OPERATION: Skinny B*tch 2: Any takers?



  • Bmajhor
    Bmajhor Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Barb, I am a married mother of 3. I work full time in property managemnet (a very sedentary job) I just found MFP as a calorie counter on my phone. I LOVE IT. I am just now (after a month) really learing this sites potential. I am really excited to do a challenge! Feel free to add me! I need all the motivation I can get!
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    Woop Woop!! I am so excited!!!

    Measurements? I'm always curious.

    I'm 5'2 1/2"
    153lbs this morning
    33" chest
    26.5" waist
    40.5" hips
    21.75" thighs, at the fullest(fattest) part
    16.5" calves
    I am now in between a size 8 and 10 jeans, the 10s fall down and are a bit baggy... but if I want to wear the 8s out I have to wear them for at least a couple hours so the stretch a little bit to be comfortable and not squeeze all my love handles over the top!

    I started, in March 2011, at 176lbs
    45" hips
    23.5" thighs
    (I dont know what my calves were here)
    size 12 jeans (tiiight)

    at 190lbs I was in a size 16.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    Currently I am 202 (my personal weigh in days are wednesdays so hopefully that will change.
    My measurements are in my signature ( I was going to do them monthly.. but I can change that per challege rules :)

    I am in a 14 (tight) but a 16 is too big. I hate being in between

    sorry, forgot, I am 5"8
  • Well i am also a nursing student, i have my LPN but i want to be a RN/midwife someday i hope. I have only 1 year left, yah. I have a 4 year old son who is amazing lol. My husband and i met in kuwait when i was in the army. Now he is still in however i got out because we were expecting our son. I want to lose weight for me, i want to be able to go to the store and buy something that makes me feel good about myself and not have to worry about how i'm goin to cover my muffin top lol
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
  • Delyla07
    Delyla07 Posts: 49 Member
    Alittle bit about myself,
    well I'm 25, 5'4 (1/2). I currently weigh, 176lbs and would like to get down to 135lbs. Thats my target for christmas, that way there will be a new me for the new year! I was in a 4 year relationship that just ended :( but I will use it as a motivation to get back to my sexy self and become a skinny b*tch!
    I am actually also interested in behavioral analysis and forensic psychology, I studied psychology in university. I plan on becoming a police officer and the only thing thats really stopping me is cardio, I need to run a 1.5 mile in around 11 min and do a obsticle course that involves a 4 foot wall, stairs, weights, and a 150 lbs dummy drag in 2 min and 42 sec.:noway: I was about 5 sec off the last test run I did but since I injured my knee so I am getting the strenght back and still worried that I will reinjure it. I wear a 12 but my butt and legs are the main reason, pants don't fit properly, they are always buckling at the top, or slide down and I'm constintly picking them up. I also just found out that I weigh more than my mom which is depressing to me, I am a couple inches taller than her but she carries the weight differently than I do I guess.
  • Onetwo_bre
    Onetwo_bre Posts: 43 Member
    Hi!! Please count me in, I would love to be a part of this, and to feel that it will help remain accountable to myself and all of you wonderful ladies :)

    A little about me:

    I am 5'4", 25 years old, and my MFP SW is listed as 165.0lbs. My HW overall was 188lbs. I have gotten rid of 23 lbs total, and I am going to keep on trucking :] I am a full-time college student studying Biomedical Engineering. I am also in a sorority (SK~One Heart One Way~ALL DAY EVERY DAY), which is very time consuming, however, this upcoming school year I am going to be playing competitive sports for us (football-fall, volleyball-winter, and softball-spring), which allows me to multi-task. I am going to try to maintain my activity level, that I have cultivated this summer, throughout the school year, and I will add the sports in on top of that, as I know the closer you get to goal, the harder you have to work to get there. I am very excited about this website, and now this challenge, as I have been overweight and under-active since 2004, and I am tired of it. I want to be able to run a 5K, and do a muddy buddy race series (Run/MTB in rough terrain) as well as just feel more energetic, and be healthier overall. I am looking to become fit, active, and to eat healthy. It is time to change my lifestyle (and the lbs lost doesn't hurt either ^__^ )

    I know you girls will push me to make myself better, and I hope that I can do the same for you.

    Looking forward to the blood, sweat and tears... Brianne
  • I'm up for it! I love challenges.
  • cmsiemsen
    cmsiemsen Posts: 78 Member
    I'm Tina, I'm 22 years old and have struggled with my weight for ...years. My self-body-image has never been healthy. I either think I'm bigger than I am, or smaller. I'm 5'5" and currently 180. My highest weight was this past January at 209. Since then, I've decided that I wanted/needed to get back into shape. In March I dropped five pounds using MFP with my parents. Then the end of the semester came, I got busy and tired and gave up. In early June I started taking my health more seriously and started using MFP again. I've been going strong since!

