20 lbs in 20 weeks!



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Hi, I’d like to join, too. I have lost 62.9 lbs since Jan, 2016. (~40 lbs in the past 10 months.) 5’8.5”

    I hit my High End Normal BMI weight recently, but I can see that I need to lose more: probably at least 10 lbs.

    My goal is to lose 1-2 lbs per month, gradually easing into maintenance (and further cementing my new habits) & giving my skin a chance to adjust a bit.

    Tentative Plan:
    SW for Challenge: 165.4 BMI: 24.8 July 21
    Whoa! 163.8 BMI: 24.5 Crazy! July 24
    Curious to see if this is “real”...
    164.6 BMI: 24.7 July 28

    1st Mini-Goal 163.4 BMI 24.5 Aug 18
    2nd Mini-Goal: 161.4 BMI: 24.2 Sep 15
    3rd Mini-Goal: 159.4 BMI: 23.9 Oct 13
    4th Mini-Goal: 157.4 BMI: 23.6 Nov 10
    Challenge Goal GW: 155.4 BMI: 23.3 Dec 8

    Ultimate Goal: 155 BMI: 23.2 by Jan 1, 2019
    (3 years) Wt Loss: -73.3lbs BMI drop: 11
  • Sundaenia
    Sundaenia Posts: 23 Member
    Hey everyone, I just joined today and I know I'm a bit late but may I still join? I am 5 ft 3, 142 lbs, and 41 years old. My goal weight is 122 lbs which I feel is reasonable for my frame. I could definitely benefit from this challenge! Also, anyone here please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • DebbieWillDoThis
    DebbieWillDoThis Posts: 4 Member
    leighmcc1 wrote: »
    Good morning all,
    I’ve been using this app for food tracking for over 3 years. I managed to lose 40 pounds over my first year and then I got lazy and stopped eating well.
    I do Zumba 5-7 days per week but I stopped strength training when I started grad school last year.

    I restarted my efforts last week on my birthday.
    I want my 47th year to be healthy and strong.
    I’ve started with the loseweightbyeating detox week.

    I’m 5’3; 180 lbs
    my short term goal is 160
    My ultimate goal is to get to 140

    My goals:
    Finish detox week then
    Continue the daily smoothie challenge
    Increase my strength training to 2 times per week.

    Thank you

    What is detox week and daily smoothie challenge m
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,028 Member
    My name is Tish
    USW: 253
    CW: 188.2
    ChGW: 165

    •Monday Updates•

    7/30 - 188.2

  • Bunniculette
    Bunniculette Posts: 71 Member
    I'm in!! I was struggling to lose weight and then fell into a pretty deep depression this past year and packed on an additional 60 pounds...so with 100 at least to lose, 20 in 20 sounds like a good start. I'm eating a LOT of veggies and drinking a LOT of water to help with the loss. That coupled with no carbs for dinner time I've lost 10 lbs these past 2 weeks so I think I got this!
  • Annika115
    Annika115 Posts: 27 Member
    I’m 43. I want to lose 20 lbs as well. I weigh 137.8.
    I’m choosing to do some form of exercise 7 days a week. Counting calories/staying under 1200 a day.
  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member

    All time high: 192.2 on 3/2/18
    SW: 7/17 173.5
    Challenge goal: 153.5
    Ultimate goal: 130

    Week 1: 7/24 170.6
    Week 2: 7/31 167.2
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    Lost about 1.3 lbs last week! But went on holiday on Friday - yesterday, so I think I have put it back on and then some!

    Back again to keeping diary at 1200 and getting in my running despite the heatwave 😫
  • luvenlife
    luvenlife Posts: 5 Member
    My July goal was to get to 167 and I weighed in at 168! I'm going to take it and hope that the month of August is even better!
  • gearanger
    gearanger Posts: 3 Member
    Update: August 1, 2018
    69.9kg, 154.7lb
    Lost 1kg/2lb so far.
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    Week 3 check in - Hello everyone , keep up the good work, one day and one choice at a time, keep doing the best you can and allow yourself to enjoy each day without regret. It was a challenging week for me, not much movement on the scale, but memories were made, and some evenings were filled with laughter. Sad to reconnect with old friends over cocktails at a funeral but life is what it is. Poor meal choices meeting for coffe, lunch or dinner with traveling friends visiting from out of town. Over it, forgiven myself and moving on. My steps have increased from about 4000 a day to 7-8000 a day in preparation for a 5k in September. I have been working in my yard and garden, decluttering the house to keep busy and not just sit n snack all evening. Busy weekend coming up with three events - a housewarming, a wedding and pink flamingo cocktail party. Just got to be wise with my choices and enjoy the time with friends. I choose to dance with my challenges instead of spar and fight. Have a great week everyone!

