20 lbs in 20 weeks!



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,071 Member
    Hi, I’d like to join, too. I have lost 62.9 lbs since Jan, 2016. (~40 lbs in the past 10 months.) 5’8.5”

    I hit my High End Normal BMI weight recently, but I can see that I need to lose more: probably at least 10 lbs.

    My goal is to lose 1-2 lbs per month, gradually easing into maintenance (and further cementing my new habits) & giving my skin a chance to adjust a bit.

    Tentative Plan:
    SW for Challenge: 165.4 BMI: 24.8
    1st Mini-Goal 163.4 BMI 24.5 Aug 18
    2nd Mini-Goal: 161.4 BMI: 24.2 Sep 15
    3rd Mini-Goal: 159.4 BMI: 23.9 Oct 13
    4th Mini-Goal: 157.4 BMI: 23.6 Nov 10
    Challenge Goal GW: 155.4 BMI: 23.3 Dec 8

    Ultimate Goal: 155 BMI: 23.2 by Jan 1, 2019
    (3 years) Wt Loss: -73.3lbs BMI drop: 11
  • RunnerGrl1982
    RunnerGrl1982 Posts: 412 Member
    OOOO. I JUST saw this thread.

    Can I join too? I'm 5'5, 146 and trying to drop roughly 20lbs to put me in the 120s.

    Following a similar regimen, I get out and run 4 days a week, and eating 1200 calories/day. Sometimes on my longer run days I'll eat back some of those calories so I don't get hangry. XD

    I just started this journey 3 weeks ago.

    Anyone else who is doing this as well is more than welcome to friend me. I'll help be supportive and occasionally leave sarcastic and funny comments/stories on my dashboard. It's important to keep the laughter in life.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Reaching my goals has been quite good, except for this Friday and Sunday, I went out to eat and wasn’t very good at judging how much I ate. I also did maybe 3 hours of walking, so I didn’t count that as I didn’t know how many calories I burnt. 🤨

    Besides that - last Thursday I had lost 0.5 lbs, but since then have been back on 170 again every day everyday.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    I am back on the 0.5 lbs down - so now 169.5. My goal was to be 2 lbs down a week, as I am eating 1200 per day.

    I wonder if it’s because I have not really been eating my exercise calories back. But instead just leaving them.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,071 Member
    edited July 2018
    Hi, I’d like to join, too. I have lost 62.9 lbs since Jan, 2016. (~40 lbs in the past 10 months.) 5’8.5”

    I hit my High End Normal BMI weight recently, but I can see that I need to lose more: probably at least 10 lbs.

    My goal is to lose 1-2 lbs per month, gradually easing into maintenance (and further cementing my new habits) & giving my skin a chance to adjust a bit.

    Tentative Plan:
    SW for Challenge: 165.4 BMI: 24.8 July 21
    Whoa! 163.8 BMI: 24.5 Crazy! July 24
    Curious to see if this is “real”...

    1st Mini-Goal 163.4 BMI 24.5 Aug 18
    2nd Mini-Goal: 161.4 BMI: 24.2 Sep 15
    3rd Mini-Goal: 159.4 BMI: 23.9 Oct 13
    4th Mini-Goal: 157.4 BMI: 23.6 Nov 10
    Challenge Goal GW: 155.4 BMI: 23.3 Dec 8

    Ultimate Goal: 155 BMI: 23.2 by Jan 1, 2019
    (3 years) Wt Loss: -73.3lbs BMI drop: 11
  • rainandfire1
    rainandfire1 Posts: 9 Member
    Great job on your progress everyone! I have not been doing great on sticking to my plan, and therefore i haven’t budged. Every day is a new day to try again though!
  • valorik75
    valorik75 Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 2018
    Hi everyone...Joining this group (a little late) I’d love to help motivate each other!
    I am 42 years old...5’7” and 185 pounds. I’m a single mom of two teenage daughters.
    Losing 20 pounds and 20 weeks would be perfect as my goal weight is 160 by Christmas.
    My weight has gradually been put on in the last five years. It seems it’s harder and harder to get the pounds off (and keep them off) the older I get.
    I’m not a big fan of exercise but have just found a workout buddy and we plan to work out at least three times a week. My biggest challenge with eating is portion size. Also cutting back on sweets.
    Thanks for letting me join you all in this weight-loss journey!! 😊
  • yoopergirl0103
    yoopergirl0103 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! Hopefully it’s not too late for me to join! I’m 20 years old and would love to lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks! I have been trying to get off the unhealthy weight I gained my freshmen year of college :/ I struggle with cutting down on my sugar intake, so I’m hoping MFP will help :)
  • kelMee2
    kelMee2 Posts: 203 Member
    Weighed in this morning at 172.2, have lost 15% of my body weight since I changed my eating habits at the end of February. This mornings 2lb loss is helping me to get to my next target, 4lbs to go till I’m no longer in the obese category 🎉
  • yoopergirl0103
    yoopergirl0103 Posts: 2 Member
    Weighed myself this morning and was 158.0 lbs! So by Dec. 13, I will reach my goal of 138.0 lbs :)
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,014 Member
    I'd like to join! I've lost just a tad under 65 lbs since August/September 2017. I still need to lose about 60 more pounds. I'm currently in a challenge that ends in a few weeks, so this one is right on time to take me into December. I'll post my stats later today. Thanks!
  • GorditoTerronillo
    GorditoTerronillo Posts: 20 Member
    Yay! I was 269lbs ten days ago, last week I managed to get down to 266lbs and today I’m 264lbs! Slowly making progress here too ☺️

