TEAM BLUE- SAHM 60 day challenge....yay!



  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    MMMM Perfect for the summer!!! Try this Pinapple-Raspberry Parfait, you can mix up the fruits! I love it with mangos and strawberries. You can use light whipping cream with a dash white powdered sugar if you want to add a bit of sweetness and it wont up the cals too much but anyway, this is the super healthy version.

    2 8-ounce containers (2 cups) nonfat peach yogurt
    1/2 pint fresh raspberries, (about 1 1/4 cups)
    1 1/2 cups fresh, frozen or canned pineapple chunks

    Divide and layer yogurt, raspberries and pineapple into 4 glasses.
    Per serving: 109 calories; 0 g fat ( 0 g sat , 0 g mono ); 2 mg cholesterol; 23 g carbohydrates; 5 g protein; 3 g fiber; 58 mg sodium; 113 mg potassium.

    Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (60% daily value), Calcium (15% dv).

    Carbohydrate Servings: 1 1/2

    Exchanges: 1/2 reduced-fat milk, 1 frui

    This is my vote!
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    MMMM Perfect for the summer!!! Try this Pinapple-Raspberry Parfait, you can mix up the fruits! I love it with mangos and strawberries. You can use light whipping cream with a dash white powdered sugar if you want to add a bit of sweetness and it wont up the cals too much but anyway, this is the super healthy version.

    2 8-ounce containers (2 cups) nonfat peach yogurt
    1/2 pint fresh raspberries, (about 1 1/4 cups)
    1 1/2 cups fresh, frozen or canned pineapple chunks

    Divide and layer yogurt, raspberries and pineapple into 4 glasses.
    Per serving: 109 calories; 0 g fat ( 0 g sat , 0 g mono ); 2 mg cholesterol; 23 g carbohydrates; 5 g protein; 3 g fiber; 58 mg sodium; 113 mg potassium.

    Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (60% daily value), Calcium (15% dv).

    Carbohydrate Servings: 1 1/2

    Exchanges: 1/2 reduced-fat milk, 1 frui

    This has my vote! Yum!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Danced here at home with my babies
    Something new: tried out a new recipe from and it was so yummyyy!
    Step ups: I didnt do those. whoops!
    Emotional challenge: completed
    Recipe...Dessert challenge: complete
    Relaxation challenge: I actually got all dolled up for my date with the hubby on sat which I havent done in awhile. I went all out.
    So total points for me: 4pts
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Week 4.....Challenges

    Stacey: 4pts
    Jennifer: 4pts

    Who else is nervous for weigh in?
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Cardio: done!!
    Emotional: done!!
    Something new: done!! New recipe
    recipe vote: done!!
    step ups: forgot eek!
    Relaxation: done!! laid in bed with a book for an hour!!

    4pts for me.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Week 4.....Challenges