    (Start 7/1 @ 187)
    7/18 184.5
    7/25 183.5
    8/1 183.2
  • nathalieforrest
    nathalieforrest Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    Beginning my weight loss journey this month

    SW challenge: 270lbs
    challenge goal: 240lbs :):) being ambitious
    Ultimate goal weight:170-180 depending on how i feel about my body
  • karenvandam
    karenvandam Posts: 23 Member
    Week 2 check-in

    7/20: 164.4
    7/27: 162.8
    8/3: 161.8

    I just made my 1 lb goal this week! Going for 1 lb is a lot harder than the 0.5 lbs I've been doing. I seem to run out of calories before dinner unless I do a pretty decent workout. I'm worried about making my goal for next, but feeling determined to hit my calorie goals.

    I've been doing pretty good with my back-strengthening and stretching exercises and the biking was also good this week. I've just added a 30 day squat challenge for August. I've only done 2 days and I'm already a bit sore!

    To everyone else in the group - hang in there and keep up the good work!
  • gearanger
    gearanger Posts: 3 Member
    gearanger wrote: »
    Update: August 1, 2018
    69.9kg, 154.7lb
    Lost 1kg/2lb so far.

    August 3 update: current weight 152lb
    Lost 2.7 lb
    Dieting method:
    No exercise, just walking around doing errands. Eating Whole Foods on a keto diet, 1500-2500 calories a day. I eat around 2 tbsp of chia seeds a day for fiber. I also eat only 1 to 2 meals a day, only snacking during the meal.

  • rainandfire1
    rainandfire1 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey all!
    Silence from me for a while since I haven’t been doing too well, but I need to remember it’s the accountability that’s important! I read through and am so encouraged by many peoples progress!

    I realized I need to focus a lot more on my sleep habits and on finding alternatives to eating when bored, stressed, etc.

    I’m going to focus on that this week, and on revising my calorie goals.

    I’d like to work on fitness next- one step at a time!

    Current stats: 5’1.5, 140lbs
    GW: 120 lbs
    GCals: 1600 cals/day ALL WEEK- none of this binging some days nonsense; 3-4 meals a day
    GWO: 3-4 45min workouts a week
    GS: 10k steps a day

    Good luck y’all!
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,028 Member
    edited August 2018
    My name is Tish
    USW: 253
    CW: 188.2
    ChGW: 165

    •Monday Updates•

    Wk 1: 7/30 - 188.2

    Wk 2: 8/6 - 186.2 - Very pleased to see a two pound drop instead of my expected one pound gain of fluid on a Monday.

  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    Hi everyone! After weighing in this morning, I have managed to get back to my loss before the holiday. So everything back on track. Now at 168.25.

    I was really hungry last night and ended up having to get up in the night and have something to eat. So I am thinking of upping my calories to 1420 a day - which is what MFP says would get me to 1 lb a week loss.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Hi, I’d like to join, too. I have lost 62.9 lbs since Jan, 2016. (~40 lbs in the past 10 months.) 5’8.5”

    I hit my High End Normal BMI weight recently, but I can see that I need to lose more: probably at least 10 lbs.

    My goal is to lose 1-2 lbs per month, gradually easing into maintenance (and further cementing my new habits) & giving my skin a chance to adjust a bit.

    Tentative Plan:
    SW for Challenge: 165.4 BMI: 24.8 July 21
    164.6 BMI: 24.7 July 28
    164 BMI: 24.6 Aug 6

    1st Mini-Goal 163.4 BMI 24.5 Aug 18
    2nd Mini-Goal: 161.4 BMI: 24.2 Sep 15
    3rd Mini-Goal: 159.4 BMI: 23.9 Oct 13
    4th Mini-Goal: 157.4 BMI: 23.6 Nov 10
    Challenge Goal GW: 155.4 BMI: 23.3 Dec 8

    Ultimate Goal: 155 BMI: 23.2 by Jan 1, 2019
    (3 years) Wt Loss: -73.3lbs BMI drop: 11