Drop It 'Cause We're Hot - Week 3 (closed group)



  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Holy crap today's challenges were tough after an hour of kickboxing! And I didn't pay attention and did 50 of the wood splitting things. I am tired now! But victorious!

    I did the same thing. - I guess it pays to read carefully and remember what in the world we are doing.:wink:
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Here's a little more motivation.

    Drop it ‘Cause we’re hot.
    RickyBobby’s lost a lot
    BethanyCee and Jadery
    Account for places two and three.
    So get tough; it’s time to sweat.
    Let’s see how fit we all can get.

    I will post the entire poem at the end of the month.
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    Hey team, I should be back and full force. Internet should be up and running at my new house and I can finally check the youtube videos. Boy moving is so taxing, I feel like I haven;t contributed much at all. I will pledge 100 towards the crunch challenge and get started tonight...along with yesterday's challenge. I hope to be back in the game starting now. Shopping is done, lunch is prepared and now that we're unpacked enough to move around...excercise should be easy. Thanks for doing the great job you all have been doing. I should be around a lot more now to keep up the support.

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    TOTAL - 500
  • mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100

    TOTAL - 600
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Anyone doing the September Challange? I'm looking for a team to join!

    I am but don't know about the teams yet. It would be great if we all continued on here! I'm hoping to be back, healthy and ready to go for September!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • fitwatch
    fitwatch Posts: 61
    Lost everyone for a day! My last posting was in the previous August blog, then it looks like everyone migrated without letting me know. Anyway, to catch up here is my last posting for week 2 that I sent on Monday. I will continue to update the blog as I complete the exercises.

    With respect to the team crunches, put me down for 50 of them.

    Mon 08/15/11 01:51 PM
    Results for week 2. I have not been posting results here because the I assume that the captain and team want to see the weekly result. They are posted in my blog:


    Also, I provide updates when things are completed in my blog and then send a link to the team captain on Sunday or Monday to report the previous week's results. If anyone sees this particular entry, would you please follow the link to my blog and find the results to week 2 and make comments if you can suggest improvements?
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Ugh god...late start to the day. My alarm decided to not go off this morning, so no morning workout and late for work. I will have to workout later today.
    MOOOSEEE3 : it's great to have you back!
    mkaluzny: I can't wait to see what you come up with for next week!

    I hope everyone is having a great day! I did see a drop in the scale this morning...I am going to pee my pants if I can get below this weight, I have been trying for so long. Maybe putting some of the weight back on and working it off again is going to payoff?!

    Today's Challenge is:

    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – 50 Military Presses + 1 Extra Mile jog, walk,run + 3 sets of 21’s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9WeqqMeJAM&feature=related )

    *Of course you can do the challenges in any order you like*
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    I have a full team for the September Challenge but there are plenty of people still looking for teams. If you are interested you should captain a team, it's really not too hard!
  • sunniebeehealthy
    sunniebeehealthy Posts: 25 Member
    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    TOTAL - 850

    I was followng the thread for situps. Sorry team- I went on a much needed vacation. I lost one lb but in Laughlin I had no service so I could hardly log in! I'm back this week with a vengeance. Great work all of you!
  • Water intake completed, challenge completed, under calories completed, have a good night.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Monday's water, calorie, and exercise challenges met.
    Tuesday's water, calorie, and exercise challenges met.

    Is anyone else feel a bit tired? I don;t know whether it's because it's August, because I have exercised a bit more, or because I am genuinely tired (I hear that happens to old people). For whatever reason, I am just going to sit on my backside tonight read and maybe drink a cup of tea or two. Hopefully, I will waken refreshed tomorrow.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    I am also tired! Yesterday I was practically dead weight!
    Challenges met for today.

    Everyone, make sure you are getting enough rest this week and eating properly. You may need to tone down your normal workout a little bit, and I mean little. The tiredness will pass but you have to take care of your bodies. You are all doing so great, I see lot's of your exercise posts and I think it's great! I think we are all really trying to kick it up this week.

    4000 crunches

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200

    TOTAL - 1050
  • jadery24
    jadery24 Posts: 53
    I've been feeling tired, too! For me I think it's stress trying to get all my stuff packed for school and the fact that I have not been eating well.

    Under my calories for the day, but not yesterday. Got all my water both days, and I did both days challenges and got a head start on tomorrow! Woohoo!
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    finally back to my regularly scheduled p90x routine (well, yesterday's scheduled routine, lol). since it was so late i didnt do the ab ripper x like i was supposed to, but opted for 100 more of my pledged crunches instead :) was under calories and way over on water. other than the challenge crunches, no challenge exercises today, but hopefully will get in one of my extra miles in tomorrow and maybe some other challenges.

    keep up the good work guys!

    4000 crunches

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100

    TOTAL - 1150
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    The day's not over for me yet, but I have already met water, have more than enough caloreis left that there is no way I can go over, and completed all challenges and 100 more extra crunches. And my quads are killing me from yesterday's challenges! I didn't realize how long it had been since I've worked them. Guess I need to start doing more squats.

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100

    TOTAL - 1250
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I am tired today too. Seems we are all tired must be something in all that water we are drinking, heehee

    drinking water.......completed for both yesterday and today
    under calories.......completed for both yesterday and today
    1 extra mile done , squat kicks done, wood chops done

    I will try to get in some crunches tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a great healthy active day...........
    Me and my hubby went to the hot springs today and had mud baths and massages, it was so relaxing.......then we swam and walked around the town. What a great day
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 200 Jumping Jacks + 100 Mountain Climbers + 20 Lunges (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI8u58hPam4 )

    Well thank god it is my rest day! Will be completing the above tonight.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    A more refreshed start to my day. (Thank goodness, or whomever)
    Daily exercise challenges and routine - done
    Lots of additional crunches done - maybe that was dumb, but one can be smart in all aspects of one's life
    I am again hoping that my doctor's scale and mine are out of sync - either that or my visit this morning showed I gained 1.5 pounds. Could this really be all muscle - LOL?

    mkaluzny - 100
    sass30 - 100
    spurradic - 100
    Moooseee3 - 100
    seballard09 - 100
    sass30 - 200
    spurradic - 100
    mkaluzny - 200

    TOTAL - 1450
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    Monday - water goal met, excercises done. No logging as no internet available.
    Tuesday - water met, under calorie goal, excercises done (I doubled up and did Monday's and Tuesday's as well), also included a 3.3 mile run and did 50 of the 200 jumping jacks that are for Wednesday.

    Here's to hoping we all have a successful day today. Make the right choices, and give it all you got! Go Team!!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hello hotties!! Looks like everyone is doing well and getting all of the challenges done!! I've met the food and water challenge every day so far. :ohwell: Back is getting better I think; dr left me a message and said I had a minor case of athritis in the spine??? :noway: Not sure what that means - guess I have to wait until my follow up.

    Hope everyone has a good day!! :happy: :happy: