Slim Down for September Challenge



  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    I have been MIA for awhile now. Took a break for being obsessed with losing weight.
    April 25:194.9
    May 2:195.1
    May 9:193.1
    May 16:195.6
    May 23:194.9
    May 30:Taking a break from scale tried of going back and forth.
    June 6:n/a
    June 13:193.8
    June 20:192.2
    June 27:n/a
    July 4:192.5
    July 11:n/a
    July 18:n/a
    July 25:192.2
    Aug 1:189.8
    Aug 8:
    Aug 15:
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
    Total loss:5.1
    My current stats are:
    CW:189.8 lbs
    GW: 180 lbs
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Hi Lisa and Everybody,

    I've been MIA as well... sorry. In the mean time, I've gained and lost weight... got divorced... moved twice and am now about to take my board exams and start my last 2 years of medical school... WOOHOO!

    So, anyway, I would like to get back on-board with MFP and the September challenge and hopefully be included on the next one? Has anybody picked a date for that one? Christmas, New Years? I have about 30-35 more pounds to lose, but am glad that I've been able to at least mostly maintain in my absence.

    Highest weight: 208
    SW with MFP: 195
    GW: 125-130, I'm 5'4"
    CW: 160

    Catch up with you on Monday? Granted, I don't think this number will change much, but who knows!
    Thanks again!
    : )
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Hi Lisa and Everybody,

    I've been MIA as well... sorry. In the mean time, I've gained and lost weight... got divorced... moved twice and am now about to take my board exams and start my last 2 years of medical school... WOOHOO!

    So, anyway, I would like to get back on-board with MFP and the September challenge and hopefully be included on the next one? Has anybody picked a date for that one? Christmas, New Years? I have about 30-35 more pounds to lose, but am glad that I've been able to at least mostly maintain in my absence.

    Highest weight: 208
    SW with MFP: 195
    GW: 125-130, I'm 5'4"
    CW: 160

    Catch up with you on Monday? Granted, I don't think this number will change much, but who knows!
    Thanks again!
    : )
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    2504: 236.3 lbs
    0205: 232.5 lbs lost 3.8 lbs
    0905: 230.1 lbs lost 2.4 lbs
    1605: 228.1 lbs lost 2 lbs
    2305: 228.1 lbs lost 0 lbs
    3005: 227.0 lbs lost 1.1 lbs
    0606: 227.0 lbs lost 0 lbs
    1306: 224.8 lbs lost 2.2 lbs
    2006: 233.7 lbs lost 1.1 lbs
    2706: 222.2 lbs lost 1.5 lbs
    0407: 221.0 lbs lost 1.1 lbs
    1107: 220.0 lbs lost 1 lbs
    1807: 220.0 lbs lost 0 lbs
    2507: 219.5 lbs lost 0.5 lbs
    0108: 217.0 lbs lost 2.5 lbs
    0808: 214.2 lbs lost 2.8 lbs
    Lost: 22 lbs total

    Over the moon that I've now lost 2lbs a week for the last two weeks, don't think it'll keep coming so fast but we'll see.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Happy Monday...

    June 20: 179
    June 27: 179
    July 4: 173 <Mini goal 175>
    July 11: 172.4
    July 18: 174
    July 25: 169
    Aug 1: 167.8 <Mini goal 165> didn't make :o(
    Aug 8: 167.4
    Aug 15:
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:

    Actually made it down to 165.8 on friday, but then had a bad weekend. I was up over 170 at one point, so I will take 167.4. Why is it that it takes forever to lose it, but it only takes 1-2 days to gain it. I know its mostly water weight, but it is still a week lost.
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member

    Highest Weight: 208
    SW with MFP: 195
    CW: 160.0

    Aug 8: 158.2~Probably just water, but hoping for a trend!
    Aug 15:
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
    Sept 1:

    : )
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    April 25: 151
    May 2: 153
    May 9: 149
    May 16: (not weighing in until july, giving my self a break, going round the same few lb)
    May 23: n/a
    May 30: n/a
    June 6: n/a
    June 13: 148lb I cheated and weighed and I am nly point 1 off 147, will do me.
    June 20: 148lb
    June 27: 146lb
    July 4: 144lb
    July 11: 143lb
    July 18: 142lb (50lb lost total)
    July 25: 143lb
    Aug 1: 140lb
    Aug 8: 139lb
    Aug 15:
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    April 25: 164 lbs
    May 2: 163 lbs
    May 9: 164 lbs
    May 16: 163 lbs
    June 6: 164 lbs
    Skipped the rest of the month of June
    July 11: 168 lbs
    July 18: Skipped
    July 25: 168 lbs
    Aug 1: skipped
    Aug 8: 167 lbs

    Ugggg. That's all I have to say.
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    How are you?
    : )
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    May 16: 160
    May 23: 157
    May 30: 155
    June 6: 154
    June 13: 154
    June 20: 154
    June 27: 152
    July 4: 150 (healthy BMI! WOOHOO!)
    July 11: 150
    July 18: 145.8
    July 25: 145.8
    Aug 1: 145.8
    Aug 8: 145 (GOAL!!!!!!!!!)
    Aug 15:
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:

    Goal met! Let's see how far I can get by the end of August. My body has been changing rapidly for a few weeks with little movement on the scale, so I'm expecting a big drop at some point soon...I hope! :smile:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    How are you?
    : )

    It's been a long hot summer. And I have had NO motivation. Between classes (finished my masters degree) and vacation I did a BAD job of keeping track of my food. Rather than losing this summer, I have managed to gain 4 lbs and then lose 1 of those. School starts back up on Monday, so hopefully with getting back to a routine I will be able to start losing again.

    How have you been?
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Well, it's been a little chaotic on my end as well. I've been up and down on the scale, moved twice, studying for board exams, got a concussion and that ended all physical activity for a couple of months, got divorced, so, I completely understand having to put some things on hold for a while! Hence, I'm just now coming back. : )

    I hope things will fall into place for you and a routine will help make things feel less chaotic so you are able to focus on yourself again. : )

    Shall we do a New Years or Christmas challenge? I'm not tech savvy or I'd offer to "host" it. I'm just dreaming of the day when I'm no longer considered over-weight! I remember how exciting it was when I was no longer categorized as "obese" on the BMI!

    Let me know if I can do anything for you b/c you have been an inspiration to me in that no matter what, you're on here.

  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Well, it's been a little chaotic on my end as well. I've been up and down on the scale, moved twice, studying for board exams, got a concussion and that ended all physical activity for a couple of months, got divorced, so, I completely understand having to put some things on hold for a while! Hence, I'm just now coming back. : )

    I hope things will fall into place for you and a routine will help make things feel less chaotic so you are able to focus on yourself again. : )

    Shall we do a New Years or Christmas challenge? I'm not tech savvy or I'd offer to "host" it. I'm just dreaming of the day when I'm no longer considered over-weight! I remember how exciting it was when I was no longer categorized as "obese" on the BMI!

    Let me know if I can do anything for you b/c you have been an inspiration to me in that no matter what, you're on here.


    {hugs} Thank you! It's so easy to get discouraged. I've bounced around 165 (+/- 3 lbs) for just over a year now. I get so frustrated with myself, but then I remember that I have MAINTAINED approx 165 lbs for OVER A YEAR! Considering that I started at over 200 lb, this is no small feat. It's not where I want to be eventually, but it's a huge step in the right direction. Just gotta get my head back in the game. We can do this!

    I will volunteer to start a New Year challenge once this one ends. I will do a better job this time around, I promise!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    April 25: 197.8 lbs
    May 3: 195.2 lbs
    May 9: 199.2 lbs
    May 16: 201.4 lbs
    May 25: 196.8 lbs
    May 30: 197.6
    June 7: 199.8
    June 17: 197.8
    June 30: 195.4
    July 8: 193.6
    July 15: 193.4
    July 22: 192.8
    July 29: 191.4
    Aug 5: 193.2
    Aug 12: 195.6
    Aug 19:
    Aug 26:
    Sep 01:GOAL: anything in the 180's!