    Good luck to everyone in the challenge as well! Let’s do this! 👊🏼
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    Hi everyone - Great progress peeps! Whatever you do stay in the moment and enjoy your time with friends & family. Don't over think and just make the best choices you can. I had a pretty good week, some poor choices but the majority were good so I'm over it. I received my first delivery of "Imperfect produce" yesterday and my sugar intake went way up. Que sera, at least it wasn't cookies. I did stay under my calorie goal. Saturday going to see Foreigner and White Snake with friends in Vancouver WA. I usually drink beer and have Nachos, beer stays in the plan but gotta figure something else out for dinner. Have a great week everyone!
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    Oops forgot to check-in weight
    7/25 183.5
  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member
    I'm in. I just finished another Lose 20 in 20, and lost 19.7lbs during that challenge.

    I'm female, 47, 5'2", currently 170.6. I'm eating a clean diet, ie: no sugar, grains, or processed foods. At least that's the plan😊 I have followed it 90% since March 3rd.

    I have a son who needs medical care and therefore I'm functioning at a high stress level. Insomnia and depression are my major issues currently.

    On March 3rd, I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and fatty liver disease. I reversed my diabetes diagnosis in 6 weeks with nutrition and healthy life habits. I am determined to reverse the fatty liver disease as well.

    My goal is to go down to 130 lb. My healthy weight is 115 but with my age and the constant stress, I think 130 is a more attainable goal for

    My rules are:

    1) 2 meals a day, first around 11am and second around 6pm.
    2) no snacking
    3) only water after 7pm
    4) at least 12 cups of water, ideal is 16
    5) macros: 65% fat, 20% protein, 15% carbs. Most of my fat is from oils, avocados, nuts, seeds and eggs.
    6) go to bed before midnight. This is a challenge since i have insomnia
    7) sleep at least 7hrs but this is a challenge, too.
    8) 30mins workout every day- currently on hold due to a shoulder problem
    9) 30mins "me" time for self reflection and decharging.

    Good luck to us all
  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member

    7/17 173.5
    7/24 170.6
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,014 Member
    Injuries, being sedentary (mostly not by choice) while taking care of my grandson, not eating enough, eating the wrong things, all of it got me here. I started this current weight loss journey August/September 2017 at 253 lbs. As of yesterday I have lost 64.8 lbs (current weight 188.2) and have reached a BMI of 29.4, overweight. So happy to not be obese any longer! I still have a considerable amount of work to do. 60 more pounds to go! 30 lbs more gets me to a normal BMI. 135 lbs is the weight I should be, but 155 lbs puts me at the top of my normal weight range.

    My name is Tish
    USW: 253
    CW: 188.2
    ChGW: 165

    I will post updates on Monday The most unforgiving update day ever! Lol.

  • karenvandam
    karenvandam Posts: 23 Member
    Week 1 update - I lost 1.6 lbs. this week! I stuck to my new calorie plan without too much trouble. I was able to get in a couple of really good bike rides and kept up with my stretching and back exercises. In between the bike rides, the dog got a lot of walking. The weather ended up being cooperative for both the bike rides and the dog walks (the bike doesn't like rain and the dog doesn't like heat).

    7/20: 164.4
    7/27: 162.8
  • MegZuchini
    MegZuchini Posts: 10 Member
    It seems I found my group! Yes, I want to be part of this challenge.

    I am 44 years old, 5'6" (1,68m) and last time I checked - July/4th, my weight was 168lb (76,6 kg). You see, I don't visit the scale often, it gives me anxiety and it doesn't help at all. I learn that weight once a month it is better for me. I hope you are fine with that for the challenge.

    My goal: 150lb - This will put me in a healthy BMI.

    I don't remember the last time I weight this low. Maybe 15 years ago. I had kids, I gain a healthy amount of pounds during pregnancies, then I lost... but over the years I have to be gaining a few pounds every year... Last time I got my physical the scale said I was in the realm of 175lbs... This was last January. Every Monday I would start to "control" my food... So many times I start to log my food to forget all about it at lunchtime.

    But last June something clicked inside my head. I visited some family members with health problems because of their weight... And then, one bright Thursday, I started to log on MFP and I have been doing for 45 days! I also managed to cut my carbs a lot, because of that, my cravings decreased a lot, making the "dieting" so much easier. I also have a 12k steps a day goal.

    I will weight myself again August/1.

    Here is the sum:

    current weight (as Jul/4) - 168lb (76,6kg)
    Goal - 150lb (68kg)

    1200cal a day - avoiding refined carbs (bread, pasta, sugar)
    Exercise: at least 12k steps a day - targeting 1 hour walks every day (waking up at 5:30 to do it!!)

    I will also add a plank and core challenge.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I share my food diary.

    Let's DO THIS!!