    Stacey: 4pts
    Jennifer: 4pts
    Devin: 4pts

    Who else is nervous for weigh in?
  • JwlzBoatie
    JwlzBoatie Posts: 51 Member
    Emotional challenge:
    Someone in your life that has contributed to your weight will this change once you love yourself....
    As I have mentioned before, the biggest contributor to the emotional binges, was my mom. I never felt as if i was what she wanted or what she expected me to be. I remember just conitnuously trying and trying to do thing sthat made her happy adn in the end getting shut down. I began to love myself around the age of 19, when i realized it was time to start pleasing myself. Since then my weight was always the same until i got pregnant. This ofcourse was another reason to hear it from mom, since i am unwed. The good thing was that this time i didnt let her get to me. Now, my drive is my daughter. I started this weightloss to show her healthy living but also, so that she will see that healthy doesnt always mean thin. I am determined to be healthy even if im not thin. I dont expect to be a size "0" i expect to change my life and seperate food from emotion. I love myself enough to stop pleasing others, especially my mom and start jus being me!
  • JwlzBoatie
    JwlzBoatie Posts: 51 Member
    All challenges completed!!! Did the last of my step ups today at therapy, yeah!!! Also, added another dancing session in this morning, guess i had some of my dancing fever left in me from saturday! Anywho, all challenges are complete, yeah me!!! Can't wait for weigh in tomorrow! Good luck everyone, hope we have another great week!
  • JwlzBoatie
    JwlzBoatie Posts: 51 Member
    All challenges completed!!! Did the last of my step ups today at therapy, yeah!!! Also, added another dancing session in this morning, guess i had some of my dancing fever left in me from saturday! Anywho, all challenges are complete, yeah me!!! Can't wait for weigh in tomorrow! Good luck everyone, hope we have another great week!
    oh yea! the something new is that i started a new job! LOL i hope that counts! For the recipe challenge, since i cant vote for my ouwn..i vote for banana raspberry mousse!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    MMMM Perfect for the summer!!! Try this Pinapple-Raspberry Parfait, you can mix up the fruits! I love it with mangos and strawberries. You can use light whipping cream with a dash white powdered sugar if you want to add a bit of sweetness and it wont up the cals too much but anyway, this is the super healthy version.

    2 8-ounce containers (2 cups) nonfat peach yogurt
    1/2 pint fresh raspberries, (about 1 1/4 cups)
    1 1/2 cups fresh, frozen or canned pineapple chunks

    Divide and layer yogurt, raspberries and pineapple into 4 glasses.
    Per serving: 109 calories; 0 g fat ( 0 g sat , 0 g mono ); 2 mg cholesterol; 23 g carbohydrates; 5 g protein; 3 g fiber; 58 mg sodium; 113 mg potassium.

    Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (60% daily value), Calcium (15% dv).

    Carbohydrate Servings: 1 1/2

    Exchanges: 1/2 reduced-fat milk, 1 frui

    Here is the Recipe challenge winner!

    Week 4 Challenge Points:

    Stacey: 4pts
    Jennifer: 4pts
    Devin: 4pts
    Julissa: 5pts
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    I missed my stepups by 1 day :(
    4 Points for me. Bleh! Sorry ladies! Those are tough to do with my leg issues.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I am going to start a New Thread for Week 5 so it is easier to see the challenge, I will do this each week. Everyone come and say hello. We will complete the weigh in and Recipe challenge here for this week.
    Week 5 Link
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    MMMM Perfect for the summer!!! Try this Pinapple-Raspberry Parfait, you can mix up the fruits! I love it with mangos and strawberries. You can use light whipping cream with a dash white powdered sugar if you want to add a bit of sweetness and it wont up the cals too much but anyway, this is the super healthy version.

    2 8-ounce containers (2 cups) nonfat peach yogurt
    1/2 pint fresh raspberries, (about 1 1/4 cups)
    1 1/2 cups fresh, frozen or canned pineapple chunks

    Divide and layer yogurt, raspberries and pineapple into 4 glasses.
    Per serving: 109 calories; 0 g fat ( 0 g sat , 0 g mono ); 2 mg cholesterol; 23 g carbohydrates; 5 g protein; 3 g fiber; 58 mg sodium; 113 mg potassium.

    Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (60% daily value), Calcium (15% dv).

    Carbohydrate Servings: 1 1/2

    Exchanges: 1/2 reduced-fat milk, 1 frui

    Here is the Recipe challenge winner!

    Week 4 Challenge Points:

    Stacey: 4pts
    Jennifer: 4pts
    Devin: 4pts
    Julissa: 5pts
    Melanie: 4pts

    Total Blue Team points: 25pts...yay!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Here it is ladies!!! Get ready set go!! (Tomorrow of course)lolbigsmile

    SAHMU Challenge Week 5

    Set a week Goal for yourself this week and achieve it! Your goal can't be under 2500 calories burned. We have to push ourselves.(I got this from another challenge on MFP and thought it was great!)

