Anyone cutting after a bulk?



  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    @Tic78, my cut's going ok, I guess? I hit as high as 179 towards the end of May (177 by weekly average) and had a good run getting down to 173 by weekly average (single day low of 171.8) over six weeks. Fourth of July and assorted work events have had me averaging a few hundred over maintenance for the last two weeks and that weekly average is creeping back close to 174. This week has been better and next week marks eight weeks out from an event for which I like to look my best. Thinking I'll finish this week with the approach of hitting the window between my target calories (~600 calorie deficit) and maintenance. My social calendar should allow for me to really buckle down and cut well for the next 6 weeks, then refeed up to or close to maintenance for <2 weeks to fill back up a little for the event. On paper, if I can replicate that 4 lbs in six week cut I had through June I'll get down to around 170, which should put me in the ~13%BF range, on paper at least. After that I think I really need to get down to 165 or so to be in a place I can ride a lean bulk/recomp+ on autopilot for a while and be pretty happy with the state of things.

    I do take creatine, usually mix it with my preworkout. I'm a big fan of MyProtein, that's where I get whey concentrate, creatine, and preworkout. That with a mulitvitamin is the extent of my supplementation. Gettng closer to 30 I've considered some natural testosterone boosters and things but haven't delved deep into the specifics of what works, if anything.
  • Tic78
    Tic78 Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks Steve glad it’s going well. Looking at another 6 weeks or so myself but tempted to up the calories a bit as really starting to feel it now. Will also add some creatine, will just go with 5g per day rather than having a loading phase. I switched from optimum nutrition to myprotein about 6 months ago, really like there products and much more reasonably priced. I had assumed they were a uk based company, not tried there creatine but will give it a go. They recently sent me some protein brownies on one of they’re promotions, were really good, can hardly wait for bulking season!

    Not considered test boosters, recently turned 40 so I don’t think you need to worry about that just yet! All the best with the cut
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited July 2018
    Ahh finally time for a diet break. I think I've earned it right? I've lost about 7 lbs since May, and it wasn't too bad until this past week when I pushed it a bit more. Aside from tracking protein on some low days, this was all done intuitively (without logging my intake). *pats self on back* :p;)

    I don't think I have much more to lose, but I am not happy stopping here. I will try another 3 lbs and then throw in the towel.
  • Tic78
    Tic78 Posts: 232 Member
    @sardelsa Well done, yeah you have earned a wee diet break before taking off the last 3! B)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Fly back to the States tomorrow and excited to get back on track and run UD2 through a full cycle. Workout is planned already, so i am really pumped.
  • Mudshovel666
    Mudshovel666 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2018
    Been cutting on 2800 calories. Almost lost 5kg and still about 10kg to go. Decided to increase protein (230g) and limit carbs eating 2300 calories a day. Each Saturday having a high carb refeed day at about 5000 calories. This will be an average daily calories of about 2650 each week. I hope this will speed up fat loss and keep me motivated.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited July 2018
    steveko89 wrote: »
    ...Gettng closer to 30 I've considered some natural testosterone boosters and things but haven't delved deep into the specifics of what works, if anything.

    Save your money, none of them work. If they did, they would be controlled substances - like the things that do actually work. Head over to and read up on any of them before you open your wallet.

    All the ones that were even the slightest bit effective went out the window with the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004. It included all the prohormones (remember MLB sluggers and androstenedione in the ‘90s?), analogs/"designer steroids", etc.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    edited July 2018
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    steveko89 wrote: »
    ...Gettng closer to 30 I've considered some natural testosterone boosters and things but haven't delved deep into the specifics of what works, if anything.

    Save your money, none of them work. If they did, they would be controlled substances - like the things that do actually work. Head over to and read up on any of them before you open your wallet.

    All the ones that were even the slightest bit effective went out the window with the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004. It included all the prohormones (remember MLB sluggers and androstenedione in the ‘90s?), analogs/"designer steroids", etc.

    Thanks, Anvilhead. That's what I was assuming; like I said, I hadn't really dived in to boning up about them but that saves me a trip to Examine.