    I'm a psychology student, getting my bachelor's degree in December... then it's preparing for med-school! I plan on becoming a Psychiatrist & working with those that have addiction disorders (alcohol/drugs/eating) and other severe mental illnesses. Uhm... I'm vegetarian, a huge fan of film, literature, music, other art. Big people person. I am the oldest of four children and am the first person in my family to get a bachelor's degree.

    My goal weight is 135. I haven't been that weight since I was.... 15? Long time. I had already grown to full-height then. So! This is a life-changing thing for me. It's a lifestyle, not a diet.
  • I'm Maranda, I'm 25 and I'm a graduate from the University of South Florida (Go Bulls!) with a bachelor's degree in Psychology. When I couldn't find a job and a great scholarship came my way, I went back and am now in nursing school! I see a lot of nurses/nursing students on this thread :) I graduate in May and can NOT wait to not be poor lol.

    In addition to school, I work two jobs. One in a local hospital as a Nurse Intern and also in a Psychiatrist's office. I love mental health and my boss is the best guy ever. I will be continuing my education and going for my Nurse Practioner's license after I graduate and am kind of being pushed into Psychiatric Nurse Practioning (by the boss). Not 100% on that yet.

    Anyway, no children but I have a boyfriend of 6 years who makes me happy <3 Need to lose this weight to look good in future wedding shots! And also for future babies. My problem is I like food and I eat out of boredom. Need to revise my thinking for sure. My HW was 277 and I'm currently at around 254, I haven't gotten to exercise in about a week because of a knee injury at the hospital :( which has made me fall off the wagon only slightly... But I gotta get better to lose this weight!

    Alright b*tches? Let's get skinny ;)
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member

    I found this article... pretty interesting insight into choosing a goal weight... rather than just a number that sounds good!

    According to this, my "ideal performance weight" 120.6 lbs. Now, If I take into consideration that I am above 10 percentage points above my ideal body fat %... my ideal performance weight is 135.4lbs. Either I would be happy with! Or.. I'll work on getting to 135.4 first and then work my way down to 120.6 :smile:
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Naomi. I have been waiting to to this so I could weigh in today Lol. I have always felt FAT even when I was younger. Looking back now I think I was healthy, not fat not thin...Anyways I really started gaining weight after the birth of my first daughter. I went from 132 to 165 and that was after her birth. I have three kids 14, 10, and my baby boy is 3. I seemed to manage to get the weight off after the pregnancies but as soon as I got pregnant again it went right back up and even higher than before. I am through having children and feel like it is time for me to get it off and keep it off this time. I am 5'1 and my starting and highest weight ever was 185 or maybe it was 188 can't really remember as I dabbled in this last year lost 20 lbs and kept it off. Came back in January this year and am ready to finish this! My current weight as of today is 147. I am ready for this challenge so BRING IT!!! :)
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Hey! I'd love to join the challenge!

    I'm Kelly, at the moment I'm a sahm I have two boys 8 and almost 2, I'm also studying part time and hoping to go to uni next year to study midwifery!
    I'm 27 and have always been the 'fat friend' in my eyes anyway! I've always struggled with my weight, I think my he was around 180ish lbs after having my first son, I got down to around 140lbs and maintained then put on weight and got pregnant again. After having my second son I was at 171, I've been on many diets and tried lots of exercise I've just never really gotten into anything until this year!
    I joined the gym for the millionth time in Jan, but this time something's clicked and I'm really enjoying exercise! I regurlarly run 5k's with my dog, and ATM am doing 30ds.
    I have a holiday with my fiancee in a couple of weeks time, I'm hoping not to put on lots of weight, we are going without the children so I'll defiantly be able to get some exercise in to help!

    Feel free to add me, I'm always open to new friends! And motivation!
  • Hey! i would to join the challenge. I am 20 years old, full time momma to my baby boy and college student. I am in nursing school working towards getting my BSN. I really want to get in shape because I am getting married this spring. I started my diet a month ago today and have lost 15 lbs! i was 184.4 and now down to 169! my first goal is to be in the 50s by my birthday next month!! WHen will weigh ins be?
  • sophy28
    sophy28 Posts: 72 Member
    ooh count me in! First challenge!
  • lena69au
    lena69au Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in! I think I need a challenge to keep going! See you all on Friday!:happy:
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Wow what a lot of nurses or future nurses on this list, well done to you all for setting such a healthy example :bigsmile:
  • roxyjo1
    roxyjo1 Posts: 29
    Yes, I want to join. That is the exact amount of time I have until my wedding. I want to lose 7-10 lbs.
  • I want to try!!!