Reaching goal weight by Dec. 31st, 2018



  • katrinin
    katrinin Posts: 38 Member
    brttny7979 wrote: »
    And now I feel physically sick and hungry at the same time. So hard to get back on track. This has been going on for 2 weeks now- really bad day then couple good ones, then a really bad. I need something to get me back on track for good! Any help is appreciated.

    Brttny7979, first of all congrats on the weight you’ve already lost so far. When it comes to binging and feeling like you’re in a downward spiral I find it most helpful to focus on your mind game. It sounds cliché, but keeping a diary/log where you reflect on the dialog that goes on in your head before you start overeating can be helpful. An example would be: “I had a really stressful day at work, at least I can have (1500 cal)pizza” or “ I’ve already ruined my diet by binging the last couple of days, so I’m having pizza”. Afterwards you usually still feel the same [insert negative feeling] but bloated as well. Seeing this on paper helped to end my weight gaining period and I hope it can give you some inspiration.

    Don’t be too hard on yourself and good luck on your journey😀
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    Female, age 60, 5'4.5"
    MFP SW 195 (Nov 2015) ~ MFP goal set for 0.5# loss per week
    GW #1 150
    GW #2 145 (normal BMI)
    GW #3 maintain 140 -145

    07/07 = 156.0 post-vacation w/i net calories not. so. much. Oops.
    07/14 = 154.5 prelogging & sticking w/ plan helps
    07/21 = 154.5
    07/28 = 157.5 kinda crashin' & burnin' last few days ~ this too shall pass
    08/04 = 155.5 CICO works :wink:
    08/11 = 158.0 going backwards ~ not exactly the plan ~ however, Feast with the Beasts was totally worth it! :D
    08/18 = 157.5 saw 156.0 at least once during the week
    08/25 = 156.0
    09/01 = 154.5 followed by middle brother's wedding & long holiday weekend w/ no logging on MFP so we'll see
    09/08 = 157.5 deserved ~ bright side: walked in City Stadium 5K for Veterans in 44:27 & ave. pace 14:19
  • KEliseWarren
    KEliseWarren Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! I am joining the game a little late, but have been making slow progress since May. It it time to take the intensity up a notch, so here I am, joining the challenge (if you will have me).

    Female - age 29
    Height 5' 3"
    Starting weight - 189.0 - Mary 2018
    Goal weight 160 (for this phase)

    9/11/2018 (weight 172.4)- I have been doing intermittent fasting since June and loving it. My problem is consistency. I tend to do really well for a week or two, then end up losing momentum. When I started in June I lost a bunch of weight and now my momentum has slowed. I find myself losing one or two pounds, here and there. My aim is to be more consistent and really evaluate why I am hitting "blocks".
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member

    8/1/18: 118.2
    9/1/18: 117.2
    9/13/18: 116.4 (haven't been this weight since April)

    Focusing to be at 115.5 by end of September.

    SW 119.4 - 7/15/2018
    lowest weight 113.2 - 10/2016
    GW#1 108.9
    GW#2 99

    I should reach my GW#1 by mid-November, and
    I would like to maintain through the Holidays (Thanksgiving/Christmas/NYE).

    GW#2 will be the next Challenge.

    I am focusing on reducing body fat, shaping my booty, and achieving 8 pullups (current max is 7).
    My workouts: weight-training, yoga, and volunteer farming.
    Calories: ~1200-1500

    Appreciate all help.
  • Lamettra
    Lamettra Posts: 6 Member
    Female - age 35 soon to be 36
    Height 5' 10
    Starting weight. 265 September 13, 2018
    Lowest weight - 228 March 2017
    Goal weight 180-190

    9/13/2018: I have fell off the bandwagon. Life got busy and I stop eating right and exercising. Today was the first day I got back in the gym. It was only 45 mins but better than nothing. I kept up with my food intake today and been drinking water. So I am looking forward to a new year and new body!!!
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    edited September 2018
    OK guys, count me in.
    Maureen- 45
    Starting weight: 154.4lbs
    Goal by December 31:135lbs
    Overall goal: 125-130lbs (range but toned is the ultimate goal)

    Please tell me how this works.
  • KEliseWarren
    KEliseWarren Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! I am joining the game a little late, but have been making slow progress since May. It it time to take the intensity up a notch, so here I am, joining the challenge (if you will have me).

    Female - age 29
    Height 5' 3"
    Starting weight - 189.0 - May 2018
    Goal weight 160 (for this phase)

    9/11/2018 (weight 172.4)- I have been doing intermittent fasting since June and loving it. My problem is consistency. I tend to do really well for a week or two, then end up losing momentum. When I started in June I lost a bunch of weight and now my momentum has slowed. I find myself losing one or two pounds, here and there. My aim is to be more consistent and really evaluate why I am hitting "blocks".

    9/13/2018 (Weight 170.3)- Intermittent fasting has been going well. I'm feeling strong and motivated. This loss is probably loss of water weight/ retention. Either way I am halfway there to September goal of losing 5 pounds.
  • amber22vanessa
    amber22vanessa Posts: 36 Member
    Hello!! I hope it’s not too late to join in. Having been off MyFitnessPal for a while, I feel like I am spiralling downwards again to weight gain, headaches and feeling lethargic all the time. Desperate to get back on track again.
    Has anyone tried intermittent fasting? Thinking of giving it a go
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    edited September 2018
    SW 175 July 18th, 2018
    GW 140

    8/9/18 166
    8/23/18 163 (- 3lbs in 2 weeks)
    8/30/18 161 (- 2lbs in 1 week)
    9/6/18 160 (-1 lb)
    9/13/18 158 (-2 lbs)

    Happy with the results so far, aiming for at least 1lb/week. Anything more is always great also 😊
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    KardioKim wrote: »
    Another one bites the dust.

    Starting weight 158
    07-04-2018 = 152
    07-23-2018 = 150
    08-01-2018 = 147
    08-10-2018 = 144
    08-16-2018 = 143
    08-25-2018 = 142
    08-30-2018 = 141
    09-04-2018 = 140
    09-10-2018 = 139

    Hahaha love it! 😁