I’m so done with this.



  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    AKTipsyCat wrote: »
    I dunno, I've found that I've had to give up certain foods almost completely because they trigger me. There are certain *cheat* meals I can allow myself because I know I can bounce back from them. The occasional slice of pizza vs. having it almost weekly, sometimes multiple times a week? Sure. A bit or two of a decadent dessert? Sure! And it can be just a bite, maybe two. Tostitos and that devil cheesey dip? Nope. I start with that and wake up three days later with a needle in my arm and a vat of nacho cheese sauce at the other end. Donuts? Hell No, give me a powdered donut and when I come to, I look like Al Pacino in that scene from Scarface when he goes head down into all the cocaine. I've really dedicated myself this year and have lost weight slowly and steadily, occasionally I'll do a round of Whole 30 - because each time after, I notice my taste buds start to change a little and I like certain things less and other things more... Allow yourself treats, sure - but if there *triggers* you may just want to avoid them as much as possible. But if you don't, and you find yourself three days later under a bridge using a pile of burger wrappers to stay warm - forgive yourself. Brush yourself off and start over. It's all any of us can do, and it's so muc better than just giving up.

    I hear that. My main issue is rarely what I eat at the table. It's what happens between meals when the leftovers in the fridge start behaving like the Dish of the Day in Hitchhiker's Guide/Restaurant at the End of the Universe and pleading with me to eat them. I'll allow myself to indulge if it's a single serving. But if there's half a lemon meringue pie in the fridge, or several loaves of naan bread, or a half a cup of chipotle dip... Well, come back in an hour and it's likely that they won't be there anymore. (And I'll be trying to give myself a pep talk about not letting this derail me any further.)
  • btrias24
    btrias24 Posts: 30 Member
    This is definitely what a lot of people are going thru so u r not alone. I usually tell people its really about breaking bad habits.. You might do good today but it doesn't mean u broke your bad habit? In order to break it successfully, you have to take it slow.. For example start by not drinking soda, after a week i guarantee you, you wont be looking for soda anymore. Start slow, do it one at a time. This is the same concept when trying out new foods, i never like avocado, but i started eating it everyday till my taste buds accepted it. Very same concept with junk foods, since all you cranial nerves are so used to it, its always looking for that taste. So try to eliminate them one at a time. Its never too late 👍
  • H2OisGood
    H2OisGood Posts: 12 Member
    btrias24 wrote: »
    This is definitely what a lot of people are going thru so u r not alone. I usually tell people its really about breaking bad habits.. You might do good today but it doesn't mean u broke your bad habit? In order to break it successfully, you have to take it slow.. For example start by not drinking soda, after a week i guarantee you, you wont be looking for soda anymore. Start slow, do it one at a time. This is the same concept when trying out new foods, i never like avocado, but i started eating it everyday till my taste buds accepted it. Very same concept with junk foods, since all you cranial nerves are so used to it, its always looking for that taste. So try to eliminate them one at a time. Its never too late 👍
    btrias24 wrote: »
    This is definitely what a lot of people are going thru so u r not alone. I usually tell people its really about breaking bad habits.. You might do good today but it doesn't mean u broke your bad habit? In order to break it successfully, you have to take it slow.. For example start by not drinking soda, after a week i guarantee you, you wont be looking for soda anymore. Start slow, do it one at a time. This is the same concept when trying out new foods, i never like avocado, but i started eating it everyday till my taste buds accepted it. Very same concept with junk foods, since all you cranial nerves are so used to it, its always looking for that taste. So try to eliminate them one at a time. Its never too late 👍

    Yes, try this and you start again the next day, and start again the next day.... You do this and try it and I’ll try on my sugar addiction. This will help
    to inspire and motivate. You are so not alone. 🙂
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I remembered this list taken from an excellent article on building new habits and eliminating undesirable ones and thought it might be helpful:

    Be realistic. Only choose 1 or 2 specific, achievable things you'd like to work on at a time. Trying to reach all your goals at the same time is a sure way to reach none of them.

    Manage your environment. Make it as easy as possible for you to make good choices, and harder to make poor ones (i.e., if ice cream is your weakness, don't keep it in the house).

    Take a long-range view. Habits take time to build. Don't view 1 relapse as a permanent failure. Try to learn from your mistakes, and focus more on the times you were successful and how you can repeat those.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    zach_duden wrote: »
    I can’t do this up and down anymore.

    One day I’m feeling great! I go to the gym, eat healthy (for the most part), log all of my food in MyFitnessPal, stay under my calorie goal - I feel on top of the world!

    That usually lasts a day. Maybe two.

    Then I’m right back to eating all junk food again. Ice cream. So much goddamn ice cream. I stop logging my food because I feel like at this point, it doesn’t even matter. I stop going to the gym. I stop walking. I stop trying. Then depression kicks in and I’m right back to where I started.


    I feel like I’m lost. I feel like at this point I’ve tried everything. I’ve done the “just start slow” and cutting everything out all at once. It’s just not working. I’ve tried the weight loss “fad diets.” None of them stick.

    I’m addicted to fast food and I don’t know how to break the habit. I bring my lunch to work, the suddenly I get one little tiny thought in my mind about fast food, and the next thing I know, I’m at the drive-thru window at McDonald’s.

    I just can’t do this anymore.

    Same. I used to be more motivated when I was younger. I know it's not due to age for a lot of people but it is for me. I'm almost 50, menopausal and raising three kids still and the stress of school stuff and keeping them all going all week doing activities takes its toll as well as working from home. My work never leaves. We all have different lives and different reasons for not being able to stick to it. I know I just have to DO IT and it's tough but here I am again trying to do just that.

    Good luck to you!
  • shanti200
    shanti200 Posts: 116 Member
    You mentioned being addicted to fast food. You shouldn't have to cut it out all together. What if you still eat there but choose healthier options or the smaller portions? Or instead of going everyday why not once a week as a treat? I find if I try to cut out a particular thing out of my diet, its setting me up for failure. I believe anything in moderation is ok. Even if you slip and have a high calorie lunch at mcdicks then you can still eat a healthy dinner and stay with in the 2300 calorie goal. Good luck! You got this!