What do you eat as a treat that doesn’t spiral into binging?



  • andreamariexoxo
    andreamariexoxo Posts: 28 Member
    I like fruit cups, I often eat 2 at a time but they’re only 60-70 calories so eff it. Also the nature value or store brand profien granola bars. I like coconut almond and dark chocolate peanut butter.
  • AyameShimitsu
    AyameShimitsu Posts: 25 Member
    edited August 2018
    Dark chocolate is my choice. In small amounts it’s pretty good for you and because it’s bitter you can’t eat in large amounts but still satisfies the sweet tooth. Dark chocolate is 40% coaco or more. I tend to not go above 65% as it starts getting too bitter for me. Lindor dark chocolate truffles are my favorite
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    I like the Skinny Cow products. Here are the dets on the sandwich -- Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches, Low Fat, Vanilla & Chocolate 6 - 4 fl oz sandwiches 24 fl oz (709 ml) 140 calories per sandwich. 1.5 g fat. 3 g fiber.

    When I crave chocolate, I go for Fudgesickle 100 calorie bars.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    I eat 3 sugar free red vines licorice. I like them a bit hard and stale so they take longer to eat.
    Simple sweet treat.
  • Ninkasi
    Ninkasi Posts: 173 Member
    I'm not really a lover of sweets but when the urge hits I have a fun size candy bar or a Drumstick mini at 110 calories. (I think I'm the only person in the world who doesn't like Halo Top.) My weakness is potato chips but I love those so much that I will weigh out my one serving and plan it into my calorie allotment for the day.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I like the Outshine Fruit Bars (popscicles). Only 60 calories and 15g of carbs, which is the max amount I am supposed to have in a snack as a diabetic.
  • runnergirl089
    runnergirl089 Posts: 27 Member
    A square of 72% dark chocolate.
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member
    pop corn! Air popped (it's more economical to buy this way), bit of oil, sprinkle some salt (and maybe spices).

    or, to satisfy the sweet tooth: chocolate. I buy a small portion, so I don't do anything silly, lol.
  • itsme4444
    itsme4444 Posts: 21 Member
    Look up the Wendy’s frosty copycat recipe on Pinterest. Quick, easy, satisfying, sweet, delicious, cold, 150 calories! Splenda, cocoa, light cool whip, ice, fat free jello chocolate pudding powder, vanilla, skim milk. The serving is huge too!
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    fancy dry roasted mixed nuts
  • dechowj
    dechowj Posts: 148 Member
    My go to's are:
    1. Smoothie Popsicle. When I make smoothies during the week I always make big batches (fruit and greek yogurt or banana and chocolate protein powder). I pour the extra into Popsicle trays I bought at the dollar store. Then when I have a strong snack craving I get one out, drizzle it in a little chocolate syrup, and enjoy.

    2. Popcorn. I use my air popper and shake some "Everything but the bagel" seasoning on it. Very filling and satisfying.

    3. Yogurt cookie dough. Mix vanilla Greek yogurt with peanut butter and add some chocolate chips.

    I also make sure when I snack I put everything I used to make it away before I eat it. That way when I'm done and want some more it's too bothersome to get it all back out for a second helping. I'm usually too lazy and give up on seconds.
  • Deputymax
    Deputymax Posts: 16 Member
    I take 1/2 bag of microwave popcorn and mix it in with a full bowl (about 6 cups) of hot air popcorn. You still get the butter flavor but it brings down the calorie count for the amount I eat. Follow that up with an ice cold diet Dr. Pepper and I'm good until the next meal time. I don't do this a lot, but when I absolutely have to have something this is my go to.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    Deputymax wrote: »
    I take 1/2 bag of microwave popcorn and mix it in with a full bowl (about 6 cups) of hot air popcorn. You still get the butter flavor but it brings down the calorie count for the amount I eat. Follow that up with an ice cold diet Dr. Pepper and I'm good until the next meal time. I don't do this a lot, but when I absolutely have to have something this is my go to.

    Oh awesome! I have an air popper but I've found that it's not so good for me because it only pops 1/2 cup of kernels at at time, no less will function. So I always end up with a massive bowl. And I'm so used to the massive bowl if I'm going to have it I HAVE to eat the whole thing. And the butter I put on it ends up throwing the calories to high heaven. That might be a good compromise. I've never got microwave popcorn before, because my mom thinks they have "dangerous chemicals". But when I've seen the "smart" or "light" versions at a friends house they're actually smaller servings and smell lovely with fewer calories than my massive homemade bowls do. I might do that!! :smiley: Thank you!
  • ftgtwoods
    ftgtwoods Posts: 1 Member
    A graham cracker square with a tbs cool whip lite...wonderful!
  • pageohana6
    pageohana6 Posts: 49 Member
    I like to eat oikos Zero yougurt with 2 tblspns of semi sweet chocolate chips mixed in. I get my protein and sweet tooth covered at same time.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    dsboohead wrote: »
    I have a fun size snicker bar. It is the perfect sweet treat at 80 calories.

    Me too.
  • mrsallenmoore
    mrsallenmoore Posts: 42 Member
    Tall mocha from Starbucks it’s choclatey takes me a while to drink and caffeine
  • nikolegiles
    nikolegiles Posts: 5 Member
    A lot of times I’ll go get a giant cup of nugget ice from the gas station and eat that as a treat 😂 I’m a crazy person but it works for me when I just want a treat and I’m not actually hungry... plus it’s zero calories 🤘🏻
  • countcurt
    countcurt Posts: 593 Member
    I’m going to take a bit of a contrarian position here...

    I’d say the worst time to ‘treat’ yourself (in terms of a food splurge) is when you’re tying it to some kind of response to a bad day. Whether you’re rewarding yourself because you survived the tough day or consoling yourself because the day went to pot, you perpetuate an undesirable stimulus-response cycle.

    On top of which you go on to say that junk foods carry negative connotations for you. So how would eating junk food (which isn’t a good food choice AND which you suggest you don’t enjoy) be a win here?

    If you need the caloric intake, I suggest something less in the junk category and more in the category of high calorie foods you enjoy but can’t always fit in to your eating plan. Like, perhaps, nuts. Or an avocado. Or cheese. Perhaps a glass of wine.