    **The Team with the highest Calories burned this week gets an extra point!!

    I made another spreadsheet for this challenge please enter in your calorie burns there daily along with your goal.

    Please remember to post on your thread how you burned your calories and how many you burned each day, I think this will give us all some new ideas.

    Strength: Possible 6 points per person just for this challenge!!
    Day 1 Challenge - 50 Leg Raises (each side)
    Day 2 Challenge - 40 Squats
    Day 3 Challenge - 50 situps or ab crunches
    Day 4 Challenge - 40 "Up & Downs"
    Day 5 Challenge - 25 Pushups
    Day 6 Challenge - 25 Lunges
    Day 7 Rest!! You deserve it!!
    *You can do these in any order you would like.

    Food Challenge: Healthy Kids Meal
    Recipe challenge- for this challenge we will each submit a Kids Meal recipe to our team thread, you will receive 1 point for this, take a vote on your team and then submit the best Kids recipe to our main thread, we will then all vote for the best recipe on the main thread and the team with the most votes will receive 1 extra point for this challenge. (the catch is you cannot vote for your own team). Remember to include the nutritional content in your receipe.

    Emotional Challenge:
    What excuses have you made (to yourself or others) in the past for your weight, and how do you stop yourself from falling back into the "I am heavy because...." attitude?
    ** A special thanks to LoveNevrNds and sisa2324 for your help with the challenge this week.
    Remember you can always go to

    The challenge is there along with the point system.
    Good Luck Ladies and I hope you enjoy the challenge this week!
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    Weigh in: 138.2. That's a loss of 1.8lbs! I'm stunned! TOM came yesterday so I expected the scale to be harsh this morning. Woohoo!!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Weigh in here: 247.2. Down 0.4lb. Im happy with it since TOM also arrived yesterday and Im almost always up 3-5lb.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Cardio: Goal for me is 2600 calories burned. Gonna be hard because i typically burn 2000 or so but I will try lol

    Wednesday: 50 Leg Raises (each side)
    Thursday: 40 Squats
    Friday: 50 situps or ab crunches
    Saturday: Rest day!!
    Sunday - 40 "Up & Downs"
    Monday - 25 Pushups
    Tuesday - 25 Lunges

    Emotional Challenge:
    I always blamed my weight on my pregnancies, when in reality, I was 80lb overweight before I even got pregnant with my oldest. Im in the mindset now that *I* am responsible for my weight by not being aware of exactly how much I was shoving in my face and *I* am the only one who can change it.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Highest weight at 9months pregnant 265lbs 12/10
    Starting MFP Weight: 247
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 225.5
    Week 1 Weight: 225
    Week 2 Weight: 227
    Week 3 Weight: 223
    Week 4 Weight: 221
    Week 5 Weight 221

    Loss: 0 this week...TOM will be here next wed so I will blame him! If I worked out this am I probably would be down but I am so sore from monday and tuesday I need a day to rest! Sorry Team!

    Emotional Challenge: I agree with You Devin...blaming my pregnancies too but I was 215lbs when I got married...gained 30lbs from the time I met my husband til I got only a year and a half from eating terribly! I worked at a doctors clinic where food was catered in for lunch ( they were like 4 course meals!!) and someone was always having a potluck for something!! Not to mention trying to match my husband's eating....he can eat ALOT!! So now this is my turn to stop making excuses and get my butt in gear!! I know what to do and how to get there just need to not give up and stick with it especially when that dang scale stalls!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Weightloss Week 5:

    Stacey: 0 :(
    Devin: -.4lbs
    Melanie: -1.8lbs
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Starting MFP Weight:163
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 160
    Week 1 Weight: 157
    Week 2 Weight: 156
    Week 3 Weight: 156
    Week 4 Weight: 156
    Week 5 Weight 154 WHooooo!!!

    I can't believe I lost 2 lbs. I had to double check. I am so happy since I didn't lose any for the last 2 weeks.