

  • sherrisloan
    sherrisloan Posts: 188 Member
    Completed everything yesterday including my 200 crunches!!! Just like the mile to meet my challenge today. Have a blessed day!!!!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Day 2 -

    50 Military Presses - Done!
    1 Extra Mile run - Done!
    3 sets of 21’s - Done!
    Under cals - Done!
    Water - Done!

    200 crunches done towards challenge (400 in total)
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    Good morning everyone!

    Today's exercise challenges = DEMOLISHED!

    200 Jump Jacks - KILLED IT
    100 Mountain Climbers - SMASHED IT
    20 Lunges - POUNDED IT
    50 Bicycle Crunches ) & 50 original crunches (2wards team challenge) - ANNIHILATED

  • Lori_menorahlover
    TY for those updates!!!

    Calories will be under, water is O to the V to the E to the R, all challenges completed and 300 more crunches towards our team goal this week!
  • rj_knitnchick
    under calories
    over water
    military presses
    extra mile
    400 crunches for team
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    STRONG day today....I feel great!!

    Day 2 - After Turbo Kick class, I:

    50 Military Presses w 10 lb dumbells....check!
    1 Extra Mile run - did an extra 1.5 mile!
    3 sets of 21’s - used 10 lb dumbells again!
    Under cals - very much so!
    Water - Way over...my back teeth are floating!

    120 crunches done towards challenge (210 so far)
  • sherrisloan
    sherrisloan Posts: 188 Member
    Everything done today!!!
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    Water - done
    Calories - under

    After my 27 minutes on the Arc Trainer, I completed:

    50 Military Presses
    3 sets of 21's
    1 Extra Mile
  • 50 Military Presses + 1 Extra Mile + 3 sets of 21’s --Done

    YAY! I feel great! And a little sore. :)
  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    God what a day! I made it, though. thanks to Alise!!

    50 Military Presses - done
    1 Extra Mile run for total of 6 - done
    3 sets of 21's - done
    water - sloshed, so yes, done
    under calories - of course.

    Have a great night, team!!
  • elana1987
    elana1987 Posts: 135 Member
    Hey everyone!!! Super loooong day, but some good news to report:

    Calories: under
    Water: over
    1 extra mile: done
    50 military presses (done in 5 sets of 10): done
    3 sets of 21's: done
    100 crunches for team

    Blahhhhh can't move! haha goodnight!
  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    God what a day! I made it, though. thanks to Alise!!

    50 Military Presses - done
    1 Extra Mile run for total of 6 - done
    3 sets of 21's - done
    water - sloshed, so yes, done
    under calories - of course.

    Have a great night, team!!

    Oops - forgot that I did 75 crunches - I'm gonna have to bust a move to make it to 1,500!
  • Lori_menorahlover
    WOO HOO!!!! Ty everyone for all of those updates!!!!! I am logging them in right now!
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    Military Presses - Done
    1 Extra Mile - Done
    3 sets of 21’s - Done
    Under Cals - Done
    Water+ - Done

    plus....360 crunches done for the team challenge

  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Water done
    Under cals yes
    150 crunches
    50 military presses with 5 lbs
    3 sets of 21s with 8 lbs
    0.70 ran, then walked 0.30
    Crossramp 2.52 miles
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Calories: Under
    Water: Over
    Exercise: 3 miles + 1 extra (total miles)
    50 Military Presses - done (with my puny 3lb weights)
    3 sets of 21’s - done (also with my puny 3lb weights lol)
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    Hey everyone - just a question about next month. Is this an ongoing thing? i.e will there be challenges next month as well or is this just for August? It's just that I feel I'm getting a lot more out of MFP because of newly formed friendships as well as challenges. If not, then can someone tell me how I find out about challenges?
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Hey everyone - just a question about next month. Is this an ongoing thing? i.e will there be challenges next month as well or is this just for August? It's just that I feel I'm getting a lot more out of MFP because of newly formed friendships as well as challenges. If not, then can someone tell me how I find out about challenges?

    This is just for August Anina :cry:
    Gary has opened up a new one for Sept though :happy: -
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Good Morning Hotties! I hope everyone is having an excellent and productive Wednesday thus far. I want to say how much I DEEPLY appreciate those of you who consistently post in our forum. It means a lot when I don't have to guess if someone did the challenges or not. For those of you who don't do it on a regular basis, I really feel like bending you over my knee and paddling your behind, sigh.

    Anina, I'm sorry that our team won't be staying together for the month of August. TY Jules for posting the link for her this am.


    Would all of you please come here. Ok let's all put out hands together. ONE TWO THREE... GO TEAM!!!!!!!

    Now get out there and kick your own @ss today!!!
  • sumjoy
    sumjoy Posts: 84 Member
    Sorry about not posting last night. My Marine son returned from deployment last night and we were up until the wee hours of the night visiting.

    64 oz water
    50 military presses
    3 sets of 21's
    1 extra mile
    50 ab crunches toward team goal
    under calorie goal