JUST GIVE ME 10 Days - Round 49



  • jerier
    jerier Posts: 384 Member
    Original SW: 190 (12/29/2016)
    Round 36 SW: 183.0 (Avg. 181.16)
    Round 37 SW: 179.8 (Avg. 179.26)
    Round 38 SW: 179.0 (Avg. 177.63)
    Round 39 SW: 178.2 (Avg. 178.66)
    Round 40 SW: 179.6 (Avg. 177.31)
    Round 41 SW: 177.4 (Avg. 177.97)
    Round 42 SW: 177.0 (Avg. 177.73)
    Round 43 SW: 177.0 (Avg. 176.72)
    Round 44 SW: 178.2 (Avg. 177.20)
    Round 45 SW: 178.6 (Avg. 176.22)
    Round 46 SW: 174.2 (Avg. 176.00)
    Round 47 SW: 179.2 (Avg. 176.75)
    Round 48 SW: 178.2 (Avg. 177.93)
    Round 49 SW: 180.2

    Ultimate GW: 145ish

    8/06 - 180.2 This will be my rebound round!
    8/07 - 180.2
    8/08 - 179.6 Nothing to say, just trying to get back to where I was a few weeks ago. Slowly but surely...
    8/09 - 179.6 TOM snuck up on me but I will not be defeated!
    8/10 - 179.8 I was careless with my calories yesterday. First half of the day was great but then I snacked on chocolate in the afternoon--too much chocolate. I'm blaming TOM. Went to dinner with coworkers and probably would have been close to my calories if it wasn't for that afternoon snack attack. I also missed my regular Pilates class last night to go to dinner; I just started this new position on Monday and my new coworkers wanted to take me to dinner, so I was obligated to say yes. Just means I need to work hard this weekend!
    8/11 - 178.4
    8/12 - 178.4 This whole round is like deja vu. Frustrated that I'm doing this all over again.

    @no1racefan1 I understand, completely. I'm hoping I'll finally get it right and move on. Lol.
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    8/12 - completely forgot to weigh in this morning. Was busy getting ready for a day on the lake. Had a good time, will weigh in tomorrow morning.