to do so will do it tomorrow.
  • bride001
    bride001 Posts: 153 Member
    What, if any, running apps do people on here use? I use Strava and Nike+. Good luck everyone!!!!

    I started with a C25K app, then 5Kto10K app, then Nike +. then Garmin Connect and Strava. I have RunKeeper also but I don't think I ever logged a run in the app.

    I think each person has their own preference and reason for which app or apps they use.

    There is a Strava group for MFP Monthly Running Challenge folks. I think @Elise4270 can help you.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @RunsOnEspresso I had a cockroach cross my path last night and I almost broke my ankle trying not to step on it and run the opposite direction at the same time. Thankfully I've never had any in my house or close to it cuz I'd burn that house down. There are few bugs I lose my *kitten* over and if I seem them in someone's house I will never go there again. lol.

    I steped on a leopard frog last night. Barefoot. He was wriggly and wet. He did hop away after our encounter. But dh said there was a garder snake in the flower bed, so even if i didnt kill him the cats or the snake probably got him. Think I'll keep the frogs and snakes and pass on the bugs! LOL!

    @amymoreorless Hahaha! That Garmin! My notifications are off. It would make me mad enough to motivate me to run faster. Everyone, but Garmin apparently, knows summer paces don't count. My best 10k (lately, not pr) is about 1:20.
    So you're faster than I am, if that matters :wink:
    ETA missed its a Tom Tom, not Garmin

    The only critters that really freak me out are bats (though I don't love beetles) - I know that they eat mosquitos but they scare the ever-loving bejebus out of me. I've had them in the house a half-dozen times over the years and every time I've sent one to be euthanized/tested for rabies (which was most times since the cats usually find it first) I donate to a bat charity out of guilt. I saw some by the lake when I went running in the evening last weekend but they don't bother me nearly as much outdoors.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    7/1 = 8 miles
    7/2 = 3 dreadmill miles and 30 minutes strength training
    7/3 = 6 miles
    7/4 = 5 miles
    7/5 = 3 miles
    7/6 = 12 miles
    7/7 = rest day
    7/8 = 7 miles
    7/9 = 3 miles & 30 minutes ST
    7/10 = sick day
    7/11 = 10.5 miles
    7/12 = 3 miles
    7/13 = 8 miles
    7/14 = rest day
    7/15 = 10 miles
    7/16 = 30 minutes yoga at home
    7/17 = 6 miles

    Another morning, another run. Does anyone use a TomTom Spark and know how to turn off the smart *kitten* commentary?


    86.5/125 goal July miles

    I dropped mine, it broke and I replaced it with a Garmin. LOL
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I had a cockroach cross my path last night and I almost broke my ankle trying not to step on it and run the opposite direction at the same time. Thankfully I've never had any in my house or close to it cuz I'd burn that house down. There are few bugs I lose my *kitten* over and if I seem them in someone's house I will never go there again. lol.

    Desert life. Black widows, cockroaches, scorpions are quite common. There's really not much to be done.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @MegaMooseEsq I'm considering building bat houses because our mosquitos are so bad.
    i like them. i think they are cute. i sorta think speed demon looks like a fox bat when she relaxes her ears

    cockroaches can stay away

    and earwigs. *shiver*
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Last week I complained that my “easy” 5K didn’t feel especially easy and got into this whole headspace comparing myself to other people. Thankfully many of you fine folks gave me the gentle kick in the butt I needed to shake myself out of it, and since then I’ve really tried to focus on running my own race, not anyone else’s. As a result my average pace is down maybe a minute/mile from the end of June and beginning of July, but I’ve now had two pretty great runs over 3 miles without needing to walk at all, and that feels pretty awesome.

    That's right! You ARE awesome! WTG!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    What, if any, running apps do people on here use? I use Strava and Nike+. Good luck everyone!!!!

    Umm, my Garmin watch updates the Garmin site and then the Garmin site pushes out to Strava, MFP, and Runkeeper.

    Strava - I use to keep in touch with this group here (we have a Strava group)
    MFP - Cause I am trying to NOT refind all the weight I lost... again.
    Runkeeper - because that is what I used long before I had a Garmin so it has historical data going back a long time.

    Notably, I do not actually use the Garmin software at all :)