50 somethings



  • caredrose207
    caredrose207 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 53. Two years ago I lost 45 lbs with MFP, and now have gained almost all of it back. Thirty pounds gained in two years! Yikes! I'm back on the horse or wagon or whatever for a week now, and feel on track.
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hope you all are having a great Monday! I'm already looking forward to a long weekend ahead!
  • xrsize4dad
    xrsize4dad Posts: 29 Member
    Hope you all are having a great Monday! I'm already looking forward to a long weekend ahead!

    Indeed, and for me that means doing some shopping & meal prep before the weekend so I don't sabotage gains I've made during the week.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    USCBMOM22 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning, everyone. Just found this thread and I can relate to many of the posts. I am 51, a 3 year breast cancer survivor, and in the middle of full-blown menopause. Losing weight is very difficult at this stage. Not impossible, but it definitely doesn't come off as easy as it did 10 years ago.
  • Laura7057
    Laura7057 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been on MFP for a few years but have come and gone in that time. I am 50 and have been struggling to lose enough weight since my last child was born. I eat pretty healthy with one minor exception, I don't eat enough and it's hard to get my mother out of my head. By using MFP, I can see where I am not always eating enough. I have consulted a dietician and my primary care doctor and both told me the same thing...skinny people eat... Logically, I have learned that to be true; however, I have never seen the results and the fear of gaining more weight always overtakes me. I am trying a new approach by attempting to do a Keto diet. It's been 14 days and I have lost 8 pounds (I am sure mostly water). I could use all of the encouragement I can get.
    USCBMOM22 Posts: 31 Member
    Laura7057 wrote: »
    I have been on MFP for a few years but have come and gone in that time. I am 50 and have been struggling to lose enough weight since my last child was born. I eat pretty healthy with one minor exception, I don't eat enough and it's hard to get my mother out of my head. By using MFP, I can see where I am not always eating enough. I have consulted a dietician and my primary care doctor and both told me the same thing...skinny people eat... Logically, I have learned that to be true; however, I have never seen the results and the fear of gaining more weight always overtakes me. I am trying a new approach by attempting to do a Keto diet. It's been 14 days and I have lost 8 pounds (I am sure mostly water). I could use all of the encouragement I can get.

    Congratulations on losing 8 pounds! I have many friends that do the Keto diet with much success. It's not for me as I am a carb junkie find it too restrictive. You have to find what works for you. As long as it is a healthy lifestyle and your doctor approves. I am starting to accept that the scale is stubborn at this point in my life and realize I need to look at the big picture. I try focus on eating healthy and exercise and how good that makes me feel. If I strictly focus on the scale, I get very discouraged.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    edited August 2018
    USCBMOM22 wrote: »
    I try focus on eating healthy and exercise and how good that makes me feel. If I strictly focus on the scale, I get very discouraged.

    Take some measurements and "before" photos if you have not already done that. Lots of people get smaller without losing any weight. Another good measure of progress.

    I use a weight trending app called Libra. I weigh daily, so it's helpful to see the trend. As long as the trend line is downward, I know I'm on the right track. Another useful tool.

  • drspantis
    drspantis Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning. I'm 52 and have been back on MFP for over a month now and staying focused. I'd like to lose and get in shape. Also have my son's wedding coming up in a couple of months. Looking for 50-something friends too.
    USCBMOM22 Posts: 31 Member
    @alteredsteve175 Thank you. I will check out Libra. I am pretty much a visual person, so seeing a trend line would be helpful and keep me motivated. I do take measurements and photos. It really does help to take in the whole picture.
  • ShareASmile
    ShareASmile Posts: 195 Member
    USCBMOM22 wrote: »
    Good morning, everyone. Just found this thread and I can relate to many of the posts. I am 51, a 3 year breast cancer survivor, and in the middle of full-blown menopause. Losing weight is very difficult at this stage. Not impossible, but it definitely doesn't come off as easy as it did 10 years ago.

  • Kellymackey1965
    Kellymackey1965 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone I'm 53 and just starting my weight loss again after some medical issues reduced my ability to do some exercises; but I am really determined to make myself healthier. I've had back surgery and a knee that is put together with pins and a metal plate. I also have numerous dietary restrictions such as no dairy of any kind, lettuce, seeds, anything caffeinated or carbonated. I am looking for suggestions that would help me in my weight loss goal.
    Any suggestions, support would be appreciated.
    Thank you
  • bmaldo11
    bmaldo11 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 52 and a one year breast cancer survivor who gained 40lbs on chemo (like who does that????). Started at 218lbs in January.......currently at 200lbs........aiming for 160lbs. Stopped the hormone blocker I was on that gave me such terrible joint pain that I could hardly walk
    now back to the gym slowly building my endurance in an attempt to regain my health. Have no idea how to add friends but would love some if you want to add me!

    Tammy Thaxton, my name is Astrith Maldonado,56 I weight 160 pounds. on January 13 2017 I was Diagnosed with breast cancer, stage I, it took me the whole year to go through chemo and radiation. Finished on December 26 2017 some days I still feel tired and have no motivation for exercise, I Know MFP works because before the cancer I loose 9 pounds in three months.
    I am very enthusiastic of taking MFP again. I want to loose 30 pounds
  • GrannyGoes4it
    GrannyGoes4it Posts: 59 Member
    God bless you both. I have a friend on the hormones after lumpectomy, her sister had double masrectomy, another friend
    having biopsy in September
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Here's the rough version -- it's a bean bag toss game -- you have two boards at a slanted angle with a hole at the end. Try to get the bean bags in the hole, while striving to knock others' bean bags off the board so they get no points/lose points.

  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    Have a great Labor Day weekend, everyone! :)
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Have a great Labor Day weekend, everyone! :)

    And you, as well!
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    71 years here, struggling a bit since two major is this year I have gained some of my loss. Good luck to all
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    What do you have planned for the holiday? I'm grilling salmon on cedar planks for a family dinner.
  • GrannyGoes4it
    GrannyGoes4it Posts: 59 Member
    I did a shrimp boil, played chicken foot dominos, stayed out of the sweets thanks to good Ole Dr.Atkins bars, stayed out of the corn, had a tiny tater, did pork rinds and cheese instead of crackers and cheese, made my cole slaw with stevie and erythrol everyone liked it, did my diary, stayed in my carb range. my first real challenge since starting keto.
    How did everyone else do?