  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    April 25: 197.8 lbs
    May 3: 195.2 lbs
    May 9: 199.2 lbs
    May 16: 201.4 lbs
    May 25: 196.8 lbs
    May 30: 197.6
    June 7: 199.8
    June 17: 197.8
    June 30: 195.4
    July 8: 193.6
    July 15: 193.4
    July 22: 192.8
    July 29: 191.4
    Aug 5: 193.2
    Aug 12: 195.6
    Aug 19:
    Aug 26:
    Sep 01:GOAL: anything in the 180's!


    I was just looking at your running at the bottom of your post, AWESOME job! One-derland! That's great! : )
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    2504: 236.3 lbs
    0205: 232.5 lbs lost 3.8 lbs
    0905: 230.1 lbs lost 2.4 lbs
    1605: 228.1 lbs lost 2 lbs
    2305: 228.1 lbs lost 0 lbs
    3005: 227.0 lbs lost 1.1 lbs
    0606: 227.0 lbs lost 0 lbs
    1306: 224.8 lbs lost 2.2 lbs
    2006: 233.7 lbs lost 1.1 lbs
    2706: 222.2 lbs lost 1.5 lbs
    0407: 221.0 lbs lost 1.1 lbs
    1107: 220.0 lbs lost 1 lbs
    1807: 220.0 lbs lost 0 lbs
    2507: 219.5 lbs lost 0.5 lbs
    0108: 217.0 lbs lost 2.5 lbs
    0808: 214.2 lbs lost 2.8 lbs
    1508: 213.0 lbs lost 1.2 lbs
    Lost: 23.2 lbs total

    Slowed down this week, but pleased to be still losing.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Happy Monday...

    June 20: 179
    June 27: 179
    July 4: 173 <Mini goal 175>
    July 11: 172.4
    July 18: 174
    July 25: 169
    Aug 1: 167.8 <Mini goal 165> didn't make :o(
    Aug 8: 167.4
    Aug 15: 164.4 - reached my mini goal... 2 weeks late but better late than never
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Hi Guys and Gals!

    Highest Weight: 208
    SW with MFP: 195
    CW: 160.0

    Aug 8: 158.2
    Aug 15: 157.4 ~ down 0.8 lbs.
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
    Sept 1:

    I did a lot of hard biking this week (well, hard for me anyway... can't keep up with those guys that fly by at 20-something miles an hour), and while I'm glad I lost almost a pound, I look in the mirror and see a lot stronger legs and arms. It could all be in my head, but I know that I have ridden some hills that I didn't know if I could do it or not, but decided to try anyways and did it! I told this to my son in the hopes that it would encourage him to try things and push himself. We shouldn't let the uncertainty of whether or not we can do something keep us from trying! Right? I almost wrote, "we shouldn't let the uncertainty of whether or not we succeed....", but if you don't even try, you've already given into failure, and if you at least try, you've already succeeded whether you finish it that day, or the next day, or week, or year... it's all a process, as we all know!

    Ok, I'll get off my soapbox! Hope you guys have a GREAT week!!! Hope you all find your own little successes this week!

    : )
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    April 25: 151
    May 2: 153
    May 9: 149
    May 16: (not weighing in until july, giving my self a break, going round the same few lb)
    May 23: n/a
    May 30: n/a
    June 6: n/a
    June 13: 148lb I cheated and weighed and I am nly point 1 off 147, will do me.
    June 20: 148lb
    June 27: 146lb
    July 4: 144lb
    July 11: 143lb
    July 18: 142lb (50lb lost total)
    July 25: 143lb
    Aug 1: 140lb
    Aug 8: 139lb
    Aug 15: 139lb
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    April 25:194.9
    May 2:195.1
    May 9:193.1
    May 16:195.6
    May 23:194.9
    May 30:Taking a break from scale tried of going back and forth.
    June 6:n/a
    June 13:193.8
    June 20:192.2
    June 27:n/a
    July 4:192.5
    July 11:n/a
    July 18:n/a
    July 25:192.2
    Aug 1:189.8
    Aug 8:188.9
    Aug 15: will weigh tomorrow.
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
    Total loss:6
    My current stats are:
    CW:188.9 lbs
    GW: 185 lbs
This discussion has been closed.