    FWIW, I do remember mid/late 90s steroid era of baseball, fondly in fact.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    I've just finished a cut after a year long bulk. Tough, but worth it for the results! I stuck to a calorie deficit diet split 40/40/20 and gradually decreased this as weight loss plateaued.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Ok back from the weekend getaway, now going to have a maintenance week/diet break... and see where to go from here.

    Like I said I want to cut a bit more, but I am not going to be running another bulk in the fall so I am not in a rush to get super lean or anything. I might even maintain/recomp soon if I get fed up. I am happy with my physique and the muscle I put on. I can't see myself running more bulks unless it's to get back here (ie if I end up losing muscle and have to build it back up again). Of course I'd love more glutes, but trying not to be greedy because that might come with too much leg growth which I would not prefer.

    Hope you are all doing well.

    @sharifsahmed what are your plans now, are you going to maintain or run another bulk?
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Had a busy-but-good weekend, crammed catching up with friends in three separate instances Friday-Sunday. I finished last week with an average of 174, going to really buckle down for the next six weeks after being at or above maintenance for the last three weeks. I'm going to aim for 6 lbs (-500 cal/day) but I'd really probably be happy with 4 lbs to get back to 170 by average. Planning for six weeks takes me right to the beginning of September, the event I have circled starts on 9/14 so I have some leeway to cut for another week if i feel I need to.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    @sharifsahmed what are your plans now, are you going to maintain or run another bulk?

    Back on the bulk, clean one this time. It's a year long project.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    10 day diet break is complete! Honestly I doubted it and didn't think I needed it, but I really did. Now back to the grind. Trying out some new things, we will see if anything works.

    Hope everyone is doing well :)
  • dasmyth
    dasmyth Posts: 8 Member
    I'm just finishing up with my post-bulk cut. I started on a cut and went from unfit 190lb DadBod, down to 165lb skinny twig. I stopped a little early ( still did not have abs ) because I was just feeling and looking way too small.

    So then I dirty bulked straight back up to 205lb. Went by way too fast. I'm 8 weeks into my cut and just weighed in at 179.4lb so about 25lb in 8 weeks or so.

    For reference, I'm 5'11" male, age 34. Ask me anything!
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    10 day diet break is complete! Honestly I doubted it and didn't think I needed it, but I really did. Now back to the grind. Trying out some new things, we will see if anything works.

    Hope everyone is doing well :)

    What new things are you trying, @sardelsa?
    dasmyth wrote: »
    I'm just finishing up with my post-bulk cut. I started on a cut and went from unfit 190lb DadBod, down to 165lb skinny twig. I stopped a little early ( still did not have abs ) because I was just feeling and looking way too small.

    So then I dirty bulked straight back up to 205lb. Went by way too fast. I'm 8 weeks into my cut and just weighed in at 179.4lb so about 25lb in 8 weeks or so.

    For reference, I'm 5'11" male, age 34. Ask me anything!

    25 lbs in 8 weeks is quick work @dasmyth! It sounds like your process has been fairly fast. Did you see some good gains from your bulk? How long did you bulk? And how is your physique at 179 comparing to your '165 lb skinny twig' look?

    My own cut has definitely slowed down, but I don't think I've ever been leaner than I am now, so I think it will be slow going from here to the end. I have a half-marathon in October so I will keep slowly cutting until then. I tell you, it feels really good to be lean in the summer... the past six years I've been in-between babies so I have been a bit heavier during the summer... I have finally been able to get out my 'skinny' clothes and enjoy wearing them. I have always had this desire in the back of my mind to compete, but I know I never will, so I'm kind of treating this cut like my own imaginary little 'prep' - haha.
  • dasmyth
    dasmyth Posts: 8 Member
    EmbeeKay wrote: »
    25 lbs in 8 weeks is quick work @dasmyth! It sounds like your process has been fairly fast. Did you see some good gains from your bulk? How long did you bulk? And how is your physique at 179 comparing to your '165 lb skinny twig' look?

    Oh my gosh, so much different. If I were to guess, based on how I looked at 180lb before ( still kinda DadBod-ish, plenty of fat around the midsection, not much muscle definition ) vs now at 180 - much leaner, way way more muscle definition, bigger muscles in general.... I'd have to say I put on 15lb of muscle the last bulk. It was about 6 months of a really dirty bulk, plus my new son was born so there was some time off the gym for that.

    My TDEE is about 3400 - factoring in a good hour at the gym M-F and 3 days of cardio ( running 1-2 miles, sometimes HIIT ) - So this cut has been much quicker, but I'm also eating only 1800-2000 calories and starving. I hate cutting so I just want it over ASAP. I've got my 4-pack now, so I'll probably shoot for 170-175 as my final target and maintain there for a few weeks before I bulk again.

  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    @EmbeeKay just some stubborn fat protocol from Lyle MacDonald's women's book. I don't know if it will do anything, but worth a shot at this point!
  • billkansas
    billkansas Posts: 267 Member
    dasmyth wrote: »
    I'm just finishing up with my post-bulk cut. I started on a cut and went from unfit 190lb DadBod, down to 165lb skinny twig. I stopped a little early ( still did not have abs ) because I was just feeling and looking way too small.

    So then I dirty bulked straight back up to 205lb. Went by way too fast. I'm 8 weeks into my cut and just weighed in at 179.4lb so about 25lb in 8 weeks or so.

    For reference, I'm 5'11" male, age 34. Ask me anything!

    So your cut sounds like it was faster than the (typically advised) 1/2 lb per week? How long did you cut?

    I'm in "Dadbod" stage... at 1/2 lb per week I may be cutting clear until the end of the year. This is my first ever cut.

  • dasmyth
    dasmyth Posts: 8 Member
    edited July 2018
    billkansas wrote: »
    So your cut sounds like it was faster than the (typically advised) 1/2 lb per week? How long did you cut?

    I'm in "Dadbod" stage... at 1/2 lb per week I may be cutting clear until the end of the year. This is my first ever cut.

    Cutting more than 1/2 - 1lb a week I think it's mostly not advised ( my opinion and research ) because:

    1) you don't allow yourself time to adjust to new eating habits, so when you're "done" and go back to old eating habits you "mysteriously" put the weight back on. By cutting slowly you allow way more time to develop new habits, so you don't go back to your previous body afterwards.

    2) it's hard to maintain. Eating at such a steep deficit is hard. You're starving all the time. Your energy levels plummet. This will make it harder for someone to stick to it for any length of time.

    3) you definitely run the risk of losing muscle you worked so hard to put on. However, I have clinically low testosterone and am on replacement therapy, so the extra testosterone for me is working to keep my muscles even at the deficit I'm at.

    For me, I just hate cutting, and since I'm not as worried about losing muscle for the reason I mentioned, and I'm also not worried about old eating habits because I have complete control over my eating, I'm just bearing through it so I can start eating again.

    This cut is even faster than the last. I'm on week 8. I've already bulked once so my TDEE is pretty high ( 3400 ish ) which is helping me lose faster.

    Let me see if I can upload my weight/calorie/TDEE sheet so you can see.

    There have been a few refeed days where I ate much more than normal, I also drink zero alcohol and at least a gallon of water a day.


    Your first cut is going to be the hardest and longest because you're establishing your cutting eating habits, you haven't had an opportunity to slather on some muscle yet to raise your TDEE some, and it's new to you. It will get easier the next time!!!

    I don't have any recent pics, but I'll see if my wife will take a good one and show you before/after first cut/after bulk/current

    My diet looks like this:

    Can of Pepsi on the way to gym ( I know....)
    4 scrambled eggs with salsa

    1/2 cup steel cut oats, made with water, plain with just salt and pepper
    Some kind of tuna sandwich or wrap which I eat only half of for lunch.

    The other half of the sandwich/wrap

    A huge steak, sirloin or filet mignon, I usually cook like 5 at a time and just eat it cold.
    A can of spinach

    Before bed
    A pint of Halo Top if it still keeps me at or under about 2100 calories for the day.

    Yes, I eat a pint of ice cream most days.
  • billkansas
    billkansas Posts: 267 Member
    edited July 2018
    Yeah, there's an exception to every rule. You seem to wisely know you can break it. I guess I'll stick with it even though I want to go crazy and accelerate my cut so I can be done with it and start bulking again. Given that I'm 49, only go to the gym two days per week, and other factors... I'd better play by the rules myself. I've already lost some muscle as evident that all my lifts have gone down. I think I'll stay conservative for now. You're also right, I'm sort of miserable already too.... probably need to walk before I